DC Training, by DC

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DC Training....

By Doggcrapp with his permission

Bodybuilding as a whole is extreme and you must go to extreme lengths to be an out of
the ordinary bodybuilder in this activity. The human body in no way wants to be 270 to
0 lbs of extreme muscularity. !t wants to be a comfortable "## to "$0 lbs and will do a
lot to %eep a person at that homeostasis level. &on 'arillo was on the right trac% years ago
when he was trying to ma%e bodybuilders into food processing factories. !t ta%es extreme
amounts of food (protein)* extremely heavy weights* sometimes extreme
supplementation* (the choice) of extreme drugs* and other extreme situations to ta%e a
person who by evolution and genetics should be "$0 pounds and ma%e him into a
hardcore hundred pounds. +, first ! have to go over some principles ! believe in
regarding training and !-ll hit more on training details later on.
a) ! believe he who ma%es the greatest strength gains (in a controlled fashion) as a
bodybuilder* ma%es the greatest muscle gains. .ote/ ! said strength gains00everyone
%nows someone naturally strong who can bench 100 yet isn-t that big. 2oing from a
beginning 7# bench to 100 isn-t that great of a strength gain and won3t result in much of
a muscle gain. But if ! show you someone who went from "#0 to 100 on a xxxx that guy
will have about 2.# inches more of muscle thic%ness on his pecs. That is an incredible
strength gain and will e4ual out into an incredible muscle gain. .inety0nine percent of
bodybuilders are brainwashed that they must go for a blood pump and are striving for that
effect00(go up and down on your calves #00 times and tell me if your calves got any
bigger). 5nd those same 667 in a gym stay the same year after year. !t-s because they
have no plan* they go in* get a pump and leave. They give the body no reason to change.
'owerbodybuilders and powerlifters plan to continually get stronger and stronger on %ey
movements. The body protects itself from ever increasing loads by getting muscularly
bigger8adaption. !-m going to repeat this and hammer it home because of its importance/
T9: ':+';: <9+ =5,: T9: 2>:5T:?T ?T>:.2T9 25!.? +@:> T!=:
<!;; =5,: T9: 2>:5T:?T ?!A: 25!.? +@:> T!=: 5CC+>D!.2 T+ T9:!>
2:.:T!C '+T:.T!5;. !f you reading this never get anywhere close to your ultimate
strength levels (5T <95T:@:> >:' >5.2:) you will never get to your utmost level
of potential siBe.
b) ! haven-t seen a guy who can s4uat #00 for 20 reps* bench press #00 for "# and deadlift
#00 for "# who was small yet 000but ! have seen a lot and ! mean a lot of people in the
gym and on these !nternet forums that are a buc% C# or two and change* shouting that you
don-t have to lift heavy to get big (in rare cases you will see a naturally strong powerlifter
who has to curb calories to stay in a weight class and that is the reason he doesn-t get
c) Training is all about adaption. !n simple terms you lift a weight and your muscle has
one of 2 choices* either tear completely under the load (which is incredibly rare and what
we don-t want) or the muscle lifts the weight and protects itself by remodeling and getting
bigger to protect itself against the load (next time). !f the weight gets heavier* the muscle
has to again remodel and get bigger again to handle it. Dou can superset* superslow* giant
set* pre exhaust all day long but the infinite adaption is load000meaning heavier and
heavier weights is the only infinite thing you can do in your training. !ntensity is finite.
@olume is finite (or infinite if you want to do 6000 sets per bodypart)...everything else is
finite. The ;oad is infinite and heavier and heavier weights used (! D+.-T 2!@: 5
C>5' <95T ?+=: BEC, #$ '+E.D <>!T:> F>+= F;:G =525A!.: ?5D?)
will ma%e the biggest bodybuilder (add high protein* glutamine and drugs to the mix and
you have one large person).
d) The largest pro bodybuilders in the last "0 years (outside of 'aul Dillett who is a
genetic alien and ! thin% could grow off of mowing lawns) are also the very strongest
(,ovacs* 'rince* Coleman* Dates* Francois* .asser (although he trains lighter now). For
anyone who argues that they have seen so and so pro bodybuilder and he trains light000
well ! will bet you he isn-t gaining rapid siBe anymore and that his greatest siBe increases
were when he was training shit heavy going for his pro card. +f course he will convince
himself and others that he is Hma%ing the best gains of his careerH though because no one
li%es to thin% what they are presently doing isn-t wor%ing and they are running in place.
?adly heavy drug use for a lot of training fallacies and leave people still uninformed on
how they became massive. >onnie Coleman is definitely in an elite class of muscle
building genetically yet do you see him doing isolation exercises with light weights to be
the most massive bodybuilder on this planetI .+':J :ver see his videoI $0# deadlifts
for 2 reps* 7C# for C reps deads* front s4uats with C00;B? for C* 200;B dumbbells being
thrown all over the place for chest* military presses "# for "2 and a double with 10#. !
believe Coleman was clean or close to it when he was powerlifting and when he was an
amateur bodybuilder. 9e won the .atural Team Eniverse and got his pro card at roughly
220020;B? shredded to the bone and if that was natural or close to it00that-s about
270;B? offseason and would be a huge natural bodybuilder. ?ince that time he has
hoo%ed up with Chad .ichols and blasted (with Kuice) up to his current 2C#;B? contest
weight and 20;B? offseason. 9e trains heavier now than he ever didJ The man has used
extremely heavy weights and powerlifting fundamentals (even with his superior genetics
for muscle siBe) to become the most impressive bodybuilder wal%ing the globe. <ell* if
the man with some of the best genetics to build muscle out there is using bac% brea%ing
weights trying to get bigger isn-t that more of a reason the mere mortals of genetics in this
sport should maybe ta%e noteI There are other pros out there with genetics on par with
Coleman and using the same amount of drugs yet aren-t pushing the limits with
poundage-s in training as does Coleman. Dou figure it out then* why is he absolutely
crushing everyone onstage by outmuscling them if all things besides training are e4ualI
e) <ho is the last incredibly massive bodybuilder you have seen (Kuice or not) who
couldn-t incline 10#* s4uat ##0* deadlift ##0. ! am tal%ing frea%0massive 5;5 Dorian*
,ovacs* Francois* etc.....there are slew of guys in gyms using mega amounts of steroids
on par with pros who are no where close to a pro-s siBe* some with mediocre genetics* yet
some with superb genetics. But the pro-s using weights that are up there in the
stratosphere are by and large the most frea%ish. These are pros we are tal%ing about* who
all have superior genetics for muscle accumulation. Do you thin% Dates* Francois*
Cormier etc all Kust had natural genetics for incredible strength* not ever having to wor%
for itI &ean 'aul 2uilliame is the only clean professional bodybuilder ! ever trusted to be
truly natural. The man is a smaller pro training without the Kuice yet trains incredibly
heavy for his siBe0010#;B s4uats roc% bottom for up to 20 reps and his wheels are
incredible. Flex <heeler and Cris Cormier were the same height* the drugs are e4ual*
Flex trained light* Cormier trains heavy. Cormier outweighs <heeler onstage by 0;B?J
2enetically* <heeler is unsurpassed in pro bodybuilding* ! thin% you already %now the
answer to this one00case closed. ! usually don-t li%e to use pro bodybuilders for examples
but in these cases* my pointsLMaN LN are proven.
