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Information Money and the End of Global Debt

Prof. Franz Hrmann, University of Economics, Vienna

1. Global Debt as Status Quo
Today most enterprises, private households, banks and even national states are overly in debt. If you
think in terms of conventional accounting you would think that for each liability there ought to be a
claim (because assets equal liabilities and owners equity in the balance sheet equation), but in fact,
in reality its not always the case.
The main cause for this problem is how private banks create about 97% of our money when they
grant a loan. Legal tender are only the coins and bills that we carry in our wallets. The numbers we
see on our bank accounts have a different history. They come into existence as the loan of a private
bank to a bank customer (a private person or a business). But when banks grant a loan they create it
only in their (electronic) accounts:
- On one hand banks create the claim against the debtor (in fact, banks want their money
back), an IOU of the customer, but
- on the other hand the bank creates a debt too, an IOU for the bank to the customer,
so bank loans create twice a debt for the customer as well as for the private bank!
All the electronic money we see on our bank accounts (in fact banks are the only legal owner of the
money on the bank accounts, customers only have a claim against the bank from a legal
perspective) are only debts of banks, that we use as money in circulation.
This fact has very well been verified (best documented in english language on the pages of and cant be neglected any more. But it creates three major
- Bank loans only create money for the capital, never to pay interest. The money to pay
interest must always be earned in the real economy, that means in the real economy we all
have to compete against each other to take away enough money from each other to pay the
interest the banks claim from us.
- Banks go more and more into debt when they grant more loans. Each and every bank loan is
the debt for the bank, that means that on a certain point banks cant go on granting loans
and this is the moment when the credit crunch takes place and banks collectively want
their money back.
- When banks want their money back and debtors pay back the bank loans, then the
electronic money just disappears in the same way it was created when the loan was granted
by an accounting entry. This creates heavy deflation and mass insolvencies in the real
economy, a phase where we are right now in economic history.


So when a bank grants a loan of 100,- it creates an accounting entry like that:
Claim (against customer): 100,- / Liability (to customer): 100,-

The liability of the bank is the asset of the debtor (the money in the bank).
Later, when the debtor pays back the loan, the reverse accounting entry is used:

Liability (to customer): 100,- / Claim (against customer): 100,-

In this case the money in the bank disappears, it cant be used any more as a medium of exchange
in the real economy and it creates deflation, joblessness, poverty and misery!
Moreover, when money itself is debt, then it is quite logical, that we cant use it to pay back debt at
all! There will never be enough money to pay back our debt at least not for the interest!

2. Positive Money Creating Money without Debt
A first step in a better direction can be the creation of money without creating debt at the same
time. This method implies that electronical tokens (bits & bytes) represent our money and the
owner of that will always be the bank customer, banks act only as custodians. When we create
positive electronic money we use the following accounting entry:

Cash (person X): 100,- / Equity (person X): 100,-

This method implies that whenever new money is created, we have the legal right to do that, we
crate new equity at the same time (because we all are owners of the democratic central bank, the
only legal entity that has the right to create new money but only on the grounds of legal, democratic
laws, that can be stored as electronic rules too, so the law would control money creation on a
technical level like a key and a lock). Democratic rules, stored in an electronic rule base we use in
knowledge bases today, can interactively manage the creation of positive money in a totally
transparent and secure way unimaginable in our current world of paper values and debt based


If we model electronic money after material tokens (e.g. coins) then we have two restrictions:
- Whatever I want to receive, someone has to pay for that (profit and loss have to be equal
calculated over all accounts of the system) and that creates a zero-sum game where
competition and perhaps even war can be the result and
- We have to find a way to destroy the positive money tokens in any way (e.g. using a uniform
tax), just to avoid inflation, because if we use our positive money tokens as a medium of
exchange they devaluate more and more if we create more and more of them and bring
them into circulation.

So when paying with positive money we would use the accounting entry:
Cash Person A (receiving): 100,- / Cash Person B (paying): 100,-

This constructs the zero-sum game, whatever someone wants to sell, he has to find a customer who
can afford to pay the exact same amount.

