Creation of Tables in Oracle 10g

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Creation of tables in oracle 10g

1. Start-> oracle 10g->go to database home page

2. Login
Username: system
Password: oracle
3.go to administration->database sers->create ser
3. !nter new sername n password" to create yor pro#ect database$ and clic%
on create.
&. Logot.
'. (ow login with the new sername and password
). *o to ob#ect browser-> create ->table
+. !,ample creating table: in-o"id "primary %ey$. name$
Step 1:
!nter table name
/dd colmns re0ired. Select the proper data type"-or eg. 1d is a nmber so
datatype selected is (U23!4. name is a string hence data type selected is
5/467/42 "&000 is nmber o- characters$$
(ot nll is chec%ed -or primary %ey as the 8ale o- a primary %ey is necessary
and it cannot be empty. 1- the 8ale is neccessay -or a particlar colmn.(ot
(ll is chec%ed.
9nce all the colmns are added clic% on ne,t.
Step 2: Primary %ey
Select not poplated primary %ey
Select the primary %ey -or the table by clic%ing the dropdown ."-or eg. :able in-o;s
primary %ey is 1<$
6lic% ne,t.
Step 3:
6lic% ne,t
6lic% ne,t
6lic% =nish
Step &:
6lic% create.
:able in-o is created .
Similarly create all other tables in the same database -or yor pro#ect "repeat ) and
+ $.
>. Log ot.

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