For those training clean0if you got guys doing massive amounts of steroids in gyms
around 5merica* who are not putting on appreciable siBe because they train with light
weights* what in your right mind could ma%e you thin% you will gain appreciable
amounts of Nmuscle massLMaN LN as a natural training lightIJIJ +ne million people in the
Enited ?tates have admitted to using steroids00" millionJJJ That is one out of every 00
people wal%ing around. 9ow many big people do you see out thereI .ot many. !t sure
isn-t close to " million0000 because 6$7 of bodybuilders have no clue what needs to be
done training and eating wise to become elite.
f) 'lease thin% of the times when you made the best siBe gains000the first time is in the
first 2 years of lifting <9:. D+E =5,: D+E> B:?T ?T>:.2T9 25!.? T++J
Then things start to slow down.. <hat-s the next timeI00Dou start using steroids and boom
what happensI D+E> T>5!.!.2 <:!29T? 2+ F;D!.2 E'. 5nd you get
dramatically biggerJ (!-m ta%ing into effect protein assimilation* recovery etc also). The
greatest strength gains you ma%e will result in also the most rapid siBe gains (if you3re
ta%ing in the protein re4uirements of a "2 year old girl scout then you can discount
yourself from the above group).
g) ! believe in 'owerbuilding not bodybuilding00using techni4ues that build the most
strength gains in the fastest time possible while using the most effective exercises for that
person. ! am positive ! could ta%e 2 twins00have the first one do his own thing training
wise* but using the same drugs* supplements and nutrition as the twin ! train......come
bac% a year later and the twin ! trained would have 2#;B? more muscle.
h) !-ve seen powerlifters (who catch a lot of guff from bodybuilders for being HfatH) diet
down and come in and destroy bodybuilders in bodybuilding shows time and time again.
+ver and over. 'owerlifters and 'owerbodybuilders are by far the thic%est guys onstage
when and if they decide to enter bodybuilding shows.
i) 9eavy is relative00it doesn-t mean reps 000 it means as heavy as you can go on that
exercise no matter if it is # reps or #0 reps. ! personally li%e to do hac% s4uats for 20 reps
but ! use about C plates on each side roc% bottom00that-s as heavy as ! can go on that
exercise for 20 reps. ! could do sets of C and probably use maybe $ or 6 plates a side but
my legs (and most people ! train) grow best from heavy and $0#0 reps. The day you can
s4uat 100;B? for 20 deep reps will be the day you are no longer complaining about your
leg siBe.
K) .o matter what the method someone uses to gain super strength gains0it3s imperative
they do so. 5gain if you put someone out on a deserted island with "#;B? of weights he
can superset* giant set* high rep* superslow etc etc s4uats* deadlifts and benches to his
hearts delight...the sad story is his gains will 4uic%ly come to a halt because his limiting
factor is the amount of strength he will gain. 9e has "#;B? to wor% with. Dou ta%e that
same guy on a deserted island and give him s4uats deadlifts* and benches and an
unlimited weight supply that he constantly pushes* in # years !-ll show you a big 2illigan.
%) ! thin% the biggest fallacy in bodybuilding is Hchanging upH H%eeping the body off
balanceH00you can %eep the body off balance by always using techni4ues or methods that
give your body a reason to get bigger8strength. !f you don-t write down your weights and
every time you enter the gym you go by feel and do a different wor%out (li%e 6$7 of the
gym members who never change do now) what has that doneI ;ets say =r. 9ypothetical
gym member does 2# for 6 on the bench press this wee%* Htries to %eep his body
guessingH by doing $0;B? for " on flyes next wee%* 20# for "" on inclines the wee%
after* 21# on hammer press for "2 the wee% after that 00and so on and so on000there is only
a limited number of exercises you can do. Two months later when he does bench presses
again and does 2# for $ or 6 has he gained anythingI 5bsolutely .+TJ Four months
later he does hammer presses for 21# for "" (again) do you thin% he has given his body
any reason to changeI Ta%e 2 twins and have one do a max s4uat for 20 reps and the
other twin giant set 1 leg exercises with the same weight. 5ll year long have the first twin
blast away until he brings his s4uat with 20 reps from "$#;B? to 100;B?. 9ave the
second twin giant set four exercises every wor%out with the same weight he used in his
first wor%out all year long. Believe me he is always going to be sore and he will be
shoc%ing the body every time but the sad truth is he will not gain shit after about the third
leg wor%out because the load didn-t change. There is no reason for his legs to grow in siBe
due to the strength demand presented. The first twin who can now s4uat 100 for 20 is
going to have some incredible wheels.
l) ! use a certain method in my training because in my opinion it is the utmost method to
rapidly gain strength. =ore on that later. +thers might li%e a different method* that-s up to
them* doesn-t matter as long as they are rapidly gaining strength. !f you3re gaining
appreciable strength on an exercise with a certain method ! thin% the 5B?+;ET:;D
<+>?: T9!.2 D+E C5. D+ is to change up right then. Ta%e that exercise and
method to its strength limit and when you get there* then change to a different exercise
and get strong as hell on that exercise too.
m) For the next few months ta%e note of the people you see in the gym that never change.
