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Atty. Victor Y. Eleazar

Arellano University Scool o! La"
I. #eneral $rinci%les
A. Concept of Remedial Law
REMEDIAL LAW i t!at "#anc! of law w!ic! p#ec#i"e t!e met!od of
enfo#cin$ #i$!t o# o"tainin$ #ed#e fo# t!ei# in%aion [Bustos vs. Lucero, 81
Phil. 640]. It i alo &nown a Ad'ecti%e Law.
(. S)"tanti%e Law a Ditin$)i!ed f#om Remedial Law
SU(STANTI*E LAW i one w!ic! c#eate+ define+ and #e$)late #i$!t
conce#nin$ life+ li"e#t,+ o# p#ope#t,+ o# t!e powe# of a$encie o#
int#)mentalitie fo# t!e adminit#ation of p)"lic affai#.
PROCEDURAL LAW i t!e met!od of cond)ctin$ a ')dicial p#oceedin$. It
incl)de w!ate%e# i em"#aced in t!e tec!nical te#m+ pleadin$+ p#actice+
and e%idence. It i t!e mean ", w!ic! t!e powe# o# a)t!o#it, of a co)#t to
!ea# and decide a cla of cae i p)t to action [Manila Railroad vs. Atty.
eneral, !0 Phil. "!#].
-URISDICTION i t!e powe# to !ea# and decide cae [$errera vs. Baretto %
&oa'uin, !" Phil. !4"]. It i t!e powe# wit! w!ic! co)#t a#e in%eted wit!
t!e powe# of adminite#in$ ')tice+ t!at i+ fo# !ea#in$ and decidin$ cae. In
o#de# fo# t!e co)#t to !a%e a)t!o#it, to dipoe of a cae on t!e me#it+ it
m)t ac.)i#e ')#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect matte# and t!e pa#tie [Re(u)lic
Planters Ban* vs. Molina, 166 +,RA #-].
T!e a)t!o#it, to !ea# and dete#mine
a cae
T!e place w!e#e t!e cae i to "e
!ea#d o# t#ied
A matte# of )"tanti%e law A matte# of p#oced)#al law
Eta"li!e a #elation "etween t!e Eta"li!e a #elation "etween
co)#t and t!e )"'ect matte# plaintiff and defendant+ o# petitione#
and #epondent
Fi/ed ", law and cannot "e
confe##ed ", t!e pa#tie
Ma, "e confe##ed ", t!e act o#
a$#eement of t!e pa#tie
(. R)le0ma&in$ Powe# of t!e S)p#eme Co)#t
Sec. 1+ A#ticle *III of t!e 2345 Contit)tion tate+ 6T!e S)p#eme Co)#t !all
!a%e t!e followin$ powe#7 8 91: P#om)l$ate #)le conce#nin$ t!e p#otection
and enfo#cement of t!e contit)tional #i$!t+ pleadin$+ p#actice and
p#oced)#e in all co)#t+ t!e admiion to t!e p#actice of law+ t!e inte$#ated
(a#+ and le$al aitance to t!e )nde#p#i%ile$ed. S)c! #)le !all p#o%ide a
implified and ine/peni%e p#oced)#e fo# t!e peed, dipoition of cae+
!all "e )nifo#m fo# all co)#t of t!e ame $#ade+ and !all not dimini!+
inc#eae+ o# modif, )"tanti%e #i$!t. R)le of p#oced)#e of pecial co)#t
and .)ai0')dicial "odie !all #emain effecti%e )nle diapp#o%ed ", t!e
S)p#eme Co)#t.
2. Limitation on t!e #)le0ma&in$ powe# of t!e
S)p#eme Co)#t
See alo Sec. ; of A#ticle *III of t!e 2345 Contit)tion w!ic! tate7 6T!e
Con$#e !all !a%e t!e powe# to define+ p#ec#i"e+ and appo#tion t!e
')#idiction of t!e %a#io) co)#t ")t ma, not dep#i%e t!e S)p#eme Co)#t of
it ')#idiction o%e# cae en)me#ated in Section 1 !e#eof8
Note t!at in Sec. 1+ onl, pa#a$#ap! 92: and 9;: pea& of t!e ')#idiction
o%e# cae. -)#idiction o%e# t!ee cae #ep#eent t!e i##ed)ci"le
')#idiction of t!e S)p#eme Co)#t. T!e, incl)de o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e#
cae affectin$ diplomatic #ep#eentati%e and o%e# petition fo# certiorari+
p#o!i"ition+ mandam)+ 'uo .arranto and !a"ea co#p)+ and appellate
')#idiction o%e# en)me#ated t,pe of cae.
A#t. *I+ Section <=+ 2345 Contit)tion7 No law !all "e paed inc#eain$ t!e
appellate ')#idiction of t!e S)p#eme Co)#t a p#o%ided in t!i Contit)tion
wit!o)t it ad%ice and conc)##ence.
/a)ian v. 0esierto, >.R. No. 2;35?;+ Septem"e# 2@+ 2334
T!e SC decla#ed a )ncontit)tional Sec. ;5 of Rep. Act No. @55=
9Om")dman Act of 2343: to$et!e# wit! Sec. 5+ R)le III of Adm. O#de# No.
=5 9R)le of P#oced)#e of t!e Office of t!e Om")dman: and an, ot!e#
p#o%iion of law o# i)ance implementin$ RA @55= inofa# a t!e, p#o%ide
fo# appeal in adminit#ati%e diciplina#, cae f#om t!e Office of t!e
Om")dman to t!e S)p#eme Co)#t.
Sec. ;5 of RA @55= #ead7 68 In all adminit#ati%e diciplina#, cae+ o#de#+
di#ecti%e o# deciion of t!e Office of t!e Om")dman ma, "e appealed to
t!e S)p#eme Co)#t ", filin$ a petition fo# ce#tio#a#i wit!in ten 92=: da, f#om
#eceipt of t!e w#itten notice of t!e o#de#+ di#ecti%e o# deciion o# denial of t!e
motion fo# #econide#ation in acco#dance wit! R)le ?1 of t!e R)le of Co)#t.A
Acco#din$ to t!e SC+ t!i p#o%iion %iolate t!e p#oc#iption in Sec. <= of A#t.
*I of t!e Contit)tion+ w!ic! #ead7 6No law !all "e paed inc#eain$ t!e
appellate ')#idiction of t!e S)p#eme Co)#t a p#o%ided in t!i Contit)tion
wit!o)t it ad%ice and conc)##ence.A
In 1ui2on v. 0esierto+ >.R. NO. 2?=@230;?+ Ma#c! 3+ ;==2+ SC e/plained
t!at wit! it #)lin$ in /a)ian+ appeal f#om deciion of t!e Office of t!e
Om")dman in adminit#ati%e cae !o)ld "e appealed to t!e Co)#t of
Appeal )nde# R)le ?<. If w!at i aailed i an incident in a c#iminal cae+
t!e p#ope# #emed, i a petition fo# ce#tio#a#i )nde# R)le @1+ w!ic! !o)ld "e
filed wit! t!e S)p#eme Co)#t. T!i wa #eite#ated in Baviera v. 3oleta+ >.R.
No. 2@=3=34+ Octo"e# 2;+ ;==@+ w!e#e t!e SC #)led t!at t!e #emed, to
c!allen$e t!e Reol)tion of t!e Om")dman at t!e concl)ion of a
p#elimina#, in%eti$ation wa to file a petition fo# ce#tio#a#i wit! t!e SC
)nde# R)le @1.
;. Powe# of t!e S)p#eme Co)#t to amend and )pend
p#oced)#al #)le
(ot! t!e 23<1 Contit)tion 9A#ticle *III+ Sec. 2<: and 235< Contit)tion
9A#ticle B+ Sec. 1 91: p#o%ided t!at #)le of co)#t p#om)l$ated ", t!e
S)p#eme Co)#t ma, "e 6#epealed+ alte#ed+ o# )pplementedA ", t!e
le$ilat)#e. No imila# p#o%iion appea# in t!e 2345 Contit)tion.
Note+ in 4che5aray v. 6he +ecretary o7 &ustice 9>.R. No. 2<;@=2+ -an)a#,
23+ 2333:+ -)tice P)no aid t!at Con$#e no lon$e# !a t!e powe# to
amend t!e R)le of Co)#t. Ce aid+
Te r&le 'a(in) %o"er o! tis *o&rt "as e+%an,e,.
T!i Co)#t fo# t!e !irst ti'e wa $i%en t!e powe# to p#om)l$ate
#)le conce#nin$ t!e p#otection and enfo#cement of contit)tional
#i$!t. T!e Co)#t wa alo $#anted fo# t!e !irst ti'e t!e powe#
to diapp#o%e #)le of p#oced)#e of pecial co)#t and .)ai0
')dicial "odie. -&t 'ost i'%ortantly. te 1/01 *onstit&tion
too( a"ay te %o"er o! *on)ress to re%eal. alter. or
s&%%le'ent r&les concernin) %lea,in). %ractice an,
%roce,&re. In fine+ t!e powe# to p#om)l$ate #)le of pleadin$+
p#actice and p#oced)#e i no lon$e# !a#ed ", t!i Co)#t wit!
Con$#e+ mo#e o wit! t!e E/ec)ti%e. If t!e manifet intent of
t!e 2345 Contit)tion i to t#en$t!en t!e independence of t!e
')dicia#,+ it i in)tile to )#$e+ a p)"lic #epondent do+ t!at t!i
Co)#t !a no ')#idiction to cont#ol t!e p#oce of e/ec)tion of it
deciion+ a powe# conceded to it and w!ic! it !a e/e#cied
ince time immemo#ial.
(aic p#inciple in -)#idiction7
it)ation w!e#e t!e co)#t i called )pon to decide a cont#o%e#, and
#eleae t!e pa#tie f#om t!ei# co##elati%e o"li$ation ")t if it wo)ld
#e)lt in ad%e#e cone.)ence to t!e pa#tie and t!e p)"lic+ t!e
co)#t wo)ld $o "e,ond it powe# to a%oid ne$ati%e cone.)ence in
t!e #eleae of t!e pa#tie [A5ne vs. 0irector o7 Lands, 181 +,RA
8-#9 :a5a 6ele(hone ,o. vs. ,A, 48 +,A0 "#-].
In A5ne vs. 0irector o7 Lands, w!e#e t!e e%idence !owed t!at
t!e plaintiff i t!e t#)e owne# of t!e land )"'ect of t!e f#ee
patent and title wa $#anted to anot!e# and t!at t!e defendant
and !i p#edeceo#0in0inte#et we#e ne%e# in poeion t!e#eof+
t!e Co)#t+ in t!e e/e#cie of it e.)it, ')#idiction and wit!o)t
o#de#in$ t!e cancellation of aid title i)ed )pon t!e patent+
ma, di#ect t!e defendant #e$ite#ed owne# to #econ%e, t!e
p#ope#t, to t!e plaintiff. F)#t!e#+ if t!e dete#minati%e fact a#e
"efo#e t!e Co)#t and it i in a poition to finall, #eol%e t!e
dip)te+ t!e e/peditio) adminit#ation of ')tice will "e
)"e#%ed ", )c! a #eol)tion and t!e#e", o"%iate t!e needle
p#ot#acted p#oceedin$ cone.)ent to t!e #emand of t!e cae of
t!e t#ial co)#t. T!e Co)#t aw no need fo# #emandin$ t!e cae fo#
f)#t!e# p#oceedin$+ and !eld t!at t!e fact and t!e end of
')tice in t!i cae #e.)i#e t!e #econ%e,ance of t!e dip)ted lot.
In Poso v. Mi;ares+ A.M. No. RT-0=;02@3<+ A)$)t ;2+ ;==;+ t!e
S)p#eme Co)#t !eld t!at t!e $ene#al #)le t!at it t!i doe not
#e%iew a t#ial co)#tF deciion in an adminit#ati%e p#oceedin$
ince it main conce#n t!e#ein i to dete#mine t!e et!ical
#eponi"ilitie of ')dicial cond)ct i not cont#ollin$. T!e fact of
t!e cae call fo# t!e e/e#cie of e.)it, ')#idiction to t!e end
t!at we #ende# complete ')tice to all affected pa#tie. A we
!a%e aid+ 6E.)it, a t!e complement of le$al ')#idiction ee&
to #eac! and do complete ')tice w!e#e co)#t+ of law+ t!#o)$!
t!e infle/i"ilit, of t!ei# #)le and want of powe# to adapt t!ei#
')d$ment to t!e pecial ci#c)mtance of cae+ a#e
incompetent o to do. E.)it, #e$a#d t!e pi#it of and not t!e
lette#+ t!e intent and not t!e fo#m+ t!e )"tance #at!e# t!an t!e
ci#c)mtance+ a it i %a#io)l, e/p#eed ", diffe#ent co)#t.A
Indeed+ a co)#t of e.)it, w!ic! !a ta&en ')#idiction and
co$niGance of a ca)e fo# an, p)#poe will o#dina#il, #etain
')#idiction fo# all p)#poe and awa#d #elief o a to accompli!
f)ll ')tice "etween t!e pa#t, liti$ant+ p#e%ent f)t)#e liti$ation
and ma&e pe#fo#mance of t!e co)#tF dec#ee pe#fectl, afe to
t!oe w!o ma, "e compelled to o"e, it.
In t!i cae+ t!e #epondent -)d$e wa not onl, dimied f#om
t!e e#%ice ")t li&ewie !i Reol)tion in t!e c#iminal cae
#ed)cin$ t!e penalt, to @ ,ea# to ena"le t!e acc)ed to a%ail of
p#o"ation wa conide#ed %oid. In C#im. Cae No. ;?55+ t!e
acc)ed pleaded $)ilt, to !omicide wa entenced to ? ,ea#+ ;
mont! and 2 da, of p#iion co##eccional a minim)m to 4 ,ea#
and 2 da, of p#iion ma,o# a ma/im)m. On motion fo#
#econide#ation+ #epondent ')d$e modified t!e entence to ;
,ea#+ ? mont! and 2 da, of p#iion co##eccional a minim)m to
@ ,ea# and 2 da, of p#iion ma,o#. T!i wa f)#t!e# #ed)ced to
; ,ea#+ ? mont! and 2 da, of p#iion co##eccional a minim)m
to @ ,ea# of p#iion co##eccional a ma/im)m+ t!) ena"lin$ t!e
acc)ed to appl, fo# p#o"ation. T!e Reol)tion wa et0aide in
t!e adminit#ati%e cae.
92: -)#idiction o%e# t!e
)"'ect matte# o#
nat)#e of t!e cae
9;: -)#idiction o%e# t!e
9<: -)#idiction o%e# t!e
It i confe##ed ", law
9(P 2;3:+ and doe not
-)#idiction o%e# t!e
pe#on of t!e plaintiff i
It i ac.)i#ed ", t!e
eiG)#e of t!e t!in$
depend on t!e o"'ection
o# t!e act o# omiion
of t!e pa#tie o# an,one
of t!em [Re(u)lic vs.
+an5alan5, 1"- +,RA

It i not wai%a"le+
e/cept in cae of
etoppel to .)etion o#
#aie ')#idiction [6i;a<
vs. +i)on5hanoy, !#
+,RA !-].
It i dete#mined )pon
t!e alle$ation made in
t!e complaint+
i##epecti%e of w!et!e#
t!e plaintiff i entitled
o# not+ to #eco%e# )pon
t!e claim ae#ted
t!e#ein+ a matte#
#eol%ed onl, afte# and
a a #e)lt of t!e t#ial.
ac.)i#ed ", t!e filin$ of
t!e initiato#, pleadin$+
li&e a complaint.

-)#idiction o%e# t!e
pe#on of t!e defendant
i ac.)i#ed ", t!e
p#ope# e#%ice of
)mmon+ o# ", !i
%ol)nta#, appea#ance in
co)#t and !i
)"miion to t!e
a)t!o#it, of t!e co)#t
[Para<ount =ndustries
vs. Luna, 148 +,RA

)nde# le$al p#oce
w!e#e", it i "#o)$!t
into act)al c)tod, of
law+ o# it ma, #e)lt
f#om t!e intit)tion of a
le$al p#oceedin$ w!e#ein
t!e powe# of t!e co)#t
o%e# t!e t!in$ i
#eco$niGed and made
effecti%e [Banco>4s(a?ol
/ili(ino vs. Palanca, #8
Phil. !-1].

Ca)tion !o)ld "e e/e#cied in appl,in$ t!e doct#ine of lac!e o# tale
demand in 6i;a<. T!e p#inciple of etoppel a a defene to a ')#idictional
e##o# i mo#e of an e/ception #at!e# t!an t!e #)le. In ,ali<li< v. Ra<ire2+
;=? P!il. ;1 9234;:+ t!e S)p#eme Co)#t o"e#%ed t!at 6i;a< wa de%elopin$
into a $ene#al #)le #at!e# t!an a an e/ception. T!)+ in ,ali<li<+ t!e SC
#ef)ed to appl, 6i;a< and intead acco#ded )p#emac, to t!e time0!ono#ed
p#inciple t!at t!e i)e of ')#idiction i not lot ", wai%e# o# etoppel.
In /i5ueroa v. Peo(le+ >.R. No. 2?5?=@+ -)l, 2?+ ;==4+ -)tice
Nac!)#a #e%iewed t!e diffe#ent cae in%ol%in$ etoppel ",
')#idiction and noted t!at t!e Co)#t itelf !a wa%e#ed on t!i.
Nonet!ele+ we !o)ld "ea# in mind t!at etoppel i not fa%o#ed
"eca)e it i in t!e nat)#e of fo#feit)#e of. Mo#eo%e#+ a ')d$ment
#ende#ed wit!o)t ')#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect matte# i %oid.
92: Te##ito#ial
9;: -)#idiction o%e# t!e
)"'ect matte#
9<: -)#idiction o%e# t!e
pe#on of t!e acc)ed
It i dete#mined ", t!e
$eo$#ap!ical a#ea o%e#
w!ic! a co)#t p#eide+
and t!e fact t!at t!e
c#ime wa committed+
o# an, of it eential
in$#edient too& place
wit!in aid a#ea [@+ vs.
&ueves, !# Phil. 100].
It i dete#mined ", t!e
alle$ation of t!e
complaint o#
info#mation in
acco#dance wit! t!e law
in fo#ce at t!e time of
t!e intit)tion of t!e
action+ not at t!e time
of it commiion [@+
vs. Mallari, !4 Phil.
It i ac.)i#ed ", t!e
%ol)nta#, appea#ance o#
)##ende# of t!e acc)ed
o# ", !i a##et [,hoc
vs. Aera, 64 Phil. 1066].

