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On the previous page, youll see for the first time ever Neils initial cover for The Game
designed before the book was even near completion. I often wonder if the book would
have had a different reception if this had been the cover.

The small and often uninformed decisions that an author and a publisher make determine
the future of a book. A different approach to the cover, the title, the design, the sequence,
the page count, or the content can create a completely different reading experience.

Often, Neil will spend a week trying to perfect a story or a chapter, only to discover that
either it doesnt actually help drive the story forward or it just doesnt work. If it doesnt,
then it must be removed, even if it means that a week of writing has just gone down the
drain. In the following pages, Ive included a few of those cut scenes and chapters from
Neils last two books: Rules Of The Game and The Game.

Enjoy these bonus tracks, and keep them to yourself. To quote Neil: Theres a reason
they werent in the books
The following chapter was removed from Rules Of The Game. While writing the book,
Neil was more interested in exploring relationships than seductions. This particular field
report seems to confirm simultaneously most mens fears about relationships and their
fantasies about being single.


I met Norah and her husband on the plane. She was in her late 30s, with long metallic
blonde hair, a dusting of freckles at the bridge of her nose, and out of proportion fake
breasts. He was in his early 40s, with unkempt dark hair, a black t-shirt with a stretched-
out neck, and a pile of miniature whiskey bottles on his tray table.
We saw this movie on the way here, he complained.
Why dont you just watch a DVD on your computer, she suggested.
My batteries are going to run out.
Just use mine, she said. I can do my work at home.
She owned a successful fashion line. He was an unemployed screenwriter. They
lived in Hollywood, and offered to give me a ride home.
I love L.A. on these warm summer afternoons, she chirped to her husband.
Lets take a hike later.
He switched on the radio.
I was impressed by her ability to remain unfazed by her husbands negativity. She
didnt appear to take a word of it personally. Instead, she seemed to accept their roles. It
was her job to brighten his mood and his job to try to extinguish hers.
Why do I bother? He changed stations. Theres no good radio in L.A.
They dropped me off at home, and I bid them goodbye. We pledged to go for
sushi sometime, but I knew we never would.

A week later, on a Thursday night, my doorbell rang. I padded to the door to find Norah
standing outside in tight jeans and a white sweater. I was just passing by, she said, so
I thought Id stop in and say hi.
She was the last person Id expected to see. But I was happy she was there. I had
been attracted to her from the moment Id laid eyes on her. However, Id never hit on her,
flirted with her, or shown any interest whatsoever. As far as I was concerned, she was out
of bounds.
I was just out with some friends at the Avalon Hotel, she said. She was clearly
tipsy. And then I thought: I wonder what Neils doing right now.
I walked her to the kitchen and searched for something for her to drink.
Why dont you just show me around? she suggested. I liked the way she
asserted herself. It was a trait she hadnt displayed around her husband the week before.
As I walked her through the house, she lingered on the way in and out of every
room, leaning against the wall or in the doorframe. She clearly wanted something from
So I gave it to her.
We tumbled onto the bed. Youre so hot, she kept saying. Ive fantasized so
many times about this.
I couldnt understand why she had chosen me. Im better-looking than I was in
my teens and twenties, but I still dont turn heads or even shift eyes. Either she didnt
come across many men outside of work, or perhaps shed heard me joking around with
the stewardess and been amused.
While men are naturally inclined to cheat, women generally arent. They are often
driven to cheat, because theyre not getting something they need from the man theyre
seeing, whether its emotional, financial, or sexual. Kathy was living proof of this theory.
I want to see it, just for a second. She unbuttoned my pants. Oh my god. You
are so sexy. I want to put it in my mouth a little She slowly licked it from the base to the
head. This is going to be mine, she said. She wrapped her thumb and forefinger in a
circle around the base, and slid her mouth slowly, sensually down it.
Most of the women Id been with were in their late teens and twenties, and
usually needed time to get comfortable in bed and freely express their desires. But Norah
was the greatest date ever. No dinner-and-a-movie expenses; no how-many-siblings-do-
you-have conversations; no but-we-just-met protestations. Just ring the doorbell and grab
the cock.
When shed gotten what she needed, Norah slipped back into her jeans and
sweater, and quickly left. And I returned to my writing, wondering if this was going to
become a habit of hers; if she was going to start busting in unexpected at all hours and
demanding sex; if I was going to have to give her the no-drop-by speech and slowly
phase her out when she became too needy.