They will be the ones using the same weight time after time on exercises whenever they
are in the gym. These are the people who use "#* "$#* 22# on the bench every time its
chest day. Dour best friends in the gym are the 2.#;B plates00your very best budsJJJ Dou
put those 2.#;B plates on that bar every time you bench press for #2 wee%s and now your
bench is 2#0;B? more at the end of the yearJ That would e4ual out to another inch to
inch O half thic%ness on your chest. Can it be doneI 'robably not at that rate but
T>D!.2 T+ D+ !T will get you a lot bigger than doing what 6$7 of the people in the
gym do. Enless you are gifted genetically to build muscle at a diBBying rate (most people
aren-t)* the largest people in your gym will also be the ones heaving up the heaviest
weights. Do you thin% they started out that wayI .o* they were probably "7# lb guys who
bulldoBed their way up to that level. 5 perfect example are male strippers. These guys use
a boatload of drugs on par with hardcore competitive bodybuilders. 5fter an initial phase
where they grow off of steroids li%e everyone else00their growth stops (li%e forever).
<hyI Because they aren-t eating #00 grams of protein a day and don-t fight and claw
their way to #00;B bench presses and 700;B s4uats and deadlifts. They stay on the
drugs for years and years while stripping but don-t go beyond that 200 to 220;B range.
?o much for Kuice being the total e4ualiBer. ! don-t %now why pseudo experts try to ma%e
training such an elite science when in actuality it3s pretty cut and dry. !f you %eep a
training log and note your weights used for the next # years and find they are still the
same you will pretty much loo% Hstill the sameH in # years. !f you double all your
poundage-s in the next five years in everything* your going to be one thic% person .....!f
someone ever too% a ratio of people who don-t ma%e gains to people who do* it would be
pitiful. ! would venture to say that 6#7 of people in gyms across this country aren-t
gaining muscle and are wasting their time. The absolutely best advice ! could ever give a
guy starting out lifting is Hgo train with an established powerlifterH and learn all the
principles he trains with. There would be a lot more happy bodybuilders out there.
f) 'lease thin% of the times when you made the best siBe gains000the first time is in the
first 2 years of lifting <9:. D+E =5,: D+E> B:?T ?T>:.2T9 25!.? T++J
Then things start to slow down.. <hat-s the next timeI00Dou start using steroids and boom
what happensI D+E> T>5!.!.2 <:!29T? 2+ F;D!.2 E'. 5nd you get
dramatically biggerJ (!-m ta%ing into effect protein assimilation* recovery etc also). The
greatest strength gains you ma%e will result in also the most rapid siBe gains (if you3re
ta%ing in the protein re4uirements of a "2 year old girl scout then you can discount
yourself from the above group).
g) ! believe in 'owerbuilding not bodybuilding00using techni4ues that build the most
strength gains in the fastest time possible while using the most effective exercises for that
person. ! am positive ! could ta%e 2 twins00have the first one do his own thing training
wise* but using the same drugs* supplements and nutrition as the twin ! train......come
bac% a year later and the twin ! trained would have 2#;B? more muscle.
h) !-ve seen powerlifters (who catch a lot of guff from bodybuilders for being HfatH) diet
down and come in and destroy bodybuilders in bodybuilding shows time and time again.
+ver and over. 'owerlifters and 'owerbodybuilders are by far the thic%est guys onstage
when and if they decide to enter bodybuilding shows.
i) 9eavy is relative00it doesn-t mean reps 000 it means as heavy as you can go on that
exercise no matter if it is # reps or #0 reps. ! personally li%e to do hac% s4uats for 20 reps
but ! use about C plates on each side roc% bottom00that-s as heavy as ! can go on that
exercise for 20 reps. ! could do sets of C and probably use maybe $ or 6 plates a side but
my legs (and most people ! train) grow best from heavy and $0#0 reps. The day you can
s4uat 100;B? for 20 deep reps will be the day you are no longer complaining about your
leg siBe.
K) .o matter what the method someone uses to gain super strength gains0it3s imperative
they do so. 5gain if you put someone out on a deserted island with "#;B? of weights he
can superset* giant set* high rep* superslow etc etc s4uats* deadlifts and benches to his
hearts delight...the sad story is his gains will 4uic%ly come to a halt because his limiting
factor is the amount of strength he will gain. 9e has "#;B? to wor% with. Dou ta%e that
same guy on a deserted island and give him s4uats deadlifts* and benches and an
unlimited weight supply that he constantly pushes* in # years !-ll show you a big 2illigan.
%) ! thin% the biggest fallacy in bodybuilding is Hchanging upH H%eeping the body off
balanceH00you can %eep the body off balance by always using techni4ues or methods that
give your body a reason to get bigger8strength. !f you don-t write down your weights and
every time you enter the gym you go by feel and do a different wor%out (li%e 6$7 of the
gym members who never change do now) what has that doneI ;ets say =r. 9ypothetical
gym member does 2# for 6 on the bench press this wee%* Htries to %eep his body
guessingH by doing $0;B? for " on flyes next wee%* 20# for "" on inclines the wee%
after* 21# on hammer press for "2 the wee% after that 00and so on and so on000there is only
a limited number of exercises you can do. Two months later when he does bench presses
again and does 2# for $ or 6 has he gained anythingI 5bsolutely .+TJ Four months
later he does hammer presses for 21# for "" (again) do you thin% he has given his body
any reason to changeI Ta%e 2 twins and have one do a max s4uat for 20 reps and the
other twin giant set 1 leg exercises with the same weight. 5ll year long have the first twin
blast away until he brings his s4uat with 20 reps from "$#;B? to 100;B?. 9ave the
second twin giant set four exercises every wor%out with the same weight he used in his
first wor%out all year long. Believe me he is always going to be sore and he will be
shoc%ing the body every time but the sad truth is he will not gain shit after about the third
leg wor%out because the load didn-t change. There is no reason for his legs to grow in siBe
due to the strength demand presented. The first twin who can now s4uat 100 for 20 is
going to have some incredible wheels.
l) ! use a certain method in my training because in my opinion it is the utmost method to
rapidly gain strength. =ore on that later. +thers might li%e a different method* that-s up to
them* doesn-t matter as long as they are rapidly gaining strength. !f you3re gaining
appreciable strength on an exercise with a certain method ! thin% the 5B?+;ET:;D
<+>?: T9!.2 D+E C5. D+ is to change up right then. Ta%e that exercise and
method to its strength limit and when you get there* then change to a different exercise
and get strong as hell on that exercise too.
m) For the next few months ta%e note of the people you see in the gym that never change.
