Volume 3 Composite

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Proposed Costco Wholesale Store and Fueling Facility

Route 202/35
Town of Yorktown, Westchester County, New York

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Volume 3

Prepared by

TRC Engineers, Inc.
Hawthorne, New York

TRC Project No. 165213

Date Submitted: July 14, 2014
Date Accepted:

A. Written Public Comment Documents (continued)

B. Public Hearing Transcripts


B. Public Hearing Transcripts

DEIS Public Hearing Transcript (10/15/2012)
DEIS Public Hearing Transcript (11/19/2012)

FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: Comment #
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
General 1. 1 Misc. Legal PH1 Moskowitz, Paul
Yorktown Energy Advisory
67 n/a
General 1. 11 Misc. Legal PH2 Steeneck, Henry 78 n/a
General 1. 15 Misc. Legal PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
General 1. 16 Misc. Legal PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
General 1. 23 Misc. Legal PH1 Centone, Larry 167 n/a
General 1. 24 Misc. Legal PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.03
General 1. 25 Misc. Legal PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.16
General 1. 29 Misc. Legal PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 n/a
General 1. 33 Misc. Legal PH1 Dineen, Patricia
First Presbyterian Church of
54 52.01
II 1 Description of Proposed Action PH1 Bray, Evan 87 n/a
II 13 Description Of Proposed Action PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.13
III.A 4 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.4
III.A 6 a Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Bray, Evan 87 171.2
III.A 6 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Bray, Evan 87 171.1
III.A 7 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.A 8 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.05 and 136.06
III.A 42 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.03
III.A 51 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 n/a
III.A 66 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.02
III.A 67 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.04
III.B 14 Visual Character PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.08
III.B 20 Visual Character PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.03
III.B 24 Visual Character PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.05
III.D 5 a Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.01
III.D 5 b Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.02
III.D 5 c Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.03
III.D 7 Hazardous Materials PH2 Pierce, Michael 90 n/a
III.D 8 Hazardous Materials PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.D 9 Hazardous Materials PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.D 10 Hazardous Materials PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.5a
III.E 3 Floraand Fauna PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.06
III.E 36 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.14
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: Comment #
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.E 37 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.15
III.E 39 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.17
III.E 62 Floraand Fauna PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.E 66 Floraand Fauna PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.08
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Kravtsov, Greg 52 97.02
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.01
III.F 12 a
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.01
III.F 12 b
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.03
III.F 12 c
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.04
III.F 12 d
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.05
III.F 32
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.28
III.F 49
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.07
III.G 2 Stormwater Mangement PH1 Scotto, Vincent 172 n/a
III.G 3 Stormwater Mangement PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.1
III.G 6 a Stormwater Management PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.02
III.G 6 b Stormwater Management PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.07
III.G 27 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.29
III.G 28 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.30
III.G 31 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.33
III.G 32 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.34
III.G 33 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.35
III.G 34 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.36
III.G 38 a Stormwater Management PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 142.01a
III.G 38 h Stormwater Management PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 n/a
III.G 51 Stormwater Management PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.G 52 Stormwater Management PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.G 55 Stormwater Management PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.06
III.H 2 Utilities PH2 Ballinger,Babette 125 n/a
Useand Conservation of Energy - Green
PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.K 5 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.01 and 181.01
III.K 6 c Traffic and Transportation PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.06c and 136.07c
III.K 7 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Kellner, William 138 63.01
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: Comment #
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.K 8 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Buehl, Ron HuntersvilleAssociation 145 64.01
III.K 11 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.K 12 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.2
III.K 18 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Moskowitz, Paul
Yorktown Energy Advisory
67 n/a
III.K 21 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Weger, Alen 13 94.01
III.K 30 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.04
III.K 61 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.K 62 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.K 63 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Peckham, Patty 66 n/a
III.K 64 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.K 83 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.K 88 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.02
III.K 89 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.02
III.K 91 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Visconti, J oseph 55 n/a
III.K 93 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Levin, Barry 68 n/a
III.K 94 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.K 95 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.09
III.L 2 a Parking PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.07a and 136.09a
III.L 2 Parking PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.07 and 136.09
III.L 3 Parking PH1 Bray, Evan 87 n/a
III.L 4 Parking PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.L 6 Parking PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.12
