Learning Environments

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Learning Environments: The teacher collaborates with
learners, families, and colleagues to build a safe, positive
learning climate of openness, mutual respect, support and
Classroom management plan, copy provided.
Learning Environments
I had the opportunity to gain
an understanding of learning
environments in my !ehavior
"anagement course at "adonna
#niversity during my $inter %&'(
semester During this course, )
constructed a *lassroom
"anagement +lan $hile creating
my plan, ) collaborated with peers to
ensure that it would establish a safe,
positive learning climate of
openness, mutual respect, support,
and inquiry This plan consisted of
preventative strategies, supportive
strategies, and corrective strategies
*ompleting this plan enabled
me to gain s,ills that ) will use in my
future career as an educator )
included pro-active strategies in my
classroom management plan that
help foster appropriate behavior
Some of these strategies include
matching teacher behaviors to
student needs, discovering
students. preferred learning styles
and the importance of self-esteem
and positive social status ) was
able to e/amine the elements of
both a positive physical and
psychological environment for
students that was related to diverse
cultural bac,grounds and value
systems as well
*ompleting my classroom
management plan was a valuable
e/perience for me because ) was
introduced to pro-active strategies
that foster appropriate behavior in
the classroom, and then able use
the information and apply it to my
future classroom #nderstanding
learning environments is vital for me
as a future educator This plan
helped me grasp the importance of
di0erent response styles, teaching
techniques and preventative
strategies that will allow me to
enhancing student behavior in my
future classroom $hen
collaborating with my peers on the
plan, di0erent insights and
strategies or techniques to use were
contributed This provided me with
proactive ideas and strategies that )
had not thought of on my own This
Learning Environments: The teacher collaborates with
learners, families, and colleagues to build a safe, positive
learning climate of openness, mutual respect, support and
e/perience allowed me to gain more
collaboration s,ills that ) will be able
to use with families, colleagues, and
other professionals to promote
learner growth and development in
my future classroom1

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