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Course Name:

Module 1 Screen: 1 of 40
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer
Orange band below
designer name.

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : Advance to M1SCR2
Pause: Pauses the program
Play: Resume playing the
Menu: Advance to M1SCR2
Quit: Ends program
Help: Advance to M1SCR 31
Narration Script: The focus of this lesson is for you to gain an understanding of basic communication skills and to be able to explain
communication and its process. Understand that communication is more than just speaking, it involves listening. At the end of this
module, you will be able to discuss the benefits of effective listening and methods to improve upon it. You will also be able to discuss
methods to test understanding feedback. Finally you will be able to describe strategies for effective communication that you will insist
you while you conduct inspections and investigations.

Communication Process
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Communication Process left side of screen indented Font Arial
44. Designer name below title Font Arial 20
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Process Title Screen
Next Pause Play
Larry Murphy CBT Project
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 2 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
Figures Talking
Source Graphic:

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer
Picture of figures with
callout boxes above their
heads. This graphic will be
centered on the page
below Communication

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Back: M1SCR1
Next : Advance to M1SCR3
Pause: Pauses the program
Play: Resume playing the
Menu: Advance to M1SCR3
Quit: End Program
Help: M1SCR31
Narration Script: One of the most important skills you need to be an effective Investigator to conduct inspections is the ability to
communicate effectively. Not only must you understand what you think you hear, but understand what was actually said and what is
not said. During this block of instruction, you will learn the importance of the Communication Process, and how it relates to you as an
Inspector or as an Investigator.

Communication Process
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Communication Process centered on the screen. Font Arial 44
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Process Introduction Screen
Next Pause Play
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 3 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR4
Back: back to Communication Process
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume play of the program
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Quit: Ends program
Help: advance to M1SCR31

Additional Directions (Graphics Designer)
Add hyperlink to Communication to send user
to M1SCR4 when clicked.
Add hyperlink to Elements of the
Communication Process to send users to
M1SCR4 when clicked.
Add hyperlink to Styles of Communication to
send users to M1SCR8 when clicked.
Add hyperlink to Communication Types to
send user to M1SCR10
Add hyperlink to Effective and Active Listening
to send users to M1SCR12 when clicked.
Add hyperlink to Elements of Effective and
Active Listening to send users to M1SCR15
Add hyperlink to Effective Feedback to send
users to M1SCR16 when clicked.
Add hyperlink to Reasons for Giving Feedback
to send users to M1SCR17
Select Quiz: advance to M1SCR33
Select Scenarios: advance to M1SCR22

Narration Script: During this module, we will cover definitions, elements of
communication, styles of communication, effective and active listening, and
effective feedback. At the end of this module there will be a knowledge quiz.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Overview centered on the screen. Font Arial 40. List should be
bullet format, left justified Font Arial 28.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Overview Screen
Elements of the Communication Process
Styles of Communication
Communication Types
Effective and Active Listening
Elements of Effective and Active Listening
Effective Feedback
Reasons for Giving Feedback
Next Pause Play Home Menu Back Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 4 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
Communication Graphics
Source Graphic:

Directions Graphics Designer
Image of communication
methods. This graphic
will be aligned on the right
of the page below the
communication definition.
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : Advance to M1SCR5
Back: back to M1SCR3
Pause: pauses the program
Play: Resume playing the
Menu: Advance to M1SCR2
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: Advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program
Narration Script: How do you define effective communications? Communication is the process by which information is exchanged
between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior . Another definition is the successful exchange of
information between individuals.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Communication centered on the screen. Font Arial 40. Definition
should be centered below Communication. Font Arial 30
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication definition screen
Process by which information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or
Next Pause Play Home Menu Back Summary Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 5 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
Send Receive Message
Source Graphic:

Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR6
Back: back to M1SCR4
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR2
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: Advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program
Narration Script: The elements of the communication process are Sender - source; Encoder - source decides upon the method (verbal or
non-verbal); Message - transmission; Receiver destination; Decode receiver translates the message into information that is
meaningful; Feedback is the verbal or nonverbal response information generated in a constructive manner as to how their behavior is
affecting or influencing you.

