End User Training Manual: Control Copy No: TRF/FSCM/1.3

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ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

(SA Upgrade, ke[uvenat|on & Lxpans|on)

llnanclal Supply Chaln ManagemenL (lSCM)

Document No: 1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (TRF/FSCM/1.3) - 001 kev. 00

End User Training Manual


SAP FSCM Asset Accounting

Process Name: Asset Accounting

Process No: TRF/FSCM/1.3

Control Copy No: TRF/FSCM/1.3

Document Change Contro|
Doc Vers|on Descr|pt|on repared by Date kev|ewed by Approved by
00 Crlglnal Shlvkumar 8 k 23.12.2009
San[ay 1hakur
SanLosh Slngh

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

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llnanclal Supply Chaln ManagemenL process ln 18l has Lhe followlng buslness processes.

S|. No. 1kI Lnterpr|se rocess No. rocess Name
1 18l/lSCM/1.1 AccounLs 8ecelvable

2 18l/lSCM/1.2 AccounLs ayable

3 1kI]ISCM]1.3 Asset Account|ng

lor each of Lhe above processes, Lhere are separaLe Lnd user 1ralnlng Manuals are avallable

1hls documenL covers sl. no. 3. Cf Lhe above llsL, LhaL ls Asset account|ng process.

1hls Lnd user 1ralnlng manual on AsseL AccounLs rocess conslsLs of Lhe followlng sequence of sub-processes

1. CreaLlon of AsseL number - 1ransacLlon Code: A501
2. CreaLe Sub AsseL - 1ransacLlon Code: A511
3. AsseL AcqulslLlon - 1ransacLlon Code: l-90
4. vlew AsseL values - 1ransacLlon Code: Aw01N
3. uepreclaLlon 8un - 1ransacLlon Code: AlA8
6. AsseL 8eLlremenL from Sale wlLh CusLomer - 1ransacLlon Code: l-92
7. AsseL 8eLlremenL - WlLhouL 8evenue/Scrapplng - 1ransacLlon Code: A8AvN
8. 1ransfer wlLhln Company Code - 1ransacLlon Code: A8uMN
9. ulsLrlbuLlon of AsseL - 1ransacLlon Code: AlA8
10. SeLLlemenL of AsseL - 1ransacLlon Code: Al8u
11. AsseL 8alances (llxed AsseL 8eglsLer) - 1ransacLlon Code: 5_Alk_8701196J
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1ab|e of Contents

1. urpose of AA Lnd user 1ralnlng documenL ................................................................................... 4
2. AsseL AccounLlng rocess - rerequlslLes ....................................................................................... 3
r CharL of uepreclaLlon .............................................................................................................. 3
r AccounL ueLermlnaLlon ........................................................................................................... 6
r AsseL Class ............................................................................................................................... 6
r uepreclaLlon key ..................................................................................................................... 7
r lnpuL - rocuremenL of AsseL ................................................................................................. 8
r CuLpuL ..................................................................................................................................... 9
r uepreclaLlon on AsseLs ........................................................................................................... 9
r 8eLlremenL of AsseL ................................................................................................................ 9
3. CreaLlon of AsseL number - AS01 ................................................................................................. 10
4. CreaLe Sub AsseL - AS11 ............................................................................................................... 17
3. AsseL AcqulslLlon - l-90 ................................................................................................................. 20
6. vlew AsseL values - AW01n ......................................................................................................... 23
7. uepreclaLlon 8un - AlA8 ............................................................................................................... 28
8. AsseL 8eLlremenL .......................................................................................................................... 36
9. AsseL 8eLlremenL from Sale wlLh CusLomer - l-92 ...................................................................... 37
10. AsseL 8eLlremenL - WlLhouL 8evenue/Scrapplng - A8Avn ...................................................... 42
r arLlal 8eLlremenL ................................................................................................................. 43
11. 1ransfer wlLhln Company Code - A8uMn ................................................................................ 46
r arLlal 1ransfer ...................................................................................................................... 48
12. AsseL under ConsLrucLlon: AlA8 ................................................................................................ 49
13. AsseL under ConsLrucLlon: Al8u ............................................................................................... 32
14. llxed AsseL 8eglsLer - S_AL8_87011963 ................................................................................... 36
13. Ceneral lcons across SA .......................................................................................................... 61

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1. urpose of AA Lnd user 1ralnlng documenL

1hls Lralnlng program wlll focus on how SA AccounLlng for llxed AsseL module manages
general asseLs, LransacLlons, reLlremenLs, changes and oLher acLlvlLles. 1hls wlll also lnclude
llscal year managemenL, depreclaLlon of asseLs.

1he Lralnlng program wlll also Louch on Lhe sLrucLures of llxed AsseL AccounLlng as a
flnanclal record and Lhelr slgnlflcance Lo processes LhaL are crlLlcal Lo Lhe buslness
accounLlng ln Lhe recordlng of accounLlng LransacLlons such as revenues, ad[usLmenLs,
changes, depreclaLlon and reLlremenLs/scrapplng of asseLs and also asslsL ln areas of
lnLernal and exLernal reporLlng.

uurlng Lralnlng program parLlclpanLs wlll be Laken Lhrough Lhe sLeps ln Lhe creaLlon of Lhe
flxed asseL MasLer records execuLe LransacLlonal processes ln areas of: parklng, posLlng,
documenL changlng, accounLs, depreclaLlon and documenL reversals, flscal year closlng and

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2. AsseL AccounLlng rocess - rerequlslLes

Chart of Deprec|at|on

1he charL of depreclaLlon ls a llsL of depreclaLlon areas arranged accordlng Lo buslness and legal requlremenLs.
1he charL of depreclaLlon enables you Lo manage all rules for Lhe valuaLlon of asseLs ln a parLlcular counLry or
economlc reglon. A charL of depreclaLlon ls asslgned Lo each company code LhaL ls deflned ln asseL accounLlng.
SA provldes counLry-speclflc charLs of depreclaLlon wlLh predeflned depreclaLlon areas. 1hese charLs of
depreclaLlon serve only as a reference for creaLlng our own charL of depreclaLlon, and are Lherefore noL
dlrecLly accesslble ln Lhe SA sysLem. When creaLlng a charL of depreclaLlon, we have Lo copy Lhe reference
charL of depreclaLlon from CIN" deflned for lndla.
CharL of depreclaLlon: 1000
uescrlpLlon: CharL of uepreclaLlon for 18l

uepreclaLlon Area's for 18l:

uepreclaLlon Areas name of Lhe uepreclaLlon
1 8ook uepreclaLlon
13 uepreclaLlon as per lncome 1ax AcL 1961
20 CosL-AccounLlng depreclaLlon

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1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

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AccounL ueLermlnaLlon

AccounL ueLermlnaLlons for AsseL AccounLlng (key & depreclaLlon). 1he key of an accounL deLermlnaLlon musL
be sLored ln Lhe asseL class. AccounL ueLermlnaLlon llnks an asseL masLer record Lo Lhe general ledger accounLs
Lo be posLed for an accounLlng LransacLlon uslng Lhe asseL class.
AccounL ueLermlnaLlon for 18l