>ene#al H powe# to ad')dicate all cont#o%e#ie e/cept t!oe e/p#el,
wit!!eld f#om t!e plena#, powe# of t!e co)#t.
Special o# Limited H #et#ict t!e co)#t ')#idiction onl, to pa#tic)la#
cae and )"'ect to )c! limitation a ma, "e p#o%ided ", t!e
$o%e#nin$ law.
O#i$inal H powe# of t!e co)#t to ta&e ')dicial co$niGance of a cae
intit)ted fo# ')dicial action fo# t!e fi#t time )nde# condition p#o%ided
", law.
Appellate H a)t!o#it, of a co)#t !i$!e# in #an& to #e0e/amine t!e final
o#de# o# ')d$ment of a lowe# co)#t w!ic! t#ied t!e cae now ele%ated fo#
')dicial #e%iew.
E/cl)i%e H powe# to ad')dicate a cae o# p#oceedin$ to t!e e/cl)ion of
all ot!e# co)#t at t!at ta$e.
Conc)##enceIConfl)entICoo#dinate H powe# confe##ed )pon diffe#ent
co)#t+ w!et!e# of t!e ame o# diffe#ent #an&+ to ta&e co$niGance at t!e
ame ta$e of t!e ame cae in t!e ame o# diffe#ent ')dicial te##ito#ie.
D. Nat)#e of P!ilippine Co)#t

2. Meanin$ of a co)#t
Co)#t a#e ')dicial t#i")nal in t!e adminit#ation and dipenation of
')tice. T!e, e/it in e%e#, ci%iliGed co)nt#, to #eol%e and end dip)te in
acco#dance wit! t!e law peacef)ll,+ o#de#l,+ a)t!o#itati%el,+ definitel,+ and
finall,. A co)#t i a "od, in t!e $o%e#nment to w!ic! t!e p)"lic
adminit#ation of ')tice i dele$ated.
;. Co)#t a ditin$)i!ed f#om a ')d$e
T!e wo#d 6courts and ;ud5esA a#e )ed ,non,mo)l, and
inte#c!an$ea"l,+ $ene#all, pea&in$. ()t t!e#e i an impo#tant ditinction
"etween t!e co)#t+ a an entit,+ and t!e pe#on w!o occ)pie t!e poition
of a ')d$e. Co)#t ma, e/it wit!o)t a p#eent ')d$e. T!e#e ma, "e a
')d$e wit!o)t a co)#t. T!e ')d$e ma, "ecome di.)alified+ ")t )c! fact
doe not det#o, t!e co)#t. It impl, mean t!at t!e t!e#e i no ')d$e to
act in t!e co)#t. T!e co)#t of t!e P!ilippine Iland we#e c#eated and t!e
')d$e we#e appointed t!e#eto late#. In a few intance+ t!e ')d$e we#e
appointed "efo#e t!e co)#t we#e eta"li!ed. A pe#on ma, "e appointed a
')d$e and "e ai$ned to a pa#tic)la# dit#ict o# co)#t )"e.)entl,.
9Pamint)an %. Llo#ente+ >.R. No. L02=2??+ -an)a#, ;5+ 2321: -)#idiction i
%eted in t!e co)#t and not in t!e ')d$e.
<. Claification of P!ilippine co)#t
?. Co)#t of o#i$inal and appellate ')#idiction
Co)#t of o#i$inal ')#idiction H T!oe w!e#e a cae i o#i$inall, commenced.
Appellate co)#t H T!oe co)#t w!e#e a cae i #e%iewed.
1. Co)#t of $ene#al and pecial ')#idiction
Co)#t of $ene#al ')#idiction H Co)#t w!ic! ta&e co$niGance of all cae+
ci%il o# c#iminal+ e/cept t!oe ai$ned to pecial co)#t and co)#t of limited
Co)#t of pecial ')#idiction H In &alandoni v. +arcon+ >.R. No. L0@?3@+
-an)a#, ;5+ 231?+ t!e SC e/plained t!at w!en t!e t!en CFI ta&e
co$niGance of election p#otet+ it act a co)#t of pecial ')#idiction. In
t!i ene+ t!e, !a%e a limited ')#idiction. T!)+ t!e CFI !a no ')#idiction
o%e# an election p#otet )ntil t!e pecial fact )pon w!ic! it ma, ta&e
')#idiction a#e e/p#el, !own in t!e motion of p#otet. T!e#e i no
p#e)mption in fa%o# of ')#idiction of a co)#t of limited o# pecial
@. Contit)tional and tat)to#, co)#t
Contit)tional co)#t H T!oe c#eated ", t!e Contit)tion itelf+ e.5.+ t!e
S)p#eme Co)#t. 9A#t. *III+ 2345 Contit)tion:
Stat)to#, co)#t H T!oe c#eated ", t!e le$ilat)#e. T!e CA+ t!e RTC+ and
t!e MTC we#e c#eated ", (.P. (l$. 2;3+ a amended.
5. Co)#t of law and e.)it,
Co)#t a#e fi#t and fo#emot co)#t of law. E.)it, !o)ld "e applied
onl, in t!e a"ence of an, law $o%e#nin$ t!e #elation!ip "etween t!e
pa#tie. W!ile e.)it, mi$!t tilt on t!e ide of one pa#t,+ t!e ame cannot "e
enfo#ced o a to o%e##)le poiti%e p#o%iion of law in fa%o# of t!e ot!e#.
E.)it, cannot )pplant o# cont#a%ene t!e law. T!e #)le m)t tand no matte#
!ow !a#! it ma, eem.
o 6a<io v. 6icson, .R. :o. 1"48-", :ove<)er 18, !004, 44# +,RA 44
In t!i cae+ t!e SC #eite#ated t!e #)le t!at a leee i not allowed to
c!allen$e t!e title of t!e leo#. It i immate#ial w!et!e# t!e leo# !ad an,
title at all to t!e p#ope#t, at t!e time t!e leae wa commenced. Cowe%e#+
conide#in$ t!e pec)lia# ci#c)mtance a%ailin$ in t!e cae+ e.)it, demand
t!at )c! #)le "e #ela/ed. It wo)ld "e $#ol, )n')t if afte# !a%in$ paid t!e
owne# p#io# #ental+ petitione# wo)ld till "e #e.)i#ed to pa, a$ain t!e ame
#ental a##ea#a$e to t!e leo# fo# t!e latte#F #etention of t!e p#ope#t, afte#
t!e te#mination of t!e )"leae cont#act. Note t!at t!e )"leae !ad al#ead,
e/pi#ed+ and t!at t!e a##ea#a$e #efe# to a )"e.)ent pe#iod not co%e#ed ",
t!e aid )"leae.
E.)it, a t!e complement of le$al ')#idiction ee& to #eac! and to
complete ')tice w!e#e co)#t of law+ t!#o)$! t!e infle/i"ilit, of t!ei# #)le
and want of powe# to adapt t!ei# ')d$ment to t!e pecial ci#c)mtance of
cae+ a#e incompetent to do o. E.)it, #e$a#d t!e pi#it and not t!e lette#+
t!e intent and not t!e fo#m+ t!e )"tance #at!e# t!an t!e ci#c)mtance+ a
it i %a#io)l, e/p#eed ", diffe#ent co)#t.

Alon2o v. =nter<ediate A((ellate ,ourt, .R. :o. L>8!88#, May !8, 1-88,
1"0 +,RA !"-
T!e .)etion i ometime a&ed+ in e#io) in.)i#, o# in c)#io) con'ect)#e+
w!et!e# we a#e a co)#t of law o# a co)#t of ')tice. Do we appl, t!e law e%en
if it i )n')t o# do we adminite# ')tice e%en a$aint t!e lawJ T!) .)e#ied+
we do not e.)i%ocate. T!e anwe# i t!at we do neit!e# "eca)e we a#e a
co)#t "ot! of law and of ')tice. We appl, t!e law wit! ')tice fo# t!at i o)#
miion and p)#poe in t!e c!eme of o)# Rep)"lic. T!i cae i an
4. P#inciple of ')dicial !ie#a#c!,
Alt!o)$! t!e SC+ t!e CA and t!e RTC !a%e conc)##ent ')#idiction to
i)e w#it of ce#tio#a#i+ p#o!i"ition+ mandam)+ .)o wa##anto+ !a"ea
co#p)+ and in')nction+ )c! conc)##ence doe not $i%e t!e petitione#
)n#et#icted f#eedom of c!oice of co)#t fo#)m. T!e conc)##ence of
')#idiction i not to "e ta&en a acco#din$ to pa#tie ee&in$ an, of t!e w#it
an a"ol)te+ )n#et#icted f#eedom of c!oice of t!e co)#t to w!ic! application
t!e#efo# will "e di#ected. T!e#e i afte# all a !ie#a#c!, of co)#t. T!at
!ie#a#c!, i dete#minati%e of t!e %en)e of appeal+ and alo e#%e a a
$ene#al dete#minant of t!e app#op#iate fo#)m fo# petition fo# t!e
e/t#ao#dina#, w#it. A "ecomin$ #e$a#d fo# t!at ')dicial !ie#a#c!, mot
ce#tainl, indicate t!at petition fo# t!e i)ance of e/t#ao#dina#, w#it
a$aint fi#t le%el 96infe#io#A: co)#t !o)ld "e filed wit! t!e Re$ional T#ial
Co)#t+ and t!oe a$aint t!e latte#+ wit! t!e Co)#t of Appeal. A di#ect
in%ocation of t!e S)p#eme Co)#tF o#i$inal ')#idiction to i)e t!ee w#it
!o)ld "e allowed onl, w!en t!e#e a#e pecial and impo#tant #eaon
t!e#efo#+ clea#l, and pecificall, et o)t in t!e petition. T!i i an eta"li!ed
polic,. It i a polic, necea#, to p#e%ent ino#dinate demand )pon t!e
Co)#tF time and attention w!ic! a#e "ette# de%oted to t!oe matte# wit!in
it e/cl)i%e ')#idiction+ and to p#e%ent f)#t!e# o%e#0c#owdin$ of t!e co)#tF
doc&et. 9C!am"e# of Real Etate and ()ilde# Aociation+ Inc. 9CRE(A: %.
Sec#eta#, of A$#a#ian Refo#m+ >.R. No. 24<?=3+ -)ne 24+ ;=2=:
3. Doct#ine of non0inte#fe#ence o# doct#ine of ')dicial
DOCTRINE OF -UDICIAL STA(ILITE7 T!e doct#ine of ')dicial ta"ilit, o#
non0inte#fe#ence in t!e #e$)la# o#de# o# ')d$ment of a co0e.)al co)#t+
a an accepted a/iom in ad'ecti%e law+ e#%e a an in)#mo)nta"le
"a##ie# to t!e competence of a co)#t to ente#tain a motion+ m)c! le
i)e an o#de#+ #elati%e to a )"'ect matte# w!ic! i )nde# t!e custodia
le5is of anot!e# co)#t ", %i#t)e of a p#io# w#it of attac!ment. Indeed+ t!e
polic, of peacef)l co0e/itence amon$ co)#t of t!e ame ')dicial plane+
o to pea&+ wa aptl, dec#i"ed in Parcon vs. ,A, 222 SCRA ;@;7
...-)#idiction i %eted in t!e co)#t not in an, pa#tic)la# "#anc!
o# ')d$e+ and a a co#olla#, #)le+ t!e %a#io) "#anc!e of t!e
Co)#t of Fi#t Intance of a ')dicial dit#ict a#e a coo#dinate and
co0e.)al co)#t one "#anc! tand on t!e ame le%el a t!e
ot!e#. Und)e inte#fe#ence ", one on t!e p#oceedin$ and
p#ocee of anot!e# i p#o!i"ited ", law. In t!e lan$)a$e of t!i
Co)#t+ t!e %a#io) "#anc!e of t!e Co)#t of Fi#t Intance of a
p#o%ince o# cit,+ !a%in$ a t!e, !a%e t!e ame o# e.)al a)t!o#it,
and e/e#ciin$ a t!e, do conc)##ent and coo#dinate ')#idiction
!o)ld not+ cannot+ and a#e not pe#mitted to inte#fe#e wit! t!ei#
#epecti%e cae+ m)c! le wit! t!ei# o#de# o# ')d$ment.
a. Non0inte#fe#ence in Aociation
Co)#t will not inte#fe#e wit! t!e inte#nal affai# of an
)ninco#po#ated aociation o a to ettle dip)te "etween t!e
mem"e# on .)etion of polic,+ dicipline+ o# inte#nal
$o%e#nment+ o lon$ a t!e $o%e#nment of t!e ociet, i fai#l,
and !onetl, adminite#ed in confo#mit, wit! it law and t!e
law of t!e land and no p#ope#t, o# ci%il #i$!t a#e in%aded. Unde#
)c! ci#c)mtance+ t!e deciion of t!e $o%e#nin$ "od, o#
eta"li!ed p#i%ate t#i")nal of t!e aociation i "indin$ and
concl)i%e and not )"'ect to #e%iew o# collate#al attac& in t!e
co)#t. 9Lion Cl)" Inte#national %. Amo#e+ 2;2 SCRA @;2:
". Non0inte#fe#ence of co)#t of coo#dinate ')#idiction
No co)#t !a t!e powe# to inte#fe#e ", in')nction wit! t!e
')d$ment o# o#de# of anot!e# co)#t of conc)##ent ')#idiction
!a%in$ t!e powe# to $#ant t!e #elief o)$!t ", in')nction. T!i
doct#ine of non0inte#fe#ence i p#emied on t!e p#inciple t!at a
')d$ment of a co)#t of competent ')#idiction ma, not "e
opened+ modified o# %acated ", an, co)#t of conc)##ent
')#idiction. Fo# e/ample+ cae w!e#ein an e/ec)tion o#de# !a
"een i)ed+ a#e till pendin$+ o t!at all t!e p#oceedin$ on t!e
e/ec)tion a#e till p#oceedin$ in t!e )it. Since a pa#tic)la#
co)#t !ad al#ead, ac.)i#ed ')#idiction o%e# t!e collection )it
and #ende#ed ')d$ment in #elation t!e#eto+ it #etained
')#idiction to t!e e/cl)ion of all ot!e# coo#dinate co)#t o%e# it
')d$ment+ incl)din$ all incident #elati%e to t!e cont#ol and
cond)ct of it minite#ial office#+ namel, t!e !e#iff. T!)+ t!e
i)ance ", anot!e# RTC of t!e w#it of p#elimina#, in')nction in
wa a clea# act of inte#fe#ence wit! t!e ')d$ment of (acolod
RTC. 9>o %. Cle#& of Co)#t and E/0Officio S!e#iff of Ne$#o
Occidental+ >.R. No. 21?@;<+ Ma#c! 2<+ ;==3:
II. 2&ris,iction
A. -)#idiction o%e# t!e pa#tie
2. Cow ')#idiction o%e# t!e plaintiff i ac.)i#ed
-)#idiction i ac.)i#ed o%e# t!e pe#on of t!e plaintiff and t!e
)"'ect matte# ", t!e filin$ of t!e complaint o# petition. An action o#
p#oceedin$ i commenced ", t!e filin$ of t!e complaint o# ot!e#
initiato#, pleadin$. (, t!at act+ t!e ')#idiction of t!e co)#t o%e# t!e
)"'ect matte# o# nat)#e of t!e action o# p#oceedin$ i in%o&ed o#
called into acti%it, and it i t!)+ t!at t!e co)#t ac.)i#e ')#idiction
o%e# t!e )"'ect matte# o# nat)#e of t!e action. It i ", t!at elf0ame
act of t!e plaintiff o# petitione# of filin$ t!e complaint o# petition ",
w!ic! !e i$nifie !i )"miion to t!e co)#tF powe# and a)t!o#it,
t!at ')#idiction i ac.)i#ed ", t!e Co)#t o%e# !i pe#on.
;. Cow ')#idiction o%e# t!e defendant i ac.)i#ed
-)#idiction o%e# t!e pe#on of t!e defendant i o"tained ", t!e
e#%ice of )mmon o# ot!e# coe#ci%e p#oce )pon !im o# ", !i
%ol)nta#, )"miion to t!e a)t!o#it, of t!e co)#t.
(. -)#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect matte#
-)#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect o# nat)#e of action i confe##ed ",
law. It i p#ope#l, in%o&ed ", filin$ t!e complaint o# info#mation.
2. Meanin$ of ')#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect matte#
Cae7Locsin v. :issan Lease Phils. =nc.+ >.R. No. 2411@5+ Octo"e# ;=+ ;=2=
H concept of p#imac, to t!e element of ')#idiction
Locin+ at t!e time of !i e%e#ance f#om Nian+ wa t!e latte#F
co#po#ate office#. >i%en LocinF tat) a a co#po#ate office#+ t!e RTC+ not
t!e La"o# A#"ite# o# t!e NLRC+ !a ')#idiction to !ea# t!e le$alit, of t!e
te#mination of !i #elation!ip wit! Nian.
In t!i cae+ t!e SC $a%e p#ecedence to t!e me#it of t!e cae and
p#imac, to t!e element of ')#idiction. -)#idiction i t!e powe# to !ea# and
#)le on a cae and i t!e t!#e!old element t!at m)t e/it "efo#e an,
.)ai0')dicial office# can act. T!e La"o# A#"ite# doe not !a%e ')#idiction
o%e# t!e te#mination dip)te Locin "#o)$!t+ and !o)ld not "e allowed to
contin)e to act on t!e cae afte# t!e a"ence of ')#idiction !a "ecome
o"%io)+ "aed on t!e #eco#d and t!e law+ e%en if t!e#e wa a p#oced)#al
flaw in .)etionin$ t!e ')#idiction of t!e La"o# A#"ite#. In mo#e p#actical
te#m+ a cont#a#, #)lin$ will onl, ca)e )"tantial dela, and incon%enience
a well a )nnecea#, e/pene+ to t!e point of in')tice+ to t!e pa#tie.
T!i concl)ion+ of co)#e+ doe not $o into t!e me#it of te#mination of
#elation!ip and i wit!o)t p#e')dice to t!e filin$ of an int#a0co#po#ate
dip)te on t!i point "efo#e t!e app#op#iate RTC.
,ivil +ervice ,o<<ission v. Andal+ >R. No. 2415?3+ Decem"e# 2@+ ;==3 H
')#idiction o%e# co)#t pe#onnel
In p#e%io) cae+ t!e Ci%il Se#%ice Commiion #eco$niGed t!e diciplina#,
')#idiction of t!e S)p#eme Co)#t o%e# co)#t pe#onnel. T!i i cononant
wit! Section @+ A#ticle *III of t!e 2345 Contit)tion %etin$ in t!e S)p#eme
Co)#t adminit#ati%e )pe#%iion o%e# all co)#t and t!e pe#onnel t!e#eof.
T!)7 6Sec. @. T!e S)p#eme Co)#t !all !a%e adminit#ati%e )pe#%iion o%e#
all co)#t and t!e pe#onnel t!e#eof.A (, %i#t)e of t!i powe#+ it i onl, t!e
S)p#eme Co)#t t!at can o%e#ee t!e ')d$eF and co)#t pe#onnelF
adminit#ati%e compliance wit! all law+ #)le and #e$)lation. No ot!e#
"#anc! of $o%e#nment ma, int#)de into t!i powe#+ wit!o)t #)nnin$ afo)l of
t!e doct#ine of epa#ation of powe#.
ReB Crder dated !1 0ece<)er !006 issued )y &ud5e Boni7acio +an2 Maceda,
R6, Las Pinas Branch !8" sus(endin5 Loida M. ena)e, Le5al Researcher,
sa<e court+ A.M. =50;03<0RTC+ Octo"e# ;3+ ;==3 H not e%en p#eidin$ ')d$e
!a diciplina#, a)t!o#it, o%e# !i pe#onnel
T!e $)ideline in effect at t!at time t!e cae !appened we#e al#ead, t!oe
fo)nd in A.M. No. =<040=;0SC+ w!ic! too& effect in ;==? o# two ,ea# "efo#e
t!e adminit#ati%e c!a#$e of ne$lect of d)t, wa made a$aint >ena"e.
-)d$e Maceda !o)ld !a%e applied t!ee new $)ideline and not Ci#c)la# No.
Section 2+ C!apte# *III of A.M. No. =<040=;0SC+ w!ic! p#o%ide t!e
$)ideline fo# adminit#ati%e dicipline of co)#t emplo,ee o%e# li$!t
offene+ tate7
SECTION. 2. Diciplina#, ')#idiction o%e# li$!t offene.H
T!e E/ec)ti%e -)d$e !all !a%e a)t!o#it, to act )pon and
in%eti$ate adminit#ati%e complaint in%ol%in$ li$!t offene a
defined )nde# t!e Ci%il Se#%ice Law and R)le 9Adminit#ati%e
Code of 2345:+ and t!e Code of Cond)ct and Et!ical Standa#d
fo# P)"lic Official and Emplo,ee 9Rep)"lic Act No. @52<:+
w!e#e t!e penalt, i #ep#imand+ )penion fo# not mo#e t!an
t!i#t, 9<=: da,+ o# a fine not e/ceedin$ t!i#t, 9<=: da,F ala#,+
and a claified in pe#tinent Ci%il Se#%ice #eol)tion o#
i)ance+ filed ", 9a: a ')d$e a$aint a co)#t emplo,ee+ e/cept
law,e#+ w!o "ot! wo#& in t!e ame tation wit!in t!e E/ec)ti%e
-)d$eF a#ea of adminit#ati%e )pe#%iionK o# 9": a co)#t
emplo,ee a$aint anot!e# co)#t emplo,ee+ e/cept law,e#+ w!o
"ot! wo#& in t!e ame tation wit!in t!e E/ec)ti%e -)d$eF a#ea
of adminit#ati%e )pe#%iion.
In t!e p#ecedin$ intance+ t!e E/ec)ti%e -)d$e !all cond)ct t!e necea#,
in.)i#, and )"mit to t!e Office of t!e Co)#t Adminit#ato# t!e #e)lt
t!e#eof wit! a #ecommendation a to t!e action to "e ta&en t!e#eon+
incl)din$ t!e penalt, to "e impoed+ if an,+ wit!in t!i#t, 9<=: da, f#om
te#mination of aid in.)i#,. At !iI!e# dic#etion+ t!e E/ec)ti%e -)d$e ma,
dele$ate t!e in%eti$ation of complaint in%ol%in$ li$!t offene to an, of t!e
P#eidin$ -)d$e o# co)#t official wit!in !iI!e# a#ea of adminit#ati%e
In t!e cae of a complaint 9a: filed a$aint co)#t emplo,ee w!o a#e
law,e#+ o# 9": filed ", p#i%ate complainant a$aint co)#t emplo,ee+
law,e# and non0law,e# ali&e+ t!e ame !all "e fo#wa#ded ", t!e E/ec)ti%e
-)d$e to t!e Office of t!e Co)#t Adminit#ato# fo# app#op#iate action and
dipoition. / / / 9Emp!ai )pplied:
T!e $)ideline clea#l, p#o%ide t!at t!e a)t!o#it, of ')d$e to dicipline e##in$
co)#t pe#onnel+ )nde# t!ei# )pe#%iion and c!a#$ed wit! li$!t offene+ i
limited to cond)ctin$ an in.)i#, onl,. Afte# )c! in.)i#,+ t!e e/ec)ti%e ')d$e
i #e.)i#ed to )"mit to t!e OCA t!e #e)lt of t!e in%eti$ation and $i%e a
#ecommendation a to w!at action !o)ld "e ta&en. An e/ec)ti%e ')d$e doe
not !a%e t!e a)t!o#it, to act )pon t!e #e)lt of t!e in.)i#, and t!e#eafte#+ if
t!e co)#t emplo,ee i fo)nd $)ilt,+ )nilate#all, impoe a penalt,+ a in t!i
cae. It i onl, t!e S)p#eme Co)#t w!ic! !a t!e powe# to find t!e co)#t
pe#onnel $)ilt, o# not fo# t!e offene c!a#$ed and t!en impoe a penalt,.
In t!e p#eent cae+ -)d$e Maceda )pended >ena"e fo# t!e offene of
ne$lect of d)t,. Unde# Section 1;9(:+ R)le I* of t!e Re%ied Unifo#m R)le
on Adminit#ati%e Cae in t!e Ci%il Se#%ice+ imple ne$lect of d)t, i a le
$#a%e offene w!ic! ca##ie a penalt, of one mont! and one da, to i/
mont! )penion fo# t!e fi#t offene. Unde# A.M. No. =<040=;0SC+ an
e/ec)ti%e ')d$e ma, onl, cond)ct an in%eti$ation fo# all offene. Afte# t!e
in%eti$ation+ t!e e/ec)ti%e ')d$e i mandated to #efe# t!e necea#,
diciplina#, action to t!i Co)#t fo# app#op#iate action.
;. -)#idiction %e#) t!e e/e#cie of ')#idiction
-)#idiction i confe##ed ", )"tanti%e law w!ile t!e e/e#cie of
')#idiction )nle ot!e#wie p#o%ided ", t!e law itelf i $o%e#ned ",
t!e R)le of Co)#t o# ", t!e o#de# i)ed f#om time to time ", t!e
S)p#eme Co)#t.
W!e#e t!e#e i ')#idiction o%e# t!e pe#on and t!e )"'ect
matte#+ t!e deciion of all ot!e# .)etion a#iin$ in t!e cae i ")t an
e/e#cie of t!at ')#idiction.
<. E##o# of ')#idiction a ditin$)i!ed f#om e##o# of
Afte# a co)#t !a o"tained ')#idiction o%e# t!e pa#tie and t!e
)"'ect matte# of t!e action+ t!e fail)#e to $i%e notice of )"e.)ent
tep in t!e p#oceedin$ doe not dep#i%e t!e co)#t of ')#idiction. If
)"tantial in')#, #e)lt f#om t!e fail)#e of notice and complaint i
d)l, made t!e#eof+ t!e act of t!e co)#t ma, "e !eld to "e e##oneo)
and will "e co##ected in t!e p#ope# p#oceedin$ ")t i not an act wit!o)t
o# in e/ce of ')#idiction and i not %oid.
T!e te#m e/ce of ')#idiction i$nifie t!at t!e co)#t+ "oa#d o#
office# !a ')#idiction o%e# a cae ")t t#ancended t!e ame o# acted
wit!o)t a)t!o#it,.
?. Cow ')#idiction i confe##ed and dete#mined
Onl, t!e Contit)tion o# law confe# ')#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect matte#. It
cannot "e fi/ed ", t!e will of pa#tieK it cannot "e ac.)i#ed t!#o)$!+ o#
wai%ed+ enla#$ed o# dimini!ed ",+ an, act o# omiion of t!e pa#tie.
On t!e ot!e# !and+ w!at dete#mine t!e nat)#e of t!e action a well a t!e
co)#t+ w!ic! !a ')#idiction o%e# t!e cae+ i t!e alle$ation made ", t!e
plaintiff in !i complaint.
ustilo v. ustilo+ >.R. No. 251?35+ Octo"e# 23+ ;=22
Petitione# Ma#, -o, Anne and #epondent -oe *icente III a#e c!ild#en of t!e
late Att,. A#mando >)tilo wit! diffe#ent mot!e#. T!e decedent owned
e%e#al p#ope#tie and wa t!e p#eident of A.>. A$#o0Ind)t#ial Co#po#ation
in CadiG Cit,+ Ne$#o Occidental. Followin$ t!ei# fat!e#F deat!+ Ma#, -o, and
-oe *icente ente#ed into a Memo#and)m of A$#eement 9MOA:+ ad')dicatin$
"etween t!emel%e t!ei# fat!e#F p#ope#tie. One of t!ee wa Cacienda
Imelda+ w!ic! t!e MOA ai$ned to Ma#, -o,. Cowe%e#+ t!e !aciendaF title
#emained in t!e name of A.>. A$#o. Ma#, -o, immediatel, too& poeion
of t!e land and planted )$a#cane on it. In 2335 -oe *icente+ a p#eident
of A.>. A$#o+ leaed Cacienda Imelda and it fa#m implement to #epondent
Tita S, Eo)n$ fo# fi%e a$#ic)lt)#al c#op ,ea# f#om 2335 )ntil ;==;. (ein$
financiall, !a#d )p+ Ma#, -o, co)ld not do an,t!in$ a"o)t it. W!en t!e leae
cont#act wa a"o)t to e/pi#e+ Ma#, -o, ad%ied Eo)n$ to )##ende# t!e land
to !e#. ()t t!e latte# #ef)ed to ,ield poeion and contin)ed to c)lti%ate
t!e ame fo# )$a#cane. T!i p#ompted Ma#, -o, to file an action a$aint
-oe *icente and Eo)n$ fo# #eco%e#, of poeion of t!e !acienda+
cancellation of t!e leae cont#act+ and dama$e "efo#e t!e Re$ional T#ial
Co)#t 9RTC: of CadiG Cit,. -oe *icente filed a motion to dimi mainl, on
t!e $#o)nd t!at t!e CadiG RTC !ad no ')#idiction to !ea# and decide int#a0
co#po#ate dip)te+ t!e p#ope# fo#)m "ein$ a peciall, dei$nated
comme#cial co)#t.