Elements of the Communication Process
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Elements of the Communication Process centered on the
screen. Font Arial 28. Elements should be bullet listed, left side of
screen centered below Communication. Font Arial 20
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Elements of the Communication Process screen
Two people looking into
cans with words and
graphics next to the two
people. Animate the
graphics. Slide people in
, Slide word images in
Next Pause Play Back Home Menu Summary Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 6 of 40
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Back: back to M1SCR3
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR2
Quit: Ends program
Home: back to M1SCR1
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Box 1 checked Submit
advance to M1SCR7
Box 2 checked Submit
advance to M1SCR8
Box 3 checked Submit
advance to M1SCR8
Narration Script:

Communication is defined as:

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Elements of the Communication Process centered on the
screen. Font Arial 28. Elements should be bullet listed, left side of
screen centered below Communication. Font Arial 20
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Knowledge Check (Communication Definition) screen
Process by which information is exchanged by an individual
through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.
Process by which information is exchanged between individuals by
Process by which information is exchanged between individuals
through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior
Directions: Place a check mark next to the correct answer.
Design check boxes and
place to the right of the
right of the distracters. Box
1, Box 2, and Box 3 are
navigation purposes only,
do not include in the
Home Menu Pause Play Back Submit
Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 7 of 40
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Retry: back to M1SCR6
Next : advance to M1SCR9
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Quit: Ends program
Help: advance to M1SCR31

Narration Script: Remember the process of communication includes two individuals. Please review the question and try again

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Remember the process of communication includes two individuals. Please review
the question and try again centered on the screen. Font Arial 16.
Retry Pause Play
Home Menu
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Knowledge Check Feedback (Incorrect) Screen
For the question, Communication is defined as, You selected,

Process by which information is exchanged by an individual
through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

Remember the process of communication includes two
individuals. Please review the question and try again.
Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 7 of 40
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Retry: back to M1SCR6
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program

Narration Script: Remember the process of communication includes two individuals. Please review the question and try again

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Remember the process of communication includes two individuals. Please review
the question and try again centered on the screen. Font Arial 16.
Retry Pause Play
Home Menu
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Knowledge Check Feedback (Incorrect) Screen
For the question, Communication is defined as, You selected,

Process by which information is exchanged between
individuals by behavior.

Behavior could be considered a form of communication, but it
may not be a true indicator of whether the exchange of
information has occurred. Please review the question and try
Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 8 of 40
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Next : advance to M1SCR10
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Quit: end program
Help: advance to M1SCR31

Narration Script:

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Feedback centered on the screen. Font Arial 18.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Knowledge Check Feedback (Correct) Screen
Pause Play Next
For the question, Communication is defined as, You

Process by which information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or
behavior. That is the correct response.
Home Menu Quit Help
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 9 of 40
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Submit clicked, Advance to
M1SCR11 If answer from top
to bottom is: F-E-C-D-B-A .

Submit clicked, advance to
M1SCR 10, If answer is not
top to bottom F-E-C-D-B-A.
Help: Advance to M1SCR31

Narration Script: Match the Communication elements to their definitions.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Match the Communication elements to their definitions centered on the screen.
Font Arial 18. Elements should be bullet listed (letters), left side of screen centered
below Communication. Font Arial 16. Definitions should be centered with check
boxes below. Distracters should be right of the check boxes. Font Arial 16
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Knowledge Check (Communication Elements) screen Design check boxes and
place to the right of the
right of the distracters. The
correct answer sequence
from top to bottom is F-E-
Match the Communication element to its definition:

A. Feedback
B. Decoder
C. Message
D. Receiver
E. Encoder
F. Sender
Source decides upon the method (verbal or non-
Receiver translate the message into
information that is meaningful
Verbal/Non-Verbal response information,
generated in a constructive manner as to how
their behavior is affecting or influencing you.
Elements Definitions
Pause Play Submit Home Menu Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 10 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Retry : back to M1SCR9
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program

Narration Script: Remember that the communication process follows a certain pattern . Review the tutorial screen that covers
this process.