A week later, she texted and invited me for sushi with her and her husband. I was
impressed by her ability to act as if everything were completely normal and natural.
There were no clues, suggestions, or even the slightest coded message to me. When she
excused herself to go to the bathroom, I anxiously looked for a hint that I should slip
away and join her. But there was no hint.
The albacore isnt very good today, her husband said when she returned. They
dont seem to care anymore.
We can go to that sushi place on Ventura you like, where they have the crispy
Im tired of that. I ate there five times in one week, and just lost my taste for it.
Well, theres always Italian, she smiled nurturingly. I was impressed by her
ability to remain unfazed by her husbands negativity. She didnt appear to take a word of
it personally.
The next night, I texted to invite her over. I never heard back. I texted her a few
nights later, and she said shed get back to me after dinner.
Im still waiting for that text. And Im still jumping up every time the doorbell
rings, hoping its her and shes tipsy and she wants to play. We had so much still to
explore, her and I. If only shed been a little more needy.



Ross Jeffries, by all accounts, was an angry man when he was in his 20s. His ambition
was comedy: stand-up, screenplays, whatever would get him laughs. But instead he
drifted between tedious office jobs, lonely and girlfriendless. That all changed when he
was in the self-help section of a bookstore and his hand, as the story goes, involuntarily
reached out and grabbed a book. That tome was Frogs Into Princes, the classic book on
NLP by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. Ross went on to devour every book on the
subject he could find. The power and control that had eluded him his whole life was
finally his.
One of his heroes had always been the Marvel Comics superhero Green Lantern,
who was endowed with a magic ring able to bring the desires of his will and imagination
to life. Now, Ross Jeffries had that ring.
Sitting at the bar of the Viceroy Hotel a few days after our trip to the Getty, he
told me about the first time he decided to use it.

Ill never forget one evening when I was walking on the UCLA campus, frustrated,
because the fourth girl in a row not shown up for a date we had arranged. I screamed to
the stars, When am I going to solve this? And a voice in my head said, When you
solve it for yourself, you'll solve it for everyone."
That didnt happen until seven years later, when I did my first real pickup. I was
working for an attorney as a paralegal. Our secretary had just quit and my boss was
going on vacation. Before he left, he told me, "Hire whoever you think is good."
My last interview of the day was with a girl named Megan. I can still see her clearly in
my mind's eye. She was blond, with green eyes and legs to die for. She was sitting across
the reception desk from me. I had just discovered NLP and I thought, Let's just try this.
So I started talking to her in suggestive, hypnotic language. I think I did an early
version of the Blammo pattern
. She seemed fascinated, and I remember thinking, This
is really cool.
So I closed up the office and invited her for coffee. That turned into dinner, and
during the meal, she said, I bit my tongue. My tongue just fell asleep.
And I said, Thats because your tongue has a message for me. What does your
tongue want to tell me?
And she leaned over and whispered in my ear, I wanna suck your cock. I couldnt
believe it. I had not been with a woman in four or five years. I was 61 and 127 pounds.
I was so horribly skinny and unattractive that my parents used to tell me I looked like Id
escaped from a concentration camp.
We went back to the office, and that was that. Afterward, I remember walking through
Westwood with her. All these guys were whistling at her, and I kept saying, Thank you
to them. It was the same neighborhood where I had first heard the voice telling me Id
solve the problem and change the world. It was totally surreal. I kept getting lost taking
her back to her car. It was such a break with my normal routine that there was a sense of
complete unreality, like when you wake up and arent sure whether a certain event was a
dream or not.

A hypnotic pattern in which a seducer talks a woman into feeling a deep connection
with him and conditions her to feel aroused by the sound of his voice.
The next girl was a really hot black girl I met at a garden party. The first thing I said to
her was, Why is that leaf spinning around? It's hanging by a spider's thread."
We started talking, and I remember programming her to call me and she did. She
invited me to see a piano player. During the night, I did a version of the Blammo pattern
with her. Soon she started giving me a back rub; then I gave her a back rub. We started
making out, and she was all over me. She invited me back to her place. I was so stunned
by how aggressive she was. In fact, I was so stunned that I couldnt get aroused. I didnt
close the deal until the second time. And I thought, This is amazing. I was really onto
something here.
It got so easy after that. In a pet store, there was a salesgirl who looked like a ballerina.
She was 51 and very thin, with curly dark hair and big brown eyes like a Walter Keane
painting. Im drooling thinking about her.
I did some hypnosis with her -- right there in the store. And she was totally into it.
Later, she told me she had to go sit in the puppy room, because she couldn't work for the
rest of the day. I wound up taking her out, and we went back to her house and just made
out for hours on the porch. She didnt want to go inside because her roommates were
there, and I was so inexperienced I didnt know what to do. I didnt know if it was okay
to rip her clothes off right there on the porch.
I never closed that one, because it was confusing. It was so early on.
After those three, I realized that this stuff really works. So I set about proving the voice
in my head right. In the end, Id like to be remembered as a Robert J. Oppenheimer
, a
person who has given the world a new, explosive knowledge.

The scientist whose research on atomic energy in Los Alamos, New Mexico led to the
development of the atomic bomb.

