Bayesian Statistical Analysis

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Bayesian Statistical Analysis – Spring of 2009

Teaching: 10:00-11:40 am, Tuesday.

Location: Room 225, Building 3 of Minhang Campus.
Computer lab sessions will be held in the Statistics Building, every other week.

Instructor: Prof. Yincai Tang.

Office hour: 12:30-2:30 pm, Tuesday or by appointment.

Required textbooks.
1. Bayesian Computation with R (2007), by Jim Albert.
(R scripts for examples are at
2. Introduction to Bayesian Statistics (2004), by William M.Bolstad

Supplementary books in R:
1. Statistics and Data with R (2008), by Yosef Cohen & Jeremiah Y. Cohen
2. Introductory Statistics With R by Peter Dalgaard

Class Participation.
Your active participation will be required at all times. This will be factored in determining your
final grade.

Computer Practice.
Computer lab sessions will be held in the computer lab of Statistics Building on Tuesdays. You
can practice examples from the textbook, your homework exercises and final project.

Computational Project.
You are required to prepare a computational project involving the application of Bayesian
methods to the analysis of data from the natural, physical, health, or social sciences. You need
to do data collecting, data analysis using R and final report in the form of a magazine. See the
form of an article in the web:

You will be evaluated on regular homework exercises(10%), class participation(10%),
computational project(40%) and final examination(40%). The homework assignments will be a
mix of paper-and-pencil and of computer-based problems. You will be expected to
discuss/present your solutions in class.

In addition, you will be responsible for keeping up-to-date with my posts on the website for this
class: Those will include lecture notes, computer lab
sessions, and homework assignments.

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