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[F] = Full Control [P] = Partial Control [C] = Conceptual Control

Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANISH I3840 Teacher Guide
UNIT 2: School Life

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
Interpersonal Communication Interpretive Communication Presentational Communication Culture, Connections,
Comparisons, and Communities Conversation Reading Listening Speaking Writing
1.2.1 Speak with another person about their
school day
1.2.2 Say what classes they have and when they
have them
1.2.3 Say what materials they have and need for
each class
1.2.4 Tell another person about what time they
have their classes
1.2.5 Tell whether they like a class or not
2.2.1 Understand
information about
school supplies
2.1.3 Understand short
readings that describe
classes and teachers
3.2.1 Understand what
people say about
schedules, subjects,
and school supplies
3.2.2 Understand when they
hear people talk about
locations within a
3.2.3 Understand when
someone tells the time
3.2.4 Understand when
someone tells whether
they like a class or not
4.2.1 Talk about their school
4.2.2 Tell what school
supplies they have
and need
4.2.3 Describe their classes
and teachers
5.2.1 Write information about
their class schedule
5.2.2 Write a description of
their classes and
6.2.1 Identify similarities and differences between the
school life (e.g., educational system, classes,
schedule, materials, etc.) of the Spanish-speaking
world and the United States
6.2.2 Understand the concept of time and timeliness in
the Spanish-speaking world
What will students know by the end of this unit?
Vocabulary Language Structures and Conventions
Telling Time
Classroom commands
I like and I dont like
I have, I need
There is/are
School (subjects, materials)
Adjectives (to describe teachers and classes)
Ordinal numbers (first-tenth)

Telling and asking the time [F]
Adjective agreement [P]
Noun gender [C]
Definite articles [C]
Indefinite articles [C]
Present tense of the verb ser [P]
The verb gustar [P]
The verb tener [P]
The verb necesitar [P]
What universal concepts should I teach throughout this course?
7.0.1 Identify and use cognates that exist between Spanish and English
7.0.2 Compare language structures between Spanish and English
7.0.3 Compare and contrast the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world with their own culture
7.0.4 Recognize opportunities to use Spanish outside of the classroom setting
7.0.5 Recognize and use gestures, manners, behaviors, greetings, and idiomatic expressions of the Spanish-speaking world
7.0.6 Recognize similarities and differences in the Spanish-speaking writing system and use it with increasing accuracy
7.0.7 Recognize and use the Spanish sound system with increasing accuracy

Quarter 1
Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANI SH I 3840 Vocabulary Guide
UNI T 2: School Life

Quarter 1
General Expressions
Tengo I have
Necesito I need
Me gusta(n) I like
No me gusta(n) I dont like
Hay There is/There are
No hay There isnt/There arent

School Subjects
los idiomas extranjeros foreign language
las matemticas math
las ciencias science
el ingls English
los estudios sociales social studies
la educacin fsica physical education
la salud health
el arte art
la msica music
el drama drama
la computacin computers

School Materials
la pluma
el bolgrafo
el lpiz pencil
el papel paper
el libro book
el cuaderno notebook
la carpeta binder
la goma pencil eraser
el borrador board eraser
la mochila backpack
la pizarra board
el marcador marker
el escritorio teacher desk
el pupitre student desk
los crayones crayons
las tijeras scissors
la regla ruler
la mesa table
la silla chair
la bandera flag
la cinta tape

Telling Time
Qu hora es? What time is it?
Es la una. Its one oclock.
Son las Its
A qu hora? At what time?
la hora hour
el minuto minute
en punto exactly
cuarto quarter
media half
y and
de la tarde in the afternoon
de la maana in the morning
de la noche at night
el medioda noon
la medianoche midnight

la tarea homework
el maestro
la maestra
el profesor
la profesora
el estudiante
la estudiante
el alumno
la alumna
la clase class
el saln classroom
el amigo
la amiga
el compaero de clase
la compaera de clase
el horario schedule

Ordinal Numbers
UNI T 2: School Life

Classroom Commands
Sit down.
Stand up.
Entreguen los papeles.
Pass up the papers.
Entrega los papeles.
Pasen los papeles.
Pasa los papeles.
Saquen una hoja de papel.
Take out a sheet of paper.
Saca una hoja de papel.
Presten atencin.
Pay attention.
Presta atencin.
Vaya a la pizarra.
Go to the board.
Ve a la pizarra.
Abran los libros.
Open your books.
Abre el libro.
Cierran los libros.
Close your books.
Cierre el libro.
Hagan la tarea.
Do your homework.
Haz la tarea.

Describing Classes & Teachers
difcil difficult
fcil easy
interesante interesting
divertido fun
aburrido boring
amable friendly
antiptico mean
estricto strict
cmico funny
serio serious
horrible horrible
bueno good
mal bad
*Be sure to teach both
masculine/feminine and singular/plural
forms of adjectives.

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