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Alma Vargas

Child Development 143: Math and Science for Young Children

Curriculum Plan

Topic/Title of Lesson: Huff and Puff Focused Domain: Cognitive
Age Group: Kindergarten

Goal: Introduce children to energy of moving air.

Objective: Children will move objects by blowing at them.

Procedure: Show the children the objects and have them name each one.
Tell a child to place the first object at the starting line and blow at it until the
object crosses the finish line, having the other children count the amount of
blows it takes the object to move.

Advanced Preparation: Place a piece of masking tape write start and one on the
finish point.

List Materials: -balloon (blown up), paper, Kleenex, rubber ball, small pebble,

Developmental Benefits: Social, physical (fine and gross motor), language,
creativity, and emotional

Future Plans: Have a race each child can select their objects.

Student Name: Alma Vargas

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