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Test Reporting

Skill Category 6
 Prerequisites to Test Reporting pg 321
 Test Tools used to Build Test Reports pg 331
 Test Tools used to Enhance Test Reporting
pg 351
 Reporting Test Results pg 356
Prerequisites to Test
Test reporting is where the value of testing shines

Database is recommended for the storage of the

test results that is available to everyone who
wants the information

 Define the test status data to be collected

 Define the test metrics to be used in reporting
test results
 Define effective test metrics

pg 321-322
Define and Collect Test Status
Types of data needed for collection:
 Test Results Data
 Test factors
 The factors incorporated into the plan
 Business objectives
 The validation that specific business objectives have been met.
 Interface objectives
 Validation that data/objects can be correctly passed among
software components
 Functions and sub-functions
 Pieces normally associated with requirements
 Units
 The smallest identifiable software components
 Platform
 The system environment for the application
 And others not mentioned

pg 322
Define and Collect Test Status
Other Types of data needed for collection:
 Test Case Results and Test Verification Results
 Test techniques used to perform testing
 Test Cases – types of tests to be used
 Inspections – verification pf process deliverables against
deliverable specifications
 Reviews – verification process that deliverables\phases are
meeting user’s true needs
 Defects
 Data the defect uncovered, Name of the defect, location
of the defect, severity of the defect, type of defect, and
how the defect was uncovered.
 Efficiency
 For both the software system and the test process

pg 322-323
Define Test Metrics used in
1. Establish a test metrics team
 Members:
 Should have a working knowledge of quality and
productivity measures
 Are knowledgeable in the implementation of statistical
process control tools
 Have a working understanding of benchmarking
 Know the organization's goals and objectives
 Are respected by their peers and management
 Should be relative to the size of the organization (>=2)
 Should have representatives from management,
development, and maintenance projects

pg 323-324
Define Test Metrics used in
2. Inventory exist IT measures
 All identified data must be validated to determine if
they are valid and reliable.
 Should kick off with a meeting
 Introduce al members
 Review scope and objectives of the inventory process
 Summarize the inventory processes to be used
 Establish communication channels to use
 Confirm the inventory schedule with major target dates
 Should contain the following activities:
 Review all measures currently being captured and
 Document all findings
 Conduct interviews

pg 324
Define Test Metrics used in
3. Develop a consistent set of metrics
 Should be consistent across all product lines
3. Define Desired test metrics
 Use the previous 2 tasks to define the metrics
for the test reporting process
 Description of desired output reports
 Description of common measures
 Source of common measures and associated
software tools for capture
 Definition of data repositories

pg 325
Define Test Metrics used in
 Develop and implement the process for collecting
measurement data
 Document the workflow of the data pature and reporting
 Procure software tools to capture, analyze, and report
the data
 Develop and test system and user documentation
 Beta-test the process using a small to medium-size
 Resolve all management and project problems
 Conduct training sessions for the management and
project personnel on how to use the process and
interrelate the reports
 Roll out the test status process
 Monitor the process
pg 325
Define Effective Test Metrics
A quantitative measure of the degree to which a system,
component, or process possesses a given attribute

Process Metric
A metric used to measure characteristics of the methods,
techniques, and tools employed in developing, implementing, and
maintaining the software system

Product Metric
A metric used to measure the characteristics of the documentation
and code

Software Quality Metric

A function whose inputs are software data and whose output is a
single numerical value that can be interpreted as the degree to
which software possesses a given attribute that affects its quality

pg 326
Define Effective Test Metrics
 Test status usually include:
 Total number of tests
 Number of tests executed to date
 Number of tests passing

 Defect data to include:

 Total number of defects fixed during the time frame
 Total number of defects found
 Average duration between defect detection and defect
 Average effort to correct a defect
 Total number of defects remaining

pg 326
Define Effective Test Metrics
 Objective vs. Subjective Measures
 Objective measure can be obtained by
 Subjective measure has to be calculated based
upon a person’s perception

 Subjective measures are much more

important, but people tend to go towards the
objective measures

pg 327
Define Effective Test Metrics
How do you know a Metric is good?
 Reliability
 If two people take the measure, will they get the same
 Validity
 Does the metric really measure what we want to measure?
 Ease of Use and Simplicity
 Is it easy to capture?
 Timeliness
 Is the data available while the data is still relevant?
 Calibration
 Can the metric be changed easily in order to better meet
the other requirements?

