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Comparatives Team A

True or false?
1 London is about as far from Hong Kong as Paris.
2 Property in Kowloon Tong isn't nearly as expensive as it is in Wong Tai in.
! "a#au isn't $uite as big as %ang%ai.
& 'a#(ie )%an is far better*(nown outside of Hong Kong t%an +ndy Lau.
, -ussia isn't nearly as #old as .gypt.
/ T%ere aren't as many women in t%e #lass as t%ere are men
Comparatives Team B
True or false?
1 0ot nearly as many people %ave mobile p%ones now as t%ey did ten years ago.
2 T%ere are about as many foreigners as )%inese in Hong Kong.
! 1ootball isn't $uite as popular as baseball in Hong Kong.
& 2t's about as expensive to fly to .urope as it is to fly to 'apan.
, e#retaries aren't $uite as well*paid as lawyers.
/ T%ere are almost as many women in t%is #lass wit% long %air as t%ere are wit%
s%ort %air.

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