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Soluciones: Halloween.

1.- Lee detenidamente el texto y contesta las preguntas.

a) When do people celebrate Halloween?. People celebrate Halloween on the night
of October 31.
b) Who transported this tradition to North America? The Celts of Ireland and Great
Britain with Irish, Scots, Welsh and other immigrants transported versions of the
Halloween tradition to North America.
c) What do children collect door to door? They collect sweets, fruit and other treats.
d) Do you know Halloween? Yes, I do / No, I dont.
e) Do you like it? Yes I do / No, I dont.
2.- Escribe las siguientes frases en interrogativa y negativa
a) She likes Halloween. Does she like Halloween? She doesnt like Halloween.
b) I lived in Ireland a long time ago. Did you live in Ireland a long time ago? I didnt
live in Ireland a long time ago.
c) He will go to Australia next summer. Will he go to Australia next summer? He wont
go to Australia next summer.
d) I am doing an English exam. Are you doing an English exam? Im not doing an
English exam.
e) My friends travel a lot. Do your friends travel a lot? My friends dont travel a lot.
3.- Une la pregunta con la respuesta adecuada.-
a) Does he live in the USA? 1.- Yes, it is
b) Is the bus coming? 2.- No, he doesnt
c) Will you come to the party? 3.- Yes, I did
d) Did you go to the cinema yesterday? 4.- I live in Badajoz
e) Where do you live? 5.- No, I wont
a-2 / b-1 / c-5 / d 3 / e 4.
4.- Traduce al castellano las siguientes frases.
a) Halloween is a tradition celebrated on the night of October 31. Halloween es
una tradicin celebrada la noche del 31 de octubre.
b) Most Anglo-Saxon countries celebrate Halloween. La mayora de los pases
anglosajones celebran Halloween.
c) In some European countries they know this date as All Saints Day . En
algunos pases de Europa se conoce esta fecha como el da de Todos los
d) In Spain, for example, the tradition is to spend the day in the country with
friends roasting chestnuts. En Espaa, por ejemplo, la tradicin es pasar el da en
el campo con los amigos asando castaas.
e) They celebrate it on November 1. Lo celebran el 1 de noviembre.

5.- Traduce al ingls.
a) No me gusta Halloween. I dont like Halloween
b) Estuvo enfermo la semana pasada. He was ill last week.
c) Mara est jugando al tenis. Mary is playing tennis.
d) Maana va a llover. Its going to rain tomorrow.
e) Tiene 23 aos y es enfermera. Shes twenty-three and shes a nurse.

6.- El tribunal calificar esta pregunta, valorando la correccin gramatical,
expresin y el vocabulario utilizado. Pero para que te hagas una idea te
damos un ejemplo.

Ana is my friend. She is 22 years old. She lives in Cceres and she likes sports.
She likes skating and playing tennis very much. She also likes football and
basketball but she doesnt practice them. Her address in Cceres is 2 Abilio
Rosilio street. La Madrila.
She is my best friend

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