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Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Bunn Elementary School

The parents, faculty, staff, and administrators at Bunn Elementary School believe that the education of
children is a cooperative effort between parents/families and schools. Parents/families are their
childrens first teachers and involvement in school by parents and families improves the educational
achievement of their children. It is believed that the parent/family involvement increases the effectiveness
of the Title I Program and contributes significantly to the academic success of their children. The faculty,
staff, and administrators at Bunn Elementary School strive to involve parents and families in activities
throughout the year. Brochures describing curriculum supplements provided by Title I are available to
the public. Parents are provided opportunities for parent/teacher conferences at flexible and various
times during the year, as well as, information and explanation about proficiency levels students are
expected to meet and results of academic assessments that measure student progress.
The school provides (a) parent training opportunities that include parents with disabilities, (b)
coordination with parents of children in other programs such as English Language Learners (ELL) and
Exceptional Children (EC), (c) opportunities for regular parent meetings, (d) parent-school compacts,
and (e) parent evaluations. Parents of ELL students are provided an interpreter at PTA meetings and
opportunities to share their culture at periodic ELL parent/family meetings. Parents and families of all
students are invited to an annual public meeting where programs and activities provided with Title I
funds are evaluated and discussed. The administrators and teachers (a) inform parents of Bunn
Elementary Schools participation in Title I, (b) consult and solicit input from parents/families, and (c)
inform them of their right to participate in the design and implementation of the Title I Project. The Title
I parent involvement policy is updated and revised annually.

Revised: June, 2014

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