Mcneal Jessica Motioncaptureintern Resume

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Jessica McNeal

5414 Esplanade Park Circle Apt 4304 Portfolio: 41!51"!#104

$rlando% &' 3("3 twinmcnealjes)*
+icon,s -lade 1.# ./otion Capt0re
Certified /otion Capt0re 3ec4nician
5at0ral Point,s $pti3rack Arena
./otion Capt0re 1oftware2
A0todesk /otion-0ilder .for animation
clean 0p2
6nreal 7e8elopment 9it .9ismet and
some 6nreal 1cript2
6nreal En*ine 4 .-l0eprint scriptin*2
&las4 .wit4 actionsript32
Adobe P4otos4op% :ll0strator
/icrosoft $ffice
Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy, /arc4 (014 < Present
Motion Capture Specialist $rlando% &'
$perated +icon,s -lade to calibrate system and c4aracter
Prepared actors by marker=demarker t4em
Clean!0p takes for >0ality Ass0rance in -lade
Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy% Focal Length ?an0ary (014 ! Present
Technical Producer $rlando% &'
$perated /otion Capt0re 14oots
o worked as t4e tec4nician% manip0lated data in -lade% and inte*rated data on models in
:n8ented and scripted e8ent se@0ences to tri**er t4e player walked t4ro0*4 t4e city .made wit4
bl0eprint and matinee2
o 1cripted t4ese e8ents to be mo8eable t4ro0*4o0t t4e le8el for replay and only be*in
playin* w4en t4e player is facin* towards it
o :mplemented animation% 8fA% and a0dio into eac4 se@0ence
7e8eloped prototype of crowd A: .recreate 679,s crowd system t4ro0*4 bl0eprint2
o 6sed as a basis for pro*rammers to optimiBe
Internship ith E!I Creative St"dio &ebr0ary (01( < /ay (01(
Director of Motion Capture/Animation Cleanup $rlando% &'
'ed a *ro0p to accomplis4 motion capt0re animation.
10per8ised t4e *ro0p project to ens0re a s0ccessf0l deli8ery.
:nte*rated data to *0arantee 4i*4est @0ality prod0ction.
Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy '$CF( 7ecember (014
Masters of Science, Interactive ntertainment $rlando% &'
$niversity o) Central Florida /ay (013
!achelor of Arts, Digital Media"#ame Design $rlando% &'

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