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Minutes of the meeting of New Hutton Parish Council on Tuesday 22

July, 2014
140722-1 Present
Pat Bell, Tony Ellis, Hazel Hodgson, Henry Robinson, Tony Porter (Chairan!, "rth#r Robinson ($ler%!, &tan Collins
(CCC!, Peter Thornton (&'(C! and t)o *arishioners
140722-2 "*ologies none
140722-+ "$$e*tan$e o, the in#tes o, the *re-io#s eeting
The in#tes o, the "nn#al .*en /eeting, the "0/ and the ordinary *arish $o#n$il eeting held on 20-01-2014 )ere
a**ro-ed and signed as a tr#e re$ord2
140722-4 Bendrigg 'odge
Tre-or Clar%e said that Bendrigg 'odge is one o, the -ery ,e) $entres ,or ad-ent#ro#s o#tdoor residential a$ti-ities ,or
disabled *eo*le in the $o#ntry2 They -isit ,ro all o-er the 34 )ith their hel*ers and $arers and it is ,#lly boo%ed ,or
#$h o, the year2 5t e*loys 21 sta,, and has any -ol#nteers2 /ore se-erely disabled *eo*le no) )ish to -isit b#t
*art o, the a$$oodation is not a$$essible to the2 Perission has been granted ,or a 21-bed #nit near the road
)here there is $#rrently *ar%ing2 There )ill be ore and better o,,-road *ar%ing and a t#rning area ,or $oa$hes2 "
to)er and tree-to* )al% )ill *ro-ide a$$ess to the ,a$ilities on the lo)er land2 " 6#arter o, the estiated 71 illion $ost
has been *ledged2 Bendrigg 'odge is the ain $harity ,or the 8hite &t#,, sho* in 4endal and Castle 9ire in :e)
H#tton is a $oer$ial s*onsor2 ;oint a$ti-ities are r#n )ith .ld H#tton &$hool2 Tre-or e*hasised that the 'odge<s
,ield has #$h e6#i*ent )hi$h he ho*es ore ,ailies in the lo$al *arishes )ill #se2
140722-1 Chairan<s anno#n$eents
a! Beehi-e 'ane has been re*aired )ith a te*orary *at$h2 Ele$tri$ity :orth 8est and :ational grid are being
$onta$ted to do a *eranent re*air2 The Co#n$il than%ed &tan Collins ,or e=*editing the re*air2
b! 5t )as re*orted that /r 0eo,, 8ilson, a ,orer resident o, .ld H#tton, has s#bitted do$#ents to CCC to
ha-e a *ath thro#gh .ld Cro,t yard re$ognised as a *#bli$ right o, )ay2
$! 5t )as noted that the '"P ('o$al "rea Partnershi*! o, 1+ *arishes had a *o*#lation o, +>?@ in 20112 9ro
2001 to 2011 the *o*#lation in the 20-24 age gro#* ,ell by 1+2@A and the *o*#lation in the 71->4 age gro#*
rose by 1221A2 The a-erage ho#se *ri$e in 2011 )as 7+20,@>2, nine ties higher than the a-erage
ho#sehold in$oe and +024A )ere $onsidered to be in ,#el *o-erty2 Peter Thornton said that in abo#t three
years< tie, &'(C ho*es to $hange *lanning reg#lations to ,a$ilitate sel,-b#ild2
140722-? (e$laration o, interests none
140722-7 .*en session
a! " 6#estion )as as%ed abo#t the delayed $onstr#$tion o, a ,ootbridge o-er &t2&#nday<s Be$% on the ,oot*ath
bet)een Ra) Head and /illrigg 'ane2 En6#iries )ill be ade to CCC2
b! There )as a 6#ery abo#t )hether &*eednet &$otland )ill o,,er its ,ast broadband ser-i$e ,ro the "ristead
)ind ,ar to the lo$al area2 "n en6#iry )ill be ade2
$! The ,#t#re o, the 4illington )ind ,ar aneoeter ast )as 6#estioned2 En6#iries )ill be ade2
140722-> Planning a**li$ations
a! "**li$ations s#bitted re6#iring $o#n$il $oentsB
&'C2014C010+ D $on-ersion o, a barn to a single d)elling at (#bside2 The Co#n$il s#**orted this a**li$ation2
&'C2014C01@1 D reo-al o, a *lanning $ondition ade last year ,or a garage )or%sho* at Hall Ban%2 The
$ondition )as ,or 12 onths to see the i*a$t o, the de-elo*ent on *#bli$ aenity The Co#n$il had no
obEe$tion to this a**li$ation2
&'C2014C0?1> D alterations to Toll Bar Cottage2 The Co#n$il had no obEe$tion to this a**li$ation2
&'C2014C0??1 D retros*e$ti-e *lanning *erission ,or an agri$#lt#ral b#ilding ,or anial ,eed storage at
Ca**lerigg2 The Co#n$il had no obEe$tion to this a**li$ation2
