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C Objective Questions

1. Which of the following language is predecessor to C Programming Language?


2. C programming language was developed by

Dennis Ritchie Ken Thompson Bill Gates Peter Norton

3. C was developed in the year ___

1970 1972 1976 1980

4. C is a ___ language

High Level Low Level Middle Level Machine Level

5. C language is available for which of the following Operating Systems?

DOS Windows Unix All of these

6. Which of the following symbol is used to denote a pre-processor statement?

! # ~ ;

7. Which of the following is a Scalar Data type

Float Union Array Pointer

8. Which of the following are tokens in C?

Keywords Variables Constants All of the above

9. What is the valid range of numbers for int type of data?

-32768 to -65536 to
0 to 256 No specific range
+32767 +65536

10. Which symbol is used as a statement terminator in C?

! # ~ ;
11. Which escape character can be used to begin a new line in C?

\a \b \m \n

12. Which escape character can be used to beep from speaker in C?

\a \b \m \n

13. Character constants should be enclosed between ___

Single quotes Double quotes Both a and b None of these

14. String constants should be enclosed between ___

Single quotes Double quotes Both a and b None of these

15. Which of the following is invalid?

‘’ ““ ‘a’ ‘abc’

16. The maximum length of a variable in C is ___

8 16 32 64

17. What will be the maximum size of a float variable?

1 byte 2 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes

18. What will be the maximum size of a double variable?

1 byte 4 bytes 8 bytes 16 bytes

19. A declaration float a,b; occupies ___ of memory

1 byte 4 bytes 8 bytes 16 bytes

20. The size of a String variable is

1 byte 8 bytes 16 bytes None of these

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