AccounL ueLermlnaLlon uescrlpLlon
18l100 8ulldlngs-lacLory
18l110 8ulldlngs-Cfflce
18l120 8ulldlngs-CLhers
18l130 8ulldlngs-Pouslng Colony
18l200 lanL & Machlnery - Works
18l210 lanL & Machlnery - SlLes
18l300 lurnlLure & llLLlngs
18l400 Cfflce LqulpmenLs
18l300 MoLor vehlcles
18l310 8lcycles
18l600 LlecLrlcal lnsLallaLlons
18l700 LaboraLory LqulpmenL
18l800 1echnlcal know-how
18l900 CWl-8ulldlngs lacLory
18l910 CWl-Pouslng Colony
18l920 CWl-lanL & Machlnery
18l930 CWl-SA
18l940 CWl-CaplLal lLems ln 1ranslL

AsseL Class

1he asseL class ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL crlLerla for sLrucLurlng flxed asseLs from an accounL polnL of vlew. Lvery
asseL has Lo be asslgned Lo exacLly one asseL class. 1he asseL class ls used Lo asslgn Lhe asseLs (and Lhelr
buslness LransacLlons) Lo Lhe correcL general ledger accounLs. Several asseL classes can use Lhe same accounL
asslgnmenL. ?ou can see LhaL lL ls posslble Lo make flner dlsLlncLlons aL Lhe level of Lhe asseL class Lhan aL Lhe
level of Lhe general ledger accounLs. 1he mosL lmporLanL Lasks of Lhe asseL classes are:

1he asslgnmenL of defaulL values when creaLlng asseLs (parLlcularly depreclaLlon Lerms)
1he grouplng of asseLs for reporLlng purposes
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1he followlng are Lhe AsseL Classes ln 18l

AccounL ueLermlnaLlon uescrlpLlon
18l100 8ulldlngs-lacLory
18l110 8ulldlngs-Cfflce
18l120 8ulldlngs-CLhers
18l130 8ulldlngs-Pouslng Colony
18l200 lanL & Machlnery - Works
18l210 lanL & Machlnery - SlLes
18l300 lurnlLure & llLLlngs
18l400 Cfflce LqulpmenLs
18l300 MoLor vehlcles
18l310 8lcycles
18l600 LlecLrlcal lnsLallaLlons
18l700 LaboraLory LqulpmenL
18l800 1echnlcal know-how
18l930 CWl-8ulldlngs lacLory
18l960 CWl-lanL & Machlnery
18l970 CWl-LlecLrlcal lnsLallaLlons

uepreclaLlon key

uepreclaLlon keys conLaln Lhe calculaLlon meLhods for depreclaLlon calculaLlon and parameLers LhaL conLrol:
Crdlnary depreclaLlon
Speclal depreclaLlon
Scrap value (CuL-off value)

?ou can enLer a separaLe depreclaLlon key for each depreclaLlon area ln Lhe asseL masLer record. 1he followlng
are Lhe 8ook uepreclaLlon keys for 18l as per Company's acL 1936 and SLralghL Llne MeLhod (SLM) Lo be used:

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1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

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uepreclaLlon key uescrlpLlon
1800 0 uepreclaLlon
1801 1.63 8ulldlngs 8esldence (Cfflce, Pouslng colony and CLhers)
1802 3.34 8ulldlngs-lacLorles
1803 4.73 lanL & Machlnery - Slngle ShlfL
1804 7.42 lanL & Machlnery - uouble ShlfL
1803 10.34 lanL & Machlnery - 1rlple ShlfL
1806 13.91 lanL & Machlnery - Ceneral 8aLe of uepreclaLlon
1807 7.07 lanL & Machlnery - Speclal 8aLe
1808 11.31 lanL & Machlnery - (Moulds lron, Shoes and leaLher
good fabrlc)
1809 100 on lanL & Machlnery - Works
1810 7.07 8lcycle
1811 9.30 MoLor Car (vehlcle)
1812 16.21 CompuLer - Pardware
1813 6.33 lurnlLure & llLLlngs - Ceneral
1814 100 on lurnlLure & llLLlngs (on need basls)
1813 16.67 on 1echnlcal know-Pow
1816 20 on CompuLer SofLware
1817 100 on Cfflce LqulpmenL

1he followlng are Lhe 1Ak DLkLCIA1ICN keys along wlLh 8aLes for 18l as per lncome 1ax AcL 1961 and
W8l11Ln uCWn vALuLS (Wuv) Lo be used:

uepreclaLlon key uescrlpLlon
1830 3 used for 8esldenLlal urpose
1831 10 used - noL for resldenLlal purpose
1832 10 lurnlLure & llxLures
1833 30 lanL & Machlnery
1834 13 Cfflce LqulpmenL
1833 13 LlecLrlc lnsLallaLlon
1836 13 MoLor vehlcle
1837 60 CompuLer (Pardware)
1838 23 1echnlcal know Pow
1839 60 CompuLer (SofLware)

Where any asseLs acqulred by Lhe assesses durlng Lhe prevlous year and puL Lo use for Lhe purpose of buslness
for a perlod of less Lhan 180 days ln LhaL prevlous year, Lhen value wlll be half for calculaLlng depreclaLlon

lnpuL - rocuremenL of AsseL

1he CenLral rocuremenL Cell (CC) wlll geL Lhe budge approval from Lhe board under Lhree caLegorles:
Ma[or CaplLal Scheme
Mu's SancLlon LlmlL
Mlscellaneous caplLal scheme-celllng of each scheme
Mlnor CaplLal scheme-celllng of scheme
CC wlll send a requesL for an asseL number Lo accounLs
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AccounLs wlll glve asseL number as per Lhe naLure of asseL. lf Lhe asseL ls noL ready Lo use asseL" Lhen
Lhe asseL number should be asslgned Lo AsseL under ConsLrucLlon (AuC) AsseL class. lf lL ls ready Lo
use asseL lL wlll go Lo respecLlve asseL class.
AfLer geLLlng Lhe asseL number Lhe procurlng (user) deparLmenL wlll prepare a urchase 8equlslLlon
1he CC wlll release purchase order (C) on Lhe basls of 8 recelved

uepreclaLlon on AsseLs

AsseL wlll be depreclaLed aL SLM for llnanclal SLaLemenLs, aL Lhe raLes prescrlbed ln Lhe Company's
AcL 1936
AsseLs wlll be depreclaLed aL uWv meLhod Lo be followed aL Lhe raLes prescrlbed ln Lhe lncome 1ax
AcL 1936
uepreclaLlon Lo be calculaLed on monLhly basls
uepreclaLlon charged on Lhe asseL shall be credlLed Lo depreclaLlon reserve accounL. uepreclaLlon
reserve accounL wlll be common for Lhe enLlre asseL excepL 1echnlcal know Pow, for whlch separaLe
depreclaLlon reserve accounL Lo be creaLed
lor asseLs valulng less Lhan 8s3000/- and moblle phones (Low value AsseLs) should be 100
depreclaLed ln Lhe same year

8eLlremenL of AsseL

1he AsseL 8eLlremenL wlll be of Lwo Lypes:

l. 8eLlremenL wlLh sale value ls normally sale of asseL Lo a cusLomer. 1he proflL or loss on Lhe reLlremenL
should go Lo Lhe respecLlve CL
ll. 8eLlremenL wlLhouL sale value, aL a cerLaln lnLerval each class of asseLs shall be physlcally verlfled and
shorLages lf any Lo be scrapped and wrlLLen-off. 1he loss, lf any should go Lo Lhe respecLlve CL

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3. CreaLlon of AsseL number - AS01

lf you acqulre a new flxed asseL for Lhe buslness whlch has no masLer daLa exlsLlng ln Lhe sysLem, you need Lo
creaLe Lhe masLer daLa for Lhe asseL ln Lhe sysLem before you can creaLe any LransacLlons agalnsL Lhls asseL.
AcLlon by an AuLhorlzed Lralned sLaff only.

