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Oracle Access Management Access Manager (Access Manager) provides the core funct

ionality of Web Single Sign On (SSO), authentication, authorization, centralized

policy administration and agent management, real-time session management and au
Oracle Adaptive Access Manager 11g safeguards vital online business applications
with strong yet easily deployed risk-based authentication, anti-phishing, and a
nti-malware capabilities.
This integration scenario enables you to control access to resources with Access
Manager and provide strong multi-factor authentication and advanced real time f
raud prevention with Oracle Adaptive Access Manager. Advanced login security inc
ludes the virtual authentication devices, device fingerprinting, real-time risk
analysis, and risk-based challenge.
You can integrate Access Manager and Oracle Adaptive Access Manager in one of tw
o ways:
OAAM Basic integration with Access Manager
OAAM Advanced integration with Access Manager
OAAM Basic integration with Access Manager, which is a native integration, requi
res the OAM Server and OAAM Admin Server in the Identity Management Middleware W
ebLogic Server Domain and a functional OAAM database. The OAAM Admin Server is u
sed by Access Manager Administrators to import and export policies, create new p
olicies, view sessions, and configure Oracle Adaptive Access Manager functionali
ty. When policies are imported, exported, or configured, the changes are saved t
o the OAAM database.
The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager libraries are bundled with the OAM server. Ac
cess Manager is integrated with Oracle Adaptive Access Manager through the exten
sion libraries and uses them directly. The rules engine and the runtime function
ality of Oracle Adaptive Access Manager are provided using these libraries. When
a user enters the registration flow, Access Manager shows the user the virtual
authentication devices and runs the pre-authentication policies by using the OAA
M libraries to make API calls. The OAAM libraries internally make JDBC calls to
save the data related to the user to the OAAM database. The OAAM Server is not n
eeded in this deployment since the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager runtime functi
onalities are available through the libraries. Knowledge-based Authentication (K
BA) is the only challenge mechanism available in this integration.

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