pg 327
Define Effective Test Metrics
 Standard Units of Measure
 A measure is a single attribute of an entity
 Must be defined before taking a measurement
 Weighing factors must also be defined
 Measurement program should have between 5 and 50
standard units of measure
 Productivity vs. Quality
 Quality is an attribute of a product or service
 Productivity is an attribute of a process
 Quality can drive productivity
 Lower or not meet quality standards, some productivity
measures will likely increase
 Improve the processes so that defects do not occur, some
productivity measures will likely increase
 QAI likes this method better

pg 328
Define Effective Test Metrics
 Test Metric Categories
 It is useful to categorize metrics for use in status

Commonly used Categories

 Metrics Unique to Test
 Defect removal efficiency
 Defect density
 Mean time to Failure
 Mean time to last failure
 Coverage metrics
 Test cycles
 Requirements tested
pg 328 - 329
Define Effective Test Metrics
Commonly used Categories (cont)
 Complexity Measurements
 Size of module/unit
 Logic complexity
 Documentation complexity
 Project Metrics
 Percent of budget utilized
 Days behind or ahead of schedule
 Percent of change of project scope
 Percent of project completed

pg 329
Define Effective Test Metrics
Commonly used Categories (cont)
 Size Measurements
 Function Points
 Pages or words of documentation
 Defect Metrics
 Defects related to size of software (#defects\KLOC)
 Severity of defects
 Priority of defects
 Age of defects
 Defects uncovered in testing
 Cost to locate a defect
 Product Measures
 Defect density
pg 330
Define Effective Test Metrics
Commonly used Categories (cont)
 Satisfaction Metrics
 Ease of use
 Customer complaints
 Customer subjective assessment
 Acceptance criteria met
 User participation in software development
 Productivity Metrics
 Cost of testing in relation to overall project costs
 Under budget/Ahead of schedule
 Software defects uncovered after the software is place
into the operational status
 Amount of testing using automated tools.
pg 330 - 331
Test Tools used to Build Test
 Testers use many tools in analyzing the
results of tests and create the information
for test reports

 What are some of these tools?

pg 331
Test Tools …
Pareto Charts
 A type of bar chart to view causes of a problem in
order of severity, largest to smallest

 Provides the ability to

 Categorize items, usually by content or cause factors
 Identify the causes and characteristics that most
contribute to a problem
 Decide which problem to solve or basic causes of a
problem to work on first
 Understand the effectiveness of the improvement by
doing pre- and post-improvement charts

pg 331-334
Test Tools …
Pareto Charts

 Deployment
1. Define the problem clearly
2. Collect data
3. Sort or tally data in descending order
4. Construct chart
5. Draw bars to correspond to sorted data in
descending order
6. Determine vital few causes
7. Compare and select major causes
pg 331-334
Test Tools …
Pareto Charts
 Results
 A necessary first step in continuous process
 Graphically demonstrates the 20-80 Rule
 Provides the ability to identify which problem
or cause to work on first by its severity or
 Recommendations
 It is easy to understand, but it requires
discipline by management teams, facilitators,
and teams involved

pg 331-334
Test Tools …
Pareto Voting
 For problems that can’t be quantified, use
Pareto Voting.
 Based on the Pareto Principle
 20% of the potential causes brainstormed will
usually be chose by 80% of the group

 Usually used with the cause and effect

(fishbone) diagram.

pg 334
Test Tools …
Pareto Voting
 Deployment
1. Complete brainstorming for potential causes of a
2. Determine the total number of brainstormed ideas and
multiply by 20%
3. Determine the number of votes teach team member
gets from the results of step 2
4. Each team member then votes to select the cause(s)
having the largest impact on the state problem
5. Tally votes (please don’t accept bribes)
6. Determine the plan of action to resolve these causes

pg 334
Test Tools …
Cause and Effect Diagrams
 Useful for visualizing, linking, identifying,
classifying, and clarifying possible causes of a
 Tends to keep teams focused on the problem
 Uses the 5 years old approach
 Always ask “why?”
 Don’t accept “because” as an answer