Some men preferred to play the game alone. Rather than becoming the social center of a
room, like Mystery, they preferred to hide in the shadows, emerging when they spied a
lone wolf a woman on her own.
One of the most respected of these hunters was TokyoPUA, a stocky, slow-talking,
black-haired businessman with an innocent Clark Kent face. In addition to helping run
the communitys primary portal,, along with Boston pickup artist
Formhandle, he was also part of a small contingent of the pickup community that lived in
Japan and had a preference for Asian women, whose reserve required a slightly different
method of seduction.
TokyoPUAs field reports were legendary for their attention to detail and their
advocacy of steady, applied persistence. The following was an extreme example

Subject: LR HBNoPanties
Author: TokyoPUA

It was always my fantasy to come across a super hot woman in Japan wearing a skirt but
no panties, catch a glimpse as she sits across from me on the train, go into sexual state,
PU her, and lay her that day. I guess this is still my fantasy since that wasnt exactly what
happened, but with this lay I got as close to that fantasy as I have come yet, and in some
ways it was more fun and crazy.
The PU sort of began with me going to the public swimming pool near my place at
night, and getting into sexual state there by checking out all the fine, slim J girls
swimming there. I finished about 9 PM and figured I would head to the Shibuya train
station area and find myself a hottie. I was in a good state because of the fine women I
had just seen in the pool, and because of the workout I just had swimming. I got to the
station at about 9:15 PM and the place was jumping with people as always. For those that
dont know Shibuya, it has what has to be the busiest pedestrian intersection in the world,
and is just damn crowded with fine chicks in general.
Anyway, I walk the streets for about 10 minutes and I see a woman pass me with
nice sized jiggling tits, probably about a 9. I turn around hoping to catch her going into a
store or somewhere I can approach with more certainty of success. She pops into a video
store, but right as I am about to walk up, she leaves. At least the area she leaves to is
better lighted than the area where I first saw her, so I follow her out and try the approach
to warm up, but she is cold as ice, and so I eject and move on.
Now I walk over to Starbucks, figuring that closing time is a good time to be
around there, and that if I dont see anything worth going in for, I will just keep walking
the area. Well, I dont see anything inside, but just as I am walking past it I see a woman
just oozing sexuality coming towards me. She has a sexy walk, long brown hair, great
body, and best of all I get good EC, so I flash her a smile as we walk by. I turn around to
ensure the backside of the package is good, and my heart starts to race even faster. Her
totally perfect ass is silhouetted in a thin, stretch-material white skirt, and the way it
swayed from side to side made me mad with desire. It had to be pretty damn clear to all
the people sitting in front of the Starbucks what was happening as I immediately turned
around and literally ran after her. She went down the escalators and I grabbed both rails
and jumped off right behind her I was so motivated to talk to her.
I came up behind her and said in English, Hi, I saw you back there and decided
you looked like someone I should meet. She said she didnt understand English so I
translated into Japanese. She said I was smooth. I said, still in Japanese, Yes, and you
like a smooth guy, dont you? My name is TokyoPUA, and held out my hand.
Shaking hands isnt common in Japan at all, but its immediate kino, so I do it. She
says again that I am smooth, and I say, so Im not sure what you were going to do now,
but we can spend some time together.
She says she was going home, but seems game on, so I apply a bit of KAMI (kino
anchored motion inducement) to gently move us in a direction opposite the one she had
been going, while talking, So, do you like to drink? She says yes, and I go into
describing a drink I can make: Do you like Coconut rum? Pineapple juice? Midori?
She says yes to each, and I describe how I want her to come to my place now and
enjoy a special drink I make with those ingredients while looking out on the view over
Tokyo. I have only been talking to her for less than 5 minutes, but Im not wasting any
time for two reasons: I am damn busy and have other chicks I can get easy sex from by
calling them up, and I actually want her to know I am aggressive in order to turn her on.
Well, she says she only has 30 minutes and I say that is still enough time, but she
starts telling me she just met me, etc. I tried some more KAMI, but no go, so I started
asking about what it would take for her to feel more comfortable going with me, and even
gave her my business card to make her worry less. This helped put her at ease, but she
now focused on the time issue, so I dropped the direct invite home, and turned to figuring
out how to isolate her in the immediate environment and escalate after getting her more
turned on.
We went to Starbucks and got drinks, but I suggested that it was too crowded, and
that we go sit in on a bench like area I had seen while prowling earlier. I angled her into
the corner formed with the wall so that I could really isolate her, and shield against
anyone sitting on a side of her. This was important later it turned out. Anyway, we started
making small talk, but then I paced the situation and said that we had both seen each
other in passing and it was cool that we were able to meet.
She couldnt deny the pleasant EC, so I was using the current situation to cause
some good cognitive dissonance to amplify what had really happened. So by the time I
was through with my vivid description of the bodily sensations I got when passing her,
she felt obliged to give an exaggerated good rendition of what she had felt too. But after
she verbalized saying that she felt, Woo, he looks cool! then of course her mind has to
accept that even more, and I can use it at any time.
Anyway, a little more small talk about what languages I speak, what her hobbies
are, and I am back to the drill cause I know I have to get her hot before 30 minutes are up
(she says she has to get a the last train by that time). I go into the 4 magic questions, and
really skip over much analysis of the first 3, and just concentrate on the last sexual
question. (For those that dont know, I ask it as follows: Chose a lake, a waterfall, the
ocean or a pool in your mind, imagine you are by one of them, how do you feel and what
do you do? If they dont have an answer to the later half I prompt with do you relax by
the side, or get in and move around?)
Anyway, she is by the ocean, and relaxes by the side, but feels wonderful and free. I
tell her the interpretation, get her to admit that is sometimes what sex is like for her, then
I get the inevitable question: What was your answer? and give my stock answer, I dive
in, parting the water with my hands and go as deep in as I can go until my breath almost
