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7/23/14 8:48 PM Tele Batteries - Heinke, Pamela S

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Pello All,
Pooray! We no longer have Lo use Lhe LlLhlum 1ele baLLerles! lL ls Ck Lo use Lhe good old fashloned rocell
baLLerles. 1hls ls greaL for a few reasons:
1) ?ou no longer have Lo Lape Lhe LlLhlum baLLerles and puL Lhem ln Lhe bln ln Lhe Med room! ?ou can Lhrow
Lhem ln Lhe Lrash when Lhey are dead!! Sorry uana, less work for you : )
2) 1hey are cheaper! ?eah! l?l- Lhe rocell baLLerles are $0.64 and Lhe LlLh 1ele are $6.33 so a blg cosL
So, wlLh Lhls belng sald, some changes wlLh 1ele are comlng your way. CnA/AC uA? shlfL wlll now be
requlred Lo change Lhe baLLery LvL8? day wlLh a new baLLery. 1hls should occur wlLh 8 AM vlLals. lL needs Lo
be changed uAlL? as Lhe baLLerles only lasL 22hrs roughly. 1hls wlll help Lo decrease phone calls from 1ele
Lechs Lo 8ns and 8ns Lo CnAs lf we are proacLlve abouL Lhls one! 8emember, CnAs/ACs should be changlng
Lhe LkC leads every nlghL Loo Lo decrease arLlfacL on Lele. So AM baLLery change ls a CnA/AC day shlfL
responslblllLy and LkC lead changes are a M CnA/AC [ob duLy. CnA/ACs Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL wlll need Lo
be lncorporaLed lnLo your shlfL reporL, so please make sure Lo menLlon lf a pL ls on Lele. lf you don'L know why
Lhe pL ls on Lele, ASk Lhe 8n! 1hls ls helpful because lL wlll prompL Lhe 8n Lo Lhlnk "does my pL really need
Lele??" and lL wlll also help your undersLandlng of pL care.
1hanks so much for your help everyone!

AnlLa- wlll you posL Lhls Lo ShareolnL under CnA/AC councll for me? 1hanks so much!
Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units
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