(ot! t!e RTC and CA #)led in fa%o# of -oe *icente and dimied t!e
complaint fo# lac& of ')#idiction wit!o)t p#e')dice to t!e #e0filin$ of t!e cae
in t!e p#ope# co)#t.

ISSUE7 W!et!e# o# not Ma#, -o,F action p#eent an int#a0co#po#ate dip)te
t!at "elon$ to t!e ')#idiction of a peciall, dei$nated comme#cial co)#t.

RULIN>7 It i a "aic #)le t!at ')#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect matte# i
dete#mined ", t!e alle$ation in t!e complaint. It can "e $leaned f#om Ma#,
-o,F alle$ation in !e# complaint t!at !e# cae i p#incipall, one fo# #eco%e#,
of poeion. Immediatel, )pon t!e e/ec)tion of t!e MOA in 233<+ Ma#,
-o, too& poeion of Cacienda Imelda and ta#ted plantin$ )$a#cane on
it. In 2335 Eo)n$+ wit! t!e )e of fo#ce+ too& o%e# t!e p#ope#t, wit! t!e
fa#m e.)ipment and implement. Depite e%e#al demand to %acate and
)##ende# Cacienda Imelda+ Eo)n$ contin)ed to c)lti%ate and plant
)$a#cane on t!e p#ope#t, )p to ;==;+ and e%en ente#ed into a new leae
cont#act wit! -oe *icente.
Acco#din$ to t!e SC+ #e$a#dle of t!e act)al condition of t!e title to t!e
p#ope#t,+ t!e pa#t, in peacea"le .)iet poeion !all not "e t)#ned o)t ",
a t#on$ !and+ %iolence o# te##o#. T!)+ a pa#t, w!o can p#o%e p#io#
poeion can #eco%e# )c! poeion e%en a$aint t!e owne# !imelf.
W!ate%e# ma, "e t!e c!a#acte# of !i p#io# poeion+ if !e !a in !i fa%o#
p#io#it, in time !e i entitled to #emain on t!e p#ope#t, )ntil a pe#on !a%in$
a "ette# #i$!t lawf)ll, e'ect !im.