bursts, then swim as far as I can until I am so exhausted, I just cant swim anymore. She
of course likes this answer.
I fractionate a bit with talk about what she does. She is a classic ballet dancer. I say
it explains her nice body, get kino on her legs, etc. I challenge to see if she has any
muscle, get more kino on her bicep this always prompts reverse kino of my muscles.
She says she wants to be a stewardess, but qualifies it to me that being a stewardess isnt
thought of as glamorous in the US, but that its a high status job in Asia. I tell her dont
worry, I used to date *a* stewardess (I felt it prudent to not say at this point that I had
laid 5 stewardesses already) and that I understood entirely.
This impressed her, and I had moved closer into her personal space. I used this to
ask if she in turn had ever had a foreign boyfriend or lover (yes, I asked it exactly that
way, to put the right imagery in her head). She said no, so I said, Wow, so you have
never even kissed a foreigner?
Sometime earlier during the small talk, I had used a trade secret move to jokingly
set the frame that I was her king and she could be my queen. So while we were now on
the subject of kissing, I said, Well, that would be the perfect reason for me to kiss you
now, since how can you be my queen without a kiss? But Im not sure if you kiss well.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you kiss?
She said 100, so I said, Great answer. If you had said only an 8, I wouldnt have
kissed you I moved in for the kiss, but got blocked. Im Japanese, I cant kiss you in
public she said.
I said, Well, I know that, and that is why we can go to my place now to have that
romantic first kiss. (People were walking by constantly, but I had angled myself to block
her line of sight to them as much as possible.)
She brought up the time objection again, so I suggested a romantic stroll to a place
that was less public. This also didnt work, so I went back to getting the kiss right there.
(It was all like a big double bind, because I was either asking us to get more intimate
where we were, somewhere nearby, or at my place.)
I kept good eye contact and said Okay, I am going to move in front of you, and
hide your face, so no one will see. I went in for the kiss, but she dogged to the side, so
we sort of wound up side pecking. I said, Ah, so you like Spanish style?, and
proceeded to get a Spanish style double cheek kiss. Here I kicked in the cognitive
dissonance again, taking about how nice our first kiss was, etc.
I had been holding her cold drink and occasionally teasing her by putting it on her
bare leg, but now I took some of the whip cream and ate it suggestively. With some of it
still on my lips I moved in and managed a lip kiss, pulled back, then finally came back in
for a bit of tongue for each of us to lick it off.
So now after first kiss I knew things would be easier, but I still needed to escalate
and get her alone with me. I escalated my kino to having my arm around her waist, then
feeling her ass a little as I kissed her.
Now I remembered once about 3 years ago in Shibuya, not too far from the very
spot I was at, sitting in the dark with a different girl, and managing to get her to let me
cop a feel of her bare g-string by talking about me liking girls who wear sexy underwear,
etc. So I modeled myself from 3 years ago, and talked about how exciting it was when I
saw her ass as she walked away, and how I wondered what kind of underwear she was
wearing. I broke the sexual tension then by joking that it must be orange though since
that was her favorite color (another useful bit gleaned from the 4 magic questions, and
sometimes part of my standard routine, i.e. guess her panty color and say it must be her
favorite color).
She laughed and relaxed, but as I had been talking, she didnt realize just how far
my hand had gotten down the back of her skirt (my hands move quite well even while
Im talking, LOL). She blocked it going further, and I said Wow, they must be very
small and sexy, cause I didnt feel *anything*.
Then she got kind of sad look on her face and said, I cant tell you my secret.
This broke my state and I figured she had a boyfriend or something. Anyway, I said, its
okay, here we are kissing and acting crazy, any secret is okay.
Well, with some coaxing I got her to tell me: She said she and a friend had gone
looking for swimming suits that night, and that she had tried some on. While out of the
dressing room checking out her suit, her panties got stolen. Now, if I hadnt lived in
Japan for 4 years I would never believe this story, but if you doubt me go online right
now, do some searches, and even in English you will probably find a lot of Japanese girls
offering to sell their underwear online, cause there is such a huge fetish for it in Japan.
What can I say a lot of guys in Japan are damn desperate, which makes my life better.
Anyway, she said she was too embarrassed to tell the store clerk, and just decided
to go home that way.
Well, regardless of the truth of that story, I was in instant heat, imaging her perfect
bare ass, and looking directly at the triangular shape of her pussy through her skirt. I had
to have this chick; I didnt give a damn about her 30 minutes issue. I said in a deep toned
voice filled with desire: Oh baby, that is a sad story but so sexy at the same time.
I had gotten some light indirect kino around her pussy area while talking to her
earlier, so mentioned that I thought it looked and felt very smooth in that area (again,
bringing up the fact that previously was left unsaid, i.e. that I had touched her there and
she hadnt complained. More cognitive dissonance, in essence). I was even bold enough
to ask if she shaved there, but she wouldnt answer that. I probably went overboard cause
of my lust, so she stood up and said she had to go.
Basically, here I am at this point staring right at her pussy area knowing its nude
underneath that skirt, and Im having a bit of a hard time thinking straight. I stall her by
saying I will walk her to the train, but that I need a breather until I am less excited. She
gets the drift, and we relax there for a few more minutes.
I go for broke and tell her that I have to be with her, and will pay for her taxi back
home (and I do mean broke here, cause that will be over $100 in Japan since she is 40
minutes away by train). She still wont go for that, saying that her parents will get mad
(yes, she is 25 but lives with her parents, not at all uncommon in Japan for children to
stay with the folks till they get married). I told her that I would go with her halfway on
the train, then come back. She is putting up resistance to this idea, but I dont take no for
an answer and just get a ticket and go through the gates with her. Once we get on the
train, I suggest that I will go all the way, then find a taxi back, or stay in a hotel (hint,
hint). She says, No, dont do that, and continues to put up resistance. However, the
train is really crowded, which presents an opportunity for great body-to-body contact. I
