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The City College tour

Part I
A. Answer the fallowing questions

1. Would you like to take a City College tour?
2. Where would you like to go first?

Part II
A. Listen to a report about the tour of City College.
B. Answer the following True/False questions.

1. In the students services center the new students can get information about college?
( ) True
( ) False

2. Is the library next to the students center services?
( ) True
( ) False

3. Is the books store in front of the cafeteria?
( ) True
( ) False

4. Is the art center next to the coffee shop?
( ) True
( ) False

5. In the Physical Science building can you find anthropology and sociality classes?
( ) True
( ) False

6. In the Life Science building can you find biology and food science?
( ) True
( ) False
Part III
A. Listen to a report about the tour of City College.
B. Fill in the blanks with the requested information.

1. In the ______________________________ you can find information about the college.
2. The art center is located ________________________________.
3. The anthropology classes will be giving at _________________________.
4. Quite place to sit and meditate _____________________________.
5. In the ____________________________ students learn to repair cars.
6. In the ____________________________ students give concerts every month.

Part IV
A. Listen to a report about the tour of City College.
B. Fill in the blanks with the requested information.

Classes in the Social Science building


Classes in the Physical Science building

Music building Concert every ______________

Classes in the Humanities building


PI building

Things you can do in the college garden

Part V
A. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do you think a tour city college is necessary?
2. Do you consider that a city college tour should have a specific route?

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