 AKA – Fishbone diagram, Ishikawa diagram, or

characteristics diagram

pg 335-337
Test Tools …
Cause and Effect Diagrams
 Deployment
1. Identify a problem (effect) with a list of potential
2. Construct a fishbone diagram with basic material –
flipchart, paper, whiteboard, etc.
3. Write the effect at the right side
4. Identify major causes of the problems
5. Use Results of brainstorm or affinity diagram to fill in
small branches
6. Complete process until lowest-level sub-cause is

pg 335-337
Test Tools …
Cause and Effect Diagrams
 Deployment (cont)

7. Review, check, and verify with the work

process that these causes do strongly affect
the problem or causes being resolved
8. Select most important causes to work on first
 Can use many methods including the Pareto voting
7. Verify root causes
8. Continue this process to identify all validated
root causes

pg 335-337
Test Tools …
Cause and Effect Diagrams
 Results
 Provides a visual relationship between cause and effect
 Breaks down problem into manageable group of root
causes that contribute most to a problem
 Separates symptoms of a problem from the real causes
 Provides interaction within a team to analyze problems

 Recommendation
 Use to analyze problem related to workplace or
processes owned by a team

pg 335-337
Test Tools …
Check Sheets
 Check sheet is the technique or tool to
record the number of occurrences over a
specified interval of time
 A data sample to determine the frequency of
an event.

 Used to support or validate objectively the

significance of the event.

pg 337-340
Test Tools …
Check Sheets
 Deployment
1. Clarify what must be collected
2. Establish the format for the data collection
3. Understand the objectives to ensure accuracy of the
collection process
4. Establish the sample size and time frame of data
5. Instruct or train data collectors for consistency
6. Observe, record, and collect data
7. Tally results, using Pareto chart or histograms
8. Evaluate results

pg 337-340
Test Tools …
Check Sheets
 Results
 Provide factual data to evaluate problems
 Detects patterns in the process where the problems are

 Recommendations
 Use as a standard for problem solving whenever data is
available or can be collected to validate early what is
happening to a process or underlining a problem

pg 337-340
Test Tools …
Check Sheets
 Advantages
 Defines areas to discuss
 Limits scope
 Consistency
 Organized approach

 Disadvantages
 Over reliance
 Applicability
 Limiting

pg 337-340
Test Tools …
Check Sheets
 Suggestions for preparing checklists
 Avoid bias
 Mix questions by topic
 Test questions prior to use
 Allow for “I don’t know”

 Suggestions for using checklists

 Learn reason for question
 Determine applicability or completeness
 Prepare or rehearse
 Anticipate response
 Ask without questionnaire
 Document when interview complete
pg 337-340
Test Tools …
 An orderly technique of grouping data by
predetermined intervals to show the
frequency of the data set
 Provides a way to analyze data collected

 Can display
 Central point - Average
 Variation - Standard deviation, range
 Shape of distribution – normal, skewed,

pg 340-342
Test Tools …
 Deployment
1. Gather data and organize from lowest to highest values
2. Calculate the range (r): largest to the smallest
3. Determine number of cells (k)
4. Calculate the interval or width (m) of the cells
1. m = r/k
5. Sort the data or observations into their respective cells
6. Count the data points of each cell to determine the
height of the interval
7. Create a frequency table
8. Plot the results
9. Distribution pattern from histograms: normal, double
peak,olated island, cliff, cogwheel, and skewed

pg 340-342
Test Tools …
 Results
 Helps explain graphically if a process is out of
 Provides a basis for what to work on first
 Provides insight on the process capability to
meet end user specifications
 Establishes a technique to measure a process
 Analyze for improvement opportunities
 Recommendations
 Everyone should use the histogram technique
pg 340-342
Test Tools …
Run Charts
 A graph of data in chronological order
displaying shifts or trends in the central
 They track changes or trends in a process
as well as help to understand the
dynamics of a process.

