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Generated by Jive on 2014-03-19+01:00

Unable to see pipe line steps in the...
Muniyappan Marasamy 804 posts since 18-Oct-2011
Unable to see pipe line steps in the SXMB_MONI 24-Jan-2012 11:38
i have done the development and quality work for my p i7.1
i was testing the messages in the Quality System.
So i went to SXMB_MONI to see the messages.
After double clicking on the successfully processed message, it shows
pipe line steps.
in that I am able to see
1.inbound message(CENTRAL)
2.XML Validation inbound channel Request
3. call adapter
4. Response
but i am unable to see
1. Receiver Determination
2. Interface Determination
3. Receiver Grouping
4. Request Message Mapping
5. Technical Routing

whereas in the develoment system i am able to see the above all.
is there any configuration i have to do in the SXMB_ADM?
Grzegorz Glowacki 1,889 posts since 06-Aug-2008
Re: Unable to see pipe line steps in the SXMB_MONI 24-Jan-2012 11:44

Go to sxmb_adm t-code, double-click the Integration Engine Configuration, then Configuration button and add
(or change value of) parameter TRACE_LEVEL in RUNTIME category to 2 (Medium Trace Level) or 3 (High
Trace Level), as required.

Hope you'll find this useful,
S Bhavani Sankar
Re: Unable to see pipe line steps in the SXMB_MONI 24-Jan-2012 11:46
Unable to see pipe line steps in the...
Generated by Jive on 2014-03-19+01:00
can i know that Configuration objects were created/ imported by using transport mechanisum?

if created ,
check the cache status and re activated those objects whatever u r posted in thread.

if transported :

u ll follow ,whatever posted by Earlier
Martin Sommer 311 posts since 10-Dec-2007
Re: Unable to see pipe line steps in the SXMB_MONI 24-Jan-2012 11:48
Hi, check SXMB_ADMIN -> Integration Engine Configuration, with the parameter LOGGING/LOGGING_SYNC
of category RUNTIME you can activate the logging of asynchronous/synchronous messages for all pipelines of
an Integration Engine.

Be careful with enabling logging In productive systems, esp. for synch messages, since it can lead to
significant performance issues.
Muniyappan Marasamy 804 posts since 18-Oct-2011
Re: Unable to see pipe line steps in the SXMB_MONI 24-Jan-2012 12:01
hi Martin Sommer,
After setting the Category as Runtime,Parameters as Logging and current value as 1, i am able to see those.
than you very much.

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