Ce#e+ -oe *icente and Eo)n$ mainl, a#$)ed in t!ei# Motion to Dimi t!at
inam)c! a t!e )"'ect p#ope#t, i in t!e name of A.>. A$#o+ t!e nat)#e of
t!e claim o# cont#o%e#, i one of int#a0co#po#ate. T!e Co)#t !a #)led in t!e
pat t!at an action to #eco%e# poeion i a plena#, action in an o#dina#,
ci%il p#oceedin$ to dete#mine t!e "ette# and le$al #i$!t to poe+
independentl, of title. ()t w!e#e t!e pa#tie #aie t!e i)e of owne#!ip+ a
in t!i cae+ t!e co)#t ma, pa )pon )c! i)e to dete#mine w!o "etween
t!e pa#tie !a t!e #i$!t to poe t!e p#ope#t,. T!i ad')dication+ !owe%e#+
i not final and "indin$ a #e$a#d t!e i)e of owne#!ipK it i me#el, fo# t!e
p)#poe of #eol%in$ t!e i)e of poeion w!en it i inepa#a"l, connected
to t!e i)e of owne#!ip. T!e ad')dication on t!e i)e of owne#!ip+ "ein$
p#o%iional+ i not a "a# to an action "etween t!e ame pa#tie in%ol%in$ title
to t!e p#ope#t,. Alo+ an, int#a0co#po#ate i)e t!at ma, "e in%ol%ed in
dete#minin$ t!e #eal owne# of t!e p#ope#t, ma, "e t!#e!ed o)t in a
epa#ate p#oceedin$ in t!e p#ope# comme#cial co)#t.
1. Doct#ine of p#ima#, ')#idiction
It i inc)m"ent )pon t!e pa#t, w!o !a an adminit#ati%e
#emed, to p)#)e t!e ame to it app#op#iate concl)ion "efo#e
ee&in$ ')dicial inte#%ention. T!e Co)#t !a conitentl,
#eite#ated t!e #ationale "e!ind t!e doct#ine of t!e e/!a)tion of
adminit#ati%e #emedie7
One of t!e #eaon fo# t!e doct#ine of e/!a)tion i t!e
epa#ation of powe#+ w!ic! en'oin )pon t!e -)dicia#, a
"ecomin$ polic, of non0inte#fe#ence wit! matte# comin$
p#ima#il, 9al"eit not e/cl)i%el,: wit!in t!e competence of t!e
ot!e# depa#tment. T!e t!eo#, i t!at t!e adminit#ati%e
a)t!o#itie a#e in a "ette# poition to #eol%e .)etion
add#eed to t!ei# pa#tic)la# e/pe#tie and t!at e##o# committed
", )"o#dinate in t!ei# #eol)tion ma, "e #ectified ", t!ei#
)pe#io# if $i%en a c!ance to do o8 It ma, "e added t!at t#ict
enfo#cement of t!e #)le co)ld alo #elie%e t!e co)#t of a
conide#a"le n)m"e# of a%oida"le cae w!ic! ot!e#wie wo)ld
")#den t!ei# !ea%il, loaded doc&et.
T!e fail)#e to e/!a)t adminit#ati%e #emedie+ !owe%e#+ doe
not affect t!e ')#idiction of t!e co)#t. Non0e/!a)tion of
adminit#ati%e #emedie onl, #ende# t!e action p#emat)#e+ t!at
t!e 6claimed ca)e of action i not #ipe fo# ')dicial
dete#mination.A 9Me#ida Wate#wo#& Dit#ict %. (aca##o+ >.R. No.
2@133<+ Septem"e# <=+ ;==4:
It ma, occ)# t!at t!e Co)#t !a ')#idiction to ta&e co$niGance of
a pa#tic)la# cae+ w!ic! mean t!at t!e matte# in%ol%ed i alo
')dicial in c!a#acte#. Cowe%e#+ if t!e cae i )c! t!at it
dete#mination #e.)i#e t!e e/pe#tie+ pecialiGed &ill and
&nowled$e of t!e p#ope# adminit#ati%e "odie "eca)e tec!nical
matte# o# int#icate .)etion of fact a#e in%ol%ed+ t!en #elief
m)t fi#t "e o"tained in an adminit#ati%e p#oceedin$ "efo#e a
#emed, will "e )pplied ", t!e co)#t e%en t!o)$! t!e matte# i
wit!in t!e p#ope# ')#idiction of t!e co)#t. 9Pimentel %. Senate
Committee a a W!ole+ >.R. No. 24552?+ Ma#c! 4+ ;=22:
T!i p#ecl)de co)#t f#om #eol%in$+ in t!e fi#t intance+
cont#o%e#ie fallin$ )nde# t!e ')#idiction of adminit#ati%e
a$encie. Co)#t #eco$niGe t!at adminit#ati%e a$encie a#e
"ette# e.)ipped to ettle fact)al i)e wit!in t!ei# pecific field
of e/pe#tie "eca)e of t!ei# pecial &ill and tec!nical
&nowled$e. Fo# t!i #eaon+ a p#emat)#e in%ocation of t!e co)#tF
')dicial powe# i often t#)c& down+ )nle it can "e !own t!at
t!e cae fall )nde# an, of t!e applica"le e/ception. 9Ca")n$cal
%. Lo#enGo+ >.R. No. 2@=<@5+ Decem"e# 24+ ;==3:
-)tice Ce##e#a emp!aiGed t!at t!e doct#ine of p#ima#, ')#idiction and
fail)#e to e/!a)t adminit#ati%e #emedie a#e not ,non,mo) and !o)ld
"e ditin$)i!ed f#om one anot!e#. In US %. Wete#n Pac. R.R.+ <1; U.S. 13
9231@:+ -)tice Ca#lan e/plained t!at e/!a)tion applie w!e#e a claim i
co$niGa"le in t!e fi#t intance ", an adminit#ati%e a$enc, aloneK ')dicial
inte#fe#ence i wit!!eld )ntil t!e adminit#ati%e p#oce !a #)led it co)#e.
P#ima#, ')#idiction on t!e ot!e# !and applie w!e#e a claim i o#i$inall,
co$niGa"le ", t!e co)#t and come into pla, w!ene%e# enfo#cement of t!e
claim #e.)i#e t!e #eol)tion of i)e w!ic! )nde# a #e$)lato#, c!eme
!a%e "een placed wit!in t!e pecial competence of an adminit#ati%e "od,K
in )c! a cae t!e ')dicial p#oce i )pended pendin$ #efe##al of )c!
i)e to t!e adminit#ati%e "od, fo# it %iew.
In Ta, %. (#)nwic&+ t!e Co)#t !eld t!at t!e pe#tinent .)etion to a& i
w!et!e# #efe##al to t!e a$enc, i necea#, to p#omote )nifo#mit, and
w!et!e# t!e a$enc,F e/pe#tie wo)ld ait t!e co)#t in #eol%in$ diffic)lt
fact)al i)e. Simpl, p)t+ t!e p#ima#, ')#idiction doct#ine a& w!et!e# an
a$enc,F #e%iew of t!e fact will "e a mate#ial aid to t!e co)#t )ltimatel,
c!a#$ed wit! appl,in$ t!oe fact to t!e law.
@. Doct#ine of ad!e#ence of ')#idiction
RULE OF ADCERENCE OF -URISDICTION H Afte# it ')#idiction attac!ed+ t!i
')#idiction cannot "e o)ted ", )"e.)ent e%ent )c! a t!e tempo#a#,
t#anfe# of e%idence and mate#ial #eco#d of t!e p#oceedin$ to anot!e#
t#i")nal e/e#ciin$ it own ')#idiction o%e# anot!e# election contet p)#)ant
to t!e Contit)tion. T!i i t!e #)le of ad!e#ence of ')#idiction. 9MendoGa %.
Comelec+ >.R. No. 244<=4+ Octo"e# 21+ ;==3:
2 W!en a )"e.)ent law p#o%ide a p#o!i"ition fo# t!e contin)ed
e/e#cie of ')#idiction [Rillora2a vs. Arcia5a, !1 +,RA 818].
; W!e#e t!e law penaliGin$ an act w!ic! i p)ni!a"le i #epealed ", a
)"e.)ent law. T!e #eaon i t!at t!e State loe t!e powe# to
p#oec)te w!en t!e law i #epealed+ !ence+ t!e co)#t !a no mo#e
powe# to decide [Peo(le vs. Pastor, 88 Phil. 1000].
< W!en acc)ed i dep#i%ed of !i contit)tional #i$!t )c! a w!e#e
t!e co)#t fail to p#o%ide co)nel fo# t!e acc)ed w!o i )na"le to
o"tain one and doe not intelli$entl, wai%e !i contit)tional #i$!t
[,have2 vs. ,A, !4 +,RA 66#].
? W!en t!e p#oceedin$ in t!e co)#t ac.)i#in$ ')#idiction i
te#minated+ a"andoned o# decla#ed %oid [+even vs. Pichay, 108 Phil.
1 W!en t!e tat)te e/p#el, p#o%ide+ o# i cont#)ed to t!e effect
t!at it intended to ope#ate a to action pendin$ "efo#e it
enactment [Ben52on vs. =ncion5, -1 +,RA !84].
@ Once appeal !a "een pe#fected [Al<a vs. A))as, 18 +,RA 8#6].
5 W!en t!e law i c)#ati%e [arcia vs. Martine2, -0 +,RA ##1].
5. O"'ection to ')#idiction o%e# t!e )"'ect matte#
Lhuillier v. British Air.ays, >.R. No. 252=3;+ Ma#c! 21+ ;=2=
L!)illie# filed a complaint fo# dama$e a$aint (#iti! Ai#wa, "efo#e RTC of
Ma&ati. (#iti! Ai#wa, mo%ed to dimi t!e complaint on t!e $#o)nd of
lac& of ')#idiction o%e# t!e cae "aed on t!e Wa#aw Con%ention.
Acco#din$ to SC+ t!e Wa#aw Con%ention !a t!e fo#ce and effect of law in
t!i co)nt#,. It applie "eca)e t!e ai# t#a%el w!e#e t!e alle$ed to#tio)
cond)ct occ)##ed wa "etween t!e UL and Ital,+ w!ic! a#e "ot! i$nato#ie
to t!e Con%ention. Since t!e Con%ention applie+ t!en t!e ')#idiction o%e#
t!e )"'ect matte# of t!e action i $o%e#ned ", t!e p#o%iion t!e#eof. Unde#
A#ticle ;4 92: of t!e Con%ention+ t!e plaintiff ma, "#in$ t!e action fo#
dama$e "efo#e7 9a: t!e co)#t w!e#e t!e ca##ie# i domiciledK 9": t!e co)#t
w!e#e t!e ca##ie# !a it p#incipal place of ")ineK 9c: t!e co)#t w!e#e t!e
ca##ie# !a an eta"li!ment ", w!ic! t!e cont#act !a "een madeK o#+ 9c:
t!e co)#t of t!e place of detination.
In t!i cae+ (#iti! Ai#wa, i domiciled in UL wit! London a it p#incipal
place of ")ine. It appea# t!at t!e tic&et wa i)ed in Rome+ Ital, and
t!e place of detination i alo Rome+ Ital,. L!)illie# t!e#efo#e !a t!e option
to "#in$ !e# cae "efo#e t!e co)#t of Rome in Ital, o# in London+ UL. T!e
RTC of Ma&ati did not !a%e ')#idiction o%e# t!e cae filed ", L!)illie#.
Machado v. atdula+ >.R. No. 21@;45+ Fe"#)a#, 2@+ ;=2=
T!e cae in%ol%ed t!e ')#idiction of t!e Commiion on Settlement of Land
P#o"lem 9COSLAP:. Unde# EO 1@2+ t!e COSLAP ma, in t!e followin$ cae+
a)me ')#idiction and #eol%e land p#o"lem o# dip)te w!ic! a#e c#itical
and e/ploi%e in nat)#e conide#in$ fo# intance t!e la#$e n)m"e# of t!e
pa#tie in%ol%ed+ t!e p#eence o# eme#$ence of ocial tenion o# )n#et+ o#
ot!e# imila# c#itical it)ation #e.)i#in$ immediate action7 9a: "etween
occ)pantI.)atte# and pat)#e leae a$#eement !olde# o# tim"e#
conceionai#eK 9": "etween occ)pantI.)atte# and $o%e#nment
#ee#%ation $#anteeK 9c: "etween occ)pantI.)atte# and p)"lic land
claimant o# applicantK 9d: Petition fo# claification+ #eleae andIo#
)"di%iion of land of t!e p)"lic domainK and+ 9e: ot!e# imila# land
p#o"lem of $#a%e )#$enc, and ma$nit)de. In t!i cae+ !owe%e#+ t!e
p#ope#tie in%ol%ed in t!e dip)te a#e p#i%ate land owned ", p#i%ate pa#tie+
none of w!o i a .)atte#+ a patent leae a$#eement !olde#+ a $o%e#nment
#ee#%ation $#antee+ a p)"lic land claimant o# a mem"e# of an, c)lt)#al
Mo#eo%e#+ t!e dip)te "etween t!e pa#tie can !a#dl, "e claified a c#itical
o# e/ploi%e in nat)#e t!at wo)ld $ene#ate ocial tenion o# )n#et+ o# a
c#itical it)ation t!at wo)ld #e.)i#e immediate and )#$ent action. T!e i)e
#aied in t!e cae p#ima#il, in%ol%e t!e application of t!e Ci%il Code
p#o%iion on P#ope#t, and t!e Eaement of Ri$!t of Wa,.
-)#idiction o%e# a )"'ect matte# i confe##ed ", law and not ", t!e pa#tieF
action o# cond)ct. Etoppel $ene#all, doe not confe# ')#idiction o%e# a
ca)e of action to a t#i")nal w!e#e none+ ", law+ e/it.
T!e ope#ation of t!e p#inciple of etoppel on t!e .)etion of ')#idiction
depend )pon w!et!e# t!e lowe# co)#t act)all, !ad ')#idiction o# not. If it
!ad no ')#idiction+ ")t t!e cae wa t#ied and decided )pon t!e t!eo#, t!at
it !ad ')#idiction+ t!e pa#tie a#e not "a##ed+ on appeal+ f#om aailin$ )c!
')#idiction+ fo# t!e ame m)t e/it a a matte# of law+ and ma, not "e
confe##ed ", conent of t!e pa#tie o# ", etoppel. Cowe%e#+ if t!e lowe#
co)#t !ad ')#idiction+ and t!e cae wa !ea#d and decided )pon a $i%en
t!eo#,+ )c!+ fo# intance+ a t!at t!e co)#t !ad no ')#idiction+ t!e pa#t,
w!o ind)ced it to adopt )c! t!eo#, will not "e pe#mitted+ on appeal+ to
a)me an inconitent poition H t!at t!e lowe# co)#t !ad ')#idiction. Ce#e+
t!e p#inciple of etoppel applie. T!e #)le t!at ')#idiction i confe##ed ", law
and doe not depend )pon t!e will of t!e pa#tie+ !a no "ea#in$ t!e#eon.
4. Effect of etoppel on o"'ection to ')#idiction
1u*an =nternational ,or(. v. $on. Reyes+ >.R. No. 24;5;3+ Septem"e# ;3+
In t!i cae+ ')d$ment wa #ende#ed a$aint L)&an Inc. W!en t!e deciion
"ecame final+ a w#it of e/ec)tion wa i)ed a$aint it. T!e S!e#iff t!en
le%ied on %a#io) pe#onal p#ope#tie fo)nd at w!at wa )ppoed to "e
L)&)n Inc.F office. L)&an Inte#national Co#p. t!en filed an Affida%it of T!i#d0
Pa#t, Claim. Plaintiff inited t!at appl,in$ t!e p#inciple of pie#cin$ t!e %eil of
co#po#ate fiction+ e/ec)tion !o)ld p#oceed e%en a$aint L)&an Inte#national
Co#p. It f)#t!e# a#$)ed t!at t!e filin$ of t!e Affida%it and )"e.)ent
pleadin$ amo)nt to %ol)nta#, )"miion to t!e ')#idiction of t!e co)#t.
T!e p#e%ailin$ #)le i La :aval 0ru5 v. ,ourt o7 A((eals+ ;<@ SCRA 54+
w!e#e SC !eld t!at a pecial appea#ance "efo#e t!e co)#t c!allen$in$ it
')#idiction o%e# t!e pe#on t!#o)$! a motion to dimi e%en if t!e mo%ant
in%o&e ot!e# $#o)nd i not tantamo)nt to etoppel o# wai%e# ", t!e
mo%ant of !i o"'ection to ')#idiction o%e# !i pe#on and )c! i not
contit)ti%e of a %ol)nta#, )"miion to t!e ')#idiction of t!e co)#t.
T!e p#inciple of pie#cin$ t!e %eil of co#po#ate fiction and t!e #e)ltin$
t#eatment of two #elated co#po#ation a one and t!e ame ')#idical pe#on
wit! #epect to a $i%en t#anaction+ i "aicall, applied onl, to dete#mine
eta"li!ed lia"ilit,K it i not a%aila"le to confe# on t!e co)#t a ')#idiction it
!a not ac.)i#ed+ in t!e fi#t place+ o%e# a pa#t, not impleaded in a cae.
Elewie p)t+ a co#po#ation not impleaded in a )it cannot "e )"'ect to t!e
co)#tF p#oce of pie#cin$ t!e %eil of it co#po#ate fiction. In t!at it)ation+
t!e co)#t !a not ac.)i#ed ')#idiction o%e# t!e co#po#ation and !ence+ an,
p#oceedin$ ta&en a$aint t!e co#po#ation and it p#ope#t, wo)ld inf#in$e on
it #i$!t to d)e p#oce.
C. -)#idiction o%e# t!e i)e
An e/p#eion )ed to di#ect t!e attention to w!et!e# t!e i)e "ein$ t#ied
and decided i wit!in t!e i)e #aied ", t!e pleadin$. -)#idiction o%e# t!e
)"'ect i confe##ed ", law w!ile t!e ')#idiction o%e# t!e i)e i confe##ed
", t!e pleadin$ and i confe##ed )pon ", t!e pa#tie and ma, t!e#efo#e "e
wai%ed )c! a w!en an i)e not #aied in t!e pleadin$ i t#ied ", implied
Note Sec. 1+ R)le 2=7 A<end<ent to con7or< to or authori2e (resentation o7
evidence. H W!en i)e not #aied ", t!e pleadin$ a#e t#ied wit! t!e
e/p#e o# implied conent of t!e pa#tie+ t!e, !all "e t#eated in all
#epect a if t!e, !ad "een #aied in t!e pleadin$8 If e%idence i o"'ected
to at t!e t#ial on t!e $#o)nd t!at it i not wit!in t!e i)e made ", t!e
pleadin$+ t!e co)#t ma, allow t!e pleadin$ to "e amended and !all do o
wit! li"e#alit, if t!e p#eentation of t!e me#it of t!e action and t!e end of
)"tantial ')tice will "e )"e#%ed t!e#e",8
D. -)#idiction o%e# t!e res o# p#ope#t, in liti$ation
T!e co)#t cannot ac.)i#e ')#idiction o%e# t!e pe#on of a non0#eident
defendant. P#oce e#%ed ", t!e co)#t i not enfo#cea"le "e,ond t!e
te##ito#ial limit of t!e P!ilippine. An action ma, "e filed a$aint a non0
#eident defendant w!ic! affect t!e pe#onal tat) of t!e plaintiff o# fo# t!e
p)#poe of p#oceedin$ a$aint t!e p#ope#t, of a non0#eident defendant )c!
a fo#eclo)#e of mo#t$a$e o# to o"tain a w#it of attac!ment )nde# Section
21+ R)le 2?. ()t in )c! cae+ ')#idiction o%e# t!e pe#on of t!e defendant
i immate#ial o lon$ a t!e co)#t ac.)i#e ')#idiction o%e# t!e res.
-)#idiction o%e# t!e pe#on of t!e defendant i eential in action in
(ersona< not in action in re< o# 'uasi in re< o lon$ a t!e co)#t doe not
#ende# pe#onal ')d$ment a$aint t!e defendant. T!)+ an action to
fo#ecloe a mo#t$a$e a$aint a non0#eident defendant )pon w!om e#%ice
!a "een effected e/cl)i%el, ", p)"lication i %alid ")t no pe#onal
')d$ment fo# t!e deficienc, can "e ente#ed.
-)#idiction o%e# t!e res i ac.)i#ed eit!e#7 9a: ", t!e eiG)#e of t!e p#ope#t,
)nde# le$al p#oce w!e#e", it i "#o)$!t into act)al c)tod, of law H act)al
eiG)#e ma, "e effected ", attac!ment p#oceedin$K o# 9": it ma, #e)lt
f#om t!e intit)tion of le$al p#oceedin$ w!e#ein )nde# pecial p#o%iion of
law+ t!e powe# of t!e co)#t i #eco$niGed and made effecti%e H E/ample7
land #e$it#ation cae o# p#o"ate p#oceedin$ w!e#e ')#idiction i o"tained
", compliance wit! p#oced)#al #e.)iite )c! a p)"lication. Lac& of notice
in a land #e$it#ation cae confe# no ')#idiction to t!e co)#t.
E. -)#idiction of Co)#t
2. S)p#eme Co)#t
2. Cae affectin$ am"aado#+ ot!e# p)"lic minite# and con)l+ and
ot!e# petition fo# certiorari+ p#o!i"ition+ mandam)+ 'uo .arranto+
and !a"ea co#p).
;. All cae in%ol%in$ t!e contit)tionalit, of a t#eat,+ inte#national o#
e/ec)ti%e a$#eement+ o# law+ w!ic! !all "e !ea#d ", t!e SC en )anc+
and all ot!e# cae w!ic! )nde# t!e R)le of Co)#t a#e #e.)i#ed to "e
!ea#d en )anc+ incl)din$ t!oe in%ol%in$ t!e contit)tionalit,+
application+ o# ope#ation of p#eidential dec#ee+ p#oclamation+
o#de#+ int#)ction+ o#dinance+ and ot!e# #e$)lation+ !all "e
decided wit! t!e conc)##ence of t!e ma'o#it, of t!e Mem"e# w!o
act)all, too& pa#t in t!e deli"e#ation on t!e i)e in t!e cae and
%oted t!e#eon
<. Cae on matte# !ea#d ", a di%iion !all "e decided o# #eol%ed wit!
t!e conc)##ence of a ma'o#it, of t!e Mem"e# w!o act)all, too& pa#t in
t!e deli"e#ation on t!e i)e in t!e cae and %oted t!e#eon+ and in
no cae+ wit!o)t t!e conc)##ence of at leat t!#ee of )c! Mem"e#.
?. T!e S)p#eme Co)#t !a t!e powe# to7
9a: e/e#cie o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e# cae affectin$ am"aado#+ ot!e#
p)"lic minite# and con)l+ and o%e# petition fo# certiorari+ p#o!i"ition+
mandam)+ 'uo .arranto+ and !a"ea co#p)
9": #e%iew+ #e%ie+ #e%e#e+ modif,+ of affi#m on appeal o# ce#tio#a#i+ a t!e
law o# t!e R)le of Co)#t ma, p#o%ide+ final ')d$ment and o#de# of lowe#
co)#t in7
92: all cae in w!ic! t!e contit)tionalit, o# %alidit, of an,
t#eat,+ inte#national o# e/ec)ti%e a$#eement+ law p#eidential
dec#ee+ p#oclamation+ o#de#+ int#)ction+ o#dinance+ o#
#e$)lation i in .)etionK
9;: all cae in%ol%in$ t!e le$alit, of an, ta/+ impot+
aement+ o# toll+ o# an, penalt, impoed in #elation t!e#etoK
9<: all cae in w!ic! t!e ')#idiction of an, lowe# co)#t i in
9?: all c#iminal cae in w!ic! t!e penalt, impoed in reclusion
(er(etua o# !i$!e#K
91: all cae in w!ic! onl, an e##o# o# .)etion of law i
R)le ;+ Sec. <7 ,ourt en )anc <atters and cases. H T!e Co)#t en )anc !all
act on t!e followin$ matte# and cae7
9a: Cae in w!ic! t!e contit)tionalit, o# %alidit, of an, t#eat,+
inte#national o# e/ec)ti%e a$#eement+ law+ e/ec)ti%e o#de#+
p#eidential dec#ee+ p#oclamation+ o#de#+ int#)ction+ o#dinance+
o# #e$)lation i in .)etionK
9": C#iminal cae in w!ic! t!e appealed deciion impoe t!e deat!
penalt, o# reclusion (er(etuaK
9c: Cae in%ol%in$ no%el .)etion of lawK
9d: Cae affectin$ am"aado#+ ot!e# p)"lic minite#+ and
9e: Cae in%ol%in$ deciion+ #eol)tion+ and o#de# of t!e Ci%il
Se#%ice Commiion+ t!e Commiion on Election+ and t!e
Commiion on A)ditK
9f: Cae w!e#e t!e penalt, #ecommended o# impoed i t!e
dimial of a ')d$e+ t!e di"a#ment of a law,e#+ t!e )penion
of an, of t!em fo# a pe#iod of mo#e t!an one ,ea#+ o# a fine
e/ceedin$ ?=+=== peoK
9$: Cae co%e#ed ", t!e p#ecedin$ pa#a$#ap! and in%ol%in$ t!e
#eintatement in t!e ')dicia#, of a dimied ')d$e+ t!e
#eintatement of a law,e# in t!e #oll of atto#ne,+ o# t!e liftin$ of
a ')d$eF )penion o# a law,e#F )penion f#om t!e p#actice
of lawK
9!: Cae in%ol%in$ t!e dicipline of a Mem"e# of t!e Co)#t+ o# a
P#eidin$ -)tice+ o# an, Aociate -)tice of t!e colle$ial
appellate co)#tK
9i: Cae w!e#e a doct#ine o# p#inciple laid down ", t!e co)#t en
"anc o# ", a Di%iion ma, "e modified o# #e%e#edK
9': Cae in%ol%in$ conflictin$ deciion of two o# mo#e di%iionK
9&: Cae w!e#e t!#ee %ote in a Di%iion cannot "e o"tainedK
9l: Di%iion cae w!e#e t!e )"'ect matte# !a a !)$e financial
impact on ")inee o# affect t!e welfa#e of t!e comm)nit,K
9m: S)"'ect to Section 22 9": of t!i #)le+ ot!e# di%iion cae t!at+
in t!e opinion of at leat < Mem"e# of t!e Di%iion w!o a#e
%otin$ and p#eent+ a#e app#op#iate fo# t#anfe# to t!e Co)#t en
9n: Cae t!at t!e Co)#t en )anc deem of )fficient impo#tance to
me#it it attentionK and+
9o: All matte# in%ol%in$ polic, deciion in t!e adminit#ati%e
)pe#%iion of all co)#t and t!ei# pe#onnel.
R)le ;+ Sec. 227 Actions on cases re7erred to the ,ourt en )anc. H T!e
#efe##al of a Di%iion cae to t!e Co)#t en "anc !all "e )"'ect to t!e
followin$ #)le7
9a: T!e #eol)tion of a Di%iion den,in$ a motion fo# #efe##al to t!e
Co)#t en )anc !all "e final and !all not "e appeala"le to t!e
Co)#t en )ancK
9": T!e Co)#t en "anc ma,+ in t!e a"ence of )fficientl, impo#tant
#eaon+ decline to ta&e co$niGance of a cae #efe##ed to it and
#et)#n t!e cae to t!e Di%iionK and
9c: No motion fo# #econide#ation of a #eol)tion of t!e co)#t en
"anc declinin$ co$niGance of a #efe##al ", a Di%iion !all "e
R)le ;+ Sec. 2?7 Per curia< decisions. H Unle ot!e#wie #e.)eted ", t!e
Mem"e# ai$ned to w#ite t!e opinion of t!e Co)#t+ t!e deciion o# #eol)tion
!all "e #ende#ed (er curia<
9a: W!e#e t!e penalt, impoed i dimial f#om e#%ice+
di"a#ment+ o# indefinite )penion in adminit#ati%e caeK o#
9": In an, ot!e# cae ", a$#eement of t!e ma'o#it, of t!e Mem"e#
o# )pon #e.)et of a Mem"e#.
R)le <+ Sec. ;7 6he ,ourt not a trier o7 7acts. H T!e Co)#t i not a t#ie# of
factK it #ole i to decide cae "aed on t!e findin$ of fact "efo#e it. W!e#e
t!e Contit)tion+ t!e law o# t!e Co)#t itelf+ in t!e e/e#cie of it dic#etion
decide to #ecei%e e%idence+ t!e #eception of e%idence ma, "e dele$ated to a
Mem"e# of t!e Co)#t+ o# to one of t!e appellate co)#t o# it ')tice w!o
!all )"mit to t!e Co)#t a #epo#t and #ecommendation on t!e "ai of t!e
e%idence p#eented.
R)le <+ Sec. ;7 Advisory o(inions (roscri)ed. H T!e Co)#t cannot i)e
ad%io#, opinion on t!e tate and meanin$ of law+ o# ta&e co$niGance of
moot and academic .)etion+ )"'ect onl, to nota"le e/ception in%ol%in$
contit)tional i)e.
R)le <+ Sec. <7 ,ases .hen the ,ourt <ay deter<ine 7actual issues. H T!e
Co)#t !all #epect t!e fact)al findin$ of lowe# co)#t+ )nle an, of t!e
followin$ it)ation i p#eent7
9a: T!e concl)ion i a findin$ $#o)nded enti#el, on pec)lation+
)#mie and con'ect)#eK
9": T!e infe#ence made i manifetl, mita&enK
9c: T!e#e i $#a%e a")e of dic#etionK
9d: T!e ')d$ment i "aed on a miapp#e!enion of factK
9e: T!e findin$ of fact a#e conflictin$K
9f: T!e colle$ial appellate co)#t went "e,ond t!e i)e of t!e cae+
and t!ei# findin$ a#e cont#a#, to t!e admiion of "ot! appellant
and appelleeK
9$: T!e findin$ of fact of t!e colle$ial appellate co)#t a#e cont#a#,
to t!oe of t!e t#ial co)#tK
9!: Said findin$ of fact a#e concl)ion wit!o)t citation of pecific
e%idence on w!ic! t!e, a#e "aedK
9i: T!e fact et fo#t! in t!e petition a well a in t!e petitione#F
main and #epl, "#ief a#e not dip)ted ", t!e #epondentK
9': T!e findin$ of fact of t!e colle$ial appellate co)#t a#e p#emied
on t!e )ppoed e%idence+ ")t a#e cont#adicted ", t!e e%idence
on #eco#dK and
9&: All ot!e# imila# and e/ceptional cae wa##antin$ a #e%iew of t!e
lowe# co)#tF findin$ of fact.
R)le 2=+ Sec. ;7 ,on7identiality o7 court sessions. H Co)#t eion a#e
e/ec)ti%e in c!a#acte#+ wit! onl, t!e Mem"e# of t!e Co)#t p#eent. Co)#t
deli"e#ation a#e confidential and !all not "e dicloed to o)tide pa#tie+
e/cept a ma, "e p#o%ided !e#ein o# a a)t!o#iGed ", t!e Co)#t8
=n reB Letters o7 Atty. 4stelito P. Mendo2a reB .R. :o. 18808# D /li5ht
Attendants and +te.ards Association o7 the Phili((ines E/A+APF v. Phili((ine
Airlines, =nc. EPALF, et al.+ A.M. No. 2202=020SC+ Ma#c! 2<+ ;=2; H
ill)t#ation w!e#e t!e SC applied it Inte#nal R)le to #ecall it Reol)tion.
In pa#tic)la#+ t!e SC dic)ed R)le ; 9T!e Ope#atin$ St#)ct)#e:+ Section 5
9Reol)tion of motion fo# #econide#ation o# cla#ification of deciion o#
i$ned #eol)tion and all ot!e# motion and incident )"e.)entl, filedK
c#eation of a Special Di%iion: and 3 9Effect o# #eo#$aniGation of Di%iion on
ai$ned cae: t!e#eof+ and R)le 4 9In!i"ition and S)"tit)tion of Mem"e#
of t!e Co)#t:+ Section < 9Effect of In!i"ition: t!e#eof.
T!)+ t!e ma'o#it, of t!e SC !eld t!e %iew t!at Section 5 of R)le ; !o)ld
!a%e p#e%ailed in conide#in$ t!e #affle and ai$nment of cae afte# t!e ;
MR wa accepted a a$aint t!e $ene#al #)le on in!i"ition )nde# Section <+
R)le 4. T!e )nde#l,in$ #eaon i Section ? 9<: of A#ticle *III of t!e 2345
Contit)tion+ w!ic! tate7 6Cae o# matte# !ea#d ", a di%iion !all "e
decided o# #eol%ed wit! t!e conc)##ence of a ma'o#it, of t!e mem"e# w!o
act)all, too& pa#t in t!e deli"e#ation on t!e i)e in t!e cae and %oted
t!e#eon+ and in no cae+ wit!o)t t!e conc)##ence of at leat t!#ee of )c!
mem"e#. Acco#din$l,+ t!e ma'o#it, concl)ded t!at t!e ponente on t!e
me#it of t!e cae on #e%iew !o)ld "e c!oen f#om t!e #emainin$
pa#ticipatin$ ')tice+ namel,7 -)tice Pe#alta and (e#amin. T!)+ it
#ecalled t!e Septem"e# 5+ ;=22 Reol)tion+ w!ic! #eol%ed to den, wit!
finalit, PALF ;
MR. I#onicall,+ a pointed o)t in t!e dient+ -)tice (#ion+
Pe#alta and (e#amin to$et!e# wit! -)tice Pe#eG and MendoGa contit)ted
t!e Second Di%iion t!at i)ed t!e Septem"e# 5+ ;=22 Reol)tion.
;. Co)#t of Appeal
-URISDICTION OF COURT OF APPEALS 9CA:7 Rep. Act No. 4;?@ H inc#eain$
t!e n)m"e# of CA -)tice to @3
;==3 Inte#nal R)le of t!e Co)#t of Appeal7
P#eidin$ -)tice and @4 Aociate -)ticeK it en "anc o# in ;<
di%iion of < -)tice eac!
25 Di%iion in Manila+ < Di%iion in Ce")+ and < Di%iion in Ca$a,an
de O#o
Sit en "anc in t!e e/e#cie of adminit#ati%e+ ce#emonial and non0
ad')dicati%e f)nction
2. O#i$inal ')#idiction to i)e w#it of mandam)+ p#o!i"ition+ certiorari+
ha)eas cor(us+ and 'uo .arranto+ and a)/ilia#, w#it o# p#ocee+
w!et!e# o# not in aid of it appellate ')#idiction
;. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e# action fo# ann)lment of ')d$ment
of RTC
<. E/cl)i%e appellate ')#idiction o%e# all final ')d$ment+ deciion+
#eol)tion+ o#de#+ o# awa#d of RTC and .)ai0')dicial a$encie+
int#)mentalitie+ "oa#d+ o# omiion+ e/cept t!oe fallin$ wit!in t!e
appellate ')#idiction of t!e S)p#eme Co)#t in acco#dance wit! t!e
Contit)tion+ t!e p#o%iion of t!e -)dicia#, Act of 23?4
?. T!e CA !all !a%e t!e powe# to #ecei%e e%idence and pe#fo#m an, and
all act necea#, to #eol%e fact)al i)e #aied in 9a: cae fallin$
wit!in it o#i$inal ')#idiction+ )c! a action fo# ann)lment of
')d$ment of RTC+ 9": cae fallin$ wit!in it appellate ')#idiction
w!e#e a motion fo# new t#ial "aed onl, on newl, dico%e#ed e%idence
i $#anted ", it.
<. Co)#t of Ta/ Appeal H Rep. No. 31=< inc#eain$ t!e
n)m"e# of CTA -)tice to 3
Sec. 5. -)#idiction. 0 T!e CTA !all e/e#cie7
a. E/cl)i%e appellate ')#idiction to #e%iew ", appeal+ a !e#ein
2. Deciion of t!e Commiione# of Inte#nal Re%en)e in cae
in%ol%in$ dip)ted aement+ #ef)nd of inte#nal #e%en)e ta/e+
fee o# ot!e# c!a#$e+ penaltie in #elation t!e#eto+ o# ot!e# matte#
a#iin$ )nde# t!e National Inte#nal Re%en)e o# ot!e# law adminite#ed
", t!e ()#ea) of Inte#nal Re%en)eK
;. Inaction ", t!e Commiione# of Inte#nal Re%en)e in cae
in%ol%in$ dip)ted aement+ #ef)nd of inte#nal #e%en)e ta/e+
fee o# ot!e# c!a#$e+ penaltie in #elation t!e#eto+ o# ot!e# matte#
a#iin$ )nde# t!e National Inte#nal Re%en)e Code o# ot!e# law
adminite#ed ", t!e ()#ea) of Inte#nal Re%en)e+ w!e#e t!e National
Inte#nal Re%en)e Code p#o%ide a pecific pe#iod of action+ in w!ic!
cae t!e inaction !all "e deemed a denialK
<. Deciion+ o#de# o# #eol)tion of t!e Re$ional T#ial Co)#t in
local ta/ cae o#i$inall, decided o# #eol%ed ", t!em in t!e e/e#cie of
t!ei# o#i$inal o# appellate ')#idictionK
?. Deciion of t!e Commiione# of C)tom in cae in%ol%in$
lia"ilit, fo# c)tom d)tie+ fee o# ot!e# mone, c!a#$e+ eiG)#e+
detention o# #eleae of p#ope#t, affected+ fine+ fo#feit)#e o# ot!e#
penaltie in #elation t!e#eto+ o# ot!e# matte# a#iin$ )nde# t!e
C)tom Law o# ot!e# law adminite#ed ", t!e ()#ea) of C)tomK
1. Deciion of t!e Cent#al (oa#d of Aement Appeal in t!e
e/e#cie of it appellate ')#idiction o%e# cae in%ol%in$ t!e
aement and ta/ation of #eal p#ope#t, o#i$inall, decided ", t!e
p#o%incial o# cit, "oa#d of aement appealK
@. Deciion of t!e Sec#eta#, of Finance on c)tom cae
ele%ated to !im a)tomaticall, fo# #e%iew f#om deciion of t!e
Commiione# of C)tom w!ic! a#e ad%e#e to t!e >o%e#nment )nde#
Section ;<21 of t!e Ta#iff and C)tom CodeK
5. Deciion of t!e Sec#eta#, of T#ade and Ind)t#,+ in t!e cae
of non0a$#ic)lt)#al p#od)ct+ commodit, o# a#ticle+ and t!e Sec#eta#, of
A$#ic)lt)#e in t!e cae of a$#ic)lt)#al p#od)ct+ commodit, o# a#ticle+
in%ol%in$ d)mpin$ and co)nte#%ailin$ d)tie )nde# Section <=2 and
<=;+ #epecti%el,+ of t!e Ta#iff and C)tom Code+ and afe$)a#d
mea)#e )nde# Rep)"lic Act No. 44==+ w!e#e eit!e# pa#t, ma, appeal
t!e deciion to impoe o# not to impoe aid d)tie.
". -)#idiction o%e# cae in%ol%in$ c#iminal offene a !e#ein
2. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e# all c#iminal offene a#iin$
f#om %iolation of t!e National Inte#nal Re%en)e Code o# Ta#iff and
C)tom Code and ot!e# law adminite#ed ", t!e ()#ea) of Inte#nal
Re%en)e o# t!e ()#ea) of C)tom7 P#o%ided+ !owe%e#+ T!at offene
o# felonie mentioned in t!i pa#a$#ap! w!e#e t!e p#incipal amo)nt o
ta/e and fee+ e/cl)i%e of c!a#$e and penaltie+ claimed i le t!an
One million peo 9P2+===+===.==: o# w!e#e t!e#e i no pecified
amo)nt claimed !all "e t#ied ", t!e #e$)la# Co)#t and t!e
')#idiction of t!e CTA !all "e appellate. An, p#o%iion of law o# t!e
R)le of Co)#t to t!e cont#a#, notwit!tandin$+ t!e c#iminal action and
t!e co##epondin$ ci%il action fo# t!e #eco%e#, of ci%il lia"ilit, fo# ta/e
and penaltie !all at all time "e im)ltaneo)l, intit)ted wit!+ and
'ointl, dete#mined in t!e ame p#oceedin$ ", t!e CTA+ t!e filin$ of t!e
c#iminal action "ein$ deemed to necea#il, ca##, wit! it t!e filin$ of
t!e ci%il action+ and no #i$!t to #ee#%e t!e fillin$ of )c! ci%il action
epa#atel, f#om t!e c#iminal action will "e #eco$niGed.
;. E/cl)i%e appellate ')#idiction in c#iminal offene7
a. O%e# appeal f#om t!e ')d$ment+ #eol)tion o# o#de#
of t!e Re$ional T#ial Co)#t in ta/ cae o#i$inall, decided ",
t!em+ in t!ei# #epected te##ito#ial ')#idiction.
". O%e# petition fo# #e%iew of t!e ')d$ment+ #eol)tion
o# o#de# of t!e Re$ional T#ial Co)#t in t!e e/e#cie of t!ei#
appellate ')#idiction o%e# ta/ cae o#i$inall, decided ", t!e
Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t+ M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t and M)nicipal
Ci#c)it T#ial Co)#t in t!ei# #epecti%e ')#idiction.
c. -)#idiction o%e# ta/ collection cae a !e#ein p#o%ided7
2. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction in ta/ collection
cae in%ol%in$ final and e/ec)to#, aement fo# ta/e+
fee+ c!a#$e and penaltie7 P#o%ided+ !owe%e#+ T!at
collection cae w!e#e t!e p#incipal amo)nt of ta/e and
fee+ e/cl)i%e of c!a#$e and penaltie+ claimed i le
t!an One million peo 9P2+===+===.==: !all "e t#ied ",
t!e p#ope# M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t+ Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t
and Re$ional T#ial Co)#t.
;. E/cl)i%e appellate ')#idiction in ta/ collection
a. O%e# appeal f#om t!e ')d$ment+ #eol)tion
o# o#de# of t!e Re$ional T#ial Co)#t in ta/ collection cae
o#i$inall, decided ", t!em+ in t!ei# #epecti%e te##ito#ial
". O%e# petition fo# #e%iew of t!e ')d$ment+
#eol)tion o# o#de# of t!e Re$ional T#ial Co)#t in t!e
E/e#cie of t!ei# appellate ')#idiction o%e# ta/ collection
cae o#i$inall, decided ", t!e Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t+
M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t and M)nicipal Ci#c)it T#ial Co)#t+ in
t!ei# #epecti%e ')#idiction. 9Rep. Act No. 22;1 a
amended ", Rep. Act No. 3;4;:
?. Sandi$an"a,an
T!e ')#idiction of t!e Sandi$an"a,an i pe#!ap one of t!e mot often
amended p#o%iion f#om t!e 235< Contit)tion to RA 4;?3 of 2335. (efo#e
RA 4;?3+ ')#idiction of t!e Sandi$an"a,an wa dete#mined on t!e "ai of
t!e penalt, impoa"le on t!e offene c!a#$ed. T!en+ it wa amended )c!
t!at #e$a#dle of t!e penalt,+ o lon$ a a p)"lic office# committed t!e
offene c!a#$ed+ t!e Sandi$an"a,an wa %eted wit! ')#idiction. Unde# RA
4;?3+ to dete#mine w!et!e# t!e Sandi$an"a,an !a ')#idiction+ law,e#
m)t loo& into two 9;: c#ite#ia+ namel,7 t!e nat)#e of t!e offene and t!e
ala#, $#ade of t!e p)"lic official.

