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Planning for Instruction: The teacher plans
instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge
of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary
skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of
learners and the community context.
e!uencing "nit Plan
I had the opportunity to plan a
week long unit plan of instruction
that would support every student in
meeting rigorous learning goals by
drawing upon knowledge of content
areas in curriculum as well as
knowledge of learners and the
community conte!t in my "anguage
Arts and "inguistics course at
#adonna $niversity during my
Spring%Summer &'() semester*
+ulling from the unit plan in a
group I collaborated with my team
members to develop a lesson plan
that will help students begin to
understand that se,uences are
found in all aspects of life* The unit
addressed -ommon -ore standards
and focused on helping students
add tools to their tool belts as
writers and readers* Through this
e!periences I was able to
demonstrate my planning skills that
I will be able to use in my future
-ompleting this unit plan was
a genuine e!perience* I worked and
collaborated with the individuals in
my group to develop di.erent ideas
for lessons and strategies that we
could use to help teach speci/c
skills and tools being taught that
would help all students become
e.ective writers and readers* This
e!perience allowed me to gain skills
in di.erentiated instruction to help
all learners and incorporating
0loom1s Ta!onomy of learning into
lessons to promote learner growth
and development in my future
I know that all of my future
students will be di.erent in ways
that they learn and how they take in
information* 0ecause of this I will
use di.erent strategies of teaching
so I can help students learn in
di.erent ways and provide activities
that will be bene/cial for them* I
want my students e!cited about
learning and coming to my
classroom everyday* It is my goal to
make connections to their everyday
lives that will ultimately leave an
impact on their learning2 3hen
teaching I believe I tis important to
e.ectively plan instruction that will
help students develop tools that
they will be able to use and build
upon throughout their lives*
Sequence unit plan for frst grade.

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