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Heredity Final Project Instructions

You have been learning about Gregor Mendel's experiments and use of Punnett Squares in order
to determine the likelihood of organisms presenting certain genetic traits based on the traits of
their parents. No !ou ill begin !our on research. You ill be choosing from the list of
diseases"disorders belo# researching it and creating a Pre$i ith !our findings. You ill also
conduct three generations of Punnett Squares in order to determine ho likel! each generation is
to carr! or present the disease.
%hoose one of the folloing diseases"disorders to research and let !our teacher kno. &ach
student ill have a different disease"disorder# so the! ill be assigned on a first come# first
served basis.
Menke's 'isease 'uchenne Muscular
(linefelter S!ndrom 'on S!ndrome
)!pe * 'iabetes +aemochromatosis Prader,-illi
%!stic .ibrosis
+emophilia )urner S!ndrome )a!,Sachs 'isease Sickle,%ell 'isease
/ngelman S!ndrome %anavan 'isease %harcot,Marie,)ooth
%ri du chat
Must provide the folloing information0
,Name of disease"disorder.
,'escribe its cause# s!mptoms 1 treatments available.
,+o man! people present the disease"disorder2
)itle slide 3first slide4 must include title 3name of disease"disorder4# date# and presenter's name.
3 Generation Organisms
&ach generation can be made ith an! combination of genes# but each must present a different
combination of recessive and dominant traits. /t least one parent in each generation MUST be
recessive or dominant.
&xplain the possible outcomes of each generation and hich combinations of genes are most
likel! to result in offspring ith the genetic disease"disorder.
-hat ould be !our suggestion to someone ho carried or presented ith the disease"disorder#
but ished to have children2 -hat are the chances of their children having or carr!ing the

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