Acid Spellage

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7 Acid Spillage on the Outside of the Vessel Acid spillage can cause major damage to
unjacketed areas of a vessel due to hydrogen dispersion resulting in loss of the glass lining. 3.7.1
Precautions 1. Protect the exterior of the vessel 2. Try to minimie spillage 3. !mmediately neutralie
any spillage and thoroughly "ash the exterior "ith "ater 3.7.2 Protecting the #xterior of the $essel
1. The top head of a vessel can %e protected "ith a metallic shield especially if the top head is
insulated. !f it is not insulated& a suita%le coating such as inc rich epoxy or other chemical resistant
systems are availa%le. 2. 'e 'ietrich o(ers a drip ring arrangement located a%ove the jacket top
closure ring that can %e supplied on ne" or reglassed vessels. This drip ring does not allo" seepage
into the insulation "hen "ashing material a"ay from the vessel. !t also can %e used as the top ring
for insulation. 3. A procedure that is %ecoming more common is sheathing the vessel jacket area or
the entire vessel in car%on or stainless steel. 3.7.3 )inimiing *pills 1. Avoid spillage on the top head
"hile charging material to the vessel %y using removal charging chutes +ru%%er or PT,#-. 2.
Periodically check all .ange connections to avoid leakage. 3. /se the proper gaskets at all nole
connections. a./se the proper tor0ue for all %olting +clamps as "ell as %olts-. 1e sure all %olting is
properly lu%ricated and is %olted in the proper se0uence. 2. !f any spillage does occur immediately
neutralie and "ash o(.

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