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Dear MIKE 21 user

DHI has developed an exciting new time-domain simulation

package for studying moored vessel and floating structures,
dynamic motions and responses. We have simply taken the
best from two worlds: MIKE by DHIs MIKE 21 BW (or MIKE
21 Flow Model FM) as the wave/flow simulation engine and

from WAMIT Inc. for calculation of the frequency
response functions of the structure. Through an innovative
and efficient coupling method we developed WAMSIM.
This tool is not yet part of the MIKE by DHI product suite.
However, already from today you and your clients can take
full advantage of this tool through collaboration with DHIs
experts and specialists.
You take care of the MIKE modelling, and provide DHI with
your results (dfs2/dfsu data files) and information on ves-
sels/structures, mooring and fender arrangements, etc.
DHI undertakes the WAMSIM simulation and provides
detailed model results including time series and statistics of
motions and mooring lines forces as well as 3D animations.
If you are interested in providing more value to your
customers, ask DHI for an offer!
For more information please contact Henrik Kofoed-Hansen (,
Hans Fabricius Hansen ( or Simon Brandi Mortensen
WAMSIM is a unique tool which couples two industry
standards: MIKE by DHI and WAMIT

by MIT.

WAMSIM delivers true time-domain results with high accuracy,
which can easily be interpreted by decision makers

Robert Hancock, Manager Infrastructure Planning and Sustainable
Engineering, Port of Brisbane about WAMSIM: The results were fast-
er, more accurate and allowed us to test more scenarios than physical mod-
elling would allow. The project allowed the Corporation to critically
assess a key strategic direction for the port .

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