Salary Certificate

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: MFNC/2014/22

To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that Mr. Md Shamim Reza has been working in Mother Food & Nutrition
Company since January 10, 2012 to ti !ate" #e is a $er%anent e%$oyee of the co%$any"
Currenty he is working in our Co%$any &s Assistant Manager ' Nutritionist) " (aary
)ay%ent through Cash *e$osit +ank &sia ,t!"
#is saary structure $er %onth is as foows:
ross Sa!ary " #$T %&'()).))
+asic :+*T 1-,.00"00
#ouse /ent :+*T .,.00"00
Con0eyance &owance :+*T 2,000"00
Me!ica &owance :+*T 1,.00"00
1ntertain%ent &owance :+*T 1,000"00
Tota! "#$T %&'()).))
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Ta/e0home sa!ary :#$T %%'))).))
'In 1ords" Ta/a T1enty T1o Thousand on!y)
2 Certify that the abo0e infor%ation is authentic to the best of %y knowe!ge"

Md. Rakibul Hasan

Managing Director
Mother Foo! 3 Nutrition Co%$any
Ce: 01140452541

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