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Middle School -7th Grade Class

Classroom Rules & Procedures


1. You are not to stand or wait in the
hallway and block entry.
2. Enter the classroom quietly without
running or pushing.
3. Take your seat.
4. You may talk quietly among yourselves
until your teacher calls class to attention.

1. When the bell rings, gather your
belongings, and exit the class in an orderly
2. You are not to stand or wait around in
the hallway blocking entry.
Only 2 missing assignments or tests are allowed per 9
week period per class.
Students are only allowed 1 detention per 9 weeks.
In-school suspension or out-of-school suspension for
any reason is not allowed.
You will be allowed 4 tardies without any consequence
per 9 week grading period.
Teacher recognition for exemplary, caring, helpful, and
going above and beyond behaviors.

1. Respect your teachers, school staff, and
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to
3. No swearing, teasing, or name calling.
4. No fighting, threats, or verbal abuse.
Intrinsic Rewards

Arriving to class on time will prevent detention or
consequences of not being able to attend the event.
Completing and turning in all assignments will achieve a
better grade and more knowledge.
Following the rules of conduct will prevent detention and
building of positive relationships with peers and
Arriving to class on time and moving from class in a
timely manner teaches time management and good use
of time.
Students have goals to reach-short term and long term.
Extrinsic Rewards

Students are rewarded with a different
activity each 9 weeks.
Students earn a reward of participating in
the end of the year trip.
Students earn points to be used toward
earning activities.
Record Keeping

There will be a data base for all 7th grade
teachers to access and update information
based on student behaviors and academics.
Teachers will be responsible for reporting on
their students weekly. A team of teachers and/or
counselors will be responsible for managing the
data base. Teachers and staff will work together
to manage a successful program for rewarding
students. Students will have a swipe ID card
they will use from tracking extra credit points.
The swipe cards will be connected to the
database so there is no manual entry needed.
Extra Credit Points

Students have the option to earn extra point for participation in
various activities. The students will be notified to the options and
when the events or activities are taking place so they can plan
accordingly. The swipe card will also track attendance and tardiness
because students will swipe the card upon entering each class. For
every 20 extra credit points earned, students will have the option to
use the points to remove a tardy or a detention, or assignment.
Examples of activities would be:
School sponsored events such as sporting events, math
competitions, and other extracurricular activities as participates or
Community involvement events organized by the school
administrators, staff, or teachers
Visits to the library outside of school hours (only one swipe per day
will be recognized)
Each student will be given a passport. At the end of the 9
weeks, they will each be responsible to check with their
teachers to see if they qualify for the activity. If the
student does qualify, they will receive a stamp in their
passport. They must receive 6 stamps per 9 weeks to
qualify for the activities. The students will be responsible
for keeping track of their passport and using it for
admittance to the activities.
Earned Activities

Each 9 weeks the students will have the opportunity to earn the
privilege to participate in an activity. Students are required to meet
the general policy rules each 9 weeks to earn their admission to the
activities. At the end of the school year, there will be an end of the
year trip. The students do not have to qualify for each 9 week
activity to qualify for the end of the year trip.
Field Day
Homework Pass (to be used in one class for one assignment at the
teachers discretion)
Movie Pass
Student vote for special activity
The end of the year trip will be an overnight trip to Chicago.
To qualify for the end of the year trip students must have at least 16
stamps in their passport and have at least a C in each class.
Students are also subject to a review of the discipline/behavior

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