Distance Learning and Online Computer Classes Should Replace Classroom Learning

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Distance learning and online computer classes should replace classroom learning

I do not agree with the idea that distance learning and online computer classes
should replace classroom learning.In school you can find many friends,you have the
opportunity to participate in discussions and use the help of a teacher.
Online computer courses or distance learning do not have the advantages of
classroom learning .First of all in school you have teachers for every subject.Their job is not
only to teach you to the basic theory but also to help you use what you have learned in
practice.The can help you solve different problems ,because they have greater experience than
you . tudying in front of the computer is not the best idea because you will be alone , closed
in a room .The computer can not substitute a real teacher.
!oreover in in classroom you can ta"e part in different discussions with the other
students.It is "nown that discussions are a good way to exercise your brain.#ou can get many
new ideas and various point of view.One of the major disatvantages of distance learning is
that you can not ma"e discussins with real people.$lthough there are chat rooms made for
this purpose the %face&to&face% conntact is better.
The greatest disadvantage of distance learning is that you will not have friends
around you.#ou will be in a room , sitting in front of the computer screen.#ou will feel
lonely.'lasroom learning gives you the opportunity to communicate with other people.In
school you can meet very interesting people and some of them may become your best friends.
To sum up I will say that classroom learning should not be replaced with distance
learning and online computer courses.That is because classroom learning can do better for the
developing of your charachter and personality.

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