They will be the ones using the same weight time after time on exercises whenever they
are in the gym. These are the people who use "#* "$#* 22# on the bench every time its
chest day. Dour best friends in the gym are the 2.#;B plates00your very best budsJJJ Dou
put those 2.#;B plates on that bar every time you bench press for #2 wee%s and now your
bench is 2#0;B? more at the end of the yearJ That would e4ual out to another inch to
inch O half thic%ness on your chest. Can it be doneI 'robably not at that rate but
T>D!.2 T+ D+ !T will get you a lot bigger than doing what 6$7 of the people in the
gym do. Enless you are gifted genetically to build muscle at a diBBying rate (most people
aren-t)* the largest people in your gym will also be the ones heaving up the heaviest
weights. Do you thin% they started out that wayI .o* they were probably "7# lb guys who
bulldoBed their way up to that level. 5 perfect example are male strippers. These guys use
a boatload of drugs on par with hardcore competitive bodybuilders. 5fter an initial phase
where they grow off of steroids li%e everyone else00their growth stops (li%e forever).
<hyI Because they aren-t eating #00 grams of protein a day and don-t fight and claw
their way to #00;B bench presses and 700;B s4uats and deadlifts. They stay on the
drugs for years and years while stripping but don-t go beyond that 200 to 220;B range.
?o much for Kuice being the total e4ualiBer. ! don-t %now why pseudo experts try to ma%e
training such an elite science when in actuality it3s pretty cut and dry. !f you %eep a
training log and note your weights used for the next # years and find they are still the
same you will pretty much loo% Hstill the sameH in # years. !f you double all your
poundage-s in the next five years in everything* your going to be one thic% person .....!f
someone ever too% a ratio of people who don-t ma%e gains to people who do* it would be
pitiful. ! would venture to say that 6#7 of people in gyms across this country aren-t
gaining muscle and are wasting their time. The absolutely best advice ! could ever give a
guy starting out lifting is Hgo train with an established powerlifterH and learn all the
principles he trains with. There would be a lot more happy bodybuilders out there.
?o now you guys %now ! believe in the heaviest training possible (safely)000! thin% !
hammered that home* ! needed to do that because so many bodybuilders are lost on how
to get from 5 to A.....it3s all part of my 4uest to ma%e the biggest heavy slag iron lifting*
high protein eating* stretching and recuperating massive bodybuilders ! can.00 till next
.ow to get into specifics regarding training. ?tay with me here. Dou are only doing one
exercise per muscle group per day. Dou are doing your first favorite exercise for chest on
day one* you-re doing your second favorite exercise for chest the next time chest training
rolls around and then your third favorite exercise for chest the time after that when chest
training rolls around. Then you repeat the entire se4uence again. Dou-re doing the same
exercises you would be doing anyway in a 70"1 days time and training chest times in
that same period with minimal sets so you can recover. Dou cannot do a 0# exercise* "00
20 set chest wor%out and recover to train chest again 01 days later. !t-s absolutely
impossibleJJ But you can come in and do 20# warmup sets up to your heaviest set and
then do +.: wor%ing set (either straight set or rest paused) all out on that exercise then
recover and grow and be ready again 01 days later. This %ind of training will have you
growing as fast as humanly possible. 5gain the simple e4uation is Hthe most times per
year you can train a body part incredibly heavy* with maKor strength gains* and recover
will e4ual out to the fastest accumulation of muscle mass possibleH.
<hy don-t most pros do this %ind of trainingI <hy don-t youIJIJ Because every form of
training has been taught to someone* passed down from the magaBines for decades with
no thought out rhyme or reasons. :very form of modern day training stems from what the
guys in the C0-s and 5rnold was doing. Finally Dates and some others got people thin%ing
about what truly is wor%ing when it comes to training. !f you thin% about it0it-s ridiculous
some of these recommended routines in the magaBines. =ost training comes from
peoples egos. 'eople are so driven and desperate to get big that they believe they =E?T
do this and =E?T do that every wor%out. Thirty sets here* with multiple exercises to hit
every angle there. Dou %now what that doesI !t dramatically cuts into your recovery
ability (never mind glycogen stores* hopefully bodyfat and maybe even catabolism of
muscle mass for energy resource) so you cannot train that body part again in a couple
days time. That defeats the purpose of rapid accumulation of muscle mass. !-ll state this
as a matter of fact because ! believe it-s true. ! believe if you* the person reading this*
trained the way ! am recommending* you will be 20010lbs of muscle larger in years
than if you %ept training the way you are presently training. !f that offends you or seems
ballsy to state0?+ B: !TJJJ !-ve done enough studying and real life experimentation on
aspiring bodybuilders to state that. =any of my guys have been averaging about 007#lbs
gained in less than a years time.
To start0Three %ey exercises are pic%ed for each body part. E?!.2 +.;D +.: +F
T9+?: :G:>C!?:? ':> <+>,+ET you rotate these in order and ta%e that exercise
to it-s ultimate strength limit (where at that certain point you change the exercise to a new
one and get brutally strong on that new movement too). That can happen in 1 wee%s or
that can happen 2 years later but it will happen some time (Dou cannot continually gain
strength to where you are eventually bench pressing 60# for reps obviously) ?ometime
later when you come bac% to that original exercise you will start slightly lower than your
previous high and then soar past it without fail.
?ome principles ! believe in/
5) ! believe rest pausing is the most productive way of training ever. !-ve never seen a
way to faster strength gains than what comes from rest pausing. !-ll use an incline smith
bench with a hypothetical weight to show you my recommended way of rest pausing.
<armups would be "#x"2* "$#x"0* 2#0x C* "#x1 (none of these are taxing00they are
Kust getting me warmed up for my all out rest pause set)
=5!. >:?T '5E?: ?:T07#x$ reps (total failure) rac% the weight* then "# deep
breathes and 7#x 2 to 1 reps (total failure) rac% the weight* then "# deep breathes and
7#x " to 2 reps. ! personally do a static right after that but !-ll explain that later.
