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HNU Amateur Radio

Team (H.A.R.T.)
Introduction and Briefing
It is a hobby with activities such as:
Talking around the word
Emergency Communications
Public Service Communications
And much, much more
What is HAM Radio?
is a team of students who:
Have interest and the sense of volunteerism for
community service.
Guide and assist in HNU activities and beyond.
Help arrest disorder in the community with
Offers assistance to the public during
emergencies and calamities.
What is H.A.R.T.
Communication Operations
Earthquake Drill
HNU Days
CSO Outreach Caravan
Antenna Making and Fox hunting (tentative)
Dxing Contests
HAM Ethics and Procedure Orientation and other
Year-End Evaluation
Fill up the form
Submit Registration fee
How to apply
HNU Acquaintance Party
From the HART and CHARL
73s and Goodluck

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