III.M 1 Air Quality PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.3
III.M 10 Air Quality PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.O 12 Building Demolition and Construction PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.01
III.P 1 a Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.02 and 181.02
III.P 1 b Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.03 and 181.03
III.P 1 c Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.04 and 181.04
III.P 10 Community Facilities and Services PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.03
III.Q 3 b Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.02
III.Q 3 c Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.03
III.Q 3 d Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.04
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: Comment #
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.Q 3 e Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.05
III.Q 5 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Smithies, David 60 n/a
III.Q 6 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.Q 7 a Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Ballinger, Babette 132 n/a
III.Q 7 b Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Ballinger, Babette 132 n/a
III.Q 8 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Centone, Larry 167 n/a
III.Q 18 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Weger, Alen 13 94.02
III.Q 19 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Kravtsov, Greg 52 97.03
III.Q 21 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Carson, Scott 123 102.01
III.Q 29 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.11
III.Q 30 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.14
III.Q 31 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.15
III.Q 37 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.05
III.Q 38 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.06
III.Q 39 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.07
III.Q 40 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.08
III.Q 65 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 McKeen, J im 67 n/a
III.Q 66 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 McKeen, J im 67 n/a
III.Q 67 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 68 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 69 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 76 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 90 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.01
III.Q 91 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.04
III.Q 95 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Visconti, J oseph 55 n/a
III.Q 96 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Bock, Aaron 58 n/a
III.Q 97 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Kopstein, J ay 65 n/a
III.Q 98 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Monaco, Charles 110 n/a
III.Q 99 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Grasso, Tony 111 n/a
III.Q 100 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Elliot, Alan 131 n/a
III.Q 101 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Foley, J oe 156 n/a
III.Q 102 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 D'Amico, Louie 158 n/a
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: Comment #
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.Q 105 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Straci, J oseph 27 95.01
III.Q 117 Statement in Support of Project PH2 Wagner, Andrea 25 n/a
III.Q 118 Statement in Support of Project PH2 Catalfamo, Chuck 38 n/a
III.Q 119 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Levin, Barry 68 n/a
III.Q 120 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 121 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 122 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Mascalla, William 87 n/a
III.Q 123 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Ciarcia, Dan 113 n/a
III.Q 124 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Primavera, Bill 162 n/a
III.Q 125 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.03
IV 3 Alternatives PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.02
IV 7 Alternatives PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.09
IV. 15 Alternatives PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
IV. 16 Alternatives PH2 Buehl, Olivia 101 n/a
IV. 18 Alternatives PH2 Ballinger,Babette 125 n/a
List of Interested
1 List of Involved Agencies PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
SitePlan9 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan10 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan11 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan12 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan13 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan14 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan15 SitePlan PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
SitePlan16 SitePlan PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
SitePlan17 SitePlan PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
VI. 2 Other SEQR Required Chapters PH2 Moskowitz, Paul 107 n/a
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: DEIS Title
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.M 1 Air Quality PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.3
III.M 10 Air Quality PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
IV 3 Alternatives PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.02
IV 7 Alternatives PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.09
IV. 15 Alternatives PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
IV. 16 Alternatives PH2 Buehl, Olivia 101 n/a
IV. 18 Alternatives PH2 Ballinger,Babette 125 n/a
III.O 12 Building Demolition and Construction PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.01
III.P 1 a Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.02 and 181.02
III.P 1 b Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.03 and 181.03
III.P 1 c Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.04 and 181.04
III.P 10 Community Facilities and Services PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.03
II 1 Description of Proposed Action PH1 Bray, Evan 87 n/a
II 13 Description Of Proposed Action PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.13
III.Q 3 b Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.02
III.Q 3 c Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.03
III.Q 3 d Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.04
III.Q 3 e Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.05
III.Q 5 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Smithies, David 60 n/a
III.Q 6 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.Q 7 a Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Ballinger, Babette 132 n/a
III.Q 7 b Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Ballinger, Babette 132 n/a
III.Q 8 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Centone, Larry 167 n/a
III.Q 18 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Weger, Alen 13 94.02
III.Q 19 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Kravtsov, Greg 52 97.03
III.Q 21 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Carson, Scott 123 102.01