You did not correctly match the elements to the definitions.
Remember that the communication process follows a certain
pattern . Review the tutorial screen that covers this process.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Remember that the communication process follows a certain pattern . Review the tutorial screen
that covers this process.. Font Arial 18.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Knowledge Check Feedback (Communication Elements Incorrect) screen Design check boxes and
place to the right of the
Pause Play Retry Home Menu Quit Help
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 11 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR12
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program

Narration Script: Thats correct. The elements of the communication process are Sender - source; Encoder - source decides upon the
method (verbal or non-verbal); Message - transmission; Receiver destination; Decode receiver translates the message into
information that is meaningful; Feedback is the verbal or nonverbal response information generated in a constructive manner as to how
their behavior is affecting or influencing you.

Thats correct:

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer Thats correct centered on the screen. Font Arial 18. Elements should be bullet listed (letters),
left side of screen centered below Thats correct. Font Arial 1. Place definitions to the right of
the check boxes, Font Arial 14.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Knowledge Check Feedback (Communication Elements Correct) screen Design check boxes and
place to the right of the
Next Pause Play
Home Menu
A. Feedback
B. Decoder
C. Message
D. Receiver
E. Encoder
F. Sender
Source decides upon the method (verbal or non-
Receiver translate the message into
information that is meaningful
Verbal/Non-Verbal response information,
generated in a constructive manner as to how
their behavior is affecting or influencing you.
Quit Help
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 12 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
Source Graphic:
Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR13
Back: back to M1SCR9
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: Advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program
Narration Script: styles are how you talk about something. Different styles result from different intentions. However, the different ways
we communicate are not universal and can cause a number of problems in a diverse organization

a)Friendly or sociable passes time and fills social voids
b)Directive, persuasive, demanding, evaluative, blaming - based on closed assumptions and interpretations
c)Speculative, intuitive, searching, reflecting, exploring, or intellectual Demonstrates willingness to examine, explore, and understand
self or other awareness
d)Disclosing, revealing, explicit, responsive, accepting, and aware expresses an intent to pursue an issue openly and directly

TRANSITION: As you can see in the different styles, they have can have a dramatic change on your message. Effective communication
involves matching your intention with your style.

Styles of Communication
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Styles of Communication centered on the screen. Font Arial 28.
Styles should be bullet listed, left side of screen centered below
Communication. Font Arial 18
Friendly, sociable
Directive, persuasive, demanding, blaming
Speculative, initiative, searching, exploring or
Disclosing, revealing, explicit, responsive, and aware
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Styles of Communication screen

Next Pause Play Back Home Menu Summary Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 13 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
1)Talk Graph
Source Graphic:

Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR14
Back: back to M1SCR12
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: Advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program
Narration Script:
Note that only 7 to 11% of all communication is verbal, and the rest is nonverbal.
Nonverbal communication may not always match a verbal message.
Differences in how messages are perceived can lead to confusion.

Types of Communication
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Types of Communication left side of the screen. Font Arial 28.
Communication types should be bullet listed, left side of screen below
Types of Communication. Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Types of Communication screen

Next Pause Play Back Home Menu Summary
Communication can be either:
Verbal: Spoken words
The way we stand and sit
Facial expressions
Eye contact
Gestures (smiling, leaning forward,
Verbal/Nonverbal graphic
should be top right of
screen. Monkeys should be
bottom centered above
navigation buttons.
Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 14 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
Source Graphic:
Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR15
Back: back to M1SCR13
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: ends program
Narration Script: Understanding that barriers can exist is why we need to pay attention to what the sender is transmitting in their
message. In order to decode the message, its important that we listen attentively. Effective and active listening will play a major role
in your inspection/investigation process. Effective listening is listening to the words of the speaker and the meaning of the words.
Active Listening - is a process in which the listener takes active responsibility to understand the content and feeling of what is being
said and then checks with the speaker to see if he/she heard what the speaker intended to communicate.