>emember every time you go to failure you always finish on the negative portion and
then have your training partner help you pull it up fast to rac% the weight. To explain
further on my first rest pause above ! struggled with every iota of my strength to get that
$th rep up. 5t that point instead of rac%ing the weight up top ! brought the weight down
to my chest again slowly (C seconds) and had my training partner 4uic%ly help me lift the
weight bac% up to the top to rac% it. That Halways finishing on the negative repH will
accrue more cellular damage over time and allow for even greater gains.
B) :very exercise is done with a controlled but explosive positive and a true controlled
negative phase. The science is there Kust read it. 5lmost every study states an explosive
positive motion is the priming phase and the negative portion of an exercise should be
done controlled and slowly. ! have the mindset that ! hope you guys develop. ! try so hard
to get the weight up only for the sole reason ! can lower it slowly to cause eccentric phase
cellular damage. !t doesnt matter if its seconds lowered or C seconds lowered or
whatever00Kust get to the point where you %now you controlled the descent of the weight
and at any time you could of stopped and reversed direction if you had to.
C) :xtreme ?tretching/ it must be done* it-s imperative. !t stretches fascia and helps
recovery immensely. !t will dramatically change your physi4ue in a short amount of time
if done right* trust me on that. ! will hit on that with detail later
+, you guys have to use some deductive reasoning here. !f ! do a 7# or so ;B smith
incline press rest paused for "00"# reps with statics on =onday morning (which is the
time of day ! lift) by that same =onday night* "2 hours later ! am viscously sore. By
Tuesday morning ! am still pretty sore but to a lesser degree. By Tuesday night ! have
very little soreness. By <ednesday morning ! have absolutely no soreness and
<ednesday night the same* so ! could probably train chest again on Thursday no problem
but ! currently wait till Friday and train chest again. !f your training chest on =onday and
on Thursday your still pretty sore* a couple things are happening00either this is the very
first time you-ve trained this way or you-re training with more volume than ! recommend*
or you-re not extreme stretching. !t coule be your recovery ability is not your greatest
asset. !f that is true you are going to have to ta%e note of that and broaden the wor%out
days between bodyparts hit. =ost of you reading this (607) will be able to go the
=onday* <ednesday* Friday and =onday again route hitting bodyparts twice in $ days. 5
chosen few might be able to go =onday* Tuesday* Thursday* Friday especially if they
really wor% their extreme stretching and get the proper rest or they are a newbie or
coming bac% from time off . That-s very rare though that someone can recover that
4uic%ly even from one wor%ing set per bodypart. ! urge everyone to to go with the
=onday* <ednesday* Friday* =onday plan. ! am currently seeing that most people go
best with that protocol. ! %now some of you want to train a bodypart as many times as
possible in a wee%s time* hell ! would love to be able to train a bodypart 1 times a wee%
and grow but it can-t be done. ?o this is something ! can-t help you on.....you need to
chec% yourself and find out where you are recovering and then wor% with that. ! can do a
20 plate leg press for reps and be sore for the next day and a half and feel fresh and ready
to go on my next leg day. 9igh dose glutamine peptides has been a godsend to my
recovery ability (! feel) as has extreme stretching. =y training weights continue to roc%et
upward on everything. <hat ! cannot do is leg exercises for multiple sets in a wor%out
session and recover 01 days later to do legs again.
:xample Day one
First exercise smith incline presses (!-ll use the weights ! use for example)
"# for warmup for "2
"$# for $ warmup
2#0 for C warmup
"# for 1 warmup
Then all out with 7# for $ reps to total absolute failure (then "20"# deep breaths) 7# for
201 reps to total absolute failure (then "20"# deep breaths) 7# for "0 reps to absolute
total failure (then a 2000 second static hold) D+.:J0that-s it 7#lbs for $O1O8 7# for
"# reps rest paused..... next wee% ! go for $# (again rest paused)00000directly after that
rest pause set ! go to extreme stretching flyes as !-ll describe later and then that-s it for
chest and on to shoulders* triceps and bac%. The next time ! come in to do chest ! would
do hammer flat presses in the same rest paused manner (and then extreme stretching
again)000the time after that ! come in to do chest ! would do my third favorite exercise
rest pausedMstretched and then the cycle repeats.
!n simple terms ! am using techni4ues with extreme high intensity(rest pause) which !
feel ma%e a persons strength go up as 4uic%ly as possible O low volume so ! can (recover)
as 4uic%ly as possible with as many growth phases (damageMremodelMrecover) ! can do in
a years time.
?ome exercises involving legs and some bac% rowing exercises don-t allow themselves to
rest pause too well. 5 sample couple of days for me would be the following (!= not
including warmup sets00Kust wor%ing sets).
<or%out "
C9:?T/ smith incline 7# x "# reps rest pause (>') and a 0 second static rep at the end
(then stretches)
?9+E;D:>?/ front smith press00 x " >' and 0 second static (then stretches)
T>!C:'?/ reverse grip bench press "# for "#020 reps >'0no static (then stretches)
B5C, <!DT9/ rear rac% chins to bac% of head "00 x "$ >' (20 second static at end)
B5C, T9!C,.:??/ floor deadlifts a brutal straight set of $ reps and then a heavier
debilitating 1 rep one (after warmups of course) (then stretches for bac%)
<or%out 2
B!C:'?/ preacher bench barbell curl >' for "1 reps and 0 second static
F+>:5>=?/ hammer curls straight set for "# reps (then stretches for biceps)
C5;@:?/ on hac% s4uat straight set for "00"2 reps but with a 20 second negative phase
95=?T>!.2?/ Cybex hamstring press (pressing with heels up top) >' for 20 reps
PE5D?/ hac% s4uat 00a brutal set for "0 reps (=y legs are a strong bodypart and ! allow
people with good legs to go with one straight set only00but if your 4uads are playing
catchup to the rest of the body* then you must do a heavy set of 10$ reps followed after a
rest by a Hgood god ! frea%ing hate DoggcrappH 20 reps set. Those 4uads will catch up in
siBe pronto
Then stretches for 4uads and hams.
