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Two Ice Breaker Activities

Amanda Wireman
June 24, 2014
Line Up
1.) Students CANNOT talk for this activity, miming and hand signals are permitted
2.) When the teacher says go, students standing in a group will have to organize
themselves into a line
3.) The line theme is designated by the teacher
4.) Themes can be to line up:
-tallest to shortest
-by birthday month (Jan-Dec)
5.) A time limit may or may not be used on teacher"s discretion
6.) When they have lined up they can be checked by teacher to see if they succeeded
**Another variation could be that time decreases each time they play making it more
and more difcult
Story Potato
1.) Teacher has a soft ball or item that can be thrown around
2.) Students sit in a circle on the oor
3.) Teacher starts an improv story with the very rst (one) word e.g. Once
4.) Teacher throws the ball to a student, that student must say the previous portion of
the story and add another word then throw the ball to another student who must do the
same e.g. Once, Upon
5.) e.g. Once, Upon, A,
6.) e.g. Once, Upon, A, Time,
7.) The game ends when someone cannot remember the beginning parts of the story or
if a teacher sets a timer

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