III.Q 29 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.11
III.Q 30 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.14
III.Q 31 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.15
III.Q 37 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.05
III.Q 38 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.06
III.Q 39 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.07
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: DEIS Title
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.Q 40 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.08
III.Q 65 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 McKeen, J im 67 n/a
III.Q 66 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 McKeen, J im 67 n/a
III.Q 67 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 68 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 69 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 76 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 90 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.01
III.Q 91 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.04
III.Q 95 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Visconti, J oseph 55 n/a
III.Q 96 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Bock, Aaron 58 n/a
III.Q 97 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Kopstein, J ay 65 n/a
III.Q 98 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Monaco, Charles 110 n/a
III.Q 99 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Grasso, Tony 111 n/a
III.Q 100 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Elliot, Alan 131 n/a
III.Q 101 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Foley, J oe 156 n/a
III.Q 102 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 D'Amico, Louie 158 n/a
III.Q 105 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Straci, J oseph 27 95.01
III.Q 119 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Levin, Barry 68 n/a
III.Q 120 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 121 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 122 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Mascalla, William 87 n/a
III.Q 123 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Ciarcia, Dan 113 n/a
III.Q 124 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Primavera, Bill 162 n/a
III.Q 125 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.03
III.E 3 Floraand Fauna PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.06
III.E 36 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.14
III.E 37 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.15
III.E 39 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.17
III.E 62 Floraand Fauna PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.E 66 Floraand Fauna PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.08
III.D 5 a Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.01
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: DEIS Title
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.D 5 b Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.02
III.D 5 c Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.03
III.D 7 Hazardous Materials PH2 Pierce, Michael 90 n/a
III.D 8 Hazardous Materials PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.D 9 Hazardous Materials PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.D 10 Hazardous Materials PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.5a
III.A 4 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.4
III.A 6 a Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Bray, Evan 87 171.2
III.A 6 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Bray, Evan 87 171.1
III.A 7 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.A 8 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.05 and 136.06
III.A 42 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.03
III.A 51 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 n/a
III.A 66 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.02
III.A 67 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.04
List of Interested
1 List of Involved Agencies PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
General 1. 1 Misc. Legal PH1 Moskowitz, Paul
Yorktown Energy Advisory
67 n/a
General 1. 11 Misc. Legal PH2 Steeneck, Henry 78 n/a
General 1. 15 Misc. Legal PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
General 1. 16 Misc. Legal PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
General 1. 23 Misc. Legal PH1 Centone, Larry 167 n/a
General 1. 24 Misc. Legal PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.03
General 1. 25 Misc. Legal PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.16
General 1. 29 Misc. Legal PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 n/a
General 1. 33 Misc. Legal PH1 Dineen, Patricia
First Presbyterian Church of
54 52.01
VI. 2 Other SEQR Required Chapters PH2 Moskowitz, Paul 107 n/a
III.L 2 a Parking PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.07a and 136.09a
III.L 2 Parking PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.07 and 136.09
III.L 3 Parking PH1 Bray, Evan 87 n/a
III.L 4 Parking PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.L 6 Parking PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.12
SitePlan9 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: DEIS Title
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
SitePlan10 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan11 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan12 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan13 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan14 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan15 SitePlan PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
SitePlan16 SitePlan PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
SitePlan17 SitePlan PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 117 Statement in Support of Project PH2 Wagner, Andrea 25 n/a
III.Q 118 Statement in Support of Project PH2 Catalfamo, Chuck 38 n/a
III.G 6 a Stormwater Management PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.02
III.G 6 b Stormwater Management PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.07
III.G 27 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.29
III.G 28 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.30
III.G 31 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.33
III.G 32 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.34
III.G 33 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.35
III.G 34 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.36
III.G 38 a Stormwater Management PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 142.01a
III.G 38 h Stormwater Management PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 n/a
III.G 51 Stormwater Management PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.G 52 Stormwater Management PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.G 55 Stormwater Management PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.06
III.G 2 Stormwater Mangement PH1 Scotto, Vincent 172 n/a
III.G 3 Stormwater Mangement PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.1
III.K 5 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.01 and 181.01
