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Perla E.

Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



Introduction to the Five Senses Shared Reading
As an introduction to the unit the teacher will read the book Mis Cinco Sentidos by Aliki.
Before reading the book the teacher will explain to the students that we will read a book about the five
senses and will facilitate a discussion amongst the students for them to share what they know about the
topic we will be learning.
The teacher will bring the students conversations to an end and will begin reading the book.
Connection: During reading, the teacher will stop at various points in the book to allow students to
discuss each of the five senses that the book is introducing.
o I can see! I see with my eyes. - What are some things that you can see around the classroom?
(friends, desks, chairs, books, charts, etc.)
o I can hear! I hear with my ears. Everyone be very silent. What can we hear when we are all
quiet? (steps in the hallway, the air conditioner, the lawn mower outside, etc.)
o I can smell! I smell with my nose. What are some of your favorite smells? (a cake baking,
flowers, perfume, crayons, etc.)
o I can taste! I taste with my tongue. What did you taste today for breakfast? Was it salty or
sweet? (pancakes, cereal, toast, butter, eggs, etc.)
o I can touch! I touch with my fingers. As you are sitting on the rug, what are some things you
can touch? How does it feel? (rough carpet, smooth hair, hard tile, etc.)
After reading, the teacher will show students a song about the five senses:

To the tune of If Youre Happy and You Know It
Yo tengo cinco sentidos que puedo usar, (clap, clap)
Yo tengo cinco sentidos que puedo usar, (clap, clap)
Puedo oler, puedo probar, puedo sentir, puedo escuchar y puedo ver a mi alrededor, (clap, clap)
Yo tengo cinco sentidos que puedo usar. (clap, clap)

Active Engagement: The teacher will guide students as a whole group in completing an activity The
teacher will present index cards to students that depict one of the five senses and objects that can be
matched to each of the senses. Students will take turns going up to the teacher to identify two matching
cards and will place them side-by-side on a pocket chart. As there are many times more than one sense
that can go along with one of the objects, the teacher will facilitate a discussion about how we use more
than one sense most of the time and will guide students to choose the sense that best represents the
object on the card.
Link: The teacher will refer to the book and the game that the character plays to guess how many senses
he is using at one time. The teacher will remind students to be aware of their senses at all times and will
tell them that part of their homework tonight is to play the game with their families during dinner.

Development K.5C
Students understand
new vocabulary and use
it correctly when reading
and writing. Students are
expected to: identify and
sort pictures of objects
into conceptual

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Introducing the Strategy of Visualizing with a Read Aloud
The teacher will gather students and instruct them to sit around the floor. She will explain: When I read, I
find myself making a movie in my head. The mental images are a mixture of my senses (pictures, sounds,
smells, tastes, and feelings). When I get ready to read I say a little rhyme and I move my camera like this:
(demo movie camera motion). Rhyme: Make a movie in your mind. Close your eyes and visualize./
Imagnalo en tu mente. Cierra tus ojos y visualiza.
This is called visualizing. Visualizing means I make pictures or images in my head. I use my five senses
to pretend that I am there.

Connection: Review the five senses by singing the song learned yesterday: Yo tengo cinco sentidos que
puedo usar.

Teach: Now lets try it! The teacher puts on a pair of glasses so students know she is practicing
visualizing and explains: When I think about a swimming pool in my head, I see a picture and I
automatically hear water splashing. Not only can I see and hear the images in my head, I can smell, feel,
and taste too!
The teacher will now have the students practice visualizing using their five senses. Students will put on
their glasses as the teacher holds up different pictures (roller coaster, pool, classroom, desk, etc.) she will
share her visualization and have students share theirs using all of their senses as well.

Active Engagement - Modeling using a text: The teacher will read Puddles by Jonathan London. As
the teacher reads she will stop a various points in the story to remind students that when they visualize
while reading they want to create pictures of events and actions, characters their features, clothing, etc.
and settings and situations. The teacher will call on a few students throughout the story to share what the
picture in their head looks like. As the teacher continues reading she will stop at another point of the story
and will have students go to their desks to draw a picture of the part she just read.
The teacher will call on a few students to share their pictures asking, What did it say in the text that made
that image come to your mind?
The teacher will finish reading the story and will close the lesson by saying, Can you imagine not being
able to see, hear, or smell the world around you? It is a wonderful gift to be able to do these things. We
are able to use or senses to help create mental images when we read!

