Saving Your Work

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Saving your work appropriately

Step 1: Ensure that all your documents from this unit of work are saved under the name of each
activity. For example, the geography worksheet is titled, Geography or History OneNote workbook.

If for some reason you havent saved it under the correct file name, you can simply right click on the
file and then select rename from the list of options.
Step 2: Once you have ensured that all your files are correctly labelled, you need to create a new
folder to place them in.

1.Click on
the folder
box from
2.Then right click and select the new
option and then folder.
3.Ensure you
label your folder,
your name
Khmer Empire
E.g. Ms Mansfield
Khmer Empire

Step 3: You then need to copy all of your documents into the folder you have just created.

Step 4: Ensure that your folder is saved in the Documents folder of your account. If it is saved in
the correct place, your teacher can then access your work.

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