pulled her into me and put one hand around her waist to steady her.
I started going back into some talk I had initiated earlier about what her favorite
kind of kiss would be, and what mine was. I had taken that opportunity to talk about a
kiss that starts standing up, and that makes your heart beat faster, and you feel the urge to
put your arms around the other person, and the passion builds to where your hands search
out each others bodies in time with the movement of your tongues, etc.
I took it further and started talking about how our most private places were
touching each other now (as I pressed into her more on the train), and could she feel it?
Of course I had a fierce erection pressing into her and of course she had to answer yes. I
talked about how no one else knew what was going on between us, and asked if that
turned her on. She said yes, and so I continued to escalate.
I started pulsing my dick against her, and telling her I could tell that she was turned
on. Then I started caressing her leg with my free hand, and slowly, slowly moving my
way up. I had already had that innocent contact around her pussy from before, so I
knew that in her turned on state she was not going to object. Plus I knew it would be a
turn on for her to try this in the train. So pretty soon I started lightly masturbating her
through her skimpy dress. It was killing me to know that she had no panties on, and I was
dying to get my hand up under her skirt and feel it for myself. I started pulling up her
skirt slowly and would get no resistance until I actually tried to touch her, and then she
would always block it. I gave up on that but she started to touch me as well, so we were
having a mutual masturbation session in the train.
This went on for about 20 minutes, but soon some people left the train and there
wasnt enough cover to continue unseen. Anyway, I turned to relaxing her by playing
with her hair, and it was clear that by now all objections to my being with her on the train
were gone. I of course said so in order to pace the situation, and she agreed.
We changed trains and were now sitting down. She had her legs crossed and
mentioned that she couldnt uncross them cause she didnt have any underwear on. I
joked that I would go sit across from her and she can do a Sharon Stone move on me. I
would have actually, but there were no seats available on the other side.
Here, somehow, we got to talking about how strong I am. I turned it into a batsu
game, which is sort of like a bet but the prize is usually a punishment that the winner
gets to inflict on the loser. Very common in Japan. Anyway, I told her that I was so
strong that I could probably pick her up with one hand, and that if I did, she had to let me
take her to a secluded place and continue our kiss.
She didnt say yes, but she didnt say no either. I also got some other challenge
going that would result in me kissing her breasts, but she wouldnt agree to that if it
means that there is direct contact, so I toned it down to light kisses through her clothes,
knowing it can escalate.
We got off and I went to get some water, mainly to let the crowd thin out. It was
now about 11:40 PM. As we walked out of the station, I quickly found a dark recessed
area and led her in by the hand. She said, Wow, just like high school kids.
I pulled her in and we started making out; she was a great kisser. I started feeling
her up again, but she again resisted at the point where I went for pulling up her skirt. In
fact it was a break state, and she said she had to go home. I elicited her main objections
(time, no bed, etc.), and volunteered to get a hotel. She said she promised she would see
me again, but that we have to be patient.
Okay, whatever, Im still going to walk with her and try again. We got up about 20
steps on a winding path and I stopped her again to make out. I told her that Im being so
persistent because this was every guys fantasy. I sat down in strip bar fashion and said in
a challenging fashion: So show me something.
She got the hint and started to bend over and pull up her skirt little by little. I made
it more exciting for her by showing her my appreciation and stroking my rod through
my jeans. She kept teasing me and not showing me her pussy, so I said, You show me
yours and I will show you mine. I unbuttoned my pants a little to show her I was serious.
Well, she pulled up her dress and finally I saw her bush. Okay, Im lying: I didnt
see her bush, because there was none. She was completely shaven! I almost fell off the
bench. This got progressively hotter, as she gave me the view from front and back. She
said she liked to tease me. I tried to angle this into a lap dance, but again, any kind of
touching just made her lose state and back off. We heard some people coming up the
bend, so we had to stop.
Again she said she needed to go home, and started walking that way, telling me I
couldnt come along. I just ignored this and kept walking with her. This time I told her
we would have a relaxing walk in the breeze, and took her hand.
As we were walking I commented on how crazy we must be for each other. She
was concerned about me thinking she was kinky, and I gave her an escape hatch and said
I knew it was because I turned her on so much. I said that there were different parts of
her, most of them the tame normal girl, but that sometimes you meet someone who
knows how to bring out the crazy and fun side of you. She agreed.
At this point I just asked, For example, do you like girls? This was a bit of a
deviation from the previous thought, but it set it up indirectly for her to be able to answer
yes. I had already told her during small talk early on that I liked adventurous women.
And she had just agreed I bring out the crazy side in her. Well, I dont know, I have
never had that experience.
I said, Well, Im sure you would really enjoy it. And there is nothing sexier than a
three way kiss. This of course made her ask, You have tried that?
I went on to tell her that it was with the stewardess girlfriend that I had told her
about, and another stewardess. She then said, my fantasy is to try it with girls of
different race.
I said, Okay, I can set that up!
By this point we were basically in front of her place. It was kind of up in the hills. I
put out another invite to get a hotel, but she said no again. I said its been so crazy so far,
that we should at least make each other come. I told her to come with me down a dimly
lit path near her place, and told her we would strip for each other.
This worked, and a few minutes later we were stripping down by the side of the
path. I put all of our clothes into the bushes as we went along. She didnt strip all the
way, but it was enough. From here it gets fairly pornographic, despite the fact I didnt
have sex with her. She wouldnt let me, but said we should be patient until the next time
we met. We did the Asian thing where you promise by interlocking pinkies. Anyway,
suffice it to say that we both made each other feel really good despite not having sex, and
the experience was heightened by the fact someone could have come along and caught us
at any time.