Link: The teacher will tell students that during and after reading, when they go to literacy stations, they
will complete a graphic organizer of the mental images they create in their minds while reading. After
teacher modeling, they should be able to complete this with minimal teacher support. Discuss the graphic
organizers when finished and have students connect the visualization with the text.


Development K.5C
Students understand
new vocabulary and use
it correctly when reading
and writing.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Sight Read Aloud, Phonics, and Decoding

Today the teacher will focus students attention on the sense of sight. Before reading the teacher
will review with the students what we learned yesterday about our five senses.

Connection: The teacher will read, Look, Listen, Touch, See and Smell by Pamela Hill
Nettleton. It is a book that doesnt separate the senses. Instead the author explains all the ways
the senses work in specific situations. It explains the connection between the areas of our
bodies that we associate with the senses (mouth, eyes, nose, skin and ears) and the brain.

Teach: The teacher will gather the materials needed for the lesson.
o toys, and other small objects that a learner can read that arent too easy
o a bin, marker, sheet of card stock and a crayon
o cards made out of cardstock with the words of the objects written out on them
The teacher will model decoding a word from one of the cards and matching it with to an object in
the bin.
Active Engagement: Students will work in pairs to decode the words in the cards, search with
their eyes for the object that goes along with the word and match the two.
The teacher will walk around the classroom to evaluate students. If she sees that a student has
come across a word that is too difficult, she will help them and remind them to try different
o Use the objects in the bin for clues.
o Sound out the word, stretch it.
o Look for a part that you already know in the word.
o What is the beginning or ending sound?

Link: As the students come to an end with their activities, the teacher will ask them, What sense
did we mostly use during this activity? sight
The teacher will model playing I Spy. She will tell the students that they will continue using their
sense of sight to play I Spy with their partner and describe all of the attributes of a particular
object in the classroom.


Reading/Phonics K.3B
Students use knowledge
of letter-sound
relationships to decode
regular words in text and
independent of content.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Taste Read Aloud, Oral and Written Conventions

Today the teacher will focus students attention on the sense of hearing. Before reading the
teacher will review with the students what we learned yesterday about sight and will quiz the
students to see who can remember all of the five senses.

Connection: The teacher will read, Jacks Garden by Henry Cole. The book is a garden
version of the classic The House That Jack Built. The teacher will read aloud as Jack
prepares, plants and cares for a garden. The book goes into detail from the worms in the soil, to
the seedlings, birds, flowers and insects that all work together for a garden to succeed.

Teach: Using an anchor chart, the teacher will guide students to brainstorm a list of tastes that
the students may be familiar with. Using that list that they come up with, the teacher will explain
to them that they are going to have the opportunity to taste things from a special garden.
o The teacher will gather the materials needed for the lesson.
o Oreo cookies, chocolate pudding, gummy worms, chocolate rock candies, a zip lock, toy
hammer, bowl, and containers for serving.
1. Start by putting the cookies in the bag and hammering them to a pulp.
2. Put the cookies into a bowl, add the pudding and mix it all together.
3. Put some of this dirt mix into serving cups and add gummy worms.
4. Add some more dirt mix.
5. Add the rock candies.

Active Engagement: After the students have had an opportunity to taste the items from the
garden. The teacher will instruct them to turn and talk with their partner discuss all the tastes
that they enjoyed. The students will then work with their partners and write down the tastes that
they experienced from the garden in their Reading Response Journals.

Link: When students go to lunch the next day, the teacher will give them an assignment of
writing down what tastes they experience in the cafeteria. Students will detail this information in
their reading journal and will present their findings to the class as they compare and contrast the
different tastes everyone experienced.


Oral and Written
Conventions K.18A
Students use
phonological knowledge
to match sounds to letter;
K.18B and use letter-
sound correspondences
to spell words.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Smell Read Aloud, Oral and Written Conventions

Today the teacher will focus students attention on the sense of smell. Before reading the teacher
will review with the students what we learned we have learned thus far about the five senses and
about how we apply them to visualizing when reading.

Connection: The teacher will read, Sniff, Sniff by Dana Meacham Rau. The book is a non-
fiction book. It tells the story of a little girl waking up to the smell of breakfast and dives into some
not so pleasant smells and how the sense of smell works.

Teach: The teacher will create an anchor chart and brainstorm with the class a list of the kinds of
smells that they might smell.