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA LCC menu
Accoootloq lloooclol Accoootloq llxeJ Assets Asset cteote
AS01 - Asset
1ransact|on code AS01

noLe: 1he screen curser wlll defaulL lnLo Lhe AsseL class:
LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code AS01 ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo creaLe asseL
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2. Speclfy aL leasL an AsseL class or selecL a name for Lhe asseL from Lhe lcon buLLon as shown ln Lhe
screen shoL below

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AsseL class ClasslflcaLlon of Lhe asseL 8 use drlll-down Lo locaLe Lhe asseL class
Company code LnLer your Company Code 8 1000
number of slmllar
number of slmllar asseLs LhaL you
wanL Lo creaLe ln Lhe sysLem
when you save.
C 1hls funcLlon enables you Lo creaLe mulLlple
slmllar asseLs ln one masLer LransacLlon.
1hese asseLs lnlLlally only dlffer ln Lhelr asseL
numbers. When you save, you can also enLer
a descrlpLlon and lnvenLory number for each
lndlvldual record.
1he reference asseL LhaL you are
copylng from
C Check Lhe daLa before you copy

3. <LnLer> or lf cllck on Lhe lcon you wlll be asked Lo save, cllck on Lhe nexL Lab

4. CreaLe AsseL: MasLer uaLa- Ceneral 1ab hlghllghLed ln dark blue on screen ( ).

3. rocess of creaLlon and fleld names and prompLs are as follows, on screen CreaLe AsseL: MasLer
uaLa", enLer lnformaLlon ln Lhe flelds as speclfled ln Lhe Lable below:
Curser wlll
defaulL Lo Lhls
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lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
uescrlpLlon 1he descrlpLlon of Lhe asseL 8 Lxample: ulley
AsseL maln no
Cne llne descrlpLlon of Lhe asseL. lL wlll
appear ln reporLlng.
C lf leave blank, Lhe flrsL llne of descrlpLlon
wlll be copled over Lo Lhls fleld.
SeL Lhls lndlcaLor lf you wanL Lhls asseL Lo
be manage PlsLorlcally
C 1hls lndlcaLor ensures LhaL Lhls asseL ls
manage PlsLorlcally

lnvenLory no ?ou can enLer an lnvenLory number for Lhe
asseL. 1he lnvenLory ls placed lnLo Lhe
sLandard lnvenLory llsL for AsseL AccounLlng
(lnformaLlon SysLem).
C AccounLlng Lrace for reporLlng wlLhln Lhe
llnanclal AccounLlng lnformaLlon SysLem
CuanLlLy CuanLlLy of Lhe asseLs Lo be acqulred and
Lhe unlL of measuremenL
C Lxample: 10 and 3
Inventory and ost|ng Informat|on
lnvenLory noLe SupplemenLary lnformaLlon for Lhe
analysls of physlcal lnvenLory
C Ceneral lnformaLlon for users
LasL lnvenLory
?ou can enLer Lhe daLe of Lhe lasL
C 1hls fleld ls for lnformaLlon only
lnclude asseLs
ln lnvenLory llsL
SeL Lhls lndlcaLor lf you wanL Lhls asseL Lo
be counLed ln a physlcal lnvenLory check
C 1hls lndlcaLor ensures LhaL Lhls asseL ls
lncluded ln Lhe sLandard lnvenLory llsL of
AsseL AccounLlng. AsseL wlLhouL Lhls
lndlcaLor are noL ouLpuL by Lhe reporL.
When Lhe documenL was posLed used for lnformaLlon when and why and
who posLed Lhe documenL
CaplLallzed on 1he caplLallzaLlon daLe ls Lhe value
daLe of an asseL
1he fleld wlll be auLomaLlcally updaLed
upon acqulslLlon posLlng.
1he sysLem auLomaLlcally seLs Lhe asseL
value daLe of Lhe flrsL acqulslLlon posLlng ln
Lhls fleld
1he fleld wlll be auLomaLlcally updaLed
upon acqulslLlon posLlng
1he sysLem enLers Lhe flscal year of Lhe flrsL
acqulslLlon posLlng ln Lhls fleld
1he fleld wlll be auLomaLlcally updaLed
upon acqulslLlon posLlng
1he sysLem enLers Lhe asseL value daLe of
Lhe reLlremenL posLlng for a full reLlremenL
ln Lhls fleld
C Cnce an asseL has been deacLlvaLed, you
can no longer posL Lo Lhe asseL (wlLh one
excepLlon: posLlng a reversal of Lhe lasL
reLlremenL). ln order for you Lo be able
Lo make correcLlon posLlngs afLer an
asseL has been deacLlvaLed, you can also
manually change Lhe deacLlvaLlon daLe ln
Lhe asseL masLer record

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6. Cnce you have enLered Lhe requlred daLa ln Lhe flelds, lf you cllck on Lhen, you wlll be asked Lo
save Lhe daLa- Cllck on Lhe Llme uependenL Lab on screen.

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
8uslness area 1hls fleld musL be lefL blank as Lhe buslness area
wlll be defaulL Lhrough cosL cenLre
8 Lxample: 0001
CosL cenLre 1hls ls Lhe cosL cenLre where Lhe depreclaLlon
expenses of Lhe asseL wlll be charged
8 use drlll-down Lo locaLe
Lhe cosL cenLre
lanL used ln selecLlon crlLerla ln reporLlng C noL dlsplayed
LocaLlon used ln selecLlon crlLerla ln reporLlng C use drlll-down Lo flnd ouL
Lhe predeflned locaLlon.
Serlal no. C 1hls ls an opLlonal (buL
noL for Lhls updaLe)

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1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

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7. Cllck on Lhe Crlgln Lab and updaLe Lhe flelds as requlred

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
vendor ?ou can enLer vendor number
C 1hls fleld ls for lnformaLlon
SeL Lhls lndlcaLor lf Lhe asseL was purchased new
(noL used)
C 1hls fleld ls for lnformaLlon
SeL Lhls lndlcaLor, lf Lhls asseL was second-hand
when lL was acqulred (noL new).
C 1hls fleld ls for lnformaLlon

8. LnLer Lhe daLe ln Lhe oLher flelds

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9. Cllck on Lhe uepreclaLlon Area Lab

?ou wlll be prompLed wlLh Lhe followlng screen: (valuaLlon lnformaLlon dlsplayed for asseL).

