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What about the person who says I curse those who read Namaaz

Question: What is the ruling of the Ulama-e-iraam in the following case: ! person wal"ed in front of someone and said# $alaat has been announced
and the congregation is ready %for Namaaz& 'he person answered by saying# I curse those who read Namaaz When this scenario was presented
before a third person and people told him that these words are words of "ufr# the third person said that such statements do not cause the law of "ufr to
be applicable# e(en though the one that mentioned it is a sane adult) What is the law regarding the said person*
'he !nswer: +y ma"ing such a statement# the person %who cursed those who read Namaaz& has become a "aafir and his wife is out of his Ni"ah) !s
for the third person# he must read the alimah again and then ma"e Ni"ah to his wife after that) ,-./ 01234 5/6

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