The teacher will prepare a group of plastic coffee containers. Inside each container she will put a
dab of extract - pineapple, vanilla, anise (licorice), etc. Inside other containers she will put a
variety of other smells to be smelled.

Active Engagement: Students will put a blindfold on and will work with a partner smelling the
contents of the jars and predicting what the smells are.

The students will write their prediction and all of the details of the smell and where they could find
that item.

Link: As an in home assignment, students will create an image based on the smells that they
smelled at home. Image can include clip art, photos or their own drawings.


Oral and Written
Conventions K.18A
Students use
phonological knowledge
to match sounds to letter;
K.18B and use letter-
sound correspondences
to spell words.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Touch Vocabulary

Today the teacher will focus students attention on the sense of touch. She will explain to
students that there are many words that we can associate with how certain things feel.

Connection: The teacher will read a touch and feel book by Matthew Van Fleet, Tails. In this
book students will be able to use their sense of touch as they experience how different animal
tails feel to the touch.

Teach: The teacher will prepare a large piece of paper (brown grocery bag cut open and laid
flat), construction paper, and objects with different textures (sandpaper, felt, foam, foil, etc.),
scissors and glue.
- Start by cutting the texture materials into small pieces.
- Cut the construction paper into various sized rectangles.
- Glue the buildings onto the larger paper.
- Glue the texture materials on as windows, as you do this explore how they feel.

Active Engagement: The teacher will instruct the students to talk to their partner about what
objects are soft, rough, smooth or squishy. Can you describe other objects in the room that feel
the same way?

Link: Incorporating their newly learned vocabulary, students will be assigned a writing activity.
Using the following writing prompt: I can think of other examples of soft, rough, smooth or
squishy as_______. students will draw and write about the way things feel.


Development K.5C
Students understand
new vocabulary and use
it correctly when reading
and writing.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Hearing Phonics and Decoding

Connection: Today the teacher will focus students attention on the sense of hearing. All week
we have been studying the five senses. What are four of the senses we have studied so far?
Which of the five senses are we missing? Everyday, most of us use our hearing. What are some
sounds that all of you can hear right now?

Teach: The teacher will gather the materials needed for the lesson - paper, a marker, a book and
a dot paint marker (bingo marker).

Today we are going to practice using our sense of hearing. I have created a game whereby
some of the words from our story are on your list. As I read you must listen very carefully and
mark next to the word when I say it.

Listen very carefully to the story and mark each time you hear the words that are on your list.

Active Engagement: Before playing this game the teacher will have the students flip through a
book and choose some words. They must only choose each word once. The teacher will read the
story while the students listen for his or her word on the list of words.

Upon hearing the words, the students will stamp or mark the word with a bingo marker. The
teacher will adjust the reading rate so that the students can accurately track the story being read.

Link: Upon completion of the story, the students will go back and re-read the story to get any
words that they might have missed during the teacher read. Students will then be paired up to
practice the activity with a classmate. Each student will take a familiar read (the guided reading
book taken home the day before), will make a list of words for their partner to listen for and will
read the book to their partner as he/she checks off the words on their list.


Reading/Phonics K.3B
Students use knowledge
of letter-sound
relationships to decode
regular words in text and
independent of content.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Popcorn Exploring Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch, and Sound

Teach: To introduce this lesson the teacher will ask, Who likes to eat popcorn? The teacher will explain
to the students that today we will explore all of our senses through the use of popcorn!

First, the teacher will read the book, Popcorn by Frank Asch. As she reads the story she will remind the
students that good readers use their five senses to visualize when reading a story. She will model
visualizing aloud and will pick a few students to share their visualizations throughout the story.

As a way of promoting new vocabulary use amongst students she will instruct students to use the
sentence stem, In this part of the book I visualize _________ using my sense of ________. when
sharing or during think-pair-share with their partners

Connection: After reading the book the teacher will prompt students to tell her all that they know about
popcorn. How does it look? How does it taste? Does it make a sound? How does it feel? How does it
smell? As students share their answers the teacher will fill out a graphic organizer with their responses
listing them under each of the five senses.

Active Engagement: The teacher will pass out corn kernels for students to explore. She will facilitate a
discussion about how a kernel turns into popcorn and lead students to determine that a kernel pops into
popcorn with heat.

