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Child: Musa

Teacher: Anar
Date: June, 2014
Musa I noticed you today discovering, exploring and
experimenting in the gloss mixture (corn flour and water). At
first you used one little finger to touch this magic mixture. You
moved your little finger over and around the mixture. I talked
to you and the other children busily exploring the gloop about
what it felt like and used words eg hard, soft, runny, drippy,
wet, crumbly... musa listened very carefully.

Musa moved his finger deeper into the mixture. Abdullah joined
us and stood next to you. Together both boys fully involved,
sinking both hands deep into the mixture, lifting their hands up
and watching long, long drips dripping from their hands and

What learning do I think happened here?

Musa has been discovering and exploring many new activities
at centre today he explored gloop-a magic mixture. He
discovered it can drip from his fingers and he can run his finger
over, it's smooth surface. He can gather it, crumble it and form
it into a ball.

As he touches it, he may be thinking and comparing it to the
mediums he has already discovered like milk, water etc. today
the was introduced a variety of new words describing it eg
slippery, hard, wet, damp, moist, crumbly, drippy etc.

Possibilities and pathways

We will provide Musa more sensitive/messy play for him to
explore the texture also scaffold his language skills by
providing words and sentences.

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