III.K 6 c Traffic and Transportation PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.06c and 136.07c
III.K 7 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Kellner, William 138 63.01
III.K 8 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Buehl, Ron HuntersvilleAssociation 145 64.01
III.K 11 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.K 12 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.2
III.K 18 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Moskowitz, Paul
Yorktown Energy Advisory
67 n/a
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: DEIS Title
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.K 21 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Weger, Alen 13 94.01
III.K 30 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.04
III.K 61 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.K 62 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.K 63 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Peckham, Patty 66 n/a
III.K 64 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.K 83 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.K 88 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.02
III.K 89 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.02
III.K 91 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Visconti, J oseph 55 n/a
III.K 93 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Levin, Barry 68 n/a
III.K 94 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.K 95 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.09
Useand Conservation of Energy - Green
PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.H 2 Utilities PH2 Ballinger,Babette 125 n/a
III.B 14 Visual Character PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.08
III.B 20 Visual Character PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.03
III.B 24 Visual Character PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.05
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Kravtsov, Greg 52 97.02
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.01
III.F 12 a
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.01
III.F 12 b
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.03
III.F 12 c
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.04
III.F 12 d
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.05
III.F 32
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.28
III.F 49
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.07
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
Sorted By: Commenter
DEIS Title
Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
General 1. 29 Misc. Legal PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 n/a
III.G 38 a Stormwater Management PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 142.01a
III.G 38 h Stormwater Management PH2 Bacon, J ames Yorktown Smart Growth 117 n/a
III.H 2 Utilities PH2 Ballinger,Babette 125 n/a
III.Q 7 a Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Ballinger, Babette 132 n/a
III.Q 7 b Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Ballinger, Babette 132 n/a
IV. 18 Alternatives PH2 Ballinger,Babette 125 n/a
III.Q 96 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Bock, Aaron 58 n/a
II 1 Description of Proposed Action PH1 Bray, Evan 87 n/a
III.A 6 a Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Bray, Evan 87 171.2
III.A 6 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Bray, Evan 87 171.1
III.L 3 Parking PH1 Bray, Evan 87 n/a
IV. 16 Alternatives PH2 Buehl, Olivia 101 n/a
General 1. 25 Misc. Legal PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.16
II 13 Description Of Proposed Action PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.13
III.K 30 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.04
III.L 6 Parking PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.12
III.Q 29 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.11
III.Q 30 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.14
III.Q 31 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.15
IV 7 Alternatives PH2 Buehl, OliviaBell 101 119.09
III.Q 3 b Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.02
III.Q 3 c Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.03
III.Q 3 d Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.04
III.Q 3 e Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Buehl, OliviaI. 147 65.05
III.K 8 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Buehl, Ron HuntersvilleAssociation 145 64.01
III.D 5 a Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.01
III.D 5 b Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.02
III.D 5 c Hazardous Materials PH2 Canavan, WilliamA.
Solutions, Inc.
57 98.03
III.Q 21 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Carson, Scott 123 102.01
III.Q 118 Statement in Support of Project PH2 Catalfamo, Chuck 38 n/a
General 1. 23 Misc. Legal PH1 Centone, Larry 167 n/a
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
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Associated Written
Letter #
III.Q 8 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Centone, Larry 167 n/a
III.Q 123 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Ciarcia, Dan 113 n/a
III.Q 102 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 D'Amico, Louie 158 n/a
III.D 8 Hazardous Materials PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.E 62 Floraand Fauna PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.G 51 Stormwater Management PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
III.G 52 Stormwater Management PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
Useand Conservation of Energy - Green
PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
SitePlan15 SitePlan PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
SitePlan16 SitePlan PH2 Daniels, Walt 92 n/a
General 1. 33 Misc. Legal PH1 Dineen, Patricia
First Presbyterian Church of
54 52.01
III.Q 100 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Elliot, Alan 131 n/a
III.A 66 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.02
III.A 67 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.04
III.B 24 Visual Character PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.05
III.D 10 Hazardous Materials PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.5a
III.E 66 Floraand Fauna PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.08
III.F 49
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.07
III.G 55 Stormwater Management PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.06
III.K 95 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.09
III.O 12 Building Demolition and Construction PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.01
III.Q 125 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Falk, Ben 5 93.03
III.A 7 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.K 11 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.L 4 Parking PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.Q 6 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
List of Interested
1 List of Involved Agencies PH1 Fisher, Andrew 115 n/a
III.Q 101 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Foley, J oe 156 n/a
III.K 61 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.K 62 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.M 10 Air Quality PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