The teacher will bring in a popcorn popper for students to observe how heat causes change. She will pop
the kernels in a popcorn popper so that students are able to experience all of the five senses while
watching them pop and afterwards while eating them. The teacher will pop the kernels for students to
observe how they become popcorn when heat is added. As the popcorn popper pops the kernels the
students will hear the popping, smell the popcorn, see the kernels turning to popcorn and once it is done
they will be able to touch and taste the popcorn.

Link: The teacher will instruct students to imagine and visualize what it would be like if our popcorn
popper popped as much popcorn as the kettle in the story. Students will write what the classroom would
look like, what it would smell like, what it would sound like and how they would feel after being surrounded
by so much popcorn.


Development K.5C
Students understand
new vocabulary and use
it correctly when reading
and writing.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Sound Around Us Musical Instruments

The students will watch the BrainPOP Jr. video Sound. The students will explore sound and understand
that sound is a kind of energy we can hear. After watching the video the teacher will explain that sound
has two important characteristics, pitch and volume (new vocabulary). The teacher will refer to the way
the students count their numbers 1-100 during the mathematics block to explain what pitch is. The teacher
will model loud and or soft by raising her voice to explain volume.

Teach: The teacher will prepare a KWL chart to record the students learning on sound. The students will
share with the class what they know about sound and what they want to learn. The teacher will play a
short tape of 5-6 common sounds. The students will try to identify each sound by using their sense of
hearing. The teacher will record the students predictions on chart paper. The teacher will give each
student a paper cup with bottom cut out to use as a big ear to help amplify sound. The students will take
a walk around the school using their big ears to collect sounds. After returning to class, students will
share their findings adding to KWL chart what we learned in our search.

Connection: The students will review what they have been learning about sound. The teacher will
facilitate class discussion by asking: What or who make sounds? Students will think-pair-share. The
teacher will ask the student to share their partners answers with the class. The teacher will explain that
every day we hear sounds made by people, animals, wind, and machines. Students will be asked to give
an example of noises made by people and nature.

Active Engagement: The teacher will drop a book on the floor to get students attention and will say,
That was loud. What is loud? The teacher will explain that sounds can be loud or soft. She will have
students drop other objects and have them decide if the sound is loud or soft. The students will predict
what kind of sound they think the rest of the objects will make before dropping the object. Students will
sort the objects into two groups (loud, soft). We will add to our KWL chart what weve learned about
sound. The students will list and draw pictures of objects that made loud and soft sounds into their
science journals.

Link: Homework assignment Students will create a musical instrument of their choice at home using
everyday objects like, cans, rocks, strings, shoeboxes, etc. Students will be given a few days to complete
their projects and will present them and demonstrate the sounds they make to the class the following


Development K.5C
Students understand
new vocabulary and use
it correctly when reading
and writing.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

Perla E. Reyes
Holly Turkington

Thematic Unit: The Five Senses
BIEDL 5338 Bi-Literacy
Strategies for Second
Language Learners
Summer 2014



The Five Senses Field Trip

For this final lesson, the teacher will review with the students what we have learned about the five senses
and why they are important in our lives. The students will discuss their learning with the class and will
imagine what their lives would be like if they did not have one of the five senses.

Teach: The teacher will explain to the students that they will be visiting a kitchen today. Using the strategy
of visualization along with their five senses the students will predict the sounds, smells, sights, feelings,
and tastes that they might experience in the kitchen.

Active Engagement: As the students visit the High School Student Kitchen the senior students will guide
the group in a tour of the establishment. Students will explore different sounds (sizzling, pots and pans
impacting against each other, water running, etc.), tastes (salty, sweet, sour, etc.), smells (fishy, pleasant,
etc.), temperatures (hot, warm, cold, etc.), and sights.

Link: The students will draw and write about how their five senses were used during their visit to the High
School Student Kitchen.
o In the kitchen I used my sense of sight by ___________.
o In the kitchen I tasted _________ food. (salty, sour, sweet, etc.)
o In the kitchen my favorite smell was ________.
o In the kitchen I heard _________.
The teacher will assess students in their correct use of vocabulary learned and studied throughout the
unit of the five senses.


Development K.5C
Students understand
new vocabulary and use
it correctly when reading
and writing.

Science K.6A The
students will use the five
senses to explore
different forms of energy
such as light, heat, and
sound K.2D and will
record and organize data
and observations using
pictures, numbers and

Health: K.4A The
student knows the basic
structures and functions
of the human body and
how they relate to
personal health. The
student is expected to:
name the five senses.

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