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Standard 5.

2 Professional Learning

Candidates develop and implement technology-based professional learning that aligns to state and
national professional learning standards, integrates technology to support face-to-face and online
components, models principles of adult learning, and promotes best practices in teaching, learning,
and assessment.

The artifact that reflects mastery of standard 5.2 professional learning is the coaching journal created for
the ITEC 7460 one hour technology workshop. The coaching journal reflects the planning, notes,
documentation of issues, and suggestions for future coaching needs. The one hour workshop was
developed to facilitate needed training for the Promethean Boards that had been installed school wide.
Teachers expressed a need for professional development opportunities that would provide resources and
tools to enhance learning opportunities for students.

Administration approved the one-hour workshop for one team leader from each grade level
Kindergarten through fifth grade. They were to function as support for their teammates. The workshop
was a success and feedback from the team leaders was positive. The use of guided instruction to model
new technologies was implemented first, and then guided practice time was the facilitation model. The
coaching journal reflects the engagement level of the participants, questions and issues that were raised,
and areas of future training needs that were desired. The increased usage of technology in the classroom
would be a way to assess the impact of the information received at through the technology workshop.
Collaborative resources were discussed and a link to software programs, games, and web quests was put
on the teacher shared drive for easy access to resources for all participants.

Impact for the school from the one hour technology workshop is the increased knowledge base of the
teachers using the Promethean Boards, document camera, and ActiVote devices that were installed to
increase student achievement.

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