Day one would be =onday and would be/
bac% width
bac% thic%ness
Day two would be <ednesday and would be
Day three would be Friday and would be the same as day one but with different exercises
bac% width
bac% thic%ness
(satOsun off)
Day four would be the following =onday and would be the same as day two but with
different exercises
and so on <ednesday* Friday* =onday* <ednesday etc.
Dou-re hitting every bodypart twice in $ days. The volume on everything is simply as
many warmup sets as you need to do0 to be ready for your +.: wor% set. That can be
two warmup sets for a small muscle group or five warmup sets for a large muscle group
on heavy exercise li%e rac% deadlifts. The +.: wor% set is either a straight set or a rest
pause set (depending on your recovery abilities again). For people on the lowest scale of
recovery its Kust that one straight set000next up is a straight set with statics for people with
slightly better than that recovery0000next up is rest pausing (on many of the of
movements) with statics for people with middle of the road recovery on up. This last one
is what ! use for most people unless we find out that their mom and pop didn-t grant them
with the best genetics for recovery ability. 5t that point ! have to downshift everything.
5s you progress as a bodybuilder you need to ta%e even more rest time and recovery
time. >:5D T95T 525!. ';:5?: 5? D+E '>+2>:?? 5? 5 B+DDBE!;D:> !.
?!A: 5.D ?T>:.2T9 D+E .::D T+ T5,: :@:. =+>: >:?T 5.D
>:C+@:>D T!=:. :G5=';:/ =y recovery ability is probably slightly better now
than when ! started lifting "# years ago but only slightly...but bac% then ! was benching
"#lbs and s4uatting "##lbs in my first months of lifting. .ow ! am far and away the
strongest person in my gym using poundages three to six times greater than when ! first
started lifting. <ith my recovery ability being what it is both then and now* do you thin%
! need more time to recover from a "##lb s4uat for $ reps or a #00;B s4uat for $ repsI
+bviously the answer is .+<J Det remember this0the more times you can train a
bodypart in a years time and recover will mean the fastest growth possibleJ !3ve done the
training a bodypart every "0 days system in the past and while recovering from that00the
gains were so slow over time ! got frustrated and realiBed the fre4uency of growth
phases(for me)was to low. ! want to gain upwards of "01 times a year instead of #200the
fastest rate that ! can accumulate muscle (D:T 525!. <!T9!. +.:? >:C+@:>D
5B!;!TD0! C5.T ?5D T95T :.+E29)
! have been slowly changing my philosophies of training over the past "# years to where !
am now. 5lot of you remember my magaBine in the 60-s and how much ! was writing
about rest pausing* heavy weights and low volume at that time. !-m still gaining fast the
last couple of years it-s been pretty amaBing to me because !-m at a level now that its very
very hard to ma%e pronounced improvements. !-ve got my training down to extremely
low volume (a rest pause set or +.: straight set) with extreme stretching* and with
recovery issues always in the bac% of my mind. ! realiBe the number one problem in this
sport that will ma%e or brea% a bodybuilder is overtraining. ?imply as this00you overtrain
your done as a bodybuilder gainswise. ,aput. Aip. 5 waste of valuable time. But ! also
thin% there is a problem with underfre4uency (only if you can train hardcore enough with
extremely low volume to recover). ! s%irt right along the line of overtraining sometimes
with the extremely heavy weights ! use00! am right there...!-ve done everything in my
power (?tretching* glutamine* HsupplementsH* sleep) to %eep me on this side of the line
and its wor%ed for me. ! believe everyone has different recovery abilities00the Kob of a
bodybuilder is to find out what their individual recovery ability is and do the least amount
of hardcore training to grow so they can train that bodypart as fre4uently as possible. For
anyone who wants to follow my lead that would mean starting out training 1 times in $
days and strictly gauging yourself recovery wise with every step up you ta%e (statics* rest
pauses)0 its important to me that everyone who wants to do this does it correctly.
=ost importantly this isn-t about me training people personally. <hether you hire me to
train you or not isnt my focus. =y conscience cannot stand to see someone running on a
hamster wheel going nowhere but striving hard and wanting so badly to be someone in
bodybuilding. ;et me help you become that guy you want to be* you don-t neccessarily
need to hire me for that. !ll try to help you as much as ! can on this post with the limited
time ! have. !f you decide to underta%e this way of doing things00! don-t sleep well at nite
unless ! %now !m helping people to the best of my ability.
incline smythe
decline smythe
hammer strength press
other good machine press
incline barbell
decline barbell
incline dumbbell press
flat dumbbell press
decline dumbbell press
smythe presses to front
smythe presses to bac% of head
hammer strength press
other good machine press
barbell press to front
barbell press to bac% of head
shoulder press
close grip bench in smythe
reverse grip bench in smythe
s%ull crushers
dips (in upright position)
B5C, <!DT9
rac% chins to front
rac% chins to bac% of head
reverse grip rac% chins (close grip)
assisted pullups
hammer strength HpulldownH machines
other good HpulldownH machines
pull downs to front
pull downs to bac% of head
B5C, T9!C,.:??
rac% deadlift
T0bar rows
smythe rows
barbell curls
alternate dumbbell curls
barbell preacher curls
hammer strength machine curls
other good machine curls
cable curls
hammer curls (alternated)
pinwheel curls (alternated)
reverse grip one arm cable curls
calves on a leg press
standing calf raises
calves in hac% s4uat
seating calf raises
any calf machine with a good range of motion
seating leg curls
standing leg curls
lying leg curls
stiff leg deadlift
sumo presses
smythe s4uats
hac% s4uat
leg press
DC C5;F ?TD;: T>5!.!.2report.phpIp8C2"#070
the techini4ue is a nice controled negative followed by "#sec at the bottom for a super
stretch then bac% up on your toes* thats " rep and you do " set for "2 reps.
! did them exactly as stated above. ! added an extra 2.#lbs each wor%out which was 2x a
wee% (so #lbs extra per wee%) while constantly battling to hit "2 reps. <hat-s different
about this style than any other !-ve used is the long stretch in between each rep.
<hich Kust reinforces the theory about stretching a muscle during or after it-s exercised to
enable better recovery* shape and more siBe. =y calves were less sore the days following
using this style than with any other.
