Colgate Palmolive

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Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE: CL) is a multinational company present

in 222 countries and territorial demarcations engaged in the manufacture,

distribution and sale of products in oral hygiene, personal hygiene and
household cleaning.
In 1806 was launched the activity of your factory in candle and soap in the
city of New York by William Colgate. the Colgate soap cha nge the daily habits
, because until then the soap was manufactured domestically. The quality was
imposed and the scented soaps were extended to all households.
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1898, a toilet soap was imagined by Caleb Johnson,
which would leave an indelible mark on the history of toiletries, Palmolive.
The name was due to their composition based on oils softening of olive and
The May 24 1927 arrives in Argentina with the name Palmolive Ltd. Saic., And
it starts in two desks that were leased in the building of the Bank of Boston.

In March 1929 Saic Palmolive Ltd. was moved to Santiago del Estero Street, in the neighborhood of Constitution,
and that same year took the name of Colgate - Palmolive - Peet Ltd. The current name of Colgate Palmolive Saic was
adopted in 1953.
In 1960 it was finally installed in the premises now occupied by a plant on a plot of 80.000m2 Av Antarctica
Argentina 2269, Lavallol (Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires).
Between 1970-1998 large investments were made by the company in buying other companies to expand their
product line, all in the business of hygiene. Examples include buying of Odol and Kolynos.
Currently Colgate-Palmolive Spain S.A. manufactures its products primarily in its manufacturing centers in various
countries of Europe and Spain, some also being imported from South America and China.
By: Iliana Hernandez

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