1he Llme perlod over whlch Lhe asseL ls Lo be
used and depreclaLed
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10. Cllck on Lhe lcon Lo save Lhe asseL. 1he sysLem wlll asslgn AsseL number. 1hen Lhe followlng
screen wlll be dlsplayed

11. 1he sysLem wlll dlsplay Lhe number of Lhe documenL generaLed by Lhls lnvolce, record Lhls below.

12. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of 1-code AS01

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age 17 of 69

4. CreaLe Sub AsseL - AS11

A sub-asseL class ls a collecLlon of asseLs LhaL have common characLerlsLlcs wlLhln boLh Lhe asseL class and Lhe
sub-asseL class. 1he sub-asseL class also has aLLrlbuLes LhaL make lL dlfferenL Lhan Lhe parenL group of asseLs

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu Account|ng I|nanc|a| account|ng I|xed assets Create Sub
number AS11 - Asset
1ransacLlon code AS11

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code lS11 ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo creaLe sub asseL
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 18 of 69

2. LnLer Lhe followlng deLalls

3. name of Lhe asseL and oLher deLalls for asseL masLer wlll come auLomlaLlcally from Lhe maln asseL
masLer. lf you wanL Lo change Lhe name of asseL masLer, lL can be done here

LnLer 6 dlglL asseL
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 19 of 69

4. Co Lo uepreclaLlon area Lab and flll Lhe uepreclaLlon sLarL daLe followlng screen wlll appear.

3. Cllck on Lhe lcon Lo save Lhe asseL. 1he sysLem wlll asslgn AsseL number. 1hen Lhe followlng
screen wlll be dlsplayed

6. 1he sysLem wlll dlsplay Lhe number of Lhe documenL generaLed by Lhls lnvolce, record Lhls below.

noLe: A Sub asseL has been creaLed wlLh Lhe above shown number

7. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of 1-code AS11

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 20 of 69

3. AsseL AcqulslLlon - l-90
AcqulslLlon of flxed asseLs, Lhere are four dlfferenL Lypes of asseL acqulslLlon:
urchase acqulslLlon
AcqulslLlon from ln-house producLlon
SubsequenL acqulslLlon Lo an already caplLallzed asseL
osL-caplLallzaLlon (ln a perlod afLer LhaL of Lhe acLual acqulslLlon)
1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu Account|ng - I|nanc|a| Account|ng- I|xed assets- ost|ng
-Acqu|s|t|on- Lxterna| Acqu|s|t|on-I-90 w|th Vendor
1ransacLlon code I-90

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code l-90 ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo Acqulre AsseL
from purchase
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 21 of 69

2. Cn screen "Acqu|s|t|on from purchase w|th Vendor Screen", enLer lnformaLlon ln Lhe flelds as
speclfled ln Lhe Lable below: age 43 dlsplayed Lhe Lable lnformaLlon

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
neader Informat|on
uoc. daLe Source documenL daLe. 8 Lxample: 21.12.2009
uocumenL 1ype 1he defaulL documenL Lype for Lhls screen ls
k8. uo noL Change lL
8 Lxample: k8
Company Code LnLer your Company Code 8 Lxample: 1000
osLlng uaLe uaLe for posLlng a documenL Lo flnanclal accounLlng. 1hls
wlll deLermlne whlch flscal perlod (also known as posLlng
perlod) Lhe LransacLlon ls recognlzed
8 Lxample: 21.12.2009
8eference Cne of Lhe key flelds LhaL can be used Lo search for
documenLs aL a laLer reLrleval daLe. Any user-deflned
8 Lxample: AsseL
L|ne Item Informat|on
osLlng key osLlng keys represenL ueblL or CredlL enLry of any
accounL Lype
8 Lxample: 31
AccounL LnLer Lhe vendor accounL number 8 Lxample: 100083

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 22 of 69

3. ress <LnLer> or cllck on Lhe lcon , you wlll be prompLed wlLh Lhe followlng screen

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AmounL 8 Lxample: 23232323
1exL C Lxample: AsseL
osLlng key LnLer Lhe posLlng key Lo deblL AsseL 8 Lxample: 70
AccounL LnLer AsseL number 8 Lxample: 200001-0
1he LransacLlon 1ype ln AsseL AccounLlng classlfles Lhe buslness
LransacLlon. 1he LransacLlon Lype conLrols varlous sysLem
acLlvlLles when buslness LransacLlons are posLed.
8 Lxample: 100

4. ?ou can check your documenL before posLlngs. SelecL Document - S|mu|ate or cllck on buLLon
or press LnLer

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 23 of 69

3. 1he followlng W1P Lax screen wlll be dlsplayed, selecL Lhe approprlaLe W/1ax code and press enLer

6. Cllck Lhe Lnter buLLon

Cllck on Lhe more buLLon, ln
Lhe Codlng block pop up
wlndow, verlfy Lhe roflL
cenLre and oLher deLalls
and press enLer
LnLer Lhe approprlaLe Lax code as
per 18l and sLaLuLory requlremenL.
LnLer * or Lhe asseL amounL
ln Lhe amounL LexL fleld
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 24 of 69

7. ln Lhe followlng documenL overvlew screen, verlfy Lhe deLalls

8. 1o posL your enLrles, cllck Lhe Save buLLon.

9. 1he message bar dlsplays: uocumenL 1909000037 was posLed ln company code 1000" - record Lhls
number below.

10. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of 1-code I-90

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 2S of 69

6. vlew AsseL values - AW01n

1hls screen provldes lnformaLlon, daLa and lmages solely for reference purposes

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu Account|ng - I|nanc|a| Account|ng - I|xed Assets Asset AW01N -
Asset Lxp|orer
1ransacLlon code AW01N

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code AW01n
ln command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo explore AsseL
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 26 of 69

2. updaLe Lhe requlred and opLlonal flelds and Cllck Lhe Lnter buLLon

lleld name uescrlpLlon values
Company code number of Lhe company code LhaL Lhe CusLomer belongs Lo Lxample: 1000
AsseL AsseL number for whlch you would llke Lo see Lhe
Lxample: 200006

3. lf Lhe areas are deflned, Lhen Lhe above screen ls dlsplayed or Lhe below screen (refer llgure 1) ls
dlsplayed, verlfy Lhe requlred lnformaLlon and exlL Lhe screen

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 27 of 69

4. 1he followlng screen wlll be dlsplayed lf Lhere are no areas deflned for Lhe asseL

Figure 1

3. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of 1-code AW01N
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 28 of 69

