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Balady Halal Food Supermarket

Application for Employment
Applications are strictly confidential and will not be used in any other manner.


First Name ______________ Last Name ____________________________________

Street address: __________________________________________________________



Home Telephone: (___) ____-____

Mobile Number: (___) ____-________
Email Address: __________________________
Join Balady on facebook!, or provide your facebook page: __________________


Date of Birth: ___/____/______

Place of Birth: ___________

Month / Day / Year

Status: Single

Married Divorced

How many days are you available to work? _______

Can you work afternoons/nights? (up to 10pm) ______
Would you prefer full time or part time? ________
List any skills you have such as computer knowledge, languages, education, community
involvement, etc.

If you have no relative experience to the position desired, we will provide training until
ready for employment. Training is at your time and expense. No wages or salaries will be
given during training phase.
Application for Employment

Balady Foods, Inc.


Are you a United States citizen?

Yes ____No____
Have you ever been convicted of a felony in the United States?
Yes ____No____
Do you have a Drivers Licence?
Yes ____No____
List any relevant work experience in the retail / food / customer relations fields?
Name of employer: ___________________
Location of work;
City, State, Zip, Country
Employer Contact Info: ____________________________________________________
Employment dates: Start ___/____ - End ___/____ (leave blank if current)
Reason for leaving (be specific)
List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or
promotions while you worked at this company.
Name of employer: ___________________
Location of work;
City, State, Zip, Country
Employer Contact Info: ____________________________________________________
Employment dates: Start ___/____ - End ___/____ (leave blank if current)
Reason for leaving (be specific)

List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or
promotions while you worked at this company.

---------------------------------Do Not Write Below: OFFICE USE ONLY----------------------

Application for Employment


Balady Foods, Inc.

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