pg 342-343
Test Tools …
Run Charts
 Deployment
1. Decide which outputs of a process you need
to measure
2. Label your chart both vertically (quantity) and
horizontally (time)
3. Plot the individual measurements over time
4. Connect data points for easy use and
5. Track data chronologically in time
6. Look for trends

pg 342-343
Test Tools …
Run Charts
 Look for the following:
 Unusual events
 Those points out of the
range should be looked at
closer to determine if a
change should be made
permanent or deleted
 Trend – 6 or more increasing\decreasing points show a
trend. Investigate!
 Two processes – alternating data points above and below the
average show that there are caused by two groups, shifts, or
 All special causes need to be investigated

pg 342-343
Test Tools …
Run Charts
 Results
 Monitor outputs of a process to better
understand what is happening
 Provides a means to detect the shifts or trends
in a process
 Provides input for establishing control charts
after a process has matured or stabilized in
 Recommendations
 Use to quantify and determine what is
happening in or with a process

pg 342-343
Test Tools …
Scatter Plot Diagrams
 Shows the relationship that may exist between
two variables or factors
 Can test for possible cause and effect diagrams

 Correlation diagrams (positive, negative, or zero)

 Walter Shewhart at Bell Laboratories popularized

this technique

pg 343-349
Test Tools …
Scatter Plot Diagrams
 Deployment
1. Select the variable and response relationship to be
examined by the team
2. Gather data on variable and response; determine
sample size or paired data
3. Plot the results; determine appropriate scale to plot
the relationship
4. Circle repeated data points as many times as they
 Possible correlations
 Positive, negative, random, linear, curvilinear, or

pg 343-344
Test Tools …
Scatter Plot Diagrams

pg 344
Test Tools …
Scatter Plot Diagrams
 Exploratory Analysis
 Exploratory graphics are used to identify
conditions for additional investigations
 Does not need a large sample size, but also
cannot be used for predictions about the

 Cluster Analysis
 Regression Analysis
 Multivariate Analysis

pg 344-345
Test Tools …
Cluster Analysis
 Used to identify groups or clusters of items, which
are in close proximity of one another on the
scatter plot
 Once a cluster is identified, the analyst could now
use it to determine if there are any reason why
they would be clustered
 Useful in:
 Identifying common characteristics of subcategories of
 Multivariable relationships
 Identification of items that should be of concern to
management, but they may not have realized the
quantity of items in the cluster
 Items to sample because they fall outside expected
ranges (those outside the cluster)
pg 345-347
Test Tools …
Cluster Analysis
 Results
 Gives analysis between two measurement
variables in a process
 Provides a test of two variables being changed
to improve a process or solve a problem
 Helps to recover real causes, not symptoms, of
a problem or a process

 Recommendations
 None
pg 345-347
Test Tools …
Regression Analysis
 Will provide two pieces of information
 A graphic showing the relationship between
two variables
 It will show the correlation, or how closely
related the two variables are
 Is used in analysis to show cause and
effect relationships between two variables.
 Is used in conjunction with analysis to
prove to management the point

pg 347-348
Test Tools …
Regression Analysis
 Deployment
 Usually requires a lot of math
 The analyst may want to pick 2 or 3 variables
in order to show regression.
 The analyst needs to calculate the standard

 Standard error deals with the probability

that the regression is correct
 The closer the points are to the line, the less
error there is
pg 347-348
Test Tools …
Regression Analysis
 Results
 Cause and effect relationship of two variables
 Projecting performance based on multiple
 Probing to determine the cause of some
unfavorable event

 Recommendations
 None

pg 347-348
Test Tools …
Multivariate Analysis
 Begins with single variables being plotted
 Correlation may be present

 Note about “exploratory graphics”

 They are called that way because they should be
followed up with some analysis
 May not actually show any correlation between variables
 They should not be used to confirm hypotheses, but to
pose hypotheses
 These hypotheses need to be confirmed through

pg 348-349
Test Tools …
Multivariate Analysis
 Deployment
 Normally requires advanced statistical
packages to perform the underlying analysis
 Regression statistics most often are used to produce
the information needed for creating the multivariable

pg 348-349
Test Tools …
Multivariate Analysis
 Can be used
 Only after individual variables have been
carefully examined
 When scatter plots of the individuals have been
made and the information smoothed in order
to examine or plot the individual variables