7. uepreclaLlon 8un - AlA8

A posLlng Lo a flxed asseL lnlLlally causes Lhe planned depreclaLlon Lo change ln AsseL AccounLlng. 1he
accumulaLed depreclaLlon accounLs and depreclaLlon accounLs of Lhe balance sheeL and proflL and loss
sLaLemenL are noL updaLed lmmedlaLely, however. 1he LoLal planned depreclaLlon ls noL posLed Lo llnanclal
AccounLlng (only collecLlve documenLs are creaLed) unLll Lhe perlodlc depreclaLlon posLlng run ls execuLed.
1he depreclaLlon posLlng should be run perlodlcally (annually, seml-annually, quarLerly, or monLhly). When
execuLed as an updaLe run, Lhe program has Lo be sLarLed ln Lhe background.
1he sysLem creaLes posLlng documenLs for each depreclaLlon area and accounL group ln accordance wlLh Lhe
posLlng cycles speclfled ln CusLomlzlng. As Lhe posLlng daLe, Lhe sysLem uses
1he lasL day of Lhe perlod for normal perlods (no speclal perlods)
1he lasL day of Lhe flscal year for speclal perlods

When depreclaLlon ls conflgured ln SA Lhe user wlll do a depreclaLlon run every monLh Lo calculaLe Lhe
depreclaLlon and Lhe depreclaLlon value ls deducLed from asseL. 1he asseL depreclaLlon run wlll generaLe an
accounLlng LransacLlon Lo lower Lhe value of asseLs as malnLalned ln Lhe asseL accounL and charge LhaL Lo an
asseL depreclaLlon accounL - en expense. Lven Lhough no cash flow ls lnvolved, Lhls LransacLlon lowers Lhe
proflL (lncur loss) of Lhe buslness. 1o acLlon depreclaLlon run use LransacLlon code
1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu Account|ng - I|nanc|a| Account|ng - er|od|c rocess|ng -
Deprec|at|on run
1ransacLlon code AIA8

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code AlA8 ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh for uepreclaLlon
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 29 of 69

2. Cn screen uepreclaLlon osLlng 8un Screen", enLer lnformaLlon ln Lhe flelds as speclfled ln Lhe Lable

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
LnLer your Company Code 8 Lxample: 1000
llscal ?ear LnLer Lhe flscal year of Lhe depreclaLlon 8 Lxample: 2009
erlod LnLer Lhe perlod for Lhe depreclaLlon run 8 Lxample: 9
8eason for
posLlng run
1. lanned osLlng run: Mark Lhls lndlcaLor on lf Lhe
depreclaLlon run ls execuLed flrsL Llme for Lhe
2. 8epeaL 8un: Mark Lhe lndlcaLor on lf repeaL run Lo
be execuLed
8 Lxample:

1esL 8un lf Lhls check box ls selecLed Lhe program wlll run ln 1LS1
Make sure to mark the |nd|cator on before actua| run
8 Lxample:

1he sysLem deLermlnes Lhe nexL posLlng perlod Lo be posLed ln, accordlng Lo Lhe deflned depreclaLlon posLlng frequency
(l.e. mLhly, quarLerly, yearly)

noLe: lL ls recommended LhaL you acLlvaLe 1esL 8un" and Lrror Analysls" flrsL before execuLlng flnal run.
1hls ls a very helpful Lo lnlLlally ldenLlfy and dlagnose posslble errors durlng depreclaLlon posLlng run. As
sLaLed above, Lhls LransacLlon ls only execuLed Lhrough background processlng and logs for errors won'L be

1he sysLem deLermlnes Lhe
nexL posLlng perlod Lo be posLed ln, accordlng Lo
Lhe deflned depreclaLlon posLlng frequency (l.e.
mLhly, quarLerly, yearly)

lL ls posslble Lo repeaL Lhe posLlng run wlLhln Lhe
perlod lasL posLed. 1he repeaL run can be resLrlcLed Lo speclflc
asseLs, Lhe sysLem posLs changes Lo depreclaLlon as compared Lo
depreclaLlon amounLs from Lhe prevlous run.

uepreclaLlon posLlng ls performed ln several sLeps
and aL each sLep Lhe sysLem logs Lhe currenL sLaLus. lf a
program ls LermlnaLed durlng a posLlng run, Lhen Lhe
program has Lo be sLarLed agaln ln resLarL mode Lo clear Lhe
daLa base of posslble lnconslsLencles. 1hls should be
selecLed only ln SLLLC1Lu CASLS
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 30 of 69

noLe: 1o dlsplay Lhe posslble error messages, SelecL Co to - ttot loq. lf depreclaLlon posLlng run conLaln
errors, a pop-up screen wlLh message"uocumenL llnes: ulsplay messages" appears. CLherwlse, a message no
errors" wlll be dlsplayed. 8elow ls a screen shoL of an error message:
Cllck on Lhe message Lo dlsplay Lhe analysls of Lhe error. Cnce error resolved, you may reLry execuLlng 1esL 8un
unLll message no errors" appears. 1hen execuLe a llnal 8un of your depreclaLlon posLlng run Lhrough
background processlng

3. ress l8 or cllck on Lxecute buLLon

4. lf Lhe followlng message ls dlsplayed, ress yes Lo conLlnue

3. ?ou wlll be prompLed wlLh Lhe followlng screen

1esL run compleLed
successes fully.
ress l3 or 8ack buLLon
(green arrow)
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 31 of 69

noLe: As Lhere was no daLa avallable, Lhe above screen has been copled from ouLslde 18l for reference purpose

6. Cn screen uepreclaLlon osLlng 8un Screen", enLer lnformaLlon ln Lhe flelds as speclfled ln Lhe Lable

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
LnLer your Company Code 8 Lxample: 1000
llscal ?ear LnLer Lhe flscal year of Lhe depreclaLlon 8 Lxample: 2009
erlod LnLer Lhe perlod for Lhe depreclaLlon run 8 Lxample: 9
8eason for
posLlng run
8epeaL 8un: Mark Lhe lndlcaLor on lf repeaL run Lo be
8 Lxample:

1esL 8un lf Lhls check box ls selecLed Lhe program wlll run ln 1LS1
Make sure to mark the |nd|cator on before actua| run
8 Lxample:

noLe: 8emove parameLers on 1esL 8un - 8emember before runnlng Lhe acLual remove Lhe lndlcaLor ln Lhe 1esL
8un box.

