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Lilly woke to the sound of whistling. Is that a storm?

questioned herself. She got out of bed and looked out the
frosted window. She stared. There was no storm. I wonder
what is going on. Ill figure it out in the morning She hopped
into bed and went back to sleep.

The next morning came and Lilly darted out the front door.
Whistling filled her ears. The noise seemed louder. What
could be making that noise? Suddenly Everyone
rushed out of their houses in shock. Everyone was asking each
other What was that??? From the bushes a piercing scream
was heard. THERES A BLACK HOLE!!!!

The screaming was as loud as thunder. Everyone frantically
ran around yelling. Everyone except Lilly. She knew what to
do. She ran inside as quickly as she could and rang her friend,
Hello? Bob answered the phone.
Hello Bob its Lilly speaking. Have you heard the news?
What news Lilly? He asked
Oh, there is a black hole near the town!!
.What?? A black hole!!
Yeah, and I know how to fix it. All we need to do is jump in it
Wait, wait. Jump in it? NO WAY!!
Bob, calm down! There is a prize if you stop it!
Ok. So tell me, what do we need to do?
We need to jump in the hole and ask someone in there to
stop it otherwise the town will come crashing down!
Ok Ill be there in a flash. Then he hung up.
In a minute, he rang the doorbell. Lily opened the door and
ran into the woods, with Bob following her with no idea what
was going on. The whistling was louder than anything you
could ever imagine. It was so loud that Lilly and Bob had to
cover their ears with their hands. As they walked behind the
bushes, they saw what they were looking for. The Black Hole.

There it was, standing before them.
Lilly asked Bob Are you ready?
Um, yeah He replied
Lets GOOOO!!! Lilly grabbed his hand and jumped in.

Down they went, flying in darkness. Wind ran through their
hair as they sunk into the hole.

BANG!! They hit the ground. Out of nowhere they heard
a voice saying Who dares to enter my hole!
Lilly and Bob looked around, startled.
Um my name is Lilly and um this is Bob. We have come to
ask you to stop this um black hole because um its going
to hit my town Lilly said, scared as ever.
Suddenly, a woman appeared in the air, all in black.
WOW! Lilly said to Bob in astonishment. The woman had a
long, black dress, blue eyes and a tiara with black diamond on
it. I am Queen Sofia, ruler of this hole and you cant stop
me!!! Queen Sofia lifted up her hands and out of nowhere,
blue power hovered over her hands. She threw the swirling
power towards Lilly and Bob.
Quick Bob, dodge!!!! Lilly ran to the side. BANG!
Dust flew everywhere. Lilly coughed. Bob, BOB!!! When the
dust disappeared, she found that Bob was lying on the floor.
She ran to him, tears dropping down her face. She touched
him. He was dead. Her eyes turn to meet Queen Sofias.
HOW DARE YOU KILL HIM!!!!! She turned to see a bucket
of water, lying on the ground. Next to it was a sign saying TIP
grabbed the bucket and ran towards the Queen. PAYBACK
TIME!!!!! She threw the water on the Queen and slowly, she
started to disappear. Ahhhhh!! She yelled as she turned to
dust. Lilly jumped for joy. She had won!! Magically, the hole
started to close up. Lilly started to be transported back to her
town. The magic dropped her down safely. Everyone rushed
up to her to ask what happened. Well it was a long story
she said as she started to tell her story.

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