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Information regarding Special Training

Inbox x
District Project Office 3:23 PM (0
minutes ago)
to amdangaclrc, ashokenagarclrc, Baduria, Baduria, Baduria, bagdah, Bagdah,
Banipur, Baranagar, Barasat, Barasat, barrackporeclrc, Basirhat, Basirhat, Basi
rhat, Basirhat, Berachampa, Bhatpara, Bongaon, Bongaon2, clrcbi!pur, "egan
ga, "um, "um, "um
$his is to in%orm &ou that enrollment o% out o% school children is completed, so total oosc
enrollment %or spl trng ' no o% spl trng centres are being increased due to (pecial enrollment
dri)e programme* Please send the current data in our old prescribed %ormat other +ise circle
le)el training +ill be dela&ed*In connection +ith this, distribute o% all special training books as per
re,uirement %rom &our stock, ne+ books +ill reach to &our end )er& shortl&*
iIgnore this message "umdum ' "umdum -orth but declaration letter must be sent that &our out
o% school children is 0

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