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 32 of 69

7. 1o execuLe, Co Lo program -> LxecuLe ln 8ackground or press l9

8. ?ou wlll be prompLed wlLh Lhe r|nt arameters pop up wlndow, enLer Lhe prlnLer name and selecL
oLher opLlons accordlng and press LnLer

noLe: lease selecL Lhe requlred prlnLer based on per permlsslons or locaLlon of local prlnLer

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 33 of 69

9. ?ou wlll be prompLed wlLh Lhe Start 1|me pop up wlndow

noLe: 8elow opLlons can be selecLed and deLalls updaLed per need basls, Lhese flelds can be sklpped

ress lmmedlaLe
ress Save
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 34 of 69

10. uepreclaLlon run sLeps are clear- ress lmmedlaLe, and Lhen save

11. lollowlng message wlll be dlsplayed ln Lhe sLaLus bar

12. As soon as Lhe [ob ls flnlshed an accounL wlll be generaLed ln Lhe sysLem

13. nexL go Lo SysLem->Servlces->!obs->!ob overvlew, Lo check lf Lhe [ob ls ready

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 3S of 69

14. Choose Lxecute buLLon

13. ?ou see an overvlew of Lhe [obs Lo be run under your name. Cnly when your [ob has Lhe sLaLus
llolsbeJ you can execuLe Lhe posLlngs

16. 1o change Lhe sLaLus aL any Llme, choose kefresh buLLon
17. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of 1-code AIA8

?ou see an overvlew of Lhe [obs Lo be
run Loday under your name. Cnly
when your [ob has Lhe sLaLus llolsbeJ
you can execuLe Lhe posLlngs
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 36 of 69

8. AsseL 8eLlremenL

Asset Sa|e w|th Customer
1he sysLem enables you Lo posL Lhe enLry Lo AccounLs 8ecelvable, Lhe revenue posLlng and Lhe asseL
reLlremenL ln one sLep. ln Lhls posLlng LransacLlon, you musL flrsL posL Lhe revenue (deblL A/8, credlL revenue
from asseL sale), and Lhen posL Lhe asseL reLlremenL. An lndlcaLor ln Lhe posLlng LransacLlon speclfles LhaL Lhe
sysLem posLs Lhe asseL reLlremenL afLer Lhe revenue posLlng.
1he prerequlslLe for Lhls ls LhaL Lhe sales revenue accounL ln llnanclal AccounLlng, Lo whlch Lhe revenue should
be posLed, has a fleld sLaLus varlanL ln lLs masLer daLa ln whlch Lhe "AsseL reLlremenL" fleld (caLegory AsseL
AccounLlng) ls deflned as a requlred or opLlonal enLry fleld.
ket|rement w|thout kevenue
A reLlremenL wlLhouL revenue ls Lhe removal of an asseL from Lhe asseL porLfollo wlLhouL any revenue, for
example, by scrapplng. When you use Lhls posLlng opLlon, Lhe sysLem does noL creaLe revenue and proflL and
loss posLlngs. lnsLead lL creaLes Lhe posLlng "loss from an asseL reLlremenL wlLhouL revenue" ln Lhe amounL of
Lhe neL book value belng reLlred.
Sa|e Scrapp|ng
WlLh CusLomer WlLhouL CusLomer
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 37 of 69

9. AsseL 8eLlremenL from Sale wlLh CusLomer - l-92
AsseL reLlremenL ls Lhe removal of an asseL or parL of an asseL from Lhe asseL porLfollo. 1hls removal of an
asseL (or parL of an asseL) ls posLed from a bookkeeplng perspecLlve as an asseL reLlremenL. uependlng on Lhe
organlzaLlonal conslderaLlons, or Lhe buslness LransacLlon whlch leads Lo Lhe reLlremenL, you can dlsLlngulsh
Lhe followlng Lypes of reLlremenL:
An asseL ls sold, resulLlng ln revenue belng earned. 1he sale ls posLed wlLh a cusLomer.
An asseL ls sold, resulLlng ln revenue belng earned. 1he sale ls posLed agalnsL a clearlng accounL.
An asseL has Lo be scrapped, wlLh no revenue earned.
An asseL ls sold Lo an afflllaLed company
1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu Account|ng - I|nanc|a| Account|ng - I|xed Assets - ost|ng
ket|rement ket|rement w]kevenue I-92 - W|th Customer
1ransacLlon code I-92

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code l-92 ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo 8eLlre AsseL wlLh
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 38 of 69

2. updaLe Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe flelds as speclfled ln Lhe Lable below

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
Peader lnformaLlon
uocumenL daLe Source documenL daLe 8 Lxample: Any daLe
uocumenL 1ype 1he defaulL documenL Lype for Lhls screen ls
u8. uo noL Change lL
8 Lxample: u8
Company Code Company Code 8 Lxample: 1000
osLlng uaLe uaLe for posLlng a documenL Lo flnanclal accounLlng.
1hls wlll deLermlne whlch flscal perlod (also known as
posLlng perlod) Lhe LransacLlon ls recognlzed
8 Lxample: Any uaLe
8eference Cne of Lhe key flelds LhaL can be used Lo search for
documenLs aL a laLer reLrleval daLe. Any user-deflned
8 Lxample: AssL
Llne lLem lnformaLlon
osLlng key osLlng keys represenL ueblL or CredlL enLry of any
accounL Lype (deblL cusLomer lnvolce)
8 Lxample: 01
AccounL LnLer Lhe CusLomer accounL number 8 Lxample: 100030

3. Cllck Lhe LnLer buLLon, Lhe sysLem wlll Lake you Lo Lhe below screen
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 39 of 69

4. updaLe Lhe requ|red and opLlonal flelds by capLurlng Lhe necessary daLa

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AmounL LnLer Lhe asseL value amounL 8 Lxample: 4333000
osLlng key LnLer osLlng key 30 Lo credlL C/L AccounL 8 Lxample: 30
AccounL LnLer C/L AccounL number (clearlng accounL or
8evenue AccounL)
8 Lxample: 1001002

3. Cllck Lhe LnLer buLLon, Lhe sysLem wlll Lake Lhe user Lo Lhe below screen, updaLe Lhe requ|red
and opLlonal flelds by capLurlng Lhe necessary daLa

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AmounL LnLer Lhe asseL value amounL or * 8 Lxample: 4333000 or
roflL CenLer LnLer Lhe proflL CenLer 8 Lxample: 8MPL

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 40 of 69

6. ?ou can check your documenL before posLlngs. SelecL Document - S|mu|ate.

7. verlfy Lhe deLalls and Lo posL your enLrles, cllck Lhe Save buLLon

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 41 of 69

8. 1he message bar dlsplays: uocumenL 1409000013 was posLed ln company code 1000" - record Lhls
number below.

9. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of 1-code I-92

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 42 of 69

10. AsseL 8eLlremenL - WlLhouL 8evenue/Scrapplng - A8Avn

8eLlremenL wlLhouL revenue ls a removal of an asseL from Lhe asseL porLfollo wlLhouL any revenue, for
example, by scrapplng. When you use Lhls posLlng opLlon, Lhe sysLem does noL creaLe revenue and galn/loss
posLlngs. lnsLead lL creaLes a loss from an asseL reLlremenL wlLhouL revenue posLlng ln Lhe amounL of Lhe neL
book value belng reLlred.

When an asseL ls reLlred wlLhouL revenue, Lhe sysLem generaLes a loss fot osset tetltemeot wltboot teveooe
equal Lo Lhe reLlred neL book value lnsLead of Lhe revenue and galn/loss posLlng.