b! The *rogress o, the ,ollo)ing a**li$ations )as notedB
&'C201+C011@ D $on-ersion o, a garage to an a,,ordable d)elling at Bir%s D *erission granted s#bEe$t to the
re$ei*t o, a se$tion 10? agreeent abo#t a,,ordability
&'C2014C041+ D installation o, an ele$tri$ -ehi$le 6#i$% $harging *oint in the ain $ar *ar% at the /? 4illington
ser-i$es D The Parish Co#n$il had no obEe$tion to this a**li$ation D *erission granted 0?-0?-2014
&'C2014C041? D Change o, #se o, one to#ring $ara-an *it$h to #se by a stati$ $ara-an by the $ara-an *ar%
anager ,or all-year residen$e at The "shes D ,ollo)ing a -isit, the Parish Co#n$il s#**orted this a**li$ation2
D *erission granted on 24-0?-2014
$! The *rogress o, the ,ollo)ing a**eals )as noted2 The a**eals are being dealt )ith by the Planning
5ns*e$torate thro#gh )ritten stateentsB
&'C201+C04+1 D ere$tion o, a single )ind t#rbine at .ld Cro,t D no de$ision yet
&'C201+C0>@? D $hange o, #se ,ro an$illary a$$oodation to a d)elling at Hay,ellside 9arho#se D
*erission re,#sed on 1?-0?-2014
&'C2012C0>41 D ere$tion o, three )ind t#rbines at 4illington2 The a**li$ation )as )ithdra)n on 27-0?-20142
d! Progress )as re*orted in the &'(C En,or$eent .,,i$er<s )or% to do )ithB
i2 a site o**osite 9isher Tarn
ii2 a site o**osite 0ynn Cottage ($ase 14014!
iii2 ,i-e $ara-ans in ,ields ($ase 14170!
e! " $hange in legislation no) allo)s *lanning *erission to be granted ore easily to $on-ert b#ildings in
agri$#lt#ral #se on the 20
/ar$h 201+ to d)ellings s#bEe$t to -ario#s $onditions2
140722-@ Payent o, a$$o#nts none
140722-10 9inan$ial re*ort
a! The $#rrent a$$o#nt balan$e is 71120201 )ith 77020> F"T to be re$laied and *robable ,#rther e=*endit#re
,or the year o, abo#t 7100
b! The ins#ran$e *oli$y is d#e ,or rene)al on 1+
.$tober2 The Parish Co#n$il agreed to the $hairan<s
a**ro-al )hen ,oral 6#otations are re$ei-ed2
140722-11 Corres*onden$e
The ,ollo)ing ites o, $orres*onden$e )ere re$ei-ed sin$e the last eetingB
0+-0?-2014 D ,ro C"'C D ;#ne $ir$#lar G,or)arded to $o#n$illorsH
01-0?-2014 D ,ro &'(C D re*ort ,ro *lanning en,or$eent o,,i$er abo#t one o, ,i-e sites )here $ara-ans are in
,ields G,or)arded to $o#n$illorsH
140722-12 (e,ibrillator bo=
&#bEe$t to the a**ro-al o, the 5nstit#te Coittee, the 9irst Res*onders ho*e to o-e the 5nstit#te<s de,ibrillator to a
se$#re bo= on an o#tside )all ,or easier a$$ess2 9irst Res*onders )ill gi-e a grant to the Parish Co#n$il )hi$h agreed
to *#r$hase the bo= and then o)n it (*ro*osed by Pat BellI se$onded by Henry Robinson!2 9irst Res*onders )ill
$ontin#e to aintain the e6#i*ent and the 5nstit#te )ill *ay ,or the sall ao#nt o, ele$tri$ity #sed to $harge it and
%ee* it )ar2 Training ,or its #se )ill be *ro-ided2
140722-1+ /? ;+7 $attle grids
There )as #nanio#s o**osition to a s#ggestion that the $attle grids at ;#n$tion +7 sho#ld be reo-ed2 Parishioners<
re*lies to the in-itation to $oent )ill be ,or)arded to the engineer in $harge o, the $ons#ltation2
140722-14 5n-asi-e s*e$ies
&o#th C#bria Ri-ers Tr#st<s $ontra$tors ha-e s*ent t)o )ee%s ta$%ling in-asi-e s*e$ies along the be$%s in .ld
H#tton and are abo#t to start in :e) H#tton2 5t is ho*ed to arrange a lo$al )or% *arty to *#ll o#t any regro)th o,
Hialayan balsa in the latter hal, o, "#g#st2
140722-11 (e$larations o, interest
The *arish $o#n$illors $he$%ed their de$larations o, interest as re6#ested by &'(C2
140722-1? (ate o, the ne=t eeting
The ne=t Parish Co#n$il eeting )ill be at 72+0* on ednesday 1!
"rth#r Robinson, *arish $ler%, .-er Bleaze, .ld H#tton, 4endal, '"> 0'3
Tele*hone D 011+@-721@11 e-ail D nh*$ler%Jgoogleail2$o

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