To destroy the money and constrain the volume of money in circulation we would need a uniform
tax, e.g.
The accounting entry for that would be:
Tax (expense): 100,- / Cash Person A (paying): 100,-

The electronic tokens will be deleted using this accounting entry and not spended for public purpose
as today when we pay taxes. So the meaning of the word tax would change, it would be the same
act, from an accountants perspective, as today, when we pay back our bank loans meaning to
destroy electronic money.


3. Information Money welcome to post-materialism!
To end the zero-sum game and to avoid inflation, deflation, taxes, debt and interest all at once we
can take a huge step forward, if we view electronic money not as material tokens (e.g. coins) but
only as numbers written down (similar to the Fei Lun system in ancient China). Information Money
is no medium of exchange, but a medium of cooperation and it includes a system of Digital
Democracy, where democratic laws are stored as electronic rules guarding creation and use
(deletion) of information money tokens, as you will now learn.

In this system we create a separate set of accounts for each individual and create money and delete
it on an individual level. The money creation works in the same way as for positive money:
Cash (person X): 100,- / Equity (person X): 100,-

Again this electronic way of money creation is controlled by electronic rules (democratic legal rules
stored in an electronic knowledge base). But instead of giving and taking coins when we pay for
something, the vendor gets fresh money newly created and the customer gets some tokens deleted,
so when vendor A sells something to customer B we use the following set of accounting entries:

Vendor (person A) Cash: 100,- / Equity (person A): 100,-
Vendor A is payed by fresh created money from the democratic central bank based on
democratic rules (in the electronic knowledge base representing our democratic laws).

The customer B can pay a different (e.g. lower!) price, than vendor A received, based on democratic
electronic rules, because their accounts are de-coupled and not linked together any more:
Expense (person B): 50,- / Cash (person B): 50,-

This way persons able to work in real economy can always stay busy and deliver their services to
everyone even when their customers cant afford to pay what the vendors want to earn. What they
earn is regulated in democratic rules, and what customers pay is regulated in democratic rules too
but we can implement asymmetrical prices. Today many goods of our economy are much too high
priced and cannot be sold any more to average customers because of the necessity of symmetrical
prices (after the model of giving and taking coins). But in the post-materialistic world of sheer
accounting money we can manage different prices for vendors and customers. Vendors get their
money newly created (on the grounds of transparent, democratic rules) and customers pay what
they can afford (again on the basis of transparent, democratic rules for different demographic groups
in our society).

This way money is always deleted when we spend it and not given away. Therefore no money
volume exists, no risk of deflation nor inflation threatens us any more. Money circulation is
irrelevant, because it doesnt circulate but fluctuate on an individual level. We dont make
contracts between individual persons any more but every person has a social contract with the
whole society, where all its needs and potentials are documented and where it can be changed
permanently to make individual evolution and fullfillment possible. The society acts as a dummy
contract partner, because the whole social net is always flexible enough to support us as individuals
with goods and services and if we start to cooperate and end competition all our intelligence
combines to a massive, global production factory.
Our current electronic money is an abstraction of a physical medium of exchange (coins) that we
give and take, which we simulate on our (bank) accounts. Information Money is the abstraction of
the contract partner so that we can end the zero-sum game and the economic competition to switch
to a cooperative economy, where we share all our ideas, needs and facilities for our common good
and individual freedom.
The Digital Democracy, where legal rules are graphically represented in such a simple, symbolic
way, that every normal person can understand it and can engage in democratic processes without
the need of formal law studies, can even today be implemented. The tools for that are already
available and are used in everyday business in many industries:
The result of Information Money and Digital Democracy would be the political system of
Cooperative Individualism where we all can live a free, independent life and nevertheless freely
cooperate wherever we want it or the need arises. The idea of Cooperative Individualism is also not a
new one (, but only today weve got the tools and the
knowledge to implement it and to explain it to our fellow citizens.
So, please, let us start as soon as possible!

Franz Hrmann

Short lecture on our debt based money system in english:
Short animation of a new, cooperative society using Information Money:


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