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu Account|ng - I|nanc|a| Account|ng - I|xed assets - ost|ng-
ket|rement - Asset ket|rement by Scrapp|ng Asset
1ransacLlon code A8AVN

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code A8Avn
ln command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo 8eLlre AsseL by
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 43 of 69

2. Cn Lhe otet Asset ttoosoctloo. Asset ketltemeot by 5ctopploq screen, make Lhe followlng enLrles:

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AsseL AsseL number of Lhe 8eLlrlng AsseL 8 Lxample: 200006 - 0
uocumenL uaLe uaLe of Lhe Source documenL 8 Lxample: 1oday's uaLe
osLlng uaLe uaLe for posLlng a documenL Lo flnanclal accounLlng.
1hls wlll deLermlne whlch flscal perlod (also known as
posLlng perlod) Lhe LransacLlon ls recognlzed
8 Lxample: 1oday's uaLe
AsseL val. uaLe 1he daLe from whlch sysLem sLop depreclaLlon. 8 Lxample: 1oday's uaLe
1exL ConLalns an explanaLory LexL llne C Lxample: AssL Scrapplng

key ln Lhe asseL number or
press on Lhls |nput help
lcon , whlch wlll llsL ouL
Lhe asseLs avallable
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 44 of 69

Note: lf no depreclaLlon area deflned Lhen Lhe asseL wlll noL slmulaLe. Message wlll be dlsplayed aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe

3. Cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S Lo posL Lhe documenL.

4. 1he enLry wlll geL posLed

3. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of 1-code A8AVN

- Warnlng

- Lrror

- lnformaLlon
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 4S of 69

arLlal 8eLlremenL

1. lollow Lhe above procedure from polnL 1 Lo 3 and addlLlonally
2. Cllck Lhe art|a| ket|rement Lab and enLer Lhe osLlng perlod, uocumenL 1ype
and Lhe 1ransacLlon Lype

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AmounL osLed AmounL posLed per depreclaLlon area and buslness
8 Lxample: 1300000
ercenLage 8aLe ll ?Cu WAn1 1C CS1 A81lAL 8L1l8LMLn1, Ln1L8
1PL AMCun1 Cl 1PL ASSL1 8LlnC 8L1l8Lu AS A
8 Lxample: 30
CuanLlLy orLlon of Lhe LoLal purchase order quanLlLy LhaL you
wlsh Lo allocaLe Lo Lhls accounLlng asslgnmenL. 1he
quanLlLy enLered deLermlnes whlch porLlon of Lhe
cosLs you wlsh Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lo Lhls accounL
asslgnmenL Leam
8 Lxample: 3
8elaLed Lo 1he asseL acqulslLlon Lype 8 Lxample:

6. Cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S Lo posL Lhe documenL.

7. 1he enLry wlll geL posLed

8. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 46 of 69

11. 1ransfer wlLhln Company Code - A8uMn

1here are baslcally Lhree reasons why you mlghL need Lo carry ouL an lnLra-company Lransfer wlLhln a
company code. Cne reason ls lf changes are made Lo organlzaLlonal sLrucLures (reclasslflcaLlon of asseL classes,
changes Lo proflL cenLers, and so on). Second, an lnLra-company Lransfer mlghL be necessary lf accounL
asslgnmenLs are lncorrecL (for example, lncorrecL asseL class). 1he Lhlrd reason ls lf a managed asseL under
consLrucLlon ls compleLed for summary seLLlemenL.
lnLra-company Lransfers from one flxed asseL Lo anoLher wlLhln Lhe same company code can be carrled ouL ln
one sLep. AuLomaLlc lnLra-company Lransfers are only posslble, however, lf no values from Lhe sendlng asseL
are losL and every area of Lhe LargeL asseL ls supplled wlLh values
use Lhls process when Lhe class of AsseL ls needed Lo be changed.

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA 8/3 menu Account|ng - I|nanc|a| Account|ng - ost|ng - 1ransfer -
A8UMN - 1ransfer w|th|n Company Code
1ransacLlon code A8UMN

Enter the transaction code
ABUMN in command text field
Follow the path to transfer asset
within company code
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 47 of 69

2. Cn Lhe otet Asset ttoosoctloo. Asset ketltemeot by 5ctopploq screen, make Lhe followlng enLrles:

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AsseL AsseL number of Lhe 8eLlrlng AsseL 8 Lxample: 200006-0
uocumenL uaLe uaLe of Lhe Source documenL 8 Lxample: 1oday's uaLe
osLlng uaLe uaLe for posLlng a documenL Lo flnanclal accounLlng.
1hls wlll deLermlne whlch flscal perlod (also known as
posLlng perlod) Lhe LransacLlon ls recognlzed
8 Lxample: 1oday's uaLe
AsseL val. uaLe 1he daLe from whlch sysLem sLop depreclaLlon. 8 Lxample: 1oday's uaLe
1exL ConLalns an explanaLory LexL llne C Lxample: AsseL 1ransfer

3. Cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S Lo posL Lhe documenL.

4. 1he enLry wlll geL posLed

3. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

Lnd of document - of t-code A8UMN
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 48 of 69

arLlal 1ransfer

1. lollow Lhe above procedure from polnL 1 Lo 3 and addlLlonally
2. Cllck Lhe art|a| 1ransfer Lab and enLer Lhe osLlng perlod, uocumenL 1ype and
Lhe 1ransacLlon Lype

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
AmounL osLed AmounL posLed per depreclaLlon area and buslness
8 Lxample: 1300000
ercenLage 8aLe ll ?Cu WAn1 1C CS1 A81lAL 8L1l8LMLn1, Ln1L8
1PL AMCun1 Cl 1PL ASSL1 8LlnC 8L1l8Lu AS A
8 Lxample: 30
CuanLlLy orLlon of Lhe LoLal purchase order quanLlLy LhaL you
wlsh Lo allocaLe Lo Lhls accounLlng asslgnmenL. 1he
quanLlLy enLered deLermlnes whlch porLlon of Lhe
cosLs you wlsh Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lo Lhls accounL
asslgnmenL Leam
8 Lxample: 3
8elaLed Lo 1he asseL acqulslLlon Lype 8 Lxample:

3. Cllck on Lhe Save buLLon or press Ctr| + S Lo posL Lhe documenL.

4. 1he enLry wlll geL posLed

3. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 49 of 69

12. AsseL under ConsLrucLlon: AlA8

AsseLs under consLrucLlon (AuC) are a speclal form of Langlble asseL. 1hey are usually dlsplayed as a
separaLe balance sheeL lLem and, Lherefore, requlre separaLe accounL deLermlnaLlon and asseL classes. uurlng
Lhe phase ln whlch an asseL ls under consLrucLlon, all acLual posLlngs are asslgned Lo Lhe AuC. Cnce Lhe asseL ls
compleLed, a Lransfer ls made Lo a masLer record LhaL has Lo be creaLed ln Lhe compleLed flxed asseLs.
AsseLs under consLrucLlon can be managed for summary seLLlemenL or by llne lLem. ln Lhe case of summary
managemenL, Lhe enLlre expenses lncurred are Lransferred once or several Llmes Lo Lhe asseL(s) ln Lhe
compleLed Langlble flxed asseLs aL Lhe Llme of compleLlon. When asseLs under consLrucLlon are managed by
llne lLem, you can enLer seLLlemenL rules for every llne lLem asslgned Lo Lhe AuC.