pg 348-349
Test Tools …
Control Charts
 A statistical technique to assess, monitor,
and maintain the stability of a process.
 The intent is to monitor the variation of a
statistically stable process where activities
are repetitive.
 Types of variation being observed:
 Common (random)
 Special (unique events)
 Meant to be used on a continuous basis to
monitor processes
pg 349-351
Test Tools …
Control Charts
 Typically used when the process seems to be out
of control
 Deployment
1. Identify characteristics of process to monitor
2. Select the appropriate type of control chart based on
characteristics to monitor
3. Determine methods for sampling – use check sheets
4. Collect the sample data
5. Analyze and calculate sample statistics
6. Construct control chart based on statistics
7. Monitor process for common and special cuases
8. Evaluate and analyze any observations outside the limits
for causes related to the situation
9. Investigate unusual patters when observations have
multiple runs above or below the average
pg 349-351
Test Tools …
Control Charts
 Results
 Objectively defines a process and variation
 Establishes measures on a process
 Improves process analysis and opportunities
 Process improvements are based on facts-
managed by facts

pg 349-351
Test Tools used to Enhance
Test Reporting
 The more useful the information in test
reports, the better the view of testing

 Using the following helps:

 Report graphics
 Color
 Highlighting Key points
 Management summaries

pg 351
…Enhance Reporting
 Is the continuous process of measuring
our products, services, and practices
against our toughest competitors, or those
companies recognized as world leaders.
 The purpose is to achieve process
improvement, measurement, motivations,
and a management process for

pg 351-355
…Enhance Reporting
 Gain a better awareness of yourself:
 What you are doing and how
 How well you are doing it
 Gain a better awareness of “the best”:
 What they are doing and how
 How well they are doing it
 Identify the performance gap
 Understand how to change business processes to
improve quality, cost, and delivery
 Types:
 Performance
 Process
 Product

pg 351-355
…Enhance Reporting
 A 10 Step process to Collect Benchmark Data
1. Identify benchmarking subject and teams
2. Identify and select benchmarking partners
3. Collect Data
4. Determine current competitive gap
5. Project the future performance levels
6. Communicate findings and gain acceptance
7. Establish Functional Improvement goals
8. Develop an Action Plan
9. Implement plans and monitor progress
10. Recalibrate and reset benchmark performance levels

pg 351-355
…Enhance Reporting
 Deployment
 Competitive Benchmarks
 Compare your business performance within the IT
 Functional Benchmarks
 Compare your business performance with that of the
best in the industry
 Internal Benchmarks
 Compare business performance with that of other
company units

pg 351-355
…Enhance Reporting
 Results
 An assessment of how good your are against industry leaders
 An indication of an improvement goal that is realistic based on industry
 Insight into how to achieve improvement from analysis of
benchmarking partners’ processes
 Four lessons:
 It’s important to focus on a specific objective and process
 Breadth for context; depth for understanding
 Facilitation of the benchmarking session to keep on track
 It’s key to prepare in advance
 Objectives, agenda, date, attendees
 Meeting and benchmarking protocol
 Process documentation
 It’s not easy to identify the IT “best of the best”
 Good performance data is not readily available
 Research is required to evaluate opinion versus fact
 It always takes longer than you think

pg 351-355
…Enhance Reporting
Quality Function Deployment
 Aimed specifically at satisfying the end
 Focuses on delivering value by
understanding what the user wants and
needs and then deploying these
expectations downstream in a visible way

 Dr. Yoji Akao defines QFD as a quality

system with many commonents

pg 355-356
…Enhance Reporting
Quality Function Deployment
 End-user deployment
 Involves the determination of the types of end-
users the product will focus on
 This is the first step when starting a project –
even before requirements deployment
 Quality deployment
 Uses tools and techniques for the exploration
and the specification of high-value end-user
 Once captured, the requirements then get
translated and deployed into technical
pg 355-356
Reporting Test Results
 Should be a continuous process
 In preparing test reporters, answer:
 What information do the stakeholders need?
 How can testers present that information in an easy-to-
understand format?
 How can I present the information so that it is
 What can I tell the stakeholder that would help in
determining what action to take?
 Test reporting needs to be sent at pre-defined
place using current status reports and at the end
of testing using the final test report

pg 356-357
Reporting Test Results
Current Status Test Reports
 Need to show the status of testing
 These will be used by the testers, test
manager, and the software development