The follow up:

So ten days later I am back from business trips. Its a Tuesday and I call her up, but get
no answer, despite calling twice. This is bad, because she has to see its me calling. I
leave a message anyway in a fairly seductive tone saying that I am back, and that we
dont have to be patient anymore (recalling her words). By Wednesday night she still
hasnt called back so I call again. Still no answer, but this time I dont leave a message.
Thursday comes and still no call from her, so I know something is up. So I think
things through and figure I have to address whatever it is that has happened, and add
some scarcity at the same time. I call and leave basically this message in Japanese: Hi
HBNopanties, its TokyoPUA again. I dont know what it is that has kept you from
calling. Maybe you have a boyfriend, or you have gotten scared to see me again, but
whatever your reason is, we are both just human, and we cant deny that we shared an
incredible experience together, so its okay if we meet again, maybe just for dinner, with
no expectations, just to enjoy meeting each other again. You can meet me Friday or
Saturday, but after that, Im gone again for two weeks. Call me.
Well, by Friday at 6 or so, I havent gotten a call from her, so I call up my FB (an
even hotter chick who is 10 years younger than me) and dont give a damn if
HBNopanties calls again as she and I have awesome sex. Afterwards though, I get a call
from HBNopanties and I just ignore it, knowing I will call her the next day. I call her
Saturday, but get no answer. An hour later she calls back and we set up a date for dinner.
I get her feeling comfortable again, escalate kino again, and then get her back to
remembering all the crazy feelings, adventure, etc., take her to a love hotel and finally lay
Afterwards, I do some debriefing, and asked why she hadnt called me back
originally. She said she didnt want to feel like a prostitute or something (ASD/chick
logic, LOL), because what she had done with me was so crazy, and that she didnt want
me to think she was kinky.
I told her, Dont worry, I dont think you are kinky, I just think I am that good to
make you act that way. Of course, little did she know how much I really meant what I
I then asked her why she finally did call me back. She said, It was your last
message you left me, it made me feel relaxed and okay. Apparently she liked the tone,
etc., but it seems that the key thing was me saying that we were both human. Clearly this
had allowed her the mental escape hatch she needed to deal with her own internal ASD.
So basically the message had worked just perfectly. I didnt dwell on what her
reasons were (left that open-ended), and I basically said that whatever they were, there
was a level of rapport that was hard to deny because of what we shared, and that because
of that, we should meet. I could have called her and reminded her that she had promised
to meet me, but that would have been transparent and somewhat desperate seeming. I
could have acted pissed, or even straight out told her that she was losing her chance. I
could have also decided not to call her, and expect that eventually she would call me. But
in the end, this basic and simple message I left was the best I could have done.