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA menu

Account|ng I|nanc|a| Account|ng I|xed Assets ost|ng
Cap|ta||ze Asset u. Const. D|str|bute
1ransacLlon code AIA8

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code AlA8 ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo ulsLrlbuLe AsseLs
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S0 of 69

2. LnLer Lhe Company code, AsseL number Lo be dlsLrlbuLed

3. Cllck on LxecuLe buLLon

4. Cllck on LnLer buLLon

SelecL Lhe llne by cllcklng on Lhe
slde of Lhe llne lLem and cllck
on enLer buLLon
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S1 of 69

3. ln Lhe followlng screen, enLer Lhe CaLegory, SeLLlemenL recelver and and press enLer (please
refer Lhe below screen shoL)

6. Cllck on 8ack buLLon, Lhe sLaLus would have changed Lo C8LLn

7. 1he sysLem wlll dlsplay LhaL Lhe ulsLrlbuLlon rules saved" ln Lhe sLaLus bar

8. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe.
Lnd of document - on 1-code AIA8
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S2 of 69

13. AsseL under ConsLrucLlon: Al8u

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:

SA menu

Account|ng I|nanc|a| Account|ng I|xed Assets ost|ng
Cap|ta||ze Asset u. Const. AI8U - Sett|e
1ransacLlon code AI8U

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code Al8u ln
command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh for SeLLlemenL of
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S3 of 69

2. Cn screen AuC SeLLlmenL: lnlLlal Screen" enLer lnformaLlon ln Lhe flelds as speclfled ln Lhe Lable

lleld name uescrlpLlon 8/C/C values
LnLer your Company Code 8 Lxample: 1000
AsseL LnLer Lhe asseL Lo be seLLled 8 Lxample: 960001
LnLer Lhe sub asseL number C Lxample: 0
uaLe on whlch Lhe orlglnal documenL was lssued 8 Lxample: 29.12.2009
AsseL val.
value daLe of asseL, |t can be other than Lhe posLlng and
documenL daLe.
8 Lxample: 29.12.2009
uaLe of enLry 8 Lxample: 29.12.2009
erlod 1hls ls auLomaLlcally populaLed, Lhe user can updaLe lL as per
18l requlremenL
8 Lxample: 9
1esL 8un lf Lhls check box ls selecLed Lhe program wlll run ln 1LS1
Make sure to mark the |nd|cator on before actua| run


ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S4 of 69

3. Cllck on LxecuLe buLLon

4. verlfy Lhe deLalls and cllck on 8ack buLLon

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age SS of 69

12. now, uncheck 1esL run check box and cllck on LxecuLe

13. 1he sysLem wlll dlsplay LhaL Lhe AsseL LransacLlon posLed wlLh documenL no. 1009000138" ln Lhe
sLaLus bar

14. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe.
Lnd of document - on 1-code AI8U

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S6 of 69

14. llxed AsseL 8eglsLer - S_AL8_87011963

1he reporL dlsplays Lhe values of all asseLs ln a depreclaLlon area. 1he followlng values are dlsplayed ln deLall
per asseL:
1he cumulaLlve acqulslLlon value aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe flscal year
AccumulaLed depreclaLlon, lncludlng Lhe planned depreclaLlon for Lhe currenL flscal year (Lhe sum of
all depreclaLlon Lypes)
1he planned book value aL Lhe end of Lhe reporLlng year

AddlLlonal sLandard verslons of Lhe reporL allow for prlmary selecLlon and creaLlon of LoLals accordlng Lo
varlous crlLerla (asseL class, buslness area, cosL cenLer, and so on).

1. Access Lhe LransacLlon chooslng one of Lhe followlng navlgaLlon opLlons:
SA 8/3 menu AccounLlng - llnanclal AccounLlng - llxed asseLs - lnformaLlon SysLem
8eporLs on asseL AccounLlng AsseL 8alances 8alance LlsL
AsseL 8alances S_AL8_87011963
1ransacLlon code S_AL8_87011963

LnLer Lhe LransacLlon code
S_AL8_87011963 ln command LexL fleld
lollow Lhe paLh Lo vlew Lhe flxed asseL
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S7 of 69

2. updaLe Lhe followlng requ|red and opLlonal flelds

3. Cllck on Lxecute buLLon, Lhe followlng AsseL 8alances screen wlll be dlsplayed. 1he user can
verlfy Lhe deLalls from Lhls screen

Pere Lhe user can updaLe Lhe
asseL number or provlde
number range lf avallable
AcqulslLlon value of Lhe asseL AccumulaLed uepreclaLlon 8ook value of Lhe asseL
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S8 of 69

4. SelecL a llne lLem and double cllck Lo vlew deLalls of Lhe asseL

3. 1he below screen wlll be dlsplayed wlLh Lhe deLalls of Lhe parLlcular asseL selecLed

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age S9 of 69

6. SelecL a llne lLem and double cllck Lo vlew furLher deLalls of Lhe asseL (drlll down)

1he user can download Lhe deLalls ln form of reporL, follow Lhe below lnsLrucLlons

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 60 of 69

7. ln Lhe followlng pop up wlndow

8. SelecL Lhe SpreadsheeL radlo buLLon

9. Cllck on generaLe buLLon, Lhe flle wlll be downloaded aL Lhe dlrecLory paLh glven by Lhe user

10. Cllck on Lhe Lx|t buLLon or press Sh|ft+I3 Lo reLurn Lo Lhe SA Lasy Access screen.

1he sysLem Lask ls compleLe.

Lnd of document - of 1-code S_ALk_87011963
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 61 of 69

13. Ceneral lcons across SA

Icons Descr|pt|on


8ack (l3)

ConLlnue (LnLer)

Cancel (l12)

osL (CLrl + S)

SelecL All

Log off or LxlL


urop down llsL

All SelecLlons (ShlfL + l7)

CreaLes a new sesslon

CeneraLes a shorLcuL

Pelp (l1)

CusLomlzlng of Local LayouL (AlL + l12)

ulsplay revlous lLem (ShlfL + l6)

ulsplay nexL lLem (ShlfL + l7)

rlnL (CLrl + )

llnd (CLrl + l)

llnd nexL (CLrl + C)

llrsL age (CLrl + age up)

revlous age

nexL age

LasL age (CLrl + age down)

urop down llsL (l4)


LxecuLe (l8)

1echnlcal lnformaLlon (CLrl + ShlfL + l7)
ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 62 of 69

Message Long 1exL (CLrl + ShlfL + l6)

1ermlnaLlons (ShlfL + l4)


SeL ln Ascendlng Crder

SeL ln uescendlng Crder






LxLernal process

8uslness rocess AlLernaLlve/ueclslon Cholce

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 63 of 69

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 64 of 69

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 6S of 69

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 66 of 69

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 67 of 69

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 68 of 69

ro[ect: M|ss|on SUkL

1kI-SUkL-LU 1kG Manua| (1kG]ISCM]Ak]1.3) - 003 kev.000

age 69 of 69


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