 13 examples follow

pg 357-374
Current Status Reports
Function Test Matrix
 Shows which tests must be performed to
validate the functions
 A low level report that shows the results of each
 Intersections can be color coded or with a
number to show status
1. Test is needed, but not performed
2. Test is currently being performed
3. Test was performed and a minor defect noted
4. Test was performed and a major defect noted
5. Test complete and function is defect-free for the
criteria included in this test

pg 358
Current Status Reports
Defect Status Report
 One is needed for each defect found by
 Data can be simple or complex, but these
are the minimum recommended:
 Defect naming
 Defect Severity
 Defect Type
 It is to describe the defect and give the
current status of that defect

pg 359-360
Current Status Reports
Functional Testing Status
 Should contain the percent of:
 Functions that have been fully tested
 Functions that have been tested, but contain
 Functions that have not been tested
 It is to show the progress of testing
 How many concerns are generated by this
report depend upon what stage the application
is in

pg 360-361
Current Status Reports
Functions Working Timeline
 Used to determine if test and development
are on schedule

pg 361-362
Current Status Reports
Expected versus Actual Defects Uncovered
 Used to show if the number of defects uncovered
is above or below the expected number
 Assumptions:
 The development process is sufficiently stable so that
the defect rates from the process are relatively
 The organization has sufficient historical data to project
defect rates
 Any varients should be looked into
 Too many – developers are inexperienced, or you have
a very good\efficient test team that knows how to spot
defects early in the process
 Too few – Testers are writing the wrong types of tests,
or you have a very good\efficient set of developers that
know how to code (very rare)

pg 362-363
Current Status Reports
Defects Uncovered versus Corrected Gap
 This is used to list the backlog of
uncorrected defects that have been

pg 363 - 364
Current Status Reports
Average Age of Uncorrected Defects by Type
 Used to show the breakdown of the gap
from Defects Uncovered versus Corrected Gap Timeline Report
 Organizations should have guidelines for
how long defects at each level should be
allowed in the system, before they are

pg 364-365
Current Status Reports
Defect Distribution Report
 Used to explain how defects are
distributed among the modules/units
being tested
 A variation could be what test found the
 Functions with high defect count normally
have an architecture issue

pg 365-366
Current Status Reports
Relative Defect Distribution
 Used to normalize the defect distribution
 Can be by function points or lines of code
 Permits comparison of defect density among
the modules/units

pg 366-367
Current Status Reports
Testing Action Report
 Used to summarize the action report
prepared by the test team
 Helps managers see the state of testing
and defect fixes

pg 367-368
Current Status Reports
Individual Project Component Test
 Generated when a tester has its testing
completed for a component

pg 368-369
Current Status Reports
Summary Project Status Report
 Used to provide general information about
the application and uses graphics to show
the status for each component
 Should contain:
 Report Date Information
 Project Information
 Timeline Information
 Legend Information

pg 368-370
Current Status Reports
Individual Project Status Report
 Provides information for a specific project
 Should contain:
 Project Information
 General Project Information
 Project Activities Information
 Timeline for measuring each phase
 Future dates for expected completion
 Essential Elements Information
 Legend Information
 Project Highlights Information

pg 371-374
Reporting Test Results
Final Test Reports
 Should be prepared after each level of testing
 May include Unit, Integration, System, and Acceptance test reporting
 Should report the results of testing as defined by the test plan

 Should contain:
 Definition of the scope of testing
 Test results
 Conclusions and recommendations

 Objectives:
 Inform the developers what works and what does not work
 Provide information to the users of the software system so that they
can determine whether or not the system is ready for production
 After implementation, help the project trace problems in the event that
the application breaks in production
 Use the test results to analyze the test processes to make it run

pg 374-375
Final Test Reports
Unit Test Report
 Unit is usually tested by the developer

pg 375-376
Final Test Results
Integration Test Report
 Follows the same format as unit test
report, except it focuses on the interfaces

pg 376-377
Final Test Reports
System Test Report

pg 377-378
Reporting Test Results
Guidelines for Report Writing
 Develop a baseline
 If the report is consistent across the enterprise, it will be
easier to draw comparisons in the company
 These comparisons can better point out what worked and what
 Use good report writing practices
 Allow team members to review a draft before it is finalized
 Don’t include names or assign blame
 Stress quality
 Limit the report to two or three pages stressing important
items – other information can be included in appendices
 Eliminate small problems from the report and give these
directly to the project people
 Hand-carry the report to the project leader
 Off to have the testers work with the project team to explain
their findings and recommendations

pf 378-379

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