Transition: The average person listens with only 22-24% effectiveness, but listening amounts to 45% of the communication process.
Listening plays a crucial part in giving and receiving feedback.

Effective and Active Listening
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Effective and Active Listening centered on the screen. Font Arial
40. Information should be bullet listed, left side of screen centered
below Effective and Active Listening. Font Arial 28
Effective Listening word meaning

Active Listening content/feeling
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Effective and Active Listening Screen

Next Pause Play Back Home Menu Summary Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 15 of 40
Final Graphic Name: Effective Listener
Source Graphic:

Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR16
Back: back to M1SCR14
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: advance to MSCR31
Quit: Ends program
Narration Script: The concept for effective and active listening is comprised of 4 elements. These elements are:

a.Content. The subject the speaker is addressing. The words and the meaning of the words. Use words that are not complicated and are easy to
understand by the others.
b.Feelings. The emotions the speaker has when discussing the subject. Is it informative, funny, and sincere, etc.? What is the underlying message
from the speaker?
c. Process. The manner the speaker delivers the subject matter. This can be oral, written, symbolic, nonverbal, or a combination. Are the oral,
written, nonverbal and symbolic gestures congruent? Does the speaker affirm or negate the message.
d. Clarification. The ability of the individual listening to ask questions and to seek understanding of the subject matter. Clarify any questions which
are raised in your mind. Did you understand and comprehend the text?

Elements of Effective and Active Listening
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Elements of Effective and Active Listening centered on the screen.
Font Arial 40. Information should be bullet listed, left side of screen
below Elements of Effective and Active Listening. Font Arial 28
Content Subject being addressed
Feelings Emotion displayed when discussing the subject
Process-The manner the speaker delivers the subject matter
Clarification-Questions asked to seek understanding

Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Elements Effective and Active Listening Screen

Next Pause Play Back
Listening man should be
centered on screen below
text above navigation
Home Menu Summary Quit Help
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 16 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
Source Graphic:

Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR17
Back: back to M1SCR15
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: advance M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program

Narration Script: Effective feedback is defined as a verbal or nonverbal communication to a person or group providing information as to
how their behavior is affecting or influencing you (giving feedback). It may also be a reaction by others as to how your behavior is
affecting or influencing them (receiving feedback)

Effective Feedback
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Effective Feedback centered on the screen. Font Arial 40.
Definition is centered below Effective Feedback. Font Arial 24
Verbal or nonverbal communication to a person
or group providing information as to how their
behavior is affecting or influencing you.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Effective Feedback Screen

Image of referee standing
between two boxers placed
on the right side of the
Next Pause Play Back Home Menu Summary Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 17 of 40
Final Graphic Name:
Source Graphic:

Alt Tag
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR18
Back: back to M1SCR16
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR2
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program

Narration Script: There are various reasons for giving and receiving feedback. Some of the more common ones are:

a. Achieve personal growth. Increases our awareness of ourselves and consequences of our behavior.

b. Provider finds out about self. Specific behavior and know how it makes you feel.

c. Receiver gains insight. Helps the person realize or figure out about others behavior and how it affects others.

d. Create an open environment for effective operational and interpersonal communications. Open environment for a healthy atmosphere.
Note that feedback can be positive or critical, but the sole purpose is to improve performance, not punish poor performance

Reasons for Giving and Receiving Feedback
Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Reasons for Giving and Receiving Feedback centered on the
screen. Font Arial 24. Information is bullet listed, left side of
screen below Giving and Receiving Feedback. Font Arial 24
Personal growth
Find out about self
Gain insight
Open environment
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Reasons for Giving and Receiving Feedback Screen
Next Pause Play Back Home Menu Summary Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 18 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Design fill in the blank text
Boxes. The correct
answers are 1) words and
2) feeling
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Submit : If 1.) is words and 2.)
is feeling , Submit clicked
advance to M1SCR20.

