Standard 7: Math Unit Plan Reflection

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The teacher plans instruction that supports every
student in meeting rigorous learning goals by
drawing upon knowledge of content areas,
curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy,
as well as knowledge of learners and the
community context.
Math Unit Plan

I had the opportunity to plan a
week long unit plan of instruction
that would support every student in
meeting rigorous learning goals by
drawing upon knowledge of content
areas curriculum cross!disciplinary
skills and pedagogy as well as
knowledge of learners and the
community conte"t in my Theory
and Techni#ues of Instruction$
%lementary School &'!() course at
*adonna +niversity during my
,inter -./0 semester1
I developed 2ve lesson plans
an assessment instruments for the
lessons1 I focused on 2rst grade
math place value and addressed
3ommon 3ore standards and
specialty program area association
standards1 All 2ve lessons were
framed in a ma4or content area and
incorporated an interdisciplinary
approach in order to demonstrate
my planning and teaching skills in
content areas in the elementary

3ompleting my math unit plan
was a bene2cial e"perience because
it gave me the opportunity to put
myself into real life teaching
situation and 2gure out di5erent
lessons and strategies to use for
speci2c skills being taught that
would help all students1 This
e"perience allowed me to gain skills
in di5erentiated instruction
incorporating technology into my
lessons that will engage students
and incorporating 6loom7s
Ta"onomy of learning into lessons to
promote learner growth and
development in my future students8
,hen I teach di5erent
sub4ects in the future I will have my
students actively participate as well
as use di5erent instructional
strategies1 I know that all of my
future students will be di5erent in
ways that they learn and how they
take in information1 6ecause of this
I will use di5erent strategies of
teaching so I can help students learn
in di5erent ways and provide
activities that will be bene2cial for
them1 I want my students e"cited
about learning and coming to my
classroom everyday1 It is my goal to
make connections to their everyday
lives that will ultimately leave an
impact on their learning8
Part of my lesson on place value. Students will
participate in a scavenger hunt during lesson.

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