T!)+ Sec.? of RA 4;?3 p#o%ide t!at t!e Sandi$an"a,an !all !a%e o#i$inal
e/cl)i%e ')#idiction o%e#7
I.: *iolation of RA <=23 9Anti0$#aft and Co##)pt P#actice Law:K
II.: RA 2<53 9Fo#feit)#e of Ille$all, Ac.)i#ed Wealt!:K
III.: C#ime ", p)"lic office# o# emplo,ee em"#aced in C!. II+ Sec.; Title
*II+ (oo& II of t!e RPC 9C#ime committed ", P)"lic Office#: namel,7
a: Di#ect (#i"e#, )nde# A#t. ;2= a amended ", (P 452+ Ma, ;3+ 2341K
": Indi#ect (#i"e#, )nde# A#t. ;22 a amended ", (P 452+ Ma, ;3+
c: D)alified (#i"e#, )nde# A#t. ;220A a amended ", RA 5@13+ Dec. 2<+
233< 9Note7 RA 5@13 w!ic! impoed t!e deat! penalt, on ce#tain !eino)
c#ime wa #epealed ", RA 3<?@ w!ic! p#o!i"it t!e impoition of t!e deat!
d: Co##)ption of p)"lic official )nde# A#t. ;2;
w!e#e one o# mo#e of t!e acc)ed a#e official occ)p,in$ t!e followin$
poition in t!e $o%e#nment w!et!e# in a pe#manent+ actin$ o# inte#im
capacit,+ at t!e time of t!e commiion of t!e offene7
2: Official of t!e e/ec)ti%e "#anc! occ)p,in$ t!e poition of #e$ional
di#ecto# and !i$!e#+ ot!e#wie claified a >#ade ;5 and !i$!e#+ of t!e
Compenation and Poition Claification Act of 2343 Rep)"lic Act No. @514:
pecificall, incl)din$7
a: P#o%incial $o%e#no#+ %ice0$o%e#no#+ mem"e# of t!e an$$)nian$
panlalawi$an+ p#o%incial t#ea)#e#+ aeo#+ en$inee# and ot!e#
p#o%incial depa#tment !eadK
": Cit, ma,o#+ %ice0ma,o#+ mem"e# of t!e an$$)nian$
pan$l)n$od+ cit, t#ea)#e#+ aeo#+ en$inee# and ot!e# depa#tment
c: Official of t!e diplomatic e#%ice occ)p,in$ t!e poition of con)l
and !i$!e#K
d: P!ilippine A#m, and Ai# fo#ce colonel+ na%al captain and all office#
of !i$!e# #an&K
e: Office# of t!e PNP w!ile occ)p,in$ t!e poition of P#o%incial
Di#ecto# and t!oe !oldin$ t!e #an& of Senio# S)pe#intendent o# !i$!e#K
f: Cit, and p#o%incial p#oec)to# and t!ei# aitantK official and t!e
p#oec)to# in t!e Office of t!e Om")dman and pecial p#oec)to#K
$: P#eident+ di#ecto# o# t#)tee o# mana$e# of $o%e#nment owned
o# cont#olled co#po#ation+ tate )ni%e#itie o# ed)cational intit)tion o#
;: Mem"e# of Con$#e and Official t!e#eof claified a >#ade ;5 and
)p )nde# t!e Compenation and Claification Act of 2343K
<: Mem"e# of t!e -)dicia#, wit!o)t p#e')dice to t!e p#o%iion of t!e
?: C!ai#men and mem"e# of Contit)tional Commiion+ wit!o)t
p#e')dice to t!e p#o%iion of t!e Contit)tionK
1: All ot!e# national and local official claified a >#ade ;5 and !i$!e#
)nde# t!e Compenation and Poition Claification Act of 2343.
I*.: Ot!e# offene o# felonie w!et!e# imple o# comple/ed wit! ot!e#
c#ime committed in #elation to t!ei# office ", t!e p)"lic official and
emplo,ee mentioned a"o%eK
*.: Ci%il and C#iminal Cae filed p)#)ant to and in connection wit! EO 2+ ;+
2? M 2?0A i)ed in 234@
*I.: Petition fo# i)ance of W#it of mandam)+ p#o!i"ition+ ce#tio#a#i+
!a"ea co#p)+ in')nction and ot!e# ancilla#, w#it and p#ocee in aid of it
appellate ')#idictionK P#o%ided+ ')#idiction i not e/cl)i%e of t!e S)p#eme
*II.: Petition fo# D)o Wa##anto a#iin$ o# t!at ma, a#ie in cae filed o#
t!at ma, "e filed )nde# EO 2+ ;+ 2? M 2?0A
*III.: OTCERS p#o%ided t!e acc)ed "elon$ to S> ;5 o# !i$!e#7
a.: *iolation of RA @52< 0 Code of Cond)ct and Et!ical Standa#d
".: *iolation of RA 5=4= 0 TCE PLUNDER LAW
c.: *iolation of RA 5@13 0 T!e Ceino) C#ime Law 9Note7 #epealed ",
RA 3<?@:
d.: RA 32@= 0 *iolation of T!e Anti0Mone, La)nde#in$ Law w!en
committed ", a p)"lic office# 9Note7 amended ", RA 2=2@5 w!ic!
wai%ed t!e #e.)i#ement fo# t!e AMLC to $i%e notice to )pected
la)nde#e# t!at t!ei# "an& depoit a#e "ein$ monito#ed:
e.: PD ?@ #efe##ed to a t!e $ift0$i%in$ dec#ee w!ic! ma&e it
p)ni!a"le fo# an, official o# emplo,ee to #ecei%e di#ectl, o# indi#ectl,
and fo# t!e p#i%ate pe#on to $i%e o# offe# to $i%e an, $ift+ p#eent o#
ot!e# %al)a"le t!in$ on an, occaion incl)din$ C!#itma+ w!en )c!
$ift+ p#eent o# %al)a"le t!in$ i $i%en ", #eaon of !i official poition+
#e$a#dle of w!et!e# o# not t!e ame i fo# pat fa%o# o# t!e $i%e#
!ope o# e/pect to #ecei%e a fa%o# o# "ette# t#eatment in t!e f)t)#e
f#om t!e p)"lic official o# emplo,ee conce#ned in t!e dic!a#$e of !i
official f)nction. Incl)ded wit!in t!e p#o!i"ition i t!e t!#owin$ of
pa#tie o# ente#tainment in !ono# of t!e official o# emplo,ee o# !i
immediate #elati%e.
f.: PD 5?3 w!ic! $#ant imm)nit, f#om p#oec)tion to an, pe#on w!o
%ol)nta#il, $i%e info#mation a"o)t an, %iolation of A#t.;2=+ ;22 o#
;2; of t!e RPC+ RA <=23+ Sec.<?1 of t!e NIRC+ Sec. <@=? of t!e
C)tom and Ta#iff Code and ot!e# p#o%iion of t!e aid Code
penaliGin$ a")e o# di!onet, on t!e pa#t of t!e p)"lic official
conce#ned and ot!e# law+ #)le and #e$)lation penaliGin$ $#aft+
co##)ption and ot!e# fo#m of official a")e and w!o willin$l, tetifie
a$aint t!e p)"lic official o# emplo,ee )"'ect to ce#tain condition.
It !o)ld "e noted t!at p#i%ate indi%id)al can "e )ed in cae "efo#e t!e
Sandi$an"a,an if t!e, a#e alle$ed to "e in conpi#ac, wit! t!e p)"lic office#.
T!e Sandi$an"a,an i %eted wit! Appellate -)#idiction o%e# final
')d$ment+ #eol)tion o# o#de# of t!e RTC w!et!e# in t!e e/e#cie of t!ei#
o#i$inal o# appellate ')#idiction o%e# c#ime and ci%il cae fallin$ wit!in t!e
o#i$inal e/cl)i%e ')#idiction of t!e Sandi$an"a,an ")t w!ic! we#e
committed ", p)"lic office# "elow Sala#, >#ade ;5.
Conide# t!e followin$7
92: If t!e acc)ed i a m)nicipal ma,o# c!a#$ed wit! mal%e#ation+ w!ic!
co)#t !a ')#idiction o%e# !imJ It i t!e Sandi$an"a,an t!at !a ')#idiction
o%e# t!e m)nicipal ma,o#. It i t!e officialF $#ade t!at dete#mine !i o# !e#
ala#,+ not t!e ot!e# wa, a#o)nd. To dete#mine w!et!e# t!e official i wit!in
t!e e/cl)i%e ')#idiction of t!e Sandi$an"a,an+ #efe#ence !o)ld "e made to
Rep. Act no. @514 and t!e Inde/ of Occ)pational Se#%ice+ Poition+ Title
and Sala#, >#ade. An officialF $#ade i not a matte# of p#oof ")t a matte# of
law w!ic! t!e co)#t m)t ta&e ')dicial notice. Sec. ??? 9d: of t!e Local
>o%e#nment Code p#o%ide t!at t!e m)nicipal ma,o# !all #ecei%e a
minim)m mont!l, compenation co##epondin$ to Sala#, >#ade ;5 a
p#ec#i"ed )nde# Rep. Act No. @514 and t!e implementin$ $)ideline i)ed
p)#)ant t!e#eto. 9Llo#ente -#. %. Sandi$an"a,an+ >.R. No. 2;;;35034+
-an)a#, 23+ ;===:
9;: If t!e acc)ed i a m)nicipal ma,o# c!a#$ed wit! #ape+ w!ic! co)#t !a
')#idiction o%e# !imJ T!e offene wo)ld fall )nde# 6Ot!e# offene o#
felonie w!et!e# imple o# comple/ed wit! ot!e# c#ime committed in
#elation to t!ei# office ", t!e p)"lic official and emplo,ee mentioned
a"o%e.A T!e#e m)t !owe%e# "e a !owin$ t!at t!e offene c!a#$ed wa
intimatel, connected wit! t!e dic!a#$e of official f)nction of t!e acc)ed
ma,o#K ot!e#wie+ ')#idiction i wit! t!e #e$)la# co)#t.
1. Re$ional T#ial Co)#t

