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Is the prayer of such person valid who does not stand upright after Ruku

Question: What is the ruling of the Ulama-e-Deen regarding a person who does not fulfil the actions of Salaah correctly In other words he does not
stand upright after Ruku or he does not sit after one Sa!dah properly and then goes into the Sa!dah" #ut it is seen that after one Sa!dah he !ust picks
his head up from Sa!dah slightly $without sitting correctly% and then goes into the ne&t Sa!dah' Is the (amaa) of such a person done or not
*he +nswer: Such a (amaa) is close to not #eing fulfilled' *o repeat this (amaa) $correctly% is Waa!i# and to read in this way is sinful' It has #een
mentioned in the ,adith Shareef that if a person reads (amaa) in such a manner for si&ty years even" it will not #e accepted' It has #een mentioned
in another ,adith as follows" -We fear that if you die in this way" you will not die on the Deen of .uhammad $Sall +llaho +laihi wa Sallam%'/
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