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God's Government On Earth

Psalm 22:26-28 (Verse 28, Governor of his Government)

Psalm 37:8- (Verses !, , "inherit#$ "driver o%t# those there &efore)
Psalm 67 (Verse ', God (overns his Government)
)saiah 2:-'
)saiah !:6-7
)saiah :-*
+eremiah 3,:-! (Verse 3, +%dah and )srael %nited)
+eremiah 3:3-3'
E-e.iel 3':2,-2'
E-e.iel 37:*-28 (Verse 26, /ontra0t of 1ea0e)
E-e.iel '6:!-
2aniel 2:''
2aniel 7:!-8, 22, 27-28
3mos !:3-*
4i0ah ':-3
5e1haniah 3:8-!
5e0hariah 8:8-23
5e0hariah ':'-7, 6-! (Verses 6-!, 6orld7ide 8a&erna0les)
4atthe7 *:*
4atthe7 6:*-,
4atthe7 7:-! (Verses 2-3, a f%t%re loo. at the Government of God)
4atthe7 !:27-28 (Verse 28, "re(eneration#$ "s1irit%al re&irth#)
4atthe7 2,:2,-23
4ar. ':22-2*
9%.e :26-32
9%.e 3:22-2!
9%.e !:-!
9%.e 22:'-8
9%.e 22:2'-3,
+ohn 8:36-37 (Verse 36, fi(ht 7as a(ainst the +e7s, not :ome)
/orinthians 2:8-2,, 28 (Verses 8, 28, ";et#$ hori-ontal 1ost%re, not verti0al,
or %1 and do7n< 8his tells %s that God's /h%r0h is not a hierar0h=)
>e&re7 2:*-, (Verse ,, "0a1tain#$ "0hief leader,# "1rin0e#)
:evelation :-6 (Verse *, "sins#$ 8orah &
:evelation 2:26-2!
:evelation *:-, (Verse ,, rei(n on Earth not in heaven)
:evelation :*-8
:evelation 7:'
:evelation !:-6
:evelation 2,:'-6
:evelation 2?3n e@tension of God's Government (Verses -2, see 2 Peter 3:,-
3, Verse 6, 1ossi&le e@1lanations: 2,6',,,,, =ards< Ea0h side and hei(ht,
7,!2,,,,, feet, or *,, miles< ;o ea0h side and hei(ht is 3,, miles< 8his is the
e@1lanation from the site htt1:AA777<dis0overrevelation<0omA:evB2<html: "'2:6
3nd the 0it= lieth fo%rsC%are, and the len(th is as lar(e as the &readth: and he
meas%red the 0it= 7ith the reed, t7elve tho%sand f%rlon(s< 8he len(th and the
&readth and the hei(ht of it are eC%al<'
"8he 0it= lies fo%rsC%are< 8he si-e of this 0it= indi0ates that ea0h &order is
a11ro@imatel= fifteen h%ndred miles lon(< 8h%s the dimensions of the 0it= 7o%ld
&e eC%al to the area from the eastern sea&oard of the Dnited ;tates to /olorado on
one side and from the /anadian &order to the so%thern ti1 of Elorida on the other<
)n addition to the len(th and &readth, the 0it= 7ill &e fifteen h%ndred miles hi(h<
8his (reat si-e 7ill afford s%ffi0ient s1a0e for the ha&itation of the saints from all
a(es of histor=<#
Verse 7, 72 =ards lon()
3&sol%tes for God's Government:
) 9a7, 8orah?+eremiah 3:3-3'
2) ;%&Fe0ts?5e0hariah ':6-!
3) 2omain?)saiah :!
') 3dministrators?2aniel 7:8, 22, 27

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