2. In all ci%il action in w!ic! t!e )"'ect of t!e liti$ation i incapa"le of
pec)nia#, etimation
In +in5son5 v. =sa)ela +a.<ill+

44 SCRA @;< 92353:+ t!e SC !eld t!at7
In dete#minin$ w!et!e# an action i one t!e )"'ect matte# of
w!ic! i not capa"le of pec)nia#, etimation t!i Co)#t !a
adopted t!e c#ite#ion of fi#t ace#tainin$ t!e nat)#e of t!e
p#incipal action o# #emed, o)$!t. If it i p#ima#il, fo# t!e
#eco%e#, of a )m of mone,+ t!e claim i conide#ed capa"le of
pec)nia#, etimation+ and w!et!e# ')#idiction i in t!e m)nicipal
co)#t o# in intance wo)ld depend on t!e amo)nt of t!e claim.
Cowe%e#+ w!e#e t!e "aic i)e i omet!in$ ot!e# t!an t!e #i$!t
to #eco%e# a )m of mone,+ w!e#e t!e mone, claim i p)#el,
incidental to+ o# a cone.)ence of+ t!e p#incipal #elief o)$!t+
t!i Co)#t !a conide#ed )c! w!e#e t!e )"'ect of t!e liti$ation
ma, not "e etimated in te#m of mone,+ and a#e co$niGa"le
e/cl)i%el, ", co)#t of fi#t intance 9now Re$ional T#ial Co)#t:.
E/ample of action incapa"le of pec)nia#, etimation a#e t!oe fo# pecific
pe#fo#mance+ )ppo#t+ o# fo#eclo)#e of mo#t$a$e o# ann)lment of
')d$mentK alo action .)etionin$ t!e %alidit, of a mo#t$a$e+ ann)llin$ a
deed of ale o# con%e,ance and to #eco%e# t!e p#ice paid and fo# #eciion+
w!ic! i a co)nte#pa#t of pecific pe#fo#mance.
T!e cae of Lu v. Lu G< +r.+ >.R. No. 21<@3=+ i a claic ill)t#ation of t!e
de$#ee of diffic)lt, in%ol%ed in dete#minin$ w!et!e# a cae i capa"le o#
incapa"le of pec)nia#, etimation. T!e o"'ecti%e of t!e complaint in t!at
cae wa to decla#e a n)ll and %oid t!e i)ance of @==+=== )n)"c#i"ed
and )ni)ed !a#e in L)do and L),m De%elopment Co#po#ation 9LLDC: fo#
a p#ice of 2I24 of t!ei# #eal %al)e fo# "ein$ ine.)ita"le+ !a%in$ "een done in
"#eac! of di#ecto#F fid)cia#,F d)t, to toc&!olde#+ in %iolation of t!e
mino#it, toc&!olde#F #i$!t+ and wit! )n')t en#ic!ment. T!e complaint
alle$ed t!e %al)e of t!e !a#e a P!p2+=45+=11+2=1. I t!i an action
incapa"le o# capa"le of pec)nia#, etimateJ In t!e A)$)t ;@+ ;==4 Deciion
penned ", -)tice Nac!)#a+ !e concl)ded t!at t!e )"'ect matte# of t!e
complaint wa incapa"le of pec)nia#, etimation. T!e#e wa no dient.
Upon Motion fo# Reconide#ation+ t!e ame di%iion #eol%ed on A)$)t ?+
;==3 t!at t!e complaint wa capa"le of pec)nia#, etimate. -)tice Nac!)#a
w#ote+ )pon deepe# #eflection and to t!e e/tent of t!e dama$e o# in')#,
)ffe#ed ", t!e plaintiff f#om t!e ale of t!e !a#e+ t!e action can "e
c!a#acte#iGed a capa"le of pec)nia#, etimation. -)tice Ca#pio0Mo#ale
w#ote a dient. W!en t!e matte# wa "#o)$!t )p to t!e SC En (anc+ t!e
Co)#t t!#o)$! -)tice Ca#pio0Mo#ale #eol%ed t!at t!e )"'ect matte# of t!e
complaint wa incapa"le of pec)nia#, etimate. 9Fe"#)a#, 21+ ;=22: -)tice
Nac!)#a diented.
Note t!at t!e Co)#t cited it inte#nal #)le to ')tif, t!e cae "ein$ decided
", t!e co)#t en "anc.
Anot!e# cae of inte#et i Mi;ares v. $on. Ranada+ >.R. No. 2<3<;1+ Ap#il
2;+ ;==1+ in%ol%in$ t!e enfo#cement of a fo#ei$n ')d$ment a$aint t!e
Ma#co Etate. T!e petitione# o"tained a ')d$ment f#om t!e US Dit#ict
Co)#t an awa#d of o%e# USN2.3@? (illion ")t paid onl, P!p?2= a doc&et
fee. I t!i capa"le of pec)nia#, etimateJ Acco#din$ to -)tice Tin$a+ t!e
complaint to enfo#ce t!e US Dit#ict Co)#t ')d$ment i one capa"le of
pec)nia#, etimation. ()t at t!e ame time+ it i alo an action "aed on
')d$ment a$aint an etate+ t!) placin$ it "e,ond t!e am"it of Section 59a:
of R)le 2?2. W!at p#o%iion t!en $o%e#n t!e p#ope# comp)tation of t!e
filin$ fee o%e# t!e intant complaintJ Fo# t!i cae and ot!e# imila#l,
it)ated intance+ we find t!at it i co%e#ed ", Section 59":9<:+ in%ol%in$ a
it doe+ 6ot!e# action not in%ol%in$ p#ope#t,.A
Nota"l,+ t!e amo)nt paid a doc&et fee ", t!e petitione# on t!e p#emie
t!at it wa an action incapa"le of pec)nia#, etimation co##epond to t!e
ame amo)nt #e.)i#ed fo# 6ot!e# action not in%ol%in$ p#ope#t,.A T!e
petitione# t!) paid t!e co##ect amo)nt of filin$ fee.
Not all cae t!at a#e incapa"le of pec)nia#, etimate a#e co$niGa"le ", t!e
Re$ional T#ial Co)#t. Unde# t!e Rep. Act No. 52@= 9Local >o%e#nment Code:
a amended+ Sec. ?25 t!e#eof+ action to enfo#ce an amica"le ettlement o#
a#"it#ation awa#d #e$a#dle of t!e amo)nt in%ol%ed i co$niGa"le ", t!e cit,
o# m)nicipal co)#t. Unde# Sec. ?24 of RA 52@=+ an action to #ep)diate an
amica"le ettlement i li&ewie co$niGa"le ", t!e cit, o# m)nicipal co)#t.
T!e Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, Law p#o%ide fo# a two0tie#ed mode
of enfo#cement of an amica"le ettlement+ to wit7 9a: ", e/ec)tion ", t!e
P)non$ (a#an$a, w!ic! i .)ai0')dicial and )mma#, in nat)#e on me#e
motion of t!e pa#t, entitled t!e#etoK and 9": an action in #e$)la# fo#m+ w!ic!
#emed, i ')dicial. Cowe%e#+ t!e mode of enfo#cement doe not #)le o)t t!e
#i$!t of #eciion )nde# A#t. ;=?2 of t!e Ci%il Code. T!e a%aila"ilit, of t!e
#i$!t of #eciion i appa#ent f#om t!e wo#din$ of Sec. ?25 itelf w!ic!
p#o%ide t!at t!e amica"le ettlement Oma,O "e enfo#ced ", e/ec)tion ",
t!e l)pon wit!in i/ 9@: mont! f#om it date o# ", action in t!e app#op#iate
cit, o# m)nicipal co)#t+ if "e,ond t!at pe#iod. T!e )e of t!e wo#d Oma,O
clea#l, ma&e t!e p#oced)#e p#o%ided in t!e Re%ied Lata#)n$an$
Pam"a#an$a, Law di#ecto#, o# me#el, optional in nat)#e. 9Ramnani %. Co)#t
of Appeal+ <@= SCRA @?1:
In ,have2 v. ,ourt o7 A((eals+ >.R. No. 213?22+ Ma#c! 24+ ;==1+ alt!o)$!
t!e OLa)nd)anO e/ec)ted ", petitione# and #epondent "efo#e t!e Office of
t!e (a#an$a, Captain !ad t!e fo#ce and effect of a final ')d$ment of a co)#t+
petitione#F non0compliance pa%ed t!e wa, fo# t!e application of A#t. ;=?2
)nde# w!ic! #epondent ma, eit!e# enfo#ce t!e comp#omie+ followin$ t!e
p#oced)#e laid o)t in t!e Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, Law+ o# #e$a#d
it a #ecinded and init )pon !i o#i$inal demand. Repondent c!oe t!e
latte# option w!en !e intit)ted Ci%il Cae No. 12<30*035 fo# #eco%e#, of
)n#ealiGed p#ofit and #eim")#ement of ad%ance #ental+ mo#al and
e/empla#, dama$e+ and atto#ne,F fee. Repondent wa not limited to
claimin$ P21=+===.== "eca)e alt!o)$! !e a$#eed to t!e amo)nt in t!e
OLa)nd)an+O it i a/iomatic t!at a comp#omie ettlement i not an
admiion of lia"ilit, ")t me#el, a #eco$nition t!at t!e#e i a dip)te and an
impendin$ liti$ation w!ic! t!e pa#tie !ope to p#e%ent ", ma&in$ #ecip#ocal
conceion+ ad')tin$ t!ei# #epecti%e poition in t!e !ope of $ainin$
"alanced ", t!e dan$e# of loin$. Unde# t!e OLa)nd)an+O #epondent wa
onl, #e.)i#ed to e/ec)te a wai%e# of all poi"le claim a#iin$ f#om t!e leae
cont#act if petitione# f)ll, complie wit! !i o"li$ation t!e#e)nde#. It i
)ndip)ted t!at !e#ein petitione# did not.

;. In all ci%il action w!ic! in%ol%e t!e title to+ o# poeion of+ #eal
p#ope#t,+ o# an, inte#et t!e#ein+ w!e#e t!e aeed %al)e of t!e
p#ope#t, in%ol%ed e/ceed P;=+===+ o# fo# ci%il action in Met#o Manila
w!e#e )c! %al)e e/ceed P1=+=== e/cept action fo# fo#ci"le ent#,
into and )nlawf)l detaine# of land o# ")ildin$+ o#i$inal ')#idiction
o%e# w!ic! i confe##ed )pon t!e MeTC+ MTC+ and MCTC
<. In all action in admi#alt, and ma#itime ')#idiction w!e#e t!e demand
o# claim e/ceed P<==+===+ o# in Met#o Manila w!e#e )c! demand o#
claim e/ceed P?==+===
?. In all matte# of p#o"ate+ "ot! tetate and intetate+ w!e#e t!e $#o
%al)e of t!e etate e/ceed P<==+=== o# p#o"ate matte# in Met#o
Manila w!e#e )c! %al)e e/ceed P?==+===
1. In all action in%ol%in$ t!e cont#act of ma##ia$e and ma#ital #elation
@. In all cae not wit!in t!e e/cl)i%e ')#idiction of an, co)#t+ t#i")nal+
pe#on o# "od, e/e#ciin$ ')#idicial o# .)ai0')dicial f)nction
0aichi 4lectronics Manu7acturin5 v. Aillara<a, >.R. No. 22;3?=+ No%em"e#
;2+ 233?
T!e emplo,ee %iolated pa#a$#ap! fi%e of t!ei# Cont#act of Emplo,ment dated
A)$)t ;5+ 233=+ w!ic! p#o%ide7
T!at fo# a pe#iod of two 9;: ,ea# afte# te#mination of e#%ice
f#om EMPLOEER+ EMPLOEEE !all not in an, manne# "e
connected+ andIo# emplo,ed+ "e a con)ltant andIo# "e an
info#mati%e "od, di#ectl, o# indi#ectl,+ wit! an, ")ine fi#m+
entit, o# )nde#ta&in$ en$a$ed in a ")ine imila# to o# in
competition wit! t!at of t!e EMPLOEER.
Daic!i claimed t!at Lim')co "ecame an emplo,ee of An$el So)nd P!ilippine
Co#po#ation+ a co#po#ation en$a$ed in t!e ame line of ")ine a t!at of
Daic!i wit!in two ,ea# f#om -an)a#, <=+ 233;+ t!e date of Lim')coF
#ei$nation. Daic!i f)#t!e# alle$ed t!at Lim')co i !oldin$ t!e poition of
Cead of t!e Mate#ial Mana$ement Cont#ol Depa#tment+ t!e ame poition !e
!eld w!ile in t!e emplo, of Daic!i. Daic!i o)$!t to #eco%e# li.)idated
dama$e in t!e amo)nt of P2==+===.== a p#o%ided fo# in pa#a$#ap! e%en
of t!e cont#act+ w!ic! p#o%ide7
T!at a %iolation of t!e condition et fo#t! in p#o%iion No. 9;:
and 91: of t!i cont#act !all entitle t!e EMPLOEER to collect
PESOS 9P2==+===.==: ", wa, of li.)idated dama$e and li&ewie
to adopt app#op#iate le$al mea)#e to p#e%ent t!e EMPLOEEE
f#om acceptin$ emplo,ment andIo# en$a$in$+ di#ectl, o#
indi#ectl,+ in a ")ine imila# to o# in competition wit! t!at of
t!e EMPLOEER+ "efo#e t!e lape of t!e afo#eaid pe#iod of TWO
9;: EEARS f#om date of te#mination of e#%ice f#om EMPLOEER.
T!i i)e i7 I petitione#P claim fo# dama$e one a#iin$ f#om emplo,e#0
emplo,ee #elationJ
Petitione# doe not a& fo# an, #elief )nde# t!e La"o# Code of t!e P!ilippine.
It ee& to #eco%e# dama$e a$#eed )pon in t!e cont#act a #ed#e fo#
p#i%ate #epondentP "#eac! of !i cont#act)al o"li$ation to it Odama$e and
p#e')diceO 9Rollo+ p. 15:. S)c! ca)e of action i wit!in t!e #ealm of Ci%il
Law+ and ')#idiction o%e# t!e cont#o%e#, "elon$ to t!e #e$)la# co)#t.
Mo#e o w!en we conide# t!at t!e tip)lation #efe# to t!e pot0emplo,ment
#elation of t!e pa#tie.
-)#ip#)dence !a e%ol%ed t!e #)le t!at claim fo# dama$e )nde# pa#a$#ap!
? of A#ticle ;25+ to "e co$niGa"le ", t!e La"o# A#"ite#+ m)t !a%e a
#eaona"le ca)al connection wit! an, of t!e claim p#o%ided fo# in t!at
a#ticle. Onl, if t!e#e i )c! a connection wit! t!e ot!e# claim can t!e claim
fo# dama$e "e conide#ed a a#iin$ f#om emplo,e#0emplo,ee #elation.
Gusen Air and +ea +ervice v. Ailla<or+ ?@5 SCRA 2@4
Claim fo# dama$e )nde# A#t. ;25 of t!e La"o# Code to "e co$niGa"le ", t!e
La"o# A#"ite# m)t !a%e #eaona"le ca)al connection wit! an, of t!e claim
p#o%ided fo# in t!at a#ticle. W!en t!e ca)e of action i "aed on .)ai delict
o# to#t w!ic! !a no #eaona"le connection wit! an, of t!e claim p#o%ided
fo# in A#t. ;25+ ')#idiction o%e# t!e action i wit! t!e #e$)la# co)#t.
In E)en Ai#+ t!e claim fo# dama$e i "aed on "#eac! of emplo,ment
cont#act p#o!i"itin$ en$a$ement in competin$ ")ine afte# two ,ea# f#om
,o<elec v. &ud5e 6rinidad>Pe A5uirre+ >.R. No. 252;=4+ Septem"e# 5+ ;==5
H Section ;@4 of t!e Omni") Election Code pecificall, p#o%ide+ #e$ional
t#ial co)#t !a%e e/cl)i%e ')#idiction to t#, and decide an, c#iminal action
o# p#oceedin$ fo# %iolation of t!e Code Oe/cept t!oe #elatin$ to t!e offene
of fail)#e to #e$ite# o# fail)#e to %ote.O Cow a"o)t %iolation of Section ;@2
9G: 9<: of t!e Omni") Election Code w!ic! penaliGe OAn, pe#on w!o %ote
in )"tit)tion fo# anot!e# w!et!e# wit! o# wit!o)t t!e latte#F &nowled$e
andIo# conentO wit! a penalt, of imp#ionment of not le t!an one ,ea#
")t not mo#e t!an @ ,ea#J
W!ile (P (l$. 2;3 lod$e in m)nicipal t#ial co)#t+ met#opolitan t#ial co)#t
and m)nicipal ci#c)it t#ial co)#t ')#idiction o%e# c#iminal cae ca##,in$ a
penalt, of imp#ionment of le t!an one ,ea# ")t not e/ceedin$ i/ ,ea#+
followin$ Section ;@4 of t!e Omni") Election Code+ an, c#iminal action o#
p#oceedin$ w!ic! "ea# t!e ame penalt,+ wit! t!e e/ception of t!e t!e#ein
mentioned two cae+ fall wit!in t!e e/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction of
#e$ional t#ial co)#t.
5. In all ci%il action and ci%il p#oceedin$ fallin$ wit!in t!e e/cl)i%e
o#i$inal ')#idiction of a -)%enile and Dometic Relation Co)#t and of
t!e Co)#t of A$#a#ian Relation a now p#o%ided ", law
4. In all ot!e# cae in w!ic! t!e demand+ e/cl)i%e of inte#et and
dama$e of w!ate%e# &ind+ atto#ne,F fee+ liti$ation e/pene+ and
cot o# t!e %al)e of t!e p#ope#t, in cont#o%e#, e/ceed P<==+===+ o#
in )c! ot!e# cae in Met#o Manila w!e#e t!e demand+ e/cl)i%e of
t!e a"o%e0mentioned item e/ceed P?==+===
@. Famil, Co)#t
Rep. Act No. 4<@3 9Famil, Co)#t Act of 2335:
Sec. 1. -)#idiction of Famil, Co)#t. 0 T!e Famil, Co)#t !all !a%e
e/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction to !ea# and decide t!e followin$ cae7
a: C#iminal cae w!e#e one o# mo#e of t!e acc)ed i "elow ei$!teen
924: ,ea# of a$e ")t not le t!an nine 93: ,ea# of a$e ")t not le t!an
nine 93: ,ea# of a$e o# w!e#e one o# mo#e of t!e %ictim i a mino# at t!e
time of t!e commiion of t!e offene7 P#o%ided+ T!at if t!e mino# i fo)nd
$)ilt,+ t!e co)#t !all p#om)l$ate entence and ace#tain an, ci%il lia"ilit,
w!ic! t!e acc)ed ma, !a%e inc)##ed.
Unde# RA 3<??+ Sec. @ t!e#eof+ a c!ild in conflict wit! t!e law w!o i 21
,ea# of a$e o# )nde# at t!e time of t!e commiion of t!e offene !all "e
e/empt f#om c#iminal lia"ilit,. A c!ild a"o%e 21 ,ea# of a$e ")t "elow 24
,ea# of a$e !all li&ewie "e e/empt f#om c#iminal lia"ilit, )nle !e acted
wit! dice#nment.
T!e entence+ !owe%e#+ !all "e )pended wit!o)t need of application
p)#)ant to P#eidential Dec#ee No. @=<+ ot!e#wie &nown a t!e OC!ild and
Eo)t! Welfa#e Code.O