(>:5D 5B+ET <!D+<=5,!.2)
%han gave me his favorite exercises and ! wanted him to pic% an exercise that he felt
wor%ed really good for him (which was flat dumbell presses)
T9!? !? 2+!.2 T+ B: '>:TTD B5?!C000&E?T ;!,: B5C, T9!C,.:?? 5.D
;:2? i <5.T D+E T+ D+ 2 <+>,!.2 :G:>C!?: ?:T? F+> C9:?T0
! <5.T D+E T+ D+ ?+=:T9!.2 ;!,: T9!? :@:>D T!=: C9:?T C+=:?
F!>?T C9:?T D5D
5)!.C;!.: ?=DT9: (5FT:> <5>=E'? +B@!+E?;D 5.D T9: ?5=: 2+:?
F+> :@:>DT9!.2 B:;+<)000F+> ""0"# >:'? >:?T '5E?:
5.D T9:. 5FT:> 5 >:?T (<95T:@:> >:?T D+E .::D T+ 2+ 5;; +ET 0#
=!.ET:?) T9:. D+E D+
F;5T DE=B:;; '>:?? <!T9 C9:?T 9:;D @:>D 9!29 5.D ?T:>.E=
>5!?:D F+> 5 ?T>5!29T ?:T +F 2000 >:'? T+ F5!;E>:000! <5.T D+E T+
2+ D::' !.T+ T9: ?T>:TC9 +. T9:?: 5.D D+ T9:= >:5;;D ?T>!CT 5.D
.:GT C9:?T D5D
B) D:C;!.: ?=DT9: (.+T =D F5@+>!T: :G:>C!?: BET T9!? !?
9D'+T9:T!C5; B:C5E?: D+E> 2+!.2 T+ '!C, D+E> +<. :G:>C!?:?)
F+> ""0"#>'
5.D T9:. 5FT:> 5 >:?T
T9: F;5T DE=B:;; '>:?? 525!. F+> ?T>5!29T ?:T F+> 2000 >:'? T+
F5!;E>: ?;!29T;D 9:5@!:> +> F+> ?;!29T;D =+>: >:'? T95. ;5?T
.:GT C9:?T D5D
C) =5C9!.: C9:?T '>:?? ?:5T:D (9D'+T9:T!C5;) F+> ""0"#>' 5.D
T9:. F;5T DE=B:;; '>:?? T+ F5!;E>: 525!. ;!,: 5B+@: BET
?;!29T;D 9:5@!:> +> =+>: >:'?
.+< D+E D+.T 95@: T+ E?: F;5T DE=B:;; '>:?? D+E C5. E?: 5.D
:G:>C!?: D+E F::; !? ,:D F+> D+E00BET <95T D+E D+ !? 95==:>
T95T T9!.2 :@:>D C9:?T <+>,+ET00:@:>D ?!.2;: +.: <!T9 5. 5;;
+ET ?T>5!29T ?:T E.T!; D+E C5..+T !='>+@: +. !T 5.D=+>: !.
C9:?T <+>,+ET? 5.D T9:. D+E =+@: +.T+ 5.+T9:> C9:?T
:G:>C!?: ?T>5!29T ?:TT:D 5.D D+ T9: ?5=: T9!.2 <!T9 !T
+F C+E>?: :GT>:=: ?T>:TC9!.2 <!T9 5;; +F T9: 5B+@:
.+< T95T ,:D :G:>C!?: D+E C5. D+ 5;+T +F T9!.2? <!T9 !T000,95.
C+E;D T5,: T9: F;5T DE=B:;; '>:??:? 5.D >:5;;D <+>, !.T+ T9:=
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(=+.T9?)00=5,:? !T 5;; T9: <5D E' T9: DE=B:;; >5C, 5.D 5;; T9:
<5D D+<. T+ $ >:'? T+ F5!;E>:. 5T T95T T!=: <9:>: 9: !? T5'':D
+ET +. T95T ,:D :G:>C!?: 9: 'ET? 5.+T9:> ,:D :G:>C!?: !. T9:>:
!.?T:5D +F T9: F;5T '>:??:?* ;:T? ?5D 9D'+T9:T!C5;;D '5>5=+E.T
=5C9!.: !.C;!.: '>:??:? (5.DT9!.2 T95T 9: F::;? !? 5 ,:D :G:>C!?:
F+> 9!=) 5.D D+:? T9: ?5=: T9!.2005;<5D? ?T5>T!.2 <!T9 5
?T>5!29T ?:T F+> 20 >:'? (';E?) >5.2: 5.D <+>,!.2 E' !. <:!29T?
5.D D+<. <!T9 >:'? +@:> T!=:
?o thats how its done guys if someone felt the need to get their chest up. 5nd the penance
for doing that is you give up fre4uency of other bodyparts hit. 9ere is where the problems
are with all this wea% bodypart stuff. 5lot of guys thin% their chest is wea% and actually
they are fat fuc%s who dont do cardio and carb cuttoffs and have fat drooping all over the
place and thin% they have wea% pecs. Ta%e the fat off and you might Kust see you have
alot more there than you thought. 5lot of young guys thin% they have wea% arms because
they loo% at them all the time but dont loo% down and see that those very same arms
match the very same effort and siBe that their legs and lats and other bodyparts have. Dou
cant have 2" inch arms on a %id who is "60lbsJ 2et overall bigger and stronger and
everything will come along with it* so stop staring at your arms all the time and start
becoming a bodybuilder (overall) ;et me bottom line it for you before you thin% there is
some magical underhanded cable crossover one handed pushdown exercise with an
isolated 0lbs that you thin% is going to magically transform your triceps.