Submit: If 1.) is not words and
2.) is not feeling , Submit
clicked advance to M1SCR19

Back: back to M1SCR17
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Help: advance to M1SCR31

Narration Script: Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct response.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Directions centered on the screen. Font Arial 32.
Questions centered on the screen, Arial Font 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Knowledge Check (Effective and Active Listening) screen
1.) Effective listening is listening to _________ of the

2.) Active is a process in which the listener takes active
responsibility to understand the content and _______ of
whats being said.
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct response.
Pause Play
Home Menu
Back Submit
Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 20 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Retry : back to M1SCR18
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program

Narration Script: Remember Effective and Active listening revolves around the attention that is paid to what is being said.
Review the question and try again.

Your fill in the blanks choices were not correct. Remember
Effective and Active listening revolves around the attention
that is paid to what is being said. Review the question and try

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Remember Effective and Active listening revolves around the attention that is paid to what is
being said. Review the question and try again. Font Arial 18.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Knowledge Check Feedback (Effective and Active Listening) screen
Pause Play Retry
Home Menu Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 19 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Next : advance to M1SCR21
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: Ends program

Narration Script: Thats correct. Effective listening is listening to the words of the speaker. Active listening is the process in which the
listener take active responsibility to understand the content and feeling of whats being said.

Thats correct:

1)Effective listening is listening to the words of the speaker.

2)Active listening is the process in which the listener takes
active responsibility to understand the content and feeling
of whats being said.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
Thats correct centered on the screen. Font Arial 18.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Knowledge Check Feedback (Effective and Active Listening) screen Design check boxes and
place to the right of the
Pause Play Next
Home Menu Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 21 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Design hyperlinked navigation
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
1) Add hyperlink to Communication to
send users to M1SCR4
1) Add hyperlink to Elements of the
Communication Process to send
users to M1SCR5
2) Add hyperlink to Styles of
Communication to send users to
3) Add hyperlink to Communication
Types to send users to M1scr10
4) Add hyperlink to Effective and Active
Listening to send users to M1SCR12
5) Add hyperlink to Effective Feedback
to send users to M1SCR13
6) Add hyperlink to Scenario 1 to send
users to M1SCR22
7) Add hyperlink to Scenario 2 to send
users to M1SCR26
8) Add hyperlink to Quiz to send users
to M1SCR33

Back: back to M1SCR18
Pause: pauses the program
Play: resume playing the program
Menu: advance to M1SCR3
Home: back to M1SCR1
Summary: advance to M1SCR21
Help: advance to M1SCR31
Quit: End program

Narration Script: You have completed the following topics: Communication, Elements of the
Communication Process, Styles of Communication, Effective and Active Listening, and Effective
feedback. If you would like to review any of these topics, select it from the above list.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
You have completed the following topics centered on the screen. Font Arial 20. Items
are bullet listed, left justified Font Arial 18.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Summary screen
You have completed the following topics:

Elements of the Communication Process
Styles of Communication
Types of Communication
Effective and Active Listening
Elements of Active and Effective Listening
Effective Feedback
Reasons for Giving and Receiving Feedback

If you would like to review any of these topics, select it from
the above list.
Home Menu
Pause Play Back
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 22 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add figure with the magnifying
glass to the right side of the

Design 3 hyperlink text Boxes.
Do not include Box 1, Box 2, or
Box 3 in the design. Add
hyperlinks to the boxes.

Add a textbox with the world
Help and add a hyperlink.

Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Do not include Box 1, Box 2, or
Box 3 in the design. There for
use to design the hyperlinks.