": Petition fo# $)a#dian!ip+ c)tod, of c!ild#en+ !a"ea co#p) in
#elation to t!e latte#K
c: Petition fo# adoption of c!ild#en and t!e #e%ocation t!e#eofK

d: Complaint fo# ann)lment of ma##ia$e+ decla#ation of n)llit, of
ma##ia$e and t!oe #elatin$ to ma#ital tat) and p#ope#t, #elation of
!)"and and wife o# t!oe li%in$ to$et!e# )nde# diffe#ent tat) and
a$#eement+ and petition fo# diol)tion of con')$al pa#tne#!ip of $ainK
e: Petition fo# )ppo#t andIo# ac&nowled$mentK
f: S)mma#, ')dicial p#oceedin$ "#o)$!t )nde# t!e p#o%iion of
E/ec)ti%e O#de# No. ;=3+ ot!e#wie &nown a t!e OFamil, Code of t!e
$: Petition fo# decla#ation of tat) of c!ild#en a a"andoned+
dependent of ne$lected c!ild#en+ petition fo# %ol)nta#, o# in%ol)nta#,
commitment of c!ild#enK t!e )penion+ te#mination+ o# #eto#ation of
pa#ental a)t!o#it, and ot!e# cae co$niGa"le )nde# P#eidential Dec#ee No.
@=<+ E/ec)ti%e O#de# No. 1@+ 9Se#ie of 234@:+ and ot!e# #elated lawK
!: Petition fo# t!e contit)tion of t!e famil, !omeK
i: Cae a$aint mino# co$niGa"le )nde# t!e Dan$e#o) D#)$ Act+ a
': *iolation of Rep)"lic Act No. 5@2=+ ot!e#wie &nown a t!e OSpecial
P#otection of C!ild#en A$aint C!ild A")e+ E/ploitation and Dic#imination
Act+O a amended ", Rep)"lic Act No. 5@14K and
&: Cae of dometic %iolence a$aint 9RA 3;@; of *AWCA:7
2: Women 0 w!ic! a#e act of $ende# "aed %iolence t!at
#e)lt+ o# a#e li&el, to #e)lt in p!,ical+ e/)al o#
p,c!olo$ical !a#m o# )ffe#in$ to womenK and ot!e# fo#m
of p!,ical a")e )c! a "atte#in$ o# t!#eat and coe#cion
w!ic! %iolate a womanP pe#on!ood+ inte$#it, and f#eedom
mo%ementK and
;: C!ild#en 0 w!ic! incl)de t!e commiion of all fo#m of
a")e+ ne$lect+ c#)elt,+ e/ploitation+ %iolence+ and
dic#imination and all ot!e# condition p#e')dicial to t!ei#
If an act contit)te a c#iminal offene+ t!e acc)ed o# "atte#e# !all "e
)"'ect to c#iminal p#oceedin$ and t!e co##epondin$ penaltie.
If an, .)etion in%ol%in$ an, of t!e a"o%e matte# !o)ld a#ie a an
incident in an, cae pendin$ in t!e #e$)la# co)#t+ aid incident !all "e
dete#mined in t!at co)#t.
5. Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#tIM)nicipal T#ial Co)#t
In Ci%il Cae H
2. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e# ci%il action and p#o"ate
p#oceedin$+ tetate and intetate+ incl)din$ t!e $#ant of p#o%iional
#emedie in p#ope# cae+ w!e#e t!e %al)e of t!e pe#onal p#ope#t,+
etate+ o# amo)nt of t!e demand doe not e/ceed T!#ee !)nd#ed
t!o)and peo 9P<==+===.==: o#+ in Met#o Manila w!e#e )c! pe#onal
p#ope#t,+ etate+ o# amo)nt of t!e demand doe not e/ceed Fo)#
!)nd#ed t!o)and peo 9P?==+===.==:+ e/cl)i%e of inte#et+
dama$e of w!ate%e# &ind+ atto#ne,P fee+ liti$ation e/pene+ and
cot+ t!e amo)nt of w!ic! m)t "e pecificall, alle$ed7 P#o%ided+ T!at
inte#et+ dama$e of w!ate%e# &ind+ atto#ne,P fee+ liti$ation
e/pene+ and cot !all "e incl)ded in t!e dete#mination of t!e filin$
fee7 P#o%ided+ f)#t!e#+ T!at w!e#e t!e#e a#e e%e#al claim o# ca)e
of action "etween t!e ame o# diffe#ent pa#tie+ em"odied in t!e
ame complaint+ t!e amo)nt of t!e demand !all "e t!e totalit, of t!e
claim in all t!e ca)e of action+ i##epecti%e of w!et!e# t!e ca)e of
action a#oe o)t of t!e ame o# diffe#ent t#anaction

T!i 9Sec. << 92: of (.P. 2;3 a amended: em"odie t!e totalit, #)le+ w!ic!
impl, mean t!at w!e#e t!e#e a#e e%e#al claim o# ca)e of action
"etween t!e ame o# diffe#ent pa#tie+ em"odied in t!e ame complaint+ t!e
amo)nt of t!e demand !all "e t!e totalit, of t!e claim in all t!e ca)e of
action+ i##epecti%e of w!et!e# t!e ca)e of action a#oe o)t of t!e ame o#
diffe#ent t#anaction. E/ample i t!e cae of Pantranco :orth 4H(ress v.
+tandard =nsurance ,o.+ >.R. No. 2?=5?@+ Ma#c! 2@+ ;==1+ w!e#e t!e %ictim
and t!e in)#ance compan, we#e co0plaintiff in a )it a$aint t!e ")
compan, #eponi"le fo# t!e %e!ic)la# accident.
;. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e# cae of fo#ci"le ent#, and )nlawf)l
detaine#7 P#o%ided+ T!at w!en+ in )c! cae+ t!e defendant #aie t!e
.)etion of owne#!ip in !i pleadin$ and t!e .)etion of poeion
cannot "e #eol%ed wit!o)t decidin$ t!e i)e of owne#!ip+ t!e i)e
of owne#!ip !all "e #eol%ed onl, to dete#mine t!e i)e of

<. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction in all ci%il action w!ic! in%ol%e title to+ o#
poeion of+ #eal p#ope#t,+ o# an, inte#et t!e#ein w!e#e t!e
aeed %al)e of t!e p#ope#t, o# inte#et t!e#ein doe not e/ceed
Twent, t!o)and peo 9P;=+===.==: o#+ in ci%il action in Met#o
Manila+ w!e#e )c! aeed %al)e doe not e/ceed Fift, t!o)and
peo 9P1=+===.==: e/cl)i%e of inte#et+ dama$e of w!ate%e# &ind+
atto#ne,P fee+ liti$ation e/pene and cot7 P#o%ided+ T!at in cae
of land not decla#ed fo# ta/ation p)#poe+ t!e %al)e of )c! p#ope#t,
!all "e dete#mined ", t!e aeed %al)e of t!e ad'acent lot.O
Rep)"lic Act No. 5@32 e/panded t!e MTCF ')#idiction to incl)de ot!e#
action in%ol%in$ title to o# poeion of #eal p#ope#t, 9accion (u)liciana and
reinvindicatoria: w!e#e t!e aeed %al)e of t!e p#ope#t, doe not e/ceed
P;=+=== 9o# P1=+===+ fo# action filed in Met#o Manila:. (eca)e of t!i
amendment+ t!e tet of w!et!e# an action in%ol%in$ poeion of #eal
p#ope#t, !a "een filed in t!e p#ope# co)#t no lon$e# depend olel, on t!e
t,pe of action filed ")t alo on t!e aeed %al)e of t!e p#ope#t, in%ol%ed.
Mo#e pecificall,+ ince MTC now !a%e ')#idiction o%e# accion (u)liciana
and accion reinvindicatoria 9dependin$+ of co)#e+ on t!e aeed %al)e of
t!e p#ope#t,:+ ')#idiction o%e# )c! action !a to "e dete#mined on t!e
"ai of t!e aeed %al)e of t!e p#ope#t,. 9C#)G %. C#)G+ >.R. No. 25;;25+
Septem"e# 24+ ;==3:

W!at if t!e complaint doe not tate t!e %al)e of t!e p#ope#t,J
In Bernardo v. Aille5as+ >.R. No. 24<<15+ Ma#c! 21+ ;=2=+ t!e complaint
failed to alle$e t!e aeed %al)e of t!e #eal p#ope#t, in%ol%ed. Alt!o)$!
appellant indeed #aied t!e i)e of ')#idiction in !i anwe#+ !e !ad not
filed a motion to dimi on t!i $#o)nd no# #eite#ated t!e matte# t!e#eafte#
")t acti%el, pa#ticipated in t!e p#oceedin$ afte# t!e denial of !i dem)##e#
to e%idence anc!o#ed on t!e fail)#e of t!e plaintiff to identif, in t!ei#
complaint all t!e !ei# of t!e #e$ite#ed owne# and )ppoed lac& of
tec!nical dec#iption of t!e p#ope#t, in t!e ce#tificate of title. T!e Co)#t t!en
conide#ed t!e appellant etopped to .)etion t!e t#ial co)#tF ')#idiction
o%e# t!e )"'ect matte# and nat)#e of t!e cae !a%in$ acti%el, p)#)ed
t!#o)$!o)t t!e t#ial+ ", filin$ %a#io) pleadin$ and p#eentin$ all #ele%ant
doc)menta#, and tetimonial e%idence+ !i t!eo#, t!at t!e po#tion occ)pied
", !im i not co%e#ed ", t!e To##en title of *ille$a.
In Iuina5oran v. ,ourt o7 A((eals+ 1<2 SCRA 2=?+ Co)#t !eld t!at a
complaint m)t alle$e t!e aeed %al)e of t!e #eal p#ope#t, )"'ect of t!e
complaint o# t!e inte#et t!e#eon to dete#mine w!ic! co)#t !a ')#idiction
o%e# t!e action. T!i i "eca)e t!e nat)#e of t!e action and w!ic! co)#t !a
o#i$inal and e/cl)i%e ')#idiction o%e# t!e ame i dete#mined ", t!e
mate#ial alle$ation of t!e complaint+ t!e t,pe of #elief p#a,ed fo# ", t!e
plaintiff and t!e law in effect w!en t!e action i filed+ i##epecti%e of w!et!e#
t!e plaintiff a#e entitled to ome o# all of t!e claim ae#ted t!e#ein.
A"ent an, alle$ation in t!e complaint of t!e aeed %al)e of t!e p#ope#t,+
it cannot "e dete#mined w!et!e# t!e RTC o# t!e MTC !a o#i$inal and
e/cl)i%e ')#idiction o%e# t!e petitione#P action. T!e co)#t cannot ta&e
')dicial notice of t!e aeed o# ma#&et %al)e of t!e land.
In t!e cae of Ru)y +helter Builders and Realty 0evelo(<ent ,or(. v.
/or<aran ===, 154 SCRA ;4<+ t!e defendant filed an Omni") Motion in
w!ic! !e contended t!at t!e doc&et fee !o)ld "e comp)ted in acco#dance
wit! Section 5 9a:+ not Section 5 9": 92:+ of R)le 2?2 of t!e R)le of Co)#t+
a amended ", A.M. No. =?0;0=?0SC w!ic! too& effect on A)$)t 2@+ ;==?.
T#)e eno)$!+ a #ecomp)ted ", t!e Cle#& of Co)#t+ t!e doc&et fee !o)ld
!a%e "een P5;=+<3;.@= and not onl, P2<+@??.;1 a w!at t!e plaintiff paid
w!en it filed t!e complaint.
Section 5 9a:+ R)le 2?2 of t!e R)le of Co)#t #ead7
SEC. 5. Cle#& of Re$ional T#ial Co)#t. H
a: Fo# filin$ an action 8 if t!e total )m claimed+ INCLUSI*E
andIo# in cae in%ol%in$ p#ope#t,+ t!e FAIR MARLET %al)e of t!e REAL
i7 RTa"le of fee omitted.S
If t!e action in%ol%e "ot! a mone, claim and #elief pe#tainin$ to
p#ope#t,+ t!en t!e fee will "e c!a#$ed on "ot! t!e amo)nt claimed
and %al)e of p#ope#t, "aed on t!e fo#m)la p#ec#i"ed in t!i
pa#a$#ap! a.
Manchester 0evelo(<ent ,or(oration v. ,ourt o7 A((eals 92?3
SCRA 1@;: H T!e co)#t ac.)i#e ')#idiction o%e# an, cae onl,
)pon pa,ment of t!e p#ec#i"ed doc&et fee. An amendment of
t!e complaint o# imila# pleadin$ will not t!e#e", %et
')#idiction in t!e co)#t+ m)c! le t!e pa,ment of t!e doc&et
fee "aed on t!e amo)nt o)$!t in t!e amended pleadin$.
+un =nsurance C77ice, Ltd. E+=CLF v. Asuncion 925= SCRA ;5?: 00
Modified #)lin$ in Manchester and dec#eed t!at w!e#e t!e
initiato#, pleadin$ i not accompanied ", t!e pa,ment of t!e
doc&et fee+ t!e co)#t ma, allow pa,ment of t!e fee wit!in a
#eaona"le pe#iod of time+ ")t in no cae "e,ond t!e applica"le
p#ec#ipti%e o# #e$lementa#, pe#iod. T!e afo#eaid #)lin$ wa
made on t!e ')tification t!at+ )nli&e in Manchester, t!e p#i%ate
#epondent in +un =nsurance C77ice, Ltd. E+=CLF demont#ated
!i willin$ne to a"ide ", t!e #)le ", pa,in$ t!e additional
doc&et fee #e.)i#ed.
In C#iminal Cae H

2. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e# all %iolation of cit, o# m)nicipal
o#dinance committed wit!in t!ei# #epecti%e te##ito#ial ')#idictionK
;. E/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e# all offene p)ni!a"le wit!
imp#ionment not e/ceedin$ i/ 9@: ,ea# i##epecti%e of t!e amo)nt of
fine+ and #e$a#dle of ot!e# impoa"le acceo#, o# ot!e# penaltie+
incl)din$ t!e ci%il lia"ilit, a#iin$ f#om )c! offene o# p#edicated
t!e#eon+ i##epecti%e of t!e &ind+ nat)#e+ %al)e o# amo)nt t!e#ofK
p#o%ided+ !owe%e#+ t!at in offene in%ol%in$ dama$e to p#ope#t,
t!#o)$! c#iminal ne$li$ence+ t!e, !all !a%e e/cl)i%e o#i$inal
')#idiction t!e#eof. RSec. ;+ RA 5@32S.
In /i5ueroa v. Peo(le+ >.R. No. 2?5?=@+ -)l, 2?+ ;==4+ t!e offene
committed wa #ec&le imp#)dence #e)ltin$ in !omicide w!ic! wa filed
wit! t!e RTC alt!o)$! t!e impoa"le penalt, fo# t!e c#ime wa (rision
correccional in it medi)m and ma/im)m pe#iod+ o# ; ,ea#+ ? mont! and
2 da, to @ ,ea#+ and t!e#efo#e wit!in t!e ')#idiction of t!e MTC.
Dele$ated ')#idiction H
Dele$ated -)#idiction in Cadat#al and Land Re$it#ation Cae.
H Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t+ M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t+ and M)nicipal
Ci#c)it T#ial Co)#t ma, "e ai$ned ", t!e S)p#eme Co)#t to
!ea# and dete#mine cadat#al o# land #e$it#ation cae co%e#in$
lot w!e#e t!e#e i no cont#o%e#, o# oppoition+ o# conteted
lot w!e#e t!e %al)e of w!ic! doe not e/ceed One !)nd#ed
t!o)and peo 9P2==+===.==:+ )c! %al)e to "e ace#tained ",
t!e affida%it of t!e claimant o# ", a$#eement of t!e #epecti%e
claimant if t!e#e a#e mo#e t!an one+ o# f#om t!e co##epondin$
ta/ decla#ation of t!e #eal p#ope#t,. T!ei# deciion in t!ee
cae !all "e appeala"le in t!e ame manne# a deciion of t!e
Re$ional T#ial Co)#t.
Note7 T!)+ deciion of t!e Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t e/e#ciin$ dele$ated
')#idiction wo)ld "e appeala"le to t!e Co)#t of Appeal+ wit! t!e appellant
filin$ a notice of appeal.
4. +hariah Co)#t
St#ictl, pea&in$+ S!a#iPa Dit#ict Co)#t do not fo#m pa#t of t!e inte$#ated
')dicial ,tem of t!e P!ilippine. Section ; of t!e -)dicia#, Reo#$aniGation
Act of 234= 9(.P. (l$. 2;3: en)me#ate t!e co)#t co%e#ed ", t!e Act+
comp#iin$ t!e inte$#ated ')dicial ,tem. S!a#iPa Co)#t a#e not incl)ded in
t!e en)me#ation notwit!tandin$ t!at+ w!en aid (.P. (l$. 2;3 too& effect on
A)$)t 2?+ 2342+ P.D. No. 2=4< 9ot!e#wie &nown a OCode of M)lim
Pe#onal Law of t!e P!ilippineO: wa al#ead, in fo#ce. T!e S!a#iPa Co)#t
a#e mentioned in Section ?1 of t!e Act onl, fo# t!e p)#poe of incl)din$
t!em Oin t!e f)ndin$ app#op#iation.O 9(a# Matte# No. 5=;+ Ma, 2;+ 233?:
Note !owe%e# t!at A#ticle 2<5 of PD 2=4< tate t!at t!e S!a#iFa co)#t a#e
c#eated a pa#t of t!e ')dicial ,tem and a#e co)#t of limited ')#idiction.
2. T!e S!a#iPa Dit#ict Co)#t !all !a%e e/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction
9a: All cae in%ol%in$ c)tod,+ $)a#dian!ip+ le$itimac,+
pate#nit, and filiation a#iin$ )nde# t!i CodeK
9": All cae in%ol%in$ dipoition+ dit#i")tion and ettlement of
t!e etate of deceaed M)lim+ p#o"ate of will+ i)ance of
lette# of adminit#ation o# appointment of adminit#ato# o#
e/ec)to# #e$a#dle of t!e nat)#e o# t!e a$$#e$ate %al)e of t!e
9c: Petition fo# t!e decla#ation of a"ence and deat! and fo# t!e
cancellation o# co##ection of ent#ie in t!e M)lim Re$it#ie
mentioned in Title *I of (oo& Two of t!i CodeK
9d: All action a#iin$ f#om c)toma#, cont#act in w!ic! t!e
pa#tie a#e M)lim+ if t!e, !a%e not pecified w!ic! law !all
$o%e#n t!ei# #elationK and
9e: All petition fo# mandam)+ p#o!i"ition+ in')nction+ ce#tio#a#i+
!a"ea co#p)+ and all ot!e# a)/ilia#, w#it and p#ocee in aid
of it appellate ')#idiction.
;. Conc)##entl, wit! e/itin$ ci%il co)#t+ t!e S!a#iPa Dit#ict Co)#t
!all !a%e o#i$inal ')#idiction o%e#7
9a: Petition ", M)lim fo# t!e contit)tion of a famil, !ome+
c!an$e of name and commitment of an inane pe#on to an
9": All ot!e# pe#onal and #eal action not mentioned in
pa#a$#ap! 2 9d: w!e#ein t!e pa#tie in%ol%ed a#e M)lim e/cept
t!oe fo# fo#ci"le ent#, and )nlawf)l detaine#+ w!ic! !all fall
)nde# t!e e/cl)i%e o#i$inal ')#idiction of t!e M)nicipal Ci#c)it
Co)#tK and
9c: All pecial ci%il action fo# inte#pleade# o# decla#ato#, #elief
w!e#ein t!e pa#tie a#e M)lim o# t!e p#ope#t, in%ol%ed "elon$
e/cl)i%el, to M)lim.
Appellate ')#idiction
92: S!a#iPa Dit#ict Co)#t !all !a%e appellate ')#idiction o%e# all
cae t#ied in t!e S!a#iPa Ci#c)it Co)#t wit!in t!ei# te##ito#ial
9;: T!e S!a#iPa Dit#ict Co)#t !all decide e%e#, cae appealed to it on
t!e "ai of t!e e%idence and #eco#d t#anmitted a well a )c!
memo#anda+ "#ief o# o#al a#$)ment a t!e pa#tie ma, )"mit.
F. -)#idiction o%e# mall claim+ cae co%e#ed ", t!e #)le
on S)mma#, P#oced)#e and (a#an$a, Conciliation
Section 2. Scope. T!i #)le !all $o%e#n t!e )mma#, p#oced)#e in
Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t+ t!e M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t in Citie+ M)nicipal T#ial
Co)#t+ and t!e M)nicipal Ci#c)it T#ial Co)#t in t!e followin$ cae fallin$
wit!in t!ei# ')#idiction.
A. Ci%il Cae7
2. All cae of fo#ci"le ent#, and )nlawf)l detaine# i##epecti%e of t!e
amo)nt of dama$e o# )npaid #ental o)$!t to "e #eco%e#ed. W!e#e
atto#ne,F fee a#e awa#ded+ t!e ame !all not e/ceed P;=+===.==.
;. All ot!e# cae+ e/cept p#o"ate p#oceedin$+ w!e#e t!e total
amo)nt of t!e plaintiffF claim doe not e/ceed P2==+===.== o# P;==+===.==
in MeTC+ e/cl)i%e of inte#et and cot.
(. C#iminal Cae7
2. *iolation of t#affic law+ #)le and #e$)lationK
;. *iolation of t!e #ental lawK
<. *iolation of m)nicipal o# cit, o#dinanceK
?. *iolation of (ata Pam"ana (ilan$ ;; 9(o)ncin$ C!ec& Law: H
ee alo R)le 222+ Sec. 2 9":K
1. All ot!e# c#iminal cae w!e#e t!e penalt, p#ec#i"ed ", law fo# t!e
offene c!a#$ed i imp#ionment not e/ceedin$ @ mont!+ o# a fine not
e/ceedin$ P2+===.==+ o# "ot!+ i##epecti%e of ot!e# impoa"le penaltie+
acceo#, o# ot!e#wie+ o# of t!e ci%il lia"ilit, a#iin$ t!e#ef#om7 P#o%ided+
!owe%e#+ t!at in offene in%ol%in$ dama$e to p#ope#t, t!#o)$! c#iminal
ne$li$ence+ t!i R)le !all $o%e#n w!e#e t!e impoa"le fine doe not e/ceed
T!i R)le !all not appl, to a ci%il cae w!e#e t!e plaintiffF ca)e of
action i pleaded in t!e ame complaint wit! anot!e# ca)e of action )"'ect
to t!e o#dina#, p#oced)#eK no# to a c#iminal cae w!e#e t!e offene c!a#$ed
i necea#il, #elated to anot!e# c#iminal cae )"'ect to o#dina#, p#oced)#e.
Adm. Ci#c)la# No. 2?03<
I. All dip)te a#e )"'ect to (a#an$a, conciliation p)#)ant to t!e
Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, Law Rfo#me#l, P. D. 21=4+ #epealed and
now #eplaced ", Sec. <330?;;+ C!apte# *II+ Title I+ (oo& III+ and Sec. 121+
Title I+ (oo& I*+ R.A. 52@=+ ot!e#wie &nown a t!e Local >o%e#nment Code
of 2332S+ and p#io# #eco)#e t!e#eto i a p#e0condition "efo#e filin$ a
complaint in co)#t o# an, $o%e#nment office+ e/cept in t!e followin$

R2S W!e#e one pa#t, i t!e $o%e#nment+ o# an, )"di%iion o#
int#)mentalit, t!e#eofK
R;S W!e#e one pa#t, i a p)"lic office# o# emplo,ee and t!e
dip)te #elate to t!e pe#fo#mance of !i official f)nctionK
R<S W!e#e t!e dip)te in%ol%e #eal p#ope#tie located in
diffe#ent citie and m)nicipalitie+ )nle t!e pa#tie t!e#eto
a$#ee to )"mit t!ei# diffe#ence to amica"le ettlement ", an
app#op#iate L)ponK
R?S An, complaint ", o# a$aint co#po#ation+ pa#tne#!ip o#
')#idical entitie+ ince onl, indi%id)al !all "e pa#tie to
(a#an$a, conciliation p#oceedin$ eit!e# a complainant o#
#epondent RSec. 2+ R)le *I+ Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)leSK
R1S Dip)te in%ol%in$ pa#tie w!o act)all, #eide in "a#an$a, of
diffe#ent citie o# m)nicipalitie+ e/cept w!e#e )c! "a#an$a,
)nit ad'oin eac! ot!e# and t!e pa#tie t!e#eto a$#ee to )"mit
t!ei# diffe#ence to amica"le ettlement ", an app#op#iate
R@S Offene fo# w!ic! t!e law p#ec#i"e a ma/im)m penalt, of
imp#ionment e/ceedin$ one R2S ,ea# o# a fine of o%e# fi%e
t!o)and peo 9P1+===.==:K
R5S Offene w!e#e t!e#e i no p#i%ate offended pa#t,K
R4S Dip)te w!e#e )#$ent le$al action i necea#, to p#e%ent
in')tice f#om "ein$ committed o# f)#t!e# contin)ed+ pecificall,
t!e followin$7

RaS C#iminal cae w!e#e acc)ed i )nde# police c)tod,
o# detention RSee Sec. ?2; 9": 92:+ Re%ied Lata#)n$an$
Pam"a#an$a, LawSK
R"S Petition fo# !a"ea co#p) ", a pe#on ille$all,
dep#i%ed of !i #i$!tf)l c)tod, o%e# anot!e# o# a pe#on
ille$all, dep#i%ed of o# on actin$ in !i "e!alfK
RcS Action co)pled wit! p#o%iional #emedie )c! a
p#elimina#, in')nction+ attac!ment+ deli%e#, of pe#onal
p#ope#t, and )ppo#t d)#in$ t!e pendenc, of t!e actionK
RdS Action w!ic! ma, "e "a##ed ", t!e Stat)te of

R3S An, cla of dip)te w!ic! t!e P#eident ma, dete#mine in
t!e inte#et of ')tice o# )pon t!e #ecommendation of t!e
Sec#eta#, of -)ticeK
R2=S W!e#e t!e dip)te a#ie f#om t!e Comp#e!eni%e A$#a#ian
Refo#m Law 9CARL: RSec. ?@ M ?5+ R. A. @@15SK
R22S La"o# dip)te o# cont#o%e#ie a#iin$ f#om emplo,e#0
emplo,ee #elation RMonto,a %. Eca,o+ et al.+ 252 SCRA ??;K
A#t. ;;@+ La"o# Code+ a amended+ w!ic! $#ant o#i$inal and
e/cl)i%e ')#idiction o%e# conciliation and mediation of dip)te+
$#ie%ance o# p#o"lem to ce#tain office of t!e Depa#tment of
La"o# and Emplo,mentSK
R2;S Action to ann)l ')d$ment )pon a comp#omie w!ic! ma,
"e filed di#ectl, in co)#t RSee Sanc!eG %. T)paG+ 214 SCRA
II. Unde# t!e p#o%iion of R. A. 52@= on Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a,
conciliation+ a implemented ", t!e Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)le and
Re$)lation p#om)l$ated ", t!e Sec#eta#, of -)tice+ t!e ce#tification fo#
filin$ a complaint in co)#t o# an, $o%e#nment office !all "e i)ed ",
(a#an$a, a)t!o#itie onl, )pon compliance wit! t!e followin$ #e.)i#ement7
R2S I)ed ", t!e L)pon Sec#eta#, and atteted ", t!e L)pon
C!ai#man 9P)non$ (a#an$a,:+ ce#tif,in$ t!at a conf#ontation of
t!e pa#tie !a ta&en place and t!at a conciliation ettlement !a
"een #eac!ed+ ")t t!e ame !a "een )"e.)entl, #ep)diated
9Sec. ?2;+ Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, LawK Sec. ;R!S+
R)le III+ Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)le:K
R;S I)ed ", t!e Pan$&at Sec#eta#, and atteted ", t!e Pan$&at
C!ai#man ce#tif,in$ t!at7
RaS a conf#ontation of t!e pa#tie too& place ")t no
conciliationIettlement !a "een #eac!ed 9Sec. ?RfS+ R)le
III+ Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)le:K o#
R"S t!at no pe#onal conf#ontation too& place "efo#e t!e
Pan$&at t!#o)$! no fa)lt of t!e complainant 9Sec. ?RfS+
R)le III+ Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)le:.
R<S I)ed ", t!e P)non$ (a#an$a, a #e.)eted ", t!e p#ope#
pa#t, on t!e $#o)nd of fail)#e of ettlement w!e#e t!e dip)te
in%ol%e mem"e# of t!e ame indi$eno) c)lt)#al comm)nit,+
w!ic! !all "e ettled in acco#dance wit! t!e c)tom and
t#adition of t!at pa#tic)la# c)lt)#al comm)nit,+ o# w!e#e one o#
mo#e of t!e pa#tie to t!e afo#eaid dip)te "elon$ to t!e
mino#it, and t!e pa#tie m)t)all, a$#eed to )"mit t!ei# dip)te
to t!e indi$eno) ,tem of amica"le ettlement+ and t!e#e !a
"een no ettlement a ce#tified ", t!e dat) o# t#i"al leade# o#
elde# to t!e P)non$ (a#an$a, of place of ettlement 9Sec. 2+? M
1+ R)le IB+ Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)le:K and
R?S If mediation o# conciliation effo#t "efo#e t!e P)non$
(a#an$a, p#o%ed )n)ccef)l+ t!e#e !a%in$ "een no a$#eement
to a#"it#ate 9Sec. ?2= R"S+ Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a,
LawK Sec. 2+ c. 92:+ R)le III+ Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)le:+
o# w!e#e t!e #epondent fail to appea# at t!e mediation
p#oceedin$ "efo#e t!e P)non$ (a#an$a, 9<#d pa#. Sec. 4+ a+ R)le
*I+ Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, R)le:+ t!e P)non$ (a#an$a,
!all not ca)e t!e i)ance at t!i ta$e of a ce#tification to file
action+ "eca)e it i now mandato#, fo# !im to contit)te t!e
Pan$&at "efo#e w!om mediation+ conciliation+ o# a#"it#ation
p#oceedin$ !all "e !eld.
III. All complaint andIo# info#mation filed o# #affled to ,o)#
alaI"#anc! of t!e Re$ional T#ial Co)#t !all "e ca#ef)ll, #ead and c#)tiniGed
to dete#mine if t!e#e !a "een compliance wit! p#io# (a#an$a, conciliation
p#oced)#e )nde# t!e Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, Law and it
Implementin$ R)le and Re$)lation a a p#e0condition to ')dicial action+
pa#tic)la#l, w!et!e# t!e ce#tification to file action attac!ed to t!e #eco#d of
t!e cae compl, wit! t!e #e.)i#ement !e#eina"o%e en)me#ated in Pa#. IIK
I*. A cae filed in co)#t wit!o)t compliance wit! p#io# (a#an$a,
conciliation w!ic! i a p#e0condition fo# fo#mal ad')dication 9Sec. ?2; RaS of
t!e Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, Law: ma, "e dimied )pon motion
of defendantI+ not fo# lac& of ')#idiction of t!e co)#t ")t fo# fail)#e to tate
a ca)e of action o# p#emat)#it, 9Ro,ale %. IAC+ 2;5 SCRA ?5=K >onGale
%. CA+ 212 SCRA ;43:K and #efe# t!e cae mot) p#op#io to t!e app#op#iate
(a#an$a, a)t!o#it, appl,in$ ", analo$, Sec. ?=4 R$S+ ;nd pa#.+ of t!e
Re%ied Lata#)n$an$ Pam"a#an$a, Law w!ic! #ead a follow7
OT!e co)#t in w!ic! non0c#iminal cae not fallin$ wit!in t!e
a)t!o#it, of t!e L)pon )nde# t!i Code a#e filed ma,+ at an, time
"efo#e t#ial+ mot) p#op#io #efe# cae to t!e L)pon conce#ned fo#
amica"le ettlement.
SEC. ;. Scope. T T!i R)le !all $o%e#n t!e p#oced)#e in action
"efo#e t!e Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t+ M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t in Citie+
M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t and M)nicipal Ci#c)it T#ial Co)#t fo# pa,ment of
mone, w!e#e t!e %al)e of t!e claim doe not e/ceed One C)nd#ed T!o)and
Peo 9P2==+===.==: e/cl)i%e of inte#et and cot.
SEC. ?. Applica"ilit,. T T!e Met#opolitan T#ial Co)#t+ M)nicipal T#ial
Co)#t in Citie+ M)nicipal T#ial Co)#t+ and M)nicipal Ci#c)it T#ial Co)#t
!all appl, t!i R)le in all action w!ic! a#e7 9a: p)#el, ci%il in nat)#e w!e#e
t!e claim o# #elief p#a,ed fo# ", t!e plaintiff i olel, fo# pa,ment o#
#eim")#ement of )m of mone,+ and 9": t!e ci%il apect of c#iminal action+
eit!e# filed "efo#e t!e intit)tion of t!e c#iminal action+ o# #ee#%ed )pon t!e
filin$ of t!e c#iminal action in co)#t+ p)#)ant to R)le 222 of t!e Re%ied
R)le Of C#iminal P#oced)#e.
T!ee claim o# demand ma, "e7
9a: Fo# mone, owed )nde# an, of t!e followin$7
2. Cont#act of LeaeK
;. Cont#act of LoanK
<. Cont#act of Se#%iceK
?. Cont#act of SaleK o#
1. Cont#act of Mo#t$a$eK
9": Fo# dama$e a#iin$ f#om an, of t!e followin$7
2. Fa)lt o# ne$li$enceK
;. D)ai0cont#actK o#
<. Cont#actK
9c: T!e enfo#cement of a "a#an$a, amica"le ettlement o# an
a#"it#ation awa#d in%ol%in$ a mone, claim co%e#ed ", t!i R)le p)#)ant to
Sec. ?25
>. Totalit, R)le
W!e#e t!e#e a#e e%e#al claim o# ca)e of action "etween t!e ame o#
diffe#ent pa#tie+ em"odied in t!e ame complaint+ t!e amo)nt of t!e
demand !all "e t!e totalit, of t!e claim in all ca)e of action+ i##epecti%e
of w!et!e# t!e ca)e of action a#oe o)t of t!e ame o# diffe#ent
t#anaction. 9Sec. << 92:+ (.P. No. 2;3+ a amended:
NOTE7 We will follow t!e totalit, #)le in (P 2;3 "eca)e it i elementa#, in
tat)to#, cont#)ction t!at in cae of conflict+ )"tanti%e law p#e%ail o%e#
p#oced)#al law.

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