The day you can do full bottom to top range tricep dips with 1 1#-s hanging from your dip
belt for 20* or the day you can close grip 10#lbs for 20 or the day you can reverse grip
10# for 20 on the smythe* your going to have the biggest triceps your uni4ue genetics
.o one handed rope pulldown at a 1# degree angle bullshit exercise that you can use for
10lbs and "# reps this wee% and 1#lbs for "C reps a year from now is going to get you
there....so choose your path wisely in all this. !m not going to answer alot of 4uestions
that come after this post because !m a little burnt out on all things bodybuilding and !m
trying to recharge
! dont go into diet much because ! save that for my trainees00! give alot of this away but
the real details go to those guys. Basically for people with appetite probs ! have them
using olive oil to get past plateaus00a good diet that leaves someone stagnant from the
previous 1 wee% weigh in can be changed dramatically by Kust adding olive oil to protein
fat meals (i li%e to %eep protien fats and protein carb meals separated)00+live oil is a good
fat with awesome health benefits along with being ""$cals per tablespoon00&ust adding
tablespoons in two nocarb protein sha%es a day gives a person 700 more calories a day to
wor% with on the exact same eating they had done previously000but the scale will say $lbs
more next month
C9:?T/ Flat bench 60lb dumbbells chest high00lungs full of air00 ! drop down into the
deepest flye ! can for the first "0 seconds or so with my lungs full of air and chest out000
then staying there ! arch my bac% slightly and try to press my sternum upward 00this is
absolutely excruciating00the rest of the C0 seconds ! try to concentrate on dropping my
elbows even farther down (! try to but ! donQt thin% they are going any lower00;+;)000the
last "# seconds !Qm pretty much sha%ing li%e a leaf* ! have tears in my eyes and ! thin%
about dropping bodybuilding and becoming a tap dancer on Broadway (o% that parts not
true)00=y opinion is people should use dumbbells that are a little over half of what your
heaviest set of C0$ reps would be. ! cant state this enough00extreme stretching royally
suc%sJJJ !ts painful. But ! have seen amaBing things with people 0especially in the 4uads.
T>!C:'?/ ?eated on a flat bench0my bac% up against the barbell0007#lb dumbell in my
hand behind my head(li%e in an overhead dumbell extension)00sin% dumbell down into
position for the first "0 seconds and then an agoniBing #0 seconds slightly leaning bac%
and pushing the dumbell down with the bac% of my head ! li%e one arm at a time in the
bottom position of a dumbell triceps extension0000going to the extreme stretch and then
slightly pushing on the dumbell with the bac% of my head.
?9+E;D:>?/ This one is tough to describe00put a barbell in the s4uat rac% shoulder
height00face away from it and reach bac% and grab it palms up (hands on bottom of
bar)000wal% yourself outward until you are on your heels and the stretch gets painful00then
roll your shoulders downward and hold for C0 seconds.
B!C:'?/ +lympic bar in a power rac% or s4uat rac% about nec% high000face away from it
and reach bac% and put both hands over the bar gripping it0000now either sin% down with
one leg forwardMone leg bac% or better yet s4uat down and try (! say try because its
absolutely excruciating) to %neel. 2o down to the stretch that is almost unbearable and
then hold that for 1# to C0 seconds. Dour own bodyweight is the load. <hat ! do is put the
bar at a place on the s4uat rac% in which ! can %neel at a severe stretch and then try to
sin% my ass down to touch my feet. !f its too easy ! put the bar up to the next rung.
B5C,/ 9onestly for about years my training partner and ! would hang a "00lb dumbell
from our waist and hung on the widest chin0up bar (with wrist straps) to see who could
get closest to minutes00! never made it00! thin% 2 minutes 27 seconds was my record00
but my bac% width is by far my best body part00! pull on a door%nob or stationary
e4uipment with a rounded bac% now and its way too hard too explain here00Kust try it and
get your feel for it.
95=?T>!.2?/ :ither leg up on a high barbell holding my toe and trying to force my
leg straight with my free hand for an excruciating painful C0 seconds or another exercise
! could only show people and not type here.
PE5D?/ Facing a barbell in a power rac% about hip high 00grip it and simultaneously
sin% down and throw your %nees under the barbell and do a sissy s4uat underneath it
while going up on your toes. then straighten your arms and lean as far bac% as you can000
C0 seconds and if this one doesn-t ma%e you hate my guts and bring tears to your eyes
nothing will000do this one faithfully and tell me in 1 wee%s if your 4uads donQt loo% a lot
different than they used to.
C5;@:?/ my wea% body part that ! couldnQt get up too par until 2 years ago when !
finally thought it out and figured out how to ma%e them grow (with only one set twice a
wee% too) ! donQt need to stretch calves after because when ! do calves ! explode on the
positive and ta%e # seconds to get bac% to full stretch and then "# seconds at the very
bottom R4uotSone one thousand* two one thousand* three one thousand etcR4uotS 00"#
seconds stretching at the bottom thin%ing and trying to flex my toes toward my shin00it is
absolutely unbearable and you will most li%ely be sha%ing and want to give up at about 7
reps (! always go for "2reps with maximum weights)00do this on a hac% s4uat or a leg
press00my calves have finally ta%en off due to this. H
>:' >5.2:/
shoulders8"2 to 20>' ("#rp is again what i shoot for and is the most common)
triceps "2rp to 20 rp
bac% width0"2rp to 20rp
bac% thic%ness0(depends on exercise00if its rac% deadlifts or bent over rows !ll do "2 to "#
reps rest paused. !f its deadlifts from the floor !ll do a straight set "2 to 20 heavy)
biceps0"# to 20 reps restpaused
forearmsMbrachilias0depends on movement
calves (described earlier on this thread)
hamstrings0"# to 20 restpaused
4uads0a straight "# to #0 reps heavy as ! can possibly go (usually its 20 reps)
for shoulders* i li%e about 20 reps. so it would loo% roughly li%e this* first set $06 reps* "#
breaths* #0C reps* "# breaths* 20 reps. set done. stretch
same for triceps.
i li%e about 2# reps for biceps so you do the sets the same way* but use a weight that
allows a few more reps per mini set.
bac% width is done the same way for "#020 reps
bac% thic%ness is not rest paused. do one set of C0$ rest for 2 minutes and then another
heavier set of 10C
calves is a stright set of "#020. do a rep* when you get to the bottom of the rep* Kust
stretch the hell out of your calf for "# seconds. do that on every rep. these hurt li%e hell
and you wont be able to go very heavy
4uads is a heavy set of C0$ and then a set of 20 for as heavy as you can go.
ham are straight setted for "# to 20 reps.
ma%e sure to add either reps or weight on every exercise every time. if you get to many
reps. add more weight next time. hope this helps. if you have any more 4uestions feel free
to as% me. good luc%

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