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The Importance of Arts in our lives

1. Read the following article about the relevance of the Arts in the life of
ordinary people. Do you agree with the ideas?
It is usual human nature to admire beauty around us, such as
we are often awe-struck when we see a painting, or read a
beautiful poem, or listen to soothing music! We commonly
associate art in terms of a painting or a sculpture we see in a
museum or an art gallery, nonetheless, art is everywhere
around us in many forms and holds a signifcant value in our
It is di!cult to describe art in literal terms, but broadly it is understood to be a form to
e"press one#s feelings through any ob$ect or medium like paper, music, colours, technology,
magic, photography etc It could be abstract, realistic, naturalistic, conceptual, and
inspirational It is agreeable that we are surrounded by Art and also rely on it in our daily
routine When we enter someone#s home, it is di!cult to stop ourselves from appreciating
the way the living room is decorated When you make people en$oy, laugh, cry, and angry
by your performance, that is the art of entertaining There are a lot of people who work or
study or e"ercise with music on or the television on
%ow-a-days Art and &raft 'ducation are encouraged at schools for children as it provides a
platform for the young ones to e"press and e"plore their imagination (esearch and
)tatistics confrm that this education helps resolve a lot of problems and enhances critical
thinking skills %ot all children are academically good, hence encouraging them to discover
the artist in themselves might help them grow in life and e"cel in many other felds It could
be very inspirational as well* there are a lot of people who put up positive posters at work
and home to bring the best out of them 'ven if it is agreed that artists are born with such
instincts, it is never too late to e"plore a hidden talent within you!
2. Look at some works of art and describe them with the following adectives.
!. Listen to some people raving and ranting. "hen look at the works of art and
use the ideas in the chart to share your opinion of them.

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