Box 1: send users to M1SCR 23
Box 2: Send users to M1SCR 24
Box 3: Send users to M1SCR 25
Help: send user to M1SCR 32
Quit: Ends program
Back: send users to M1SCR21
Narration Script: You have to investigate a case related to missing funds. Most of the individuals involved in the
process have been know to be less than trustworthy. What would be the best approach to gathering information?

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 20.
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 1 Slide 1 screen

Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

You have to investigate a case related to missing funds.
Most of the individuals involved in the process have
been know to be less than trustworthy. What would be
the best approach to gathering information.

Review the
a phone
Conduct a
Box 1 Box 2 Box 3
Help Quit Back
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 23 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add a Back Arrow and a
House icon hyperlink for
screen navigation
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Back Arrow: navigates back to
M1SCR 22

House : navigates to M1SCR21

Help: advance to M1SCR32
Narration Script: Reading statements or emails regarding the case will only give you limited
information. Its hard to determine if the individual is being truthful if you cant see him.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 1 Slide 2 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Reading statements or emails regarding the
case will only give you limited information.
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 24 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add a Back Arrow and a
House icon hyperlink for
screen navigation
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Back Arrow: navigates back to
M1SCR 22

House : navigates to M1SCR21

Help: advance to M1SCR32
Narration Script: Talking to the individual may not get the best results. Remember, these individuals have been
known to be untrustworthy

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 1 Slide 3 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Talking to the individual may not get the best
results. Remember, these individuals have
been known to be untrustworthy
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 25 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add a Back Arrow and a
House icon hyperlink for
screen navigation
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Forward Arrow: navigates to
M1SCR 26

House : navigates to M1SCR21
Narration Script:. Good Choice! Supplement your interview techniques with observation skills. Take note of their
non-verbal communication. Facial expressions, body language, and eye contact are just a few or many forms of
non-verbal communication

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 1 Slide 4 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Good Choice! Supplement your interview
techniques with observation skills. Take note
of their non-verbal communication. Facial
expressions, body language, and eye contact
are just a few or many forms of non-verbal
Course Name: Module 1 Screen: 26 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Narration Script: Working as an Inspector/Investigator you are often required to communicate
with diverse organizations. Your communication often dictates your success or failure in
accomplishing your mission. You have just been tasked with conducting an inspection of the
Finance department. They are very apprehensive. What communication style would you utilize
to put them at ease?

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 2 Slide 1 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Graphic: http://i298.photob

Working as an Inspector/Investigator you are often required to
communicate with diverse organizations. Your communication often
dictates your success or failure in accomplishing your mission. You have
just been tasked with conducting an inspection of the Finance
department. They are very apprehensive. What communication style
would you utilize to put them at ease?

Add Communication graphic
to the right of the screen.

Do not include Box 1, Box
2, or Box 3 in the text box
design. They are reference for
navigation directions. . Add
hyperlinks to the boxes.

Friendly Demanding Disclosing
Box 1 Box 2 Box 3

Box 1: send users to
M1SCR 27
Box 2: Send users to
M1SCR 28
Box 3: Send users to
M1SCR 29
Help: send users to
M1SCR 32
Quit: Ends program

Help Quit
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 27 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add a Back Arrow and a
House icon hyperlink for
screen navigation
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Back Arrow: navigates back to
M1SCR 26

House : navigates to M1SCR21

Help: advance to M1SCR32
Narration Script: Remember, you are required to conduct a thorough inspection. Although you want to relieve
anxiety, you do not want to discount the importance of the inspection utilizing this communication style

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 2 Slide 2 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Remember, you are required to conduct a
thorough inspection. Although you want to
relieve anxiety, you do not want to discount
the importance of the inspection utilizing this
communication style.
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 28 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add a Back Arrow and a
House icon hyperlink for
screen navigation
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Back Arrow: navigates back to
M1SCR 26

House : navigates to M1SCR21

Help: advance to M1SCR32
Narration Script: This communication style will increase their apprehension and fears. The interaction should
encourage cooperation.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 2 Slide 3 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

This communication style will increase their
apprehension and fears. The interaction
should encourage cooperation.

Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 29 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add a Back Arrow and a
House icon hyperlink for
screen navigation
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

House : navigates to M1SCR21
Narration Script: Good Choice! This communication style should ease apprehension and encourage more
cooperation from the Finance office. You are conveying that there are no hidden agendas and you there to help

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 24
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario 2 Slide 4 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Good Choice! This communication style
should ease apprehension and encourage
more cooperation from the Finance office.
You are conveying that there are no hidden
agendas and you there to help.

Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 30 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Add the following to this screen:

1) Back Arrow
2) Forward Arrow
3) Home icon
4) 7 text boxes. Add one word
per text box: Next,
Pause, Play, Menu, Quit,

Add the word Quit to bottom
right corner of the screen and
hyperlink it.
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Narration Script: The buttons that you see at the bottom of your screen are navigation buttons. On some
screens you will see objects such as arrows and house icons. You will utilize these buttons and icons to help
you move throughout the course. The buttons will provide the indicated action. The icons will perform the
navigation indicated.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Help screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Quit: back to M1SCR1
Next Pause Play Quit Menu Help
The buttons that you see at the bottom of your screen are
navigation buttons. On some screens you will see objects
such as arrows and house icons. You will utilize these
buttons and icons to help you move throughout the course.
The buttons will provide the indicated action. The icons will
perform the navigation indicated.
Clicking this button will take you back to the first screen in the series
Clicking this button will take you forward one screen
Clicking this button will take you back one screen
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 31 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script: Select the best answered from the choices provided.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario Help screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Quit: back to M1SCR22
Select the best answer from the choices provided.

Add the word Quit to bottom
right corner of the screen and
hyperlink it.
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 32 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer

Add the word Quit to bottom
right corner of the screen and
hyperlink it.
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations

Narration Script: Select the best answered from the choices provided.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Scenario Help screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

Quit: back to M1SCR26
Select the best answer from the choices provided.
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 33 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script: Select the best answered from the choices provided.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Quiz Part 1 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

1) From the choices provided, selected the correct answer: (There is only one correct

Communication is defined as:

______ Process by which information is exchanged by an individual through a common
system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

______ Process by which information is exchanged between individuals by behavior

______ Process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common
system of symbols, signs, or behavior

2) What are the primary types of communication, select from the list below. (More than one
answer is correct)

______ Sociable
______ Verbal
______ Demanding
______ Nonverbal
______ Blaming

Add text box navigation
Next: advance to M1SCR34
Back: back to M1SCR21
Pause: pauses program
Play: resumes program

Next Pause Play Back
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 34 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script: Select the best answered from the choices provided.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Quiz Part 2 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

3) Match the Communications Elements to their corresponding definitions: (There is only one
Element per Definition)

Elements Definitions

a) Feedback Source
b) Decoder Source decides upon the method (verbal or nonverbal)
c) Message Transmission
d) Receiver Destination
e) Encoder Receiver translate the message into information that is
f) Sender Verbal or Nonverbal response information, generated in a
constructive manner as to how their behavior is affecting or
influencing you

4) Understanding that barriers can exist is why we need to pay attention to what the sender is
transmitting in their message. It is important to listen effectively and actively. Complete the following
statements: (Only one word per sentence)

1.) Effective listening is listening to _________ of the speaker.

2.) Active is a process in which the listener takes active responsibility to understand the
content and _______ of whats being said.