IV. 15 Alternatives PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
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Associated Written
Letter #
SitePlan9 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan10 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan11 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan12 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan13 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
SitePlan14 SitePlan PH2 Garofalo, J ames TimMiller Associates Inc. 41 n/a
III.Q 99 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Grasso, Tony 111 n/a
III.A 4 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.4
III.G 3 Stormwater Mangement PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.1
III.K 12 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.2
III.M 1 Air Quality PH1 Kaplan, Steven B 95 59.3
III.K 7 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Kellner, William 138 63.01
III.Q 97 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Kopstein, J ay 65 n/a
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Kravtsov, Greg 52 97.02
III.Q 19 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Kravtsov, Greg 52 97.03
III.K 93 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Levin, Barry 68 n/a
III.Q 119 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Levin, Barry 68 n/a
III.Q 122 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Mascalla, William 87 n/a
III.K 89 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.02
III.P 10 Community Facilities and Services PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.03
III.Q 91 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Mascioli, Domenick 160 66.04
III.Q 65 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 McKeen, J im 67 n/a
III.Q 66 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 McKeen, J im 67 n/a
III.A 8 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.05 and 136.06
III.K 6 c Traffic and Transportation PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.06c and 136.07c
III.L 2 a Parking PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.07a and 136.09a
III.L 2 Parking PH1 Miller, Tim TimMiller Associates Inc. 99 60.07 and 136.09
III.Q 98 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Monaco, Charles 110 n/a
General 1. 1 Misc. Legal PH1 Moskowitz, Paul
Yorktown Energy Advisory
67 n/a
III.K 18 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Moskowitz, Paul
Yorktown Energy Advisory
67 n/a
VI. 2 Other SEQR Required Chapters PH2 Moskowitz, Paul 107 n/a
III.Q 37 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.05
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Associated Written
Letter #
III.Q 38 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.06
III.Q 39 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.07
III.Q 40 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Nettelfield, J onathon 31 139.08
III.B 20 Visual Character PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.03
III.K 88 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.02
III.Q 90 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Panio, RoseMarie 129 62.01
III.K 63 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Peckham, Patty 66 n/a
General 1. 16 Misc. Legal PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.D 9 Hazardous Materials PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.K 94 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 69 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 120 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.Q 121 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
SitePlan17 SitePlan PH2 Pergola, Peter 96 n/a
III.D 7 Hazardous Materials PH2 Pierce, Michael 90 n/a
III.Q 124 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Primavera, Bill 162 n/a
III.A 42 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.03
III.B 14 Visual Character PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.08
III.E 36 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.14
III.E 37 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.15
III.E 39 Floraand Fauna PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.17
III.F 32
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.28
III.G 27 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.29
III.G 28 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.30
III.G 31 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.33
III.G 32 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.34
III.G 33 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.35
III.G 34 Stormwater Management PH2 Robbins, J anelleH. Bedford Audobon Society 17 172.36
III.A 51 Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 n/a
III.E 3 Floraand Fauna PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.06
III.F 12 a
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.01
III.F 12 b
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.03
FEIS Index to Public Hearing Comments
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Commenter Organization
Associated Written
Letter #
III.F 12 c
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.04
III.F 12 d
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.05
III.G 6 a Stormwater Management PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.02
III.G 6 b Stormwater Management PH2 Schroeder, J ohn 73 101.07
III.G 2 Stormwater Mangement PH1 Scotto, Vincent 172 n/a
III.Q 5 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Smithies, David 60 n/a
General 1. 11 Misc. Legal PH2 Steeneck, Henry 78 n/a
General 1. 15 Misc. Legal PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.K 64 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.K 83 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 67 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 68 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 76 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Steeneck, Stephen 80 n/a
III.Q 105 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Straci, J oseph 27 95.01
III.K 5 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.01 and 181.01
III.P 1 a Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.02 and 181.02
III.P 1 b Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.03 and 181.03
III.P 1 c Community Facilities and Services PH1 Sunshine, J ennie 74 58.04 and 181.04
III.K 91 Traffic and Transportation PH1 Visconti, J oseph 55 n/a
III.Q 95 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH1 Visconti, J oseph 55 n/a
III.Q 117 Statement in Support of Project PH2 Wagner, Andrea 25 n/a
III.K 21 Traffic and Transportation PH2 Weger, Alen 13 94.01
III.Q 18 Fiscal and Socioeconomic Impacts PH2 Weger, Alen 13 94.02
General 1. 24 Misc. Legal PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.03
Wetlands, Groundwater and SurfaceWater
PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.01
IV 3 Alternatives PH2 Yacovone, Krista Riverkeeper 62 99.02


B. Public Hearing Transcripts

DEIS Public Hearing Transcript (10/15/2012)


B. Public Hearing Transcripts

DEIS Public Hearing Transcript (11/19/2012)

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