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Brief Profile

M. Shabbir Ali
General Manager-Human Resources
Renowned Multinational Company
M. Shabbir li is a self-made professional possessing more than !" years of comprehensi#e
human resource management and de#elopment e$periences including human resources strategic
planning% manpower planning% recruitment & selection% career management & de#elopment%
succession planning% talent management% employee retention% conflict resolution% change
management% compensation'benefit management% performance & reward management and
labour( employee relations.
He possess broad )nowledge of managing human resources from a #ariety of sectors including
union and non- union en#ironments from international% multinational% international *oint #enture%
go#ernment and pri#ate sector companies. His different sectoral orientations includes from
manufacturing +,ea% Pharmaceuticals/% ser#ice +,elecommunication/% financial
+Ban)ing/ and 0il & 1nergy sector.
Mr. Sabbir li is2
-ellow Member of BSHRM
-ellow Member of 3PM% Bangladesh +-3PM/
Certified in Competency Based Recruitment & Selection
Certified Professional of ustralian Human Resource 3nstitute +CHR3/
Certified ,rainers4 ,rainer
Certified Psychometric ssessor
Certified in Handling of 5isciplinary Cases
- See more at2 http2((;"gyy<.dpuf

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