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Worksheet: Science 17-08-2009

Activity 1:
Efect of radioactive radiation.
Match the ord ith correct state!ent.
"on# ter! efects
"ack of safety
Short ter! efects
%&&e#a& d$!'in#
Activity 2:
(ro'er hand&in# of radioactive s$)stances and aste.
Match the ord ith correct state!ent.
A '&ace to kee' radioactive s$)stances safety
%s $sed to detect the radiation &eve& e*'osed )y a
A !achine that is $sed to 'ick $' dan#ero$s
radioactive s$)stances
A device to 'ick $' a &ess har!f$& radioactive
A '&ace here radioactive aste is )$ried.
+$c&ear '&ants accidents and '&ant
Environ!ent 'o&&$tion ca$sin# death
to &ivin# thin#s.
,ancer- &e$kae!ia- foeta&
+a$sea- vo!itin#- skin disease
Worksheet: Science 17-08-2009
.o)otic ar!
Sea )ed
,oncrete cha!)er

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