Next: advance to
Back: back to M1SCR33
Pause: pauses program
Play: resumes program

Next Pause Play Back
Add text box navigation
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 35 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script: Select the best answered from the choices provided.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Quiz Part 3 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

5) What are the primary types of communication, select from the list below. (More than one
answer is correct)
______ Sociable
_______ Verbal
_______ Nonverbal

6) Understand the styles of communication are crucial to ensuring the correct intent for your
message is understood. Match the communication style with its intent. (There is only one intent
per style)

Style Intent

a) Friendly ____ Usually an attempt to force change
b) Directive ____ Not intended to change anything
c) Speculative ____ Expresses an intention to pursue an issue openly.

d) Disclosing ____Willingness to understand self

Next Pause Play Back
Add text box navigation
Next: advance to M1SCR40
Back: back to M1SCR34
Pause: pauses program
Play: resumes program

Module 1 Screen: 40 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Course Name: Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script: Select the best answered from the choices provided.

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Quiz Part 4 screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

7) There are several elements associated with effective and active listening. From the list
below, match the element to its corresponding definition. (There is only one correction
definition per element

Element Definition
a) Content ____ Subject being addressed
b) Feelings ____ Emotions displayed when discussing the subject.
c) Process ____The manner the speaker delivers the subject matter.
d) Clarification ____Questions asked to seek understanding

8) Please identify whether the statement below regarding feedback is True or False by
placing a T or F in the blank.

_____ Effective Feedback is defined as a verbal communication to a
person or group providing information as to how their behavior is affecting or
influencing you

9) From the list below, place a check mark next to the reasons for giving and receiving

_____Voice your concerns
_____Personal growth
_____To make a valid point
_____Gain insight
_____Find out about self

Add text box navigation
Pause Play Back

Back: back to M1SCR35
Pause: pauses program
Play: resumes program

Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 37 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script:

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Process Quiz Answer Screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

1) Communication is defined as:

Process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of
symbols, signs, or behavior

2) What are the primary types of communication, select from the list below.


3) Match the Communications Elements to their corresponding definitions: (There is only one
Element per Definition)

Elements Definitions

a) Feedback F Source
b) Decoder E Source decides upon the method (verbal or nonverbal)
c) Message C Transmission
d) Receiver D Destination
e) Encoder B Receiver translate the message into information that is meaningful
f) Sender A Verbal or Nonverbal response information, generated in a
constructive manner as to how their behavior is affecting or
influencing you

Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 38 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script:

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Process Quiz Answer Screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

4) a.) Effective listening is listening to words of the speaker.

b.) Active is a process in which the listener takes active responsibility to understand the
content and feeling of whats being said.

5) What are the primary types of communication, select from the list below. (More than one
answer is correct)


6) Understand the styles of communication are crucial to ensuring the correct intent for your
message is understood. Match the communication style with its intent. (There is only one
intent per style)

Style Intent

a) Friendly B Usually an attempt to force change
b) Directive A Not intended to change anything
c) Speculative D Expresses an intention to pursue an issue openly.
d) Disclosing C Willingness to understand self
Course Name:
Module 1 Screen: 40 of 40
Directions Graphics Designer
Impartial and Non-Biased Inspections and Investigations
Narration Script:

Navigation Instructions
Directions to Developer
All text should be Font Arial 18
Lesson Name: Communication Process
Navigation Menu Title: Communication Process Quiz Answer Screen
Final Graphic Name:

Source Graphic:

7) There are several elements associated with effective and active listening. From the list
below, match the element to its corresponding definition. (There is only one correction
definition per element

Element Definition

a) Clarification D Subject being addressed
b) Feelings B Emotions displayed when discussing the subject.
c) Process C The manner the speaker delivers the subject matter.
d) Content A Questions asked to seek understanding

8) Identify whether the statement below regarding feedback is True or False by
placing a T or F in the blank.

T Effective Feedback is defined as a verbal communication to a person or group
providing information as to how their behavior is affecting or influencing you

9) From the list below, place a check mark next to the reasons for giving and receiving

_____Personal growth
_____Gain insight
_____Find out about self

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