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What is the ruling of the Ulama-e-Deen regarding the food cooked on the name of the deceased

Question: What is the ruling of the Ulama-e-Deen regarding the food cooked on the name of the deceased, which both the wealthy and destitute eat?
Who should eat this and who shouldnt? Peole also say that the food in the name of the deceased is for the musallees, be they rich or oor, we feed
them all! "s this allowed or not?
#he $nswer: #he food in the name of the deceased is secifically for the needy! #hat which is fed by gi%ing in%itations like other occasions, this is not
allowed! #he wealthy should not eat this! &'() * +,- .)/ 0+1234) 5678 / 29:;4) <=>4) *? +61

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