LR Tutorial:

This isnt exactly in my usual LR Tutorial format, but the keys to making this whole lay
happen were:

-My use all my usual toolbox tricks like kino, sexual talk, 4 magic questions, etc.
-My great state and confidence when I hit Shibuya due to my intense swim.
-Looking for and capitalizing immediately on great eye contact.
-Being aggressive and not taking soft nos for an answer.
-Isolating her.
-Escalating things physically and verbally.
-Dealing with the follow-up in a persistent and intelligent manner that was thought out in
advance and based on getting rapport.


The following is the most widely spread lost chapter from The Game. For those who have
not yet read it, in the following scene, still new on the journey from AFC (average
frustrated chump) to PUA (pickup artist), Neil encountered one of the communitys most
mysterious sexual gurus, David Shade.

In the underground world of seduction, like the world of martial arts, there are dojos. And
these dojos are led by gurus, each with his own philosophy and system of seduction. My
goal was to learn from them all, to collect all the pieces and keep the ones that fit, until I
could finally put together the puzzle that is woman.
Theres Ross Jeffries and the school of Speed Seduction, in which hypnosis and
subliminal language patterns are used to get a girl aroused.
Or Mystery and the Mystery Method, in which party tricks and social dynamics
are manipulated to land the most desirable woman in a club.
Or David DAngelo and Double Your Dating, in which he advocates keeping the
upper hand over a woman through a combination of humor and arrogance that he calls
cocky funny.
Or Gunwitch and Gunwitch Method, in which the only thing students have to do
is project animalistic sexuality and escalate physical contact until the woman stops them.
His crude motto: Make the ho say no.
Or theres David X, Rick H., Major Mark, Juggler, and David Shade, perhaps the
most mysterious guru on the scene, whose nights out seducing women into threesomes
with his girlfriend were legendary in the community. And, after nearly half a year in the
community, I was finally going to meet him.
He was in San Francisco, where I was helping Juggler (a stand-up comic by night;
a pick-up artist by day) run a workshop. And Shade had invited me along with a dozen
other sargers, or apprentice pick-up artists to dinner at Le Coloniale.
David Shades claim to fame was the explosive David Shade Manual, a cheap-
looking photocopied pamphlet about the final stage of seduction: sex. It included
techniques on finding hidden erogenous zones such as a womans deep spot in the center
of her cervix; on having threesomes, foursomes, and orgies; on seductive scripts to give a
woman an orgasm over the phone; and on using hypnosis to, as he writes, slip in the
back door.
He sat at the head of a round, knightly table, sporting a smooth shaven head and a
large pocket protector. He looked like a cross between Vin Diesel and Jerry Lewis. He
was a different type of seducer than anyone Id met before. With Juggler, I had terrorized
San Francisco bars, leaping in front of groups of women with my fingers outstretched
like pistols and yelling, Stick em up. It was fun. David Shade, however, was deadly
He belonged to the old school of seduction, Speed Seduction. However, he had
chosen as his guru a character by the name of Major Mark. A former military officer who
claimed thirty-seven kills to his name and a fetish for hypnotized slave girls, Major Mark
was a short, pudgy middle-aged man who wore short-sleeved Hawaiian shirts said
mmm-kay a lot. He had helped Ross Jeffries develop Speed Seduction before
branching out to write his own e-book, Scoring With Married Women, which was the
definition of what Twotimer, one of my first friends in the community, would call evil.
To show off, on my way to the table I stopped two women with the Do you think
that spells work? opener. An opener is a prepared script used to start a conversation with
a group of strangers; its the first thing anyone who wants to meet women must be armed
Both girls had black hair and thin bodies, except one was tall like a crane and the
other short like a dove. I told them the usual spells story about a friend who met a
woman who cast a love spell on them, and now theyre dating. Then I transitioned into a
mind-reading demonstration in which I guessed a number they were thinking of. They
gasped and laughed at all the right places. I was in.
I flirted for a few minutes, talked about books, took their phone numbers, and sat
down at the table in a blaze of glory, introducing myself as Style. I could feel the gravity
that the name now held when I spoke it, the murmurs of excitement from the students at
the table. The reviews of the workshop I had winged with Mystery in Belgrade had hit
the Internet, and my pick-up knowledge and skills in the field had been soundly praised.
People were curious to meet Mysterys new wing.
The conversation at the table was focused on men who were naturally successful with
women versus non-naturals like ourselves, who had simply learned to emulate their
behavior. I have a theory that naturals, as a whole, tend to lose their virginity at a young
