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Kacee Patrick

Creative Reflection 1

I have had many a friend ask me, What exactly is the PRT CORE? Well friends, here is my
formal and official definition:

PRT Integrated Core: parks rec re a tion and tourism in te grat ed core
/parks rekrSHn and to

orizm intigrtid kr/

1. The combined set of classes taught by Jeremy, Mary, Steve, Dan, and others.
2. The reason why I dont absolutely loathe school anymore.
3. Reading, writing, and friends.
4. Slightly confusing assignments and content from varying opinions of multiple instructors.
5. Friday discussion groups which are my favorite part of the week.
6. A rather unexpected, yet pleasant surprise.

1. Free of ignorance, and prejudice.
2. Having a sound and open-minded understanding of diverse and controversial subjects.
3. Demanding psychological effort and stretching of my brain.
4. Saying the words yes and Steve in conjunction more than I ever have and ever will.
5. Pleasing in a way that attracts and accommodates my short attention span.
6. Not the same as any other program at the University of Utah.
7. Requiring no text books (awesome).

1. To find out information that was not previously known.
2. To discover my passion for Therapeutic Recreation.
3. To be awakened by the sound of Marys voice at the early hour of 8am.
4. To work towards achieving a goal or reaching a higher standard.
5. To discuss a topic at length and in detail especially as a formal exchange of opinion.
6. To talk about Disney. Everybody loves Disney.
7. To look into a bright future.

Synonyms: Enlightened, content, discover, think, discuss, fun, learn, challenging, diverse, ever-
changing, friends, arguments, assignments, writing, early, progressive, satisfied, networking

Antonyms: Boring, unhappy, unfulfilling, stagnant, blah

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