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Production process for an animated movie:

1) Concept : principal ideas, synopsis

2) Script

3) Storyboards: words are translated into actions and pictures, storyboard artists make a series of
sketches, a kind of comic book, to tell the story and bring it to life. Once the directors and producer
approve, the drawings are digitally photographed and strung together to create what we call a story
reel. We combine that with temporary music, sound effects and dialogue, and work with the movie in
this form for about 18 months.

4) Visual development: once the story reel is underway, our visual development department begins to
plan the look of the film, developing the style, tone, color and overall artistic approach to each and
every sequence. Everything has to be designed, through drawings, paintings, blueprints (plan),
sculptures and models.

5) Cast: At the meantime, voices for the characters are found. They are recorded before the
animation starts, so that recordings and videotape can help to the next phases of production.

6) Modeling : create physical into the virtual world

7) Rigging: evaluate the CG "statue" coming from the modeling department and determine how this
character must move, where the bones, muscle and fat would be under their skin and how realistic or
"cartoony" their actions must be in the film. Joints and various mathematical operations are then
employed throughout the body, face, hair and clothing of the character to make it bend and deform
like a living creature. Finally, rigging works with animation to design and build an extensive set of
controls for the character

8) Layout :
- Rough layout: artists interpret and recreate the hand drawn 2D storyboard panels in a 3D CG
environment. In doing so, these artists determine the initial 3D camera placement and motion along
with the first pass of character blocking and staging. Working with rough versions of the characters
lighting, effects, and environments, Rough Layout creates the cinematography for the film.
- Final Layout: the Final Layout artists take the shots and replace the rough characters and
environments with the final approved assets and provide the set dressing.

9) Character animation: synchronize with the voice performance
10) Surfacing : colors and textures
11) Effect : things not acted but moving, such as a falling leaf
12) Lighting
13) Sound design
14) Final Mix

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