age, so that they no longer feel a sense of urgency, curiosity, and intimidation around
women during their critical pubescent years. Those who have to learn methodically, like
ourselves, had suffered through high school without girlfriends or even dates.
Consequently, we had been forced to spend years feeling intimidated by and alienated
from women, who held in their sole possession the key to releasing us from the stigma
blighting our young adult lives: our virginity.
I can not pick up at will, a buff little man, who spoke in a French accent, was
saying. I feel like seduction is something I need to turn on and warm up, like an oven,
before I can use it.
I knew what he was talking about. Thats a problem Im finding too, I said. The
routines and scripts are supposed to be training wheels, to get us started talking to girls.
But I find that when I dont use them, my interactions go nowhere. Is it possible to
become a natural seducer all the time?
Shade listened, evaluated, and then weighed in. Major Mark told me a long time ago,
There is no off switch, he said. He did not smile. He did not blink. Youre always on
and theres no way to stop it. All of us here are always seducers. To quote Major Mark
again, Energy follows thought.
Shades modus operandi was to be picky. Not every girl was worth seducing. Major
Mark said a long time ago that the really worthy women will provide you with all the
material youll ever need to seduce them, he continued. Its the ones who arent worthy
that you end up having to entertain. Seduction is not about you or your material: its
about her.
That night, we went out to a cheesy downtown club called Ruby Skye, rolling in a
cockfarm of fifteen. I wanted to watch Shade work. While the other guys ran around the
bar, opening every set they saw, Shade just sat on a bench and waited.
Im starting to have doubts about this guy, a PUA named Adonis told me. You
know, hes forty-six. Maybe he doesnt feel comfortable in clubs. He doesnt do anything
but sit around.
Adonis grabbed a seat next to me. He smelled like pea soup. I mean, Ive learned a
lot tonight about looking for quality woman to make my girlfriend, he said. But I want
to learn to get girls who look like bimbos. I dont care if they have a brain the size of a
pea, as long as they are fucking hot.
Suddenly, Adoniss dream girl walked by. She hesitated for a moment near where we
were sitting. She was alone. Both Shade and Adonis rose to their feet. Shade beat him to
the approach by a breath. I could only catch bits and pieces of what Shade was saying. He
complimented her on her grace and energy. Then he took her hand, sat her down, and
began a palm-reading. Then he dismissed her.
Was this part of Major Marks advice? She wasnt what I was looking for, he said.
Im very picky. A woman needs to be smart, funny, open-minded, and bisexual.
I began to wonder about David Shade, as I had about some of the other seducers Id
met. When I first joined the community, they were gods to me. They possessed the power
that had eluded me my whole life the power to attract and enchant women. I wanted to
meet them, learn from them, be them. But it was hard to tell whether I was worshipping
false idols. That lesson would come with time.
However, I couldnt blame David Shade for having high standards. That was
something I aspired to. Shade began to talk about his girlfriend. He was bringing her to
Los Angeles, and wanted suggestions of places they could go tandem hunting for
bisexual women.
I gave him some suggestions, then he turned to me and fixed my face in his intense,
steely glare. Be careful, he warned. You are getting caught in the middle of a lot of
different agendas.
What do you mean?
You can only be a slave to one master, he answered, cryptically.
I never saw him again. But I understood the implication. Ive never been a true
believer in anything. Ive preferred to combine teaching and wisdom from various
sources, find what applies to me, and discard what doesnt. The problem is that when you
drink from the source of knowledge, there is a price. And that price is faith. Every single
teacher wanted to know that he was the best, that his students were the most loyal, that
the competition wasnt getting laid. Yet every single student wanted to absorb as much
information from as many different experts as possible. It is a crisis thats specific not to
the community but to humanity: Power is retained by attracting loyalty, and subjugation
is guaranteed by giving it.
I thought about his warning the next day, when I flew back to Los Angeles and
received a phone call from Ross. Im having a workshop this weekend, he said. If you
want, you can come sit in for free. Its at the Marina Beach Marriott hotel on Saturday
and Sunday.
Sure, I told him. Id love to go.
Theres just one thing: you owe me parties. Good Hollywood parties with hot chicks.
You promised me.
Got it.
And, before we hang up, you can wish me a happy birthday.
Its your birthday?
Yes, your guru of gash is forty-four. And my youngest this year was twenty-one.
I had no